Two months later, Su Cheng returned to Wuhun City again.

Ah Yin had now completed the process of condensing soul rings and successfully broke through to the realm of Titled Douluo. Before entering the city, just like in reality, she integrated into Su Cheng's martial spirit in a special form to avoid being noticed.

In the Pope's Hall, Su Cheng looked at the gloomy Bibi Dong and said respectfully, "Teacher."

"Do you still have me as a teacher in your heart?" Bibi Dong's tone was cold, and it was obvious that her mood was extremely bad.

Su Cheng was a little embarrassed when he heard this, but he didn't pay too much attention.

He had long expected that Bibi Dong would be unhappy if he left privately this time.

But there was nothing that could be done about it. Time was urgent at the time and there was no time to say more.

Besides, Bibi Dong probably wouldn't do anything to him just because of this matter.

Based on the other party's character, if he sincerely accepts a disciple, his tolerance level is actually quite high.

And after communicating with Ah Yin, Su Cheng almost understood the function of the spiritual core.

Even if Bibi Dong hasn't awakened her real memory yet, she probably still has some subconscious favor and influence. This can also explain why her previous attitude was so weird, towards the "evil soul master Miaozi" who joined the Wuhun Palace halfway. Su Cheng showed extremely concern.

I just don't know what opportunities she will need if she wants to truly awaken like Ah Yin in her current situation.

However, with this confidence, Su Cheng was no longer worried about being severely punished, and even dared to go further to test the bottom line.

Those who are favored are always confident.

Noticing the calmness in the young man's expression, Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes slightly and squeezed the scepter in her palm tightly with her fingers, "You seem to be indifferent?"

In the more than two months since Su Cheng left, her emotions had experienced many changes.

Naturally, I was very angry at first. I felt that the other party did not take me as a teacher seriously at all, and left without any scruples, without even saying hello.

After becoming the Pope, who dared to treat her with such contempt?

Even when she first took over the position of Pope, those subordinate members of Wuhun Palace who were dissatisfied with her were only obedient and submissive, but they never dared to directly ignore her existence.

Especially when Su Yue said something stupid like "hostage". Even if the original words were not true, Su Cheng must have expressed a similar meaning in private.

This is enough to show that the other party is probably secretly wary of her and harbors resentment towards her, which makes people feel even more uncomfortable.

But as time went by, worries gradually took over.

After all, Su Cheng's current strength is not very strong. Even if he has outstanding talent, he has just reached the Soul King level. In addition, the nature of Wuhun is relatively sensitive. If you encounter some soul masters with extreme temperaments, they may be eliminated or captured. Such soul masters who are overly righteous are not uncommon in Wuhun Hall.

Even in the past few days, Bibi Dong had been secretly panicking, thinking about whether to issue a papal order to find Yi Er.

As a result, today, Su Cheng returned to Wuhun City safe and sound, looking so indifferent.

The joy at first meeting quickly evaporated and turned into a more intense anger.

"Su Cheng, please explain to me, what does hostage mean?"

"Hostage? What hostage?" Su Cheng was stunned and didn't realize who she was referring to.

"Didn't you tell your sister that I don't trust you, so you want to keep her as a hostage?" Bibi Dong sneered.

"What? Ah this..."

Su Cheng was about to deny it, but then stopped talking.

If they directly dissociated themselves from each other, wouldn't it be tantamount to cheating Su Yue.

Compared with being confident, it is obviously more important to preserve Su Yue's impression points with Bibi Dong.

The other party already had some objections to Su Yue. If something went wrong again, he might be in trouble after he left Wuhun City.

The main purpose of joining Wuhun Hall this time is to speed up Su Yue's cultivation progress. In fact, he himself will not be affected.

Therefore, even though Su Cheng secretly scolded the guy for causing trouble, he could only hold his nose and admit it, explaining: "Teacher, you may have misunderstood. My sister probably just expressed it wrongly. In fact, I didn't mean that. I just feel that my situation is special and I want you to feel at ease. The teacher is thinking, Su Yue is my sister after all. If I don’t trust you, how could I let her stay on her own? "

"Su Cheng, you use such words to deal with me, do you really think I'm a fool?" Bibi Dong's expression did not improve at all, and her tone became colder, "I can't control you anymore. Since you have no ownership of Wuhun Palace Feeling, there’s no need to continue torturing each other, just go.”

"Well, actually I do want to continue practicing for a while. When I come back this time, I think I should officially tell you."

"What?!" Bibi Dong's face darkened, and the scepter in her hand hit the marble floor with a dull sound.

"Very good, then you don't have to come back anymore. Take that sister of yours with you and leave Wuhun City forever!"

At this point, she turned her back to Su Cheng, "It would be the greatest kindness of mine not to eliminate this hidden danger in advance, and regard it as our master-disciple friendship during this period. But if you are outside in the future, If you cause trouble, don’t blame me for getting rid of it for the people.”


Su Cheng thought to himself, how can that be done? I must leave. There are still many things to do later, but Su Yue has to stay.

But he also knew that Bibi Dong was speaking out of anger, and if he really wanted to put an end to it, he couldn't use this method.

The reason why he acted like this was obviously because he was waiting for him to give in.

But it was impossible to give in to weakness, and he couldn't waste time in Wuhun City.

Su Cheng has one final killing move...

He sighed softly, brewing his feelings for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "Teacher, to tell you the truth, I have actually fallen in love with you from the moment I saw you. So, I don't want to stay forever. I want to grow up under your protection. Only in this way can I be worthy of you in the future!"


Bibi Dong turned her head sharply and looked at Su Cheng with dumbfounded eyes, her tall chest rising and falling violently, "You, you..."

The words he originally wanted to say, the thoughts and words he had prepared were all disrupted at this moment, and his face turned white and red.

He wanted to pour out his anger, but was interrupted by inexplicable emotions.

I want to rebuke a few words, but I don’t know how to express it.

The chaotic emotions were so intertwined that she was speechless for a moment.

At the same time, Su Cheng continued to output.

"Actually, I didn't want you to be a teacher from the beginning, I didn't want to be just a student.

"I don't need you to teach me, and I don't need you to help me. Because I can feel that you also need to be loved. You, like me, are extremely lonely deep inside.

"No matter how majestic and noble you appear, no matter how supreme your status is, you are still not happy.

"You are right about one thing, we are the same kind of people."

As he spoke, he slowly walked towards Bibi Dong.


Bibi Dong felt her heart pounding, and her whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

She growled: "Stop talking!"

"No, I'm going to say it."

Su Cheng stared at her and continued to move forward, leaving less than ten meters between them.

"You think I'm too young. I'll be an adult in a few years. You think I'm weak. I will work hard to become a titled Douluo and be stronger than everyone else. You think my martial spirit is evil, I You can also research and find ways to purify your martial soul. These external factors can all be changed, but the only thing that cannot be changed is the heart."


Bibi Dong's voice was trembling, she didn't dare to look at him at all, and avoided the gaze from the other side.

He is obviously a powerful titled Douluo and the successor of the terrifying and evil Rakshasa God. But at this moment, she was as helpless as an ordinary person who had no power to restrain a chicken. Like a little girl being bullied and forced by bullies, she could only keep retreating in vain.

"Su Cheng, please don't be impulsive or have random thoughts. You are still young and can't really understand emotional matters." Her voice softened, trying to get this weird development back on track.

But Su Cheng obviously didn't agree with her, and kept moving forward while confiding his feelings.

The two of them were getting closer and closer, and they could even vaguely feel the warm breath between each other's mouth and nose.

The next moment, Bibi Dong stumbled and fell onto the high-backed chair at the end of the hall.

There was no way out behind her.

Right in front, Su Cheng looked down at her.


Seeing that the gentle method just now didn't work, Bibi Dong took a deep breath and could only force herself to calm down.

She tried her best to overcome the inexplicable panic deep in her heart, looked at Su Cheng with sharp eyes, gasped and shouted angrily: "Go away, go away! Go wherever you like, I don't care about you!"

This time, she did not say anything similar to what she said before, severing the master-disciple relationship, asking him to withdraw from Wuhun Hall, and leaving with Su Yue.

Only then did Su Cheng stop and said solemnly: "Teacher, I'll leave first. You can think about it for yourself. Age and identity are never issues. The harmony of the soul is the most important. Wait for me in a few years. I will come back to you after I succeed in my cultivation.”

"I told you to get out!"

Su Cheng nodded, turned and left the Pope's Palace.

Watching his figure leave the hall, and after a long time, Bibi Dong's violently beating heart and heavy breathing gradually calmed down.

Under the slightly drooped eyes, a pair of eyes looked dim and uncertain.

"What's going on with this kid? What is he thinking? Is he crazy..."

But compared to Su Cheng's sudden attack, what made her feel most frightened and uneasy was that at that moment, her heart actually moved.

"What's going on with me...Am I crazy too..."

With a tired look on her face, she propped up her arms on the armrests of her seat, stretched out her fingers and pressed her forehead hard, then closed her eyes tightly, trying to get rid of those wrong thoughts.

But it didn't work.

When the vision becomes pitch black, the memories of the past become clearer.

In the past few months, the images of the two getting along kept flashing through their minds.

A soft sigh echoed in the empty hall where only one person was left.

After leaving the Pope's Palace, Su Cheng turned around and glanced at the splendid hall. A smile flashed across his eyes, and he immediately settled down and meditated.

Maybe this simulation is an opportunity.

If done well, it might be possible to resolve most of Xiaoxue's knots, and even the relationship with Bibi Dong in reality could be settled.

"...Master-disciple love."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

It's Ah Yin.

Hidden in her martial soul, she witnessed everything that had just happened.

Although the words were inevitably mixed with a bit of sourness, there was also an inexplicable joy.

That guy Bibi Dong is extremely clever and cunning in reality.

Is this the result?

Are you so frightened by a little kid's confession?

Where's your ruthlessness?

"It's okay, she's not really a master and apprentice, so she can't teach me anything."

In the past two months, Su Cheng basically told Ah Yin everything that had happened over the years, including the transformation of the Silver Dragon King.

So she also knew that in this world, Su Cheng was forced to become Bibi Dong's disciple.

"You can't be serious, can you?"

Ah Yin heard the implication of Su Cheng's words and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

She thought it was just a deliberate act to force Bibi Dong to make concessions.

"I've always been serious about this kind of thing."

"I understand..." Ah Yin suddenly realized something at this moment, "In reality, how far have you and her progressed?"

When she was in Wuhun City, she felt that Bibi Dong's attitude was very subtle, and the motivations for many of his actions were extremely weird, completely inconsistent with his position as the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

Looking at it now, these two people are indeed very problematic.

Then he thought of the complicated relationship between Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, and couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Su Cheng said casually: "I didn't do anything I shouldn't have done."

"What shouldn't be done?"

"Oh, that means we haven't had time to do what we should do."


Ah Yin knew that he didn't want to elaborate, so he snorted displeasedly, but didn't ask further.

While the two were chatting casually, Su Cheng had already arrived outside the library.

He was going to say hello to Su Yue, and then leave Wuhun City to make the next plan.

After pushing the door and walking in, he found the other party's location easily.

As usual, Su Yue is the only one here.

"What a beautiful little girl, is she the Silver Dragon King?" Ah Yin couldn't help but exclaimed.

She didn't feel like her bloodline was being suppressed.

After all, Ah Yin has already broken away from the shackles of soul beasts and soul masters and has become a unique and special creature.

Even if the Silver Dragon King is the co-master of the soul beasts, the source of his bloodline is no longer in his control.

"Hey, are you still having any other bad ideas?"

Su Cheng ignored A Yin's complaints and walked straight to where the silver-haired girl was sitting by the window.

Seeing Su Cheng, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, a strange light flashed in Su Yue's eyes.

But then, she seemed to smell something, her nose moved slightly, and her eyes became gloomy.

"Su Cheng, who have you been meeting during this time? Why do you smell so disgusting?"

Su Cheng: "..."

Ah Yin: "..."

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