The three-eyed golden man did not respond, but looked at him alertly.

"Forget it, let's just show it to you."

As he spoke, Su Cheng stretched out his palm, and a drop of blood appeared above his fingertips.

The blood droplets were round and flawless, and there was no breath coming out, but it shocked the three-eyed golden man, and he subconsciously looked forward.

Not only it, but also Di Tian next to him had his eyes widened and he couldn't help himself.

Su Cheng doesn't have much left of the Dragon God bloodline. In addition to using it to improve himself in the future, he also has to keep some for other uses, so he can only use this little.

But that's enough.

After seeing the Dragon God's blood in his hand, both Ditian and Three-Eyed Jinyan showed extremely strong desire in their eyes.

However, compared to the calm Ditian, the golden-haired auspicious beast obviously did not have such strong restraint. It moved its fingers and claws slightly, as if it was about to pounce and snatch it at the next moment.

Seeing this, Su Cheng smiled and said, "You also have part of the Dragon God's blood flowing in your body, right?"


"Do you want the pure and complete Dragon God bloodline?"


The three-eyed Jin Yang swallowed, not hiding his desire.

"If you want it, as long as you go out with me this time and pay a small price, I can give you this complete ray of Dragon God's blood. With your current cultivation level, even if you only have a small amount, you can You are of great help.”

"What price?"

"Give me some of the power in your eye."


After hearing Su Cheng's request, Three-Eyed Jin Yang immediately hesitated.

It looked at the drop of blood between Su Cheng and then looked back at Di Tian.

Di Tian looked at it and moved his lips, but in the end he said nothing and used his eyes to signal the other person to make his own decision.

The weight of the dragon god's bloodline and the attribute power of the auspicious beast was obviously beyond his knowledge reserve.

The three-eyed golden man hesitated, shaking his golden head like a lion or a dragon and said angrily: "Why are you so greedy? It's not enough for me to go out with you, you also want the attribute power in me?"

Su Cheng was amused by its words, "You really dare to say anything. Who is greedy? I just exchange some of your attributes, and I don't need you to pay much. Don't you really think that? The power of destiny is a unique treasure, right? This is the pure and complete bloodline of the Dragon God, something that even the Silver Dragon King is clamoring for. Do you think she values ​​your power?"

"..." Di Tian glanced at Su Cheng with a strange expression.

Obviously, it was difficult for him to imagine the scene where the Silver Dragon King was "crying for it" in the other party's mouth.

"Just tell me whether you are willing or not." Su Cheng turned his fingers slightly, and his three-eyed golden gaze also drifted, "This is the chance. I think that although you have the aura of the dragon god in your blood, it is not the same as the silver one." The Dragon King is completely different, and it seems to be extremely incomplete. It is probably the other half of the split body inherited from the Dragon God. I don't know if I can give you some advice."

"...Okay, I promise you."

The three-eyed Jin Yang gritted his teeth, as if he had made an extremely difficult decision.

The introduction of attributes is of great significance to the auspicious beasts, but there is no way. The temptation of the dragon god's bloodline to these dragon-type soul beasts is too strong. It is difficult for anyone to refuse this temptation.

What's more, it is still young, and even though it has a violent temper, its will cannot be said to be very strong.

"Very good, here you go." Su Cheng raised his finger and threw the Dragon God's blood over, directly delivering the benefits in advance.

His behavior actually surprised the three-eyed Jin Yang.

Then he quickly opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Su Cheng's eyes flashed with golden light, and his true vision expanded, taking the opportunity to carefully observe the entire process of integrating it with the Dragon God's bloodline.

Sure enough, unlike Su Yue's all-attribute traits, Three-Eyed Jinni's bloodline is stronger at the level of physical strength.

With the integration of complete blood vessels, bright golden energy lines appeared on the surface of the extremely dense flesh and bones in Jin Yang's body. The halos flowed between the meridians and bones, and at the same time, there was an invisible golden shadow emerging behind him.

After a few breaths, Su Cheng suddenly stretched out his finger and touched its forehead.

The next moment, the real power formed a net, covering it layer by layer, and the golden light on the surface of the three-eyed golden beast also dispersed.

It opened its eyes slightly dazedly and looked at Su Cheng doubtfully, not understanding why the other party wanted to interrupt it.

"There is no need to absorb it all at once. It is enough at this point. You should get used to it first, and after your physical condition improves, it will be better to absorb the rest."

A drop of the dragon god's blood is not enough to cause essential changes to the bloodline and body of the three-eyed golden beast.

Its level is not low to begin with, and the concentration of dragon blood in its body is very high. It is not like those low-level soul beasts that can undergo transformation by absorbing some high-quality blood.

Rather than consuming it like this, it is better to divide it into two times.

Su Cheng was not prepared to give it any more Dragon God blood.

"Now it is your turn."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the other person's vertical eye with red light shining on his forehead.

Some time ago, Su Cheng also found some records about "auspicious beasts" in the massive books of Wuhun Palace.

According to the content described in ancient books, the so-called "auspicious beast" is just a title. It is a special soul beast that has received the power of destiny, and does not refer to a specific race.

However, the specific statement about the "power of destiny" in the book seems vague and confusing.

I think the soul masters and scholars who recorded or researched it didn't really understand the details.

I just know that the auspicious beast can protect the soul beast and greatly increase the speed of the soul beast's cultivation. Moreover, different auspicious beasts have different attributes.

Like the three-eyed golden beast in front of me, it has multiple attributes including ultimate light and ultimate fire.

But these two are not its main attributes. Its main attribute is actually mental power.

Su Cheng also focused on this, and used the special spiritual attributes of the auspicious beast to stimulate his true seeing eyes to see if he could unlock the seal.

On the other side, the three-eyed golden man licked his lips with unsatisfied intentions and had no intention of breaking the appointment. He just carefully looked at Su Cheng in front of him. Xuan even hesitantly prepared to step forward and use his own way to guide the attributes, but Su Cheng raised his hand to stop him.

"No need to come over, just relax and let me activate the power in your body."

He knows the normal process of attracting auspicious beasts.

There are related descriptions in the book.

All creatures recognized by the auspicious beasts, as long as they are spiritually connected with them, will naturally stir up each other's spiritual sea, refine their attributes, and even attract the so-called auspicious aura carried by the auspicious beasts, allowing them to practice and adventure in the future, etc. Everything became smoother.

But I also know that although this method of communication is not as exaggerated as his and Bibi Dong's dual soul cultivation, it will inevitably make both of them affected by each other's soul level at the same time.

Su Cheng was not interested in having a spiritual and emotional resonance with the three-eyed golden beast in this way, nor did he want to be affected by it.

Even with his spiritual foundation and rich experience, the three-eyed golden beast could have minimal impact on him, but he didn't want to do such a thing.

And Su Cheng was even less interested in using his human thoughts to "pollute" the soul of a pure soul beast.

In his opinion, this is definitely not a good thing for any living being with free and independent thoughts, even if the three-eyed golden beast can reach the sky in one step on the road of cultivation.

"Just concentrate on your original power."

After saying that, Su Cheng looked at the surprised eyes of the two soul beasts and used his real power to build a bridge. Without touching each other's spiritual seas, he inspired the spiritual power of the auspicious beasts and directly injected it into the sky above his own sea of ​​consciousness. In the light gate formed after the film obtained the pupil of true vision.

The moment they came into contact with each other, Su Cheng's body shook slightly, and the entire spiritual sea made huge waves.

The original power contained in the light gate quickly transformed into some mysterious force that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"This is……"

Su Cheng's consciousness was immersed in it, and his vision changed again, and a picture completely different from the previous real vision appeared.

In front of him, identical phantoms appeared on the golden auspicious beasts.

Then, these phantoms disappeared one after another, and finally only three golden phantoms remained, each in different scenes.

I don't know how long it took, but the Star Forest behind one of the three-eyed golden eagles suddenly suffered an inexplicable and devastating blow. Bloody light rushed past overwhelmingly, and the phantom of the golden eagle disappeared.

Then there is the second one, which is injected with external soul power, transforms, sacrifices, and dies...

Su Cheng looked at the scenes that flashed in front of him like fleeting images, staring at the last remaining phantom, not even feeling the faint tingling sensation caused by the rapid loss of mental power in his mind.

In the end, the three-eyed golden beast in the phantom also transformed and left the planet at his feet alone. At this time, a figure seemed to appear outside the sky...

At this moment, his mental energy consumption suddenly accelerated.

Su Cheng's face turned pale, the picture in his field of vision was interrupted momentarily, and he felt his eyes going black.

Immediately afterwards, a few lines of faint blood and tears flowed from the seven orifices.


Su Cheng took a breath of cold air.

Only then did he realize that his vast spiritual sea had almost dried up.

"Is this the so-called 'Trajectory Magic Eye'? Is the effect so terrifying..."

This kind of ability consumes a ridiculous amount of money, and even with his strength and foundation, he can't sustain it for long.

And at the critical moment, the consumption is ten times faster.

Of course, corresponding to the consumption of such a huge price, the ability obtained is also extremely overbearing. He can actually see the future destiny of creatures at the level of auspicious beasts, but it seems that this effect has limited meaning to him.

"No," Su Cheng shook his head, trying to regain consciousness from his messed up mind, "I must have used it incorrectly."

"Hey, you, are you okay?" The three-eyed golden beast said tremblingly, with worried and frightened eyes as he cautiously came closer.

The faint glazed light in Su Cheng's eyes just now seemed to have the power to suck away his soul.

At the moment it is watched, it seems that its consciousness and body no longer belong to itself, and it can only watch from a third-person perspective.

Beside it, Di Tian also frowned and looked at Su Cheng.

Although he was always wary of Su Cheng, he still cared about this ally.

For a human being with such potential and strength, and who has never shown the slightest malice toward their soul beast clan, Di Tian would certainly not ignore it in his mind.

Hearing the concern from the three-eyed golden man, Su Cheng just shook his head.

He has no time to care about anything else now. He is fully aware of the changed new organs, and at the same time trying his best to restore his mental strength that has completely bottomed out.

At the same time, Ah Yin also continuously provided him with energy, which greatly accelerated the serious injuries caused by mental trauma.

Su Cheng calmed down and looked at the huge incomplete rune suspended above the sea of ​​consciousness.

The light door that was once the core of the Eye of True Sight, stimulated by the spiritual attribute power of the Three-Eyed Golden Eye, transformed into a trace of the power of the law of destiny.

It is the law of destiny, not simply the power of destiny.

Today, he finally understands the meaning of "destiny" to a certain extent. To be precise, it is the meaning of destiny represented by his "Trajectory Magic Eye".

Destiny itself cannot be controlled by any living being.

Because this is the operating law of the entire world after interacting with infinite creatures, and it is affected by too many factors. It can be said that any high-level existence can guide or even control the future destiny of lower creatures to a certain extent.

That is due to the difference in power between them and the difference in understanding of the rules of the world.

The reason why the Locus Demonic Eye has just evolved the three most likely fates of the three-eyed golden beast in the future is not because it has truly seen through the fate. Its core lies in "information".

All the useful and useless information, whether it had been noticed by him or a large amount of information that he accidentally ignored, was all gathered together for deduction.

Even the most critical thing is the seemingly insignificant and useless information.

This trace of the law of destiny contained in the track demon's eyes actually gave Su Cheng stronger observation and calculation abilities.

It's like having a super computer that uses its own powerful and profound real and spiritual power as energy to operate. Through countless details and environmental changes, it captures all potential influencing factors and summarizes a certain or the most likely future. certain results.

And this is also one of the most essential laws of the world.

Deducing the direction of destiny is only one of the most advanced applications of the Locus Magic Eye. In fact, it also has other abilities.

In just a moment, Su Cheng discovered that he could build a bridge with the Magic Eye of Locus and invade other people's spiritual world.

At the same time, we also know what is missing from the full activation of the Locus Demonic Eye, and what the so-called power of destiny in the Three-Eyed Golden Eye is.

That is not the power of destiny of Douluo Star at all.

It was the luck of the soul beast group to counterattack.

As an intelligent race, the soul beasts have been suppressed too fiercely for countless years. This means that every once in a while, the soul beast tribe will have an opportunity to make a good comeback. This is also the reason why so-called "auspicious beasts" have appeared many times. reason.

Therefore, the power of destiny in the auspicious beast actually has nothing to do with the power of the plane. It is also a kind of family luck.

In the past, it was the Silver Dragon King himself who misled Su Cheng with his partial knowledge.

The subtle connection between the three-eyed golden beast and the Douluo Star is fundamentally due to the feedback of family fate.

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