In the early morning, in the luxurious room on the top floor of the hotel, Su Cheng sat naked on the wide and soft bed with his eyes closed and meditating.

Next to him, the beauty's delicate makeup is facing to one side, and her long blue hair is spread smoothly between the pillows.

A thin quilt covered her exquisite white body, leaving only her snow-white shoulders and long neck exposed. There are still large areas of flushing left on the surface of the skin, with clearly visible messy hickeys.

Ah Yin's eyes were closed tightly, as if he was sleeping deeply, and there was a little moisture in the corners of his eyes, as if he had just cried.

It's not because of any forced circumstances, but because of her physique.

Whenever the two of them are at a critical moment, just a little more intense action can make her easily break through her limits.

Under that kind of extreme sensory stimulation, her emotions will easily become out of control and she will have various instinctive reactions.

The two reunited after a long absence and booked a room in the hotel. Of course, they couldn't really talk about business as they said. They must have done some exercise to deepen their relationship first.

There is no way that makes it easier for two people to regain their former intimacy than this kind of contact.

Su Cheng opened his eyes, slowly exhaled a breath, and glanced at Ah Yin, who was breathing calmly. He wondered if she was pretending to sleep because she was shy. He did not wake up the other party for the time being, but calmed down and felt his own power.

Ah Yin's special body, which is completely different from soul masters and soul beasts, coupled with the strange energy running in her body that is different from soul power, is of great help to Su Cheng.

This has already been verified in the real world.

After last night's physical fusion, he was originally expected to reach a state that would take at least three years to reach. In just one night, he directly broke through the bottleneck caused by his body's age and rushed to the god level.

However, the benefits brought by this two-person movement are far more than that.

He doesn't like to be distracted when he's having fun, or testing his gains. The union of yin and yang is the great road of heaven and earth, and it cannot be blasphemed by such mundane things as cultivation.

It wasn't until he entered sage mode that Su Cheng seriously examined his changes.

His mind moved slightly, and a martial spirit emerged.

It was not his commonly used Eternal Life Sword, but the second martial spirit that he rarely used in the past, the innate formation diagram.

Different from the colorless energy array before, this second martial spirit is now filled with a layer of yellowish-brown halo, exuding a strong sense of heaviness.

That is the power of the earth, and it is also the special energy from A Yin. Its nature is tenacious, long-lasting and endless.

"I see."

Feeling the power and depth of this force, as well as the changes the martial soul brought back to his body, Su Cheng's eyes flashed with enlightenment.

When he entered the simulation this time, instead of choosing his own talents as in the past, he was directly given three initial talents: real physique (reproduction), trajectory magic eye (semi-sealed), and blood purification (insufficient awakening energy). .

Regarding the first two of them, he had already understood them.

The reproduced real physique allows Su Cheng to directly possess the real power that evolved from innate power by chance in the real world. He does not need to find ways to regain it. This saves a lot of effort in the early stage and greatly improves his ability in the real world. The growth rate and upper limit in this simulation.

As for the Locus Demonic Eye, it still exists in his body in the form of the Eye of True Sight, which is the so-called "semi-sealed" state, and it has also helped him a lot.

The reason why Su Cheng was able to study the special features of the dragon clan from the large number of bones left behind in the dragon tomb in just a few years largely relied on this special external soul bone that could see through the nature of energy. Including his later in-depth research on the Dragon God's spiritual core and the Dragon God's bloodline, his true vision also helped him a lot.

But this is obviously not the real Locus Magic Eye, and its use is no different from the real Eye of True Sight.

Su Cheng guessed that it might take some opportunity for him to unlock the seal and truly gain the ability of the "Trajectory Magic Eye". As for where this opportunity lies, he already has some ideas.

There is only the third level of talent "Bloodline Purification". In the past, Su Cheng never understood what it meant.

He previously thought that this might be related to the Dragon God bloodline in his body. When the Silver Dragon King grows up, with the help of her power, he may have the opportunity to extract useful abilities from the Dragon God bloodline in the future.

But after the whole night of madness last night, he realized that he had actually thought wrong before.

The so-called "insufficient awakening energy" has nothing to do with Su Yue. What is needed is an alternative power that transcends the soul power of this world, such as the power of the earth and nature in A Yin.

Even the "bloodline" mentioned in it does not refer to the Dragon God's bloodline, but his own bloodline.

Wuhun comes from blood, Su Cheng has long known this.

And the object that gains benefits after purifying the bloodline is this second martial spirit that was rarely used in the past.


As Su Cheng released his martial spirit, Ah Yin silently opened his eyes and looked at him.

The watery color in her warm autumn eyes formed a sharp contrast with her gentle and graceful cheeks, making her look extremely alluring.

Just one glance made Su Cheng react instantly.

At the same time, Ah Yin also immediately noticed the red light that flashed across his eyes. The expression on his face suddenly became a little panicked, and he lowered his eyes and did not dare to look at him again.

He also reached out and pulled the quilt, wrapping his whole body tightly.

I don't know if it was intentional, but she also curled up her legs under the quilt, making her originally slim figure look like a round rice dumpling. Su Cheng was speechless for a while.

"What are you doing? You took away the quilt, what should I do?"

"You don't need to cover yourself with a quilt." Ah Yin just said in a low voice without looking at him at all. Then he glanced curiously at the energy array that appeared above his right hand, emitting a very similar aura fluctuation to his own, "What's going on with your martial spirit?"

She did know that Su Cheng had this second martial spirit, but she also knew that this martial spirit was an auxiliary martial spirit. Just like the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, it did not have any attack power, so Su Cheng rarely used it.

The only time he used it in the memory was during the battle in Wuhun City, in front of the Pope's Palace Square, when he used his own martial soul fusion skill to resist Tang Hao's powerful offensive.

"We'll talk about this later." Su Cheng put away his martial spirit and got closer to her.

Then regardless of the other party's resentment and struggle, he forcefully stretched his arms under the thin quilt, grabbed the soft flesh and gently kneaded it, "You should be able to continue to break through, right?"

"Yes." Ah Yin suppressed his breath and tried his best to keep his voice steady, "As long as I gather the soul rings, I can break through to the Titled Douluo."

"Very good. My strength has also improved a lot. With your help, I can start to do big things next."

"You haven't told me yet, what is going on with all this?" Ah Yin bit her lips and whispered in a low voice, while holding down the big hand that was wandering around her body, "Oh, don't make trouble now. Okay, okay..."

"This is actually not the real world, nor the rebirth in your imagination, but our consciousness has entered another world. This world may be a real time and space, or it may be a fictitious time segment, or it may be A wrong timeline waiting to be corrected, these are all my guesses, but this is by no means the world we actually live in, nor is it the main world.”

Upon hearing this, A Yin made a resisting movement on his hands, and his expression was a little confused.

She didn't understand many things in Su Cheng's words.

What is another time and space, and what is the main world?

Will there still be multiple worlds coexisting?

If this is the case, wouldn't there be many selves existing at the same time?

She thought it was unlikely.

Su Cheng glanced at her, guessed what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "I just said, those are just my guesses, the truth is not important. And you are you, it has nothing to do with anyone else. Even if there is something else. Silver exists, and you are the most unique one."

"Yeah." Ah Yin pursed her lips and raised the corners of her mouth in a soft arc.

"You can think of this as a dream."

"Where can there be such a real dream? Besides, who can know that they are in a dream when they are dreaming? What should I do if I want to wake up?"

"Just treat it as a dream, but not an ordinary dream. Everything that happens here will have an impact on the real world. Maybe even your body in the real world will undergo some special changes as a result."

At this point, Su Cheng's voice suddenly stopped.

He suddenly realized a problem.

As the task executor, it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies, as long as he completes the task, it is enough.

Therefore, he can use the results of the task as a guide, perform various operations unscrupulously, and naturally return to reality after the simulation is over.

But for a situation like Ah Yin's now, can he be like him and be safe even if he sacrifices?

What exactly is the existence principle of the spiritual core?

She came here carrying the memory of reality, and even the special energy and physique in reality, and entered her own simulation. If she died unexpectedly in this world, would there be irreparable consequences?

Thinking of this, Su Cheng's eyebrows flashed with a hint of gloom.

Not only Ah Yin, but other people who have obtained spiritual cores but have not yet awakened their memories may have similar hidden dangers.

However, Xiaoxue in the first simulated world also died once, but in reality she inherited related memories and awakened another negative soul. From this perspective, it may not be as serious as imagined...

"What's wrong?" A Yin felt a little strange when he noticed that Su Cheng's expression was wrong.

"It's nothing." Su Cheng shook his head, not wanting her to worry. After all, this was just a guess, not to mention that he would avoid similar situations from happening. As the mission progresses, he is sure to uncover more secrets.

"You said before that you would tell me the whole truth."

"……All right."

Su Cheng sighed helplessly and explained: "I am different from you. This special world can be said to have appeared because of me. I need to make some attempts here. In fact, there have been several similar situations before. Innate The power is the power that I have accumulated and developed little by little in this process. But the fact that you can inherit the consciousness of reality is beyond my expectation. What I am worried about now is what will happen if the world ends. It won’t have any negative impact on you in reality.”

"Because you showed up?" Ah Yin opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Are you so powerful?"

It is extremely incredible to be able to create this kind of another world that is no different from reality, even if it is just a fragment, even if it is just false.

Even the most powerful gods probably can't do similar things, right?

"I'm not great. Since people have a mission, of course they have to give benefits, and all gifts always come with a corresponding price."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that I have to work for others in the future." Su Cheng explained casually. Then he frowned, stared into her eyes and asked doubtfully: "Hey, why do you focus on these minutiae? Didn't you hear the key points I told you earlier? When you wake up in this world, you may Aren’t you worried about it affecting you in the real world?”

"Don't worry." Ah Yin gently stretched out his arm, smoothed the wrinkles between his eyebrows with his soft fingertips, and said softly: "I always believe in you."


Su Cheng was silent for a moment, then suddenly chuckled, "You are so stupid, how can I bear to lie to you in the future?"

As he said that, he stood up and rushed towards the opponent, "It's still early, so don't say it's useless. Let's continue practicing."

"No, wait -"

Su Cheng ignored her resistance, got into bed and said with a smile, "This is my first time in this world."

"Who asked you to say this!" Ah Yin's cheeks were red, but it was obvious that he was unable to stop the other party's tough attitude.

She had always been like this, submissive and easy to bully, so she made someone push her further and further.

Su Cheng held her in his arms, admiring the shy and uncontrollable expression on that delicate and pretty face, and bowed his head to kiss her gently.

In fact, there was something Su Cheng never told A Yin.

Her attitude of clearly enjoying herself, yet always feeling ashamed of her inadvertently revealed feelings, is the most uncontrollable.

Because her reactions and actions were not just pretentious.

She was really shy about this kind of thing.

But despite being shy, she couldn't resist the instincts of her body and her mind. As a result, she had various contradictory behaviors, which made her look even more adorable.

Soon, the sound of suppressed moans began to appear in the room again.

The rich energy fluctuations spread out little by little, and were restrained within the room by the domain so as not to alarm others.

At the same time, there was a faint colorful halo appearing around him, proving that Su Cheng was indeed not lying just now and that he was really practicing.

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