Su Cheng's eyes first fell on the other party's delicate and sculptured nose, and then he subconsciously raised his arm to smell it, but did not smell anything.

Then he noticed Su Yue's increasingly suspicious gaze, quickly put down his hand, and scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about. Also, can you change your vulgar wording habits?"

Ah Yin has integrated into his martial soul, and there will never be any aura leaked out, otherwise Bibi Dong would not have been unaware just now.

"What have you been doing these past two months? It took you so long to follow those people and soul beasts?"

Su Yue had no intention of letting go, and continued to stare at him closely with those purple eyes.

Her sense of smell was far superior to that of ordinary people, and she could indeed smell a faint, unfamiliar fragrance on Su Cheng's body.

"Of course I'm practicing. Haven't you noticed that my strength has been upgraded to the god level?"

From the moment they first met, Su Cheng took the initiative to reveal his aura, but Su Yue's focus was elsewhere and she didn't realize this detail.

"Eh, so fast?" A look of surprise flashed across Su Yue's face, and her attention was successfully diverted.

"It's not that I'm fast, it's that you are too slow." Su Cheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "Judging from the few words in the ancient books, there are several places where the gods are inherited in this continent. The Wuhun City where we are now is This is one of them. Others, such as Poseidon Island and Slaughter City, are probably in a similar situation. Now that my strength has reached this level, I can go and study it. "

"..." After hearing these words, Su Yue thought for a moment and prepared to say something.

"Don't even think about joining me. You are still too weak to be of any use, and you might even be discovered. The divine power of Wuhun City is only limited to the Douluo Palace, but what is the situation in other places where the divine throne is inherited? , but it's hard to say." When Su Yue opened her mouth, Su Cheng interrupted her immediately.

"Your mission is to practice hard in the past few years, at least to restore the strength above the title Douluo. I think this requirement is not too high for you, right?" Su Cheng's expression was serious and his voice was low, " We don’t have much time to waste.”

“What do you mean there’s not much time?”

"Have you not noticed that there are many people with the qualifications to become gods on this continent. For example, Xue Qinghe from Tiandou City whom we met a few years ago, Bibi Dong who has begun the inheritance test, and Tang San , Zhu Zhuqing and others are quite different. Thousands of years ago, there were two first-level gods, the Angel God and the Poseidon. But now, there may be a new era of great conflict."

"So what if they all become gods, they are just third-level gods. Even if they enter the God Realm to practice, they will only become first-level gods at the highest level. Our biggest enemy is those god kings. These people have nothing to do with the overall situation."

"How do you know there won't be a descendant of the God King among them? Moreover, since you have decided to attack the Rakshasa God, of course you must be fully prepared. Once this kind of thing starts, there is no turning back, and it will inevitably have a chain reaction. The fall of the true god, It is impossible for the divine world to remain indifferent.”

"You mean, there will be a decisive battle with the God Realm in a few years?" Su Yue looked at Su Cheng in surprise, "Are you kidding? Not to mention whether your plan to attack the Rakshasa God can succeed, even if If it’s done, we must try our best to conceal it. How can we alarm the God Realm again? Do you know how powerful the God King is?”

"You don't understand. The vacant position of the priesthood will be our best chance. If we don't take action this time, it will be too late."

Su Cheng couldn't just sit back and watch Tang San become a god, and then wait for hundreds or even thousands of years, for the old Shura God to leave, for something to happen in the God Realm, to wait for a sure-fire opportunity.

He was charged with the task of changing the fate of key people, how could he let those things happen?

"I don't understand, do you understand?" Su Yue was a little excited. In her opinion, Su Cheng was gambling with his life, and he also wanted to bury him with him.

Even if Su Cheng's cultivation speed is extremely fast and he has reached the god level now, he is only comparable to the level of a third-level god, and is still far away from the true powerhouse.

What's more, after reaching the god level, the speed of cultivation will definitely drop sharply. How much improvement will there be in a few years?

And she herself, even if she can return to the divine level in a short period of time, even if she truly returns to her ancestors and possesses the complete bloodline of the Dragon God, and then uses the energy environment of the divine world to restore her cultivation, she still needs other methods to return to the top. The upper limit of her strength That is, the level of a top first-level god or a half-step god king.

"If you don't want to take risks, I won't force you, but I will take action."

"What do you mean!" Su Yue didn't care to ask about the smell at this time. Compared with the important matters of life and death, those were obviously just insignificant details.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Su Cheng patted her shoulder and pushed her back to her seat.

He reached out and took the book, opened it, and placed it in front of her.

"It will probably take about three years for me to go out this time. You can use the environment of Wuhun City to practice with peace of mind and wait for me to come back. And my cultivation will definitely improve faster than you think. Next time we meet, say Maybe I’ve reached the second level of god.”

"What? How is this possible?" Su Yue sat on the seat and looked up at him in surprise.

"I have a unique way of cultivation." Su Cheng said casually, "By the way, can you lend me the three-eyed golden beast in your Star Forest for a while?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I think its third eye might be of some help to me. Don't worry, I won't hurt it."


Su Yue frowned and said nothing.

Seeing this, Su Cheng waved his hand, turned around and left the library without asking any more questions.

After he left, Su Yue's brows showed no signs of relaxing for a long time, her fair and delicate pretty face was clouded, and her eyes were full of worry and doubt.

She didn't know whether her worries at the moment were because she was worried that if Su Cheng failed, she would lose a powerful helper, or because of something else.

"Hey, Su Cheng, what exactly do you think..."

A week later, on the shore of the Lake of Life at the core of the Star Dou Forest, Di Tian, ​​who was dressed in black, looked at the young man in front of him and said with a serious expression: "Are you a god?"

"Well, according to what you call it here, the strength can be called god-level. However, god-level has exceeded the upper limit of Douluo Star. With the energy level of this plane, it will exclude god-level existence. But I am different. I It is a self-contained system and will not be affected by this plane.”

"I can feel that your strength is extraordinary." Di Tian nodded gently and asked: "Where is the Lord, why isn't she with you?"

"She is still practicing in Wuhun City."

"Then why did you come to me alone today?"

"Lend your three-eyed golden cat to me for a while. I want to take it out for a walk."

When Di Tian heard this, his eyebrows beat hard and he said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty also knows about this?"

"Of course I know."

"She agreed?"

"I didn't say no."

"..." Di Tian looked at Su Cheng suspiciously, secretly wondering what kind of ecstasy soup this guy had poured into his master.

But even if the Silver Dragon King acquiesces, he still has to think about it carefully.

Although Di Tian respected Su Yue and called her his master, he also had his own ideas and was not a servant without his own opinions.

"Do you know what the three-eyed golden beast means to our soul beast clan?"

"Of course I know that the aura of the Emperor's auspicious beast, which carries the power of destiny, can speed up the cultivation of other soul beasts. And if I read it correctly, it seems to contain part of the Dragon God's bloodline in its body?"

"Now that you know this, do you think it's appropriate to take it away?"

"If there's anything inappropriate, I won't hurt it."


After pondering for a long time, Ditian looked at Su Cheng and said slowly: "You are very strong now, much stronger than me."

Su Cheng heard the implication of his words and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we are allies, and you are a member of Su Yue's tribe. Naturally, I will not use violence."

"Su Yue?"

"Oh, it's the Silver Dragon King. This is the human name she gave herself."

Di Tian raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, but did not express any opinion on this.

Continuing the previous topic, he tentatively asked: "What if I refuse?"

"I think we can ask the three-eyed golden beast what it thinks. After all, it is a five-thousand-year-old soul beast, and its intelligence is not inferior to that of humans. It should have its own ideas, right?"


Di Tian fell silent after hearing this.

He knew that this was Su Cheng's bottom line.

The other party doesn't have to use coercion, but it doesn't matter what he says. It depends on what Sanyan Jinyi thinks.


Half a day later, a dazzling and beautiful soul beast that was two meters long, with four dragon-like claws and a lion-like appearance was brought to Su Cheng by Di Tian.

Just as Su Cheng was examining the three-eyed golden cat, the other party was also sizing him up silently.

As an imperial auspicious beast with extraordinary talents, its perception is extremely sharp and it can detect various auras that are difficult for ordinary people to detect.

But on the human opposite, it could hardly detect anything strange.

Before this, it had never seen an existence that could completely block its own perception. In this regard, the human being in front of him is even more mysterious than the powerful Silver Dragon King.

"Di Tian told me that you wanted to kidnap me out of the Star Dou Forest and asked me to be careful about you."

The three-eyed golden cat speaks human words, and a clear female voice comes out of its mouth.

"Is that what he said?" Su Cheng glanced at Di Tian not far away with a half-smile.

This handsome middle-aged man with a majestic look couldn't help but show a trace of embarrassment on his face.

He didn't expect that this little guy would be so open-minded and sell himself out right away.

"I don't want to kidnap you, but I can remind you a few words. Any ability has a corresponding price. As an emperor's auspicious beast that carries the power of destiny, your talent, intelligence, strength, and luck are indeed far beyond ordinary. Soul beast. But this also means that you will inevitably encounter other catastrophes in the future, and it will be a life and death catastrophe. This is the balance of the universe."

"Really? I don't believe it." Three-eyed Jin Yang rolled his eyes and said dismissively.

As the darling of fate, it has always been smooth sailing since birth, and can even bring good luck to those around it.

Even those extremely powerful ferocious beasts, because of its existence and influence, have made their cultivation speed several times faster.

How could such an auspicious beast who grew up in good luck believe that there would be disaster in the future just because of Su Cheng's few words?

Su Cheng didn't care about its reaction and continued: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. This is just a warning, not a bargaining chip for me to persuade you to leave with me."

"Then tell me, what are the benefits of leaving with you." The three-eyed golden man rolled his eyes and asked with a sly expression.

In fact, it had long thought of leaving the Star Dou Forest.

It came about when I saw the Silver Dragon King transform and follow Su Cheng away.

With a powerful senior as a "role model", it is naturally ready to take action despite its young age.

Therefore, even if Su Cheng could not provide any benefits today, it would be willing to leave together. If not, the three-eyed golden eagle would not have "betrayed" Di Tian as soon as they met.

"I will take you to see the relics left by the gods in this world to prepare for killing gods in the future. Are you interested?"

Hearing this, the three-eyed golden man was stunned for a moment, with various expressions of shock and fear flashing through his eyes, but there was also an excitement that was hard to conceal.

Killing God?

It sounds too exciting!

On the other side, Di Tian's expression changed as drastically as it did.

"Su Cheng! You never mentioned this before!"

He stepped forward quickly and asked with a look of shock and anger.

Su Cheng wanted to take risks, but he couldn't control it, and he even vaguely looked forward to it.

But if he wanted to take an adventure with an auspicious beast that was of great significance to the soul beast clan, he would never agree.

"Don't be so excited. I'm just going to make some preparations. When I actually do it, of course I won't bring this oil bottle with me."

"Who are you calling a loser?" The three-eyed golden man bared his teeth at him in dissatisfaction, but at the same time he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Things like killing gods are exciting, but they are also a bit scary.

Although it believes that with its own destiny, it should not die unexpectedly, it cannot really commit suicide.

"Of course it's you, you're too weak." Su Cheng said with a smile, "However, the human world is very wonderful, and even if it is just a long experience, it is very good. What's more, you have only been away for three years, and with my protection, you are completely You can play as much as you want. My strength is enough to prevent you from being hurt by anyone on this planet."

At this point, Su Cheng glanced at Di Tian and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask him if I am exaggerating."

The three-eyed Jin Yang also turned his head and looked over.

When Di Tian saw this, he could only reluctantly admit: "If we only look at strength, it is indeed like this. But -"

"Nothing but, brother Ditian, you are just too serious. I don't think this little lion even likes to play with you."

Su Cheng casually interrupted Di Tian's words and looked at the three-eyed golden beast with soft eyes: "In addition to seeing the world, I have some other benefits for you, but you need to pay some price in exchange."

The expression and tone when he spoke were as if he was trying to trick a child.

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