After probably regaining his composure, Su Cheng's face was no longer as ugly as before, and the blood on his face was wiped clean.

He looked at Di Tian and asked: "By the way, you have collected many rare and rare herbs in this forest for so many years, right?"

"There are some gadgets like ginseng king. What do you want to do? No matter how precious the treasure is, it is just an ordinary grass. Can it work on you?"

Di Tian frowned, thinking that Su Cheng was injured, so he wanted some spiritual herbs to heal his injuries.

"Why do you ask so many questions? I just gave your auspicious beast a treasure that can change the destiny. We are all friends, don't be so stingy and give me a few herbs. Anyway, those herbs are very useful to you ferocious beasts. , basically has no effect.”

"……Come with me."

Not long after, the two came to Ditian's treasure house.

Su Cheng was not polite. He sensed the medicinal properties of various herbs and picked them at will.

Seeing him taking more and more, Di Tian's expression gradually changed from the initial indifference to a bit ugly.

Just when the beast god couldn't help but want to ask questions, Su Cheng took out two grass jelly plants from his soul guide, as well as a large number of equipment for preparing potions, and began to prepare the medicine on the spot.

Di Tian looked at the strange velvet celestial chrysanthemum and eight-petal fairy orchid in Su Cheng's hand in shock, and subconsciously asked: "What are you...?"

Although he couldn't identify the types of the two immortal grasses, he could roughly tell that they contained extremely powerful medicinal power.

"I'll get some spiritual herbs from you. They're just used as auxiliary medicines. I'll take the bulk of them myself."


Di Tian was immediately speechless.

He also did not expect that the rare treasures he had collected for thousands of years would one day be used as auxiliary medicines.

Seeing the strong energy fluctuations emanating from the complex potion that Su Cheng was carefully mixing, his expression became even more surprised.

There are so many types of herbs, and their medicinal properties are stimulating and fused with each other. There is no wasted energy or internal friction of attributes.

Even in the end, Su Cheng actually took out a drop of Dragon God's blood and mixed it in, which made him jealous.

After seeing this scene, Di Tian finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted in a low voice: "What are you planning to do with this kind of thing?!"

He could naturally tell that Su Cheng had excellent pharmaceutical skills.

Under the combined action of a large number of auxiliary drugs, the medicinal power can be perfectly exerted, which is definitely not something that only ordinary people can do.

But the problem is, no matter how sophisticated the preparation techniques are in this process, the powerful medicinal power contained in this bottle of potion is not something that anyone can bear.

Probably only a being at this level of his own has the opportunity to fully digest and absorb it.

"Getting ready to go fishing in the sea."

"Sea fishing? Wait a minute -" Ditian's expression changed slightly, "You must be eyeing the deep-sea demon whale king, right?"

"You can also say that that guy is definitely not allowed to stay." Su Cheng responded casually.

If the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is ignored and allowed to become Tang San's soul ring and soul bone in the future, although the impact will be limited, it is better than nothing.

Half a day later, Su Cheng shook the bottle of rose-gold potion in his hand, looking slightly tired.

It was not easy for him to come up with this thing.

If it were not for the powerful computing power of the Locus Demonic Eye, even with his profound accumulation in herbal medicine, he would not have the slightest certainty that he would be able to succeed in one go.

But the materials were all disposable consumables, and he had no chance to make them a second time.

In addition to this bottle of medicine, Su Cheng also took the time to make a large amount of additional medicine to supplement mental consumption as a reserve material for using the Track Magic Eye.

Although the energy these things can provide is limited compared to the foundation of one's own spiritual sea, it is still better than nothing.

Half a month later, two people and one beast stood on the deck of a large soul guide ship, looking at the endless blue sea ahead.

Su Cheng and A Yin were further back, while the three-eyed Jin Ni stood at the front edge. The sea breeze blows, and the golden hair flutters and dances like a ball of golden fire.

Regarding A Yin's existence, Su Cheng never thought of deliberately concealing it because there was no need.

It was impossible for Ah Yin to hide in his martial spirit for the rest of the time. He couldn't do such a thing.

At the beginning, the three-eyed golden tiger naturally showed strong curiosity about the sudden appearance of Ah Yin, but he soon lost interest and was quickly attracted by the colorful world outside.

"Is this the sea? It's much bigger than the Lake of Life."

Standing on the side of the boat, the three-eyed golden man still had a strong look of wonder in his eyes.

This is normal.

As a creature that has never seen the sea in thousands of years, witnessing such a scene for the first time will naturally have an extremely shocking feeling. This comes from the infinite charm of nature.

Su Cheng and A Yin looked at each other and laughed, then he walked forward and directly put his hand on the back of the other's neck.

“Ouch, what are you doing—Hey, hey, hey!!!”

Before the golden-haired soul beast could finish the previous sentence, he felt his feet were empty.

The next moment, the big ship under his feet had disappeared, and his two-meter-long body was instantly suspended in the air. He no longer dared to continue struggling, but just screamed.

Ah Yin obediently put her arms around Su Cheng's waist, and the two of them were suspended above the sea in a weird posture.

Su Cheng ignored the frantic shouting of the three-eyed golden pendant in his hand and lowered his head. His eyes seemed to have passed through the endless deep sea below and saw the powerful soul beast hidden deep in the seabed.

"Okay, stop barking and let me show you something more exciting."

With this in his mouth, he used his other hand to take out the bottle of precious medicine prepared with two kinds of immortal grass and the blood of the Dragon God, supplemented by a large number of rare treasures, and unscrewed the bottle cap.

Then he controlled the pouring of a very fine trace of the liquid into the sea, and then quickly tightened the bottle.

The moment the liquid medicine came into contact with the sea, the ocean beneath them seemed to riot in an instant.

Countless powerful sea soul beasts swarmed in and gathered here. Su Cheng used his domain to cover his aura and waited silently here.


The distant roar of whales sounded, and a powerful aura approached from under the deep sea.

At the same time, the countless sea soul beasts that were originally entrenched here, regardless of whether they had a thousand-year or ten-thousand-year level of cultivation, had no choice but to retreat no matter how unwilling they were.

The king sleeping in the deep sea has arrived.

Under the threat of life and death, they did not dare to stay for a moment longer.

With the violent fluctuations of the breath, Ah Yin also felt the power of the underwater creature.

A soul beast that has been cultivated for nearly a million years is far stronger than her at this time.

Of course, she is not afraid of the opponent in a one-on-one challenge. No one below the god level can truly threaten her life.

"You really caught it. Are you going to kill it here? It's a pity that with nearly a million years of cultivation, it's only one step away from becoming a god." Ah Yin's eyes were a little complicated.

"Is that what you think?" Su Cheng chuckled.

Then, in the surprised eyes of Ah Yin and Sanyan Jinyi, they saw him reaching out and throwing the bottle of medicine mixed with countless treasures directly into the sea.

"On the contrary, I want to help him. Those medicines are meant for him. Otherwise, why do you think I put the blood of the Dragon God in them? How can I improve it to break through the bottleneck and survive the catastrophe and achieve success in the sea without adding some real things? Shenlong’s success rate?”

Noticing A Yin's surprised expression, Su Cheng hugged her with his freed arm and said with a smile, "The fun has just begun."

Before he finished speaking, a faint wave suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea beneath his feet.

Gradually, the waves turned into turbulent waves, and then the entire sea area was stirred up, forming a huge vortex with a diameter of more than a thousand meters.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King seemed to be going crazy, sucking all the seawater in this sea area into his belly, and then squeezing out the excess seawater, leaving only the most precious part, which was quickly absorbed by it.

It didn't know why such a delicious thing suddenly appeared in the sea, and why it had such a strong temptation to it.

But at this time, it has no time to continue thinking. It just wants to use every method to completely devour and digest all those precious and strange energies with its own unique talent.

I don’t know how long it took, but the entire sea suddenly became silent.

The wind and waves subsided, the sky and the earth were silent, and even the clouds high in the sky were still at this time.

The next moment, an even fiercer wind suddenly rose, and the sound of thunder from nowhere rang in my ears.


The giant whale jumped up on the sea, drew an arc, and then fell back into the sea.

A longer and louder whale roar sounded, which seemed to contain various complex emotions, excitement, excitement, anticipation, and deep fear that was difficult to conceal...

On the surface of the huge whale's body, spots of blue light began to appear, like fish scales mixed with ridges of skin. The body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was also undergoing dramatic and mysterious changes.

The body is elongated, the scales are hardened, horns grow on the forehead, wings grow on the ribs, and the remaining single eye emits a scorching light, cold and majestic...

At the same time, streaks of thunder appeared densely in the sky and spread, covering a huge sea area of ​​​​kilometers.


Endless lightning appeared and disappeared in an instant, followed by new thunder and lightning, turning the space into a blazing white.

Each ray of lightning appears and disappears very quickly, and the entire process of birth and death seems to only happen in an instant, but the violent destructive power and energy fluctuations comparable to god-level are extremely intense.

Ah Yin's pretty face turned pale, and instinctive fear flashed in her eyes. The three-eyed golden beast held in Su Cheng's hand couldn't help but tremble slightly, and the screams in her mouth turned into low whimpering. , with golden fur blowing up like a hedgehog, like a golden fluffy fur ball.

In the different eyes of several people, thunder and lightning struck the whole body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, not sparing any corner. Even the scene below the sea surface was illuminated by the dazzling thunder light.

Whenever he is struck by extremely powerful lightning, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King will also tremble. His huge body will be shattered from the surface, and new hard scales will fly in all directions. Then, the thunder and lightning began to penetrate further into the muscles, until deeper into the nerves and bones...

Although the giant whale continued to scream in pain, it showed no intention of escaping.

No one understands better than it that it is impossible to escape if it is locked by a catastrophe. If you retreat, it will only accelerate your death faster.

In this way, endless thunder and lightning struck until the giant whale's skin turned into blood, and then was torn and peeled off layer by layer, the muscles turned into black coke, and the breath slipped to the bottom little by little...

"This is..." Ah Yin couldn't help but murmur in a low voice, and subconsciously grabbed Su Cheng's clothes tightly.

"The catastrophe of the soul beast becoming a god." Su Cheng replied softly.

That is the suppression of soul beasts by the laws of heaven and earth, and is one of the means to prevent soul beasts from becoming gods.

This kind of catastrophe is countless times more terrifying than the many catastrophes that the ferocious beast has to go through continuously during its growth process.

Even with such a profound accumulation of knowledge as the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, he still cannot withstand this kind of natural punishment.

However, it didn't rely on itself alone, it also obtained Su Cheng's medicine.

Without the help of Su Cheng's potion, which continuously stimulates the deeper potential and vitality in its body, it would be difficult for it to survive this test even with its physical constitution.

Su Cheng put a lot of thought into preparing this potion.

Considering the size and cultivation of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, replenishing its vitality is meaningless. There is no elixir in the world whose vitality can be stronger than its own.

Therefore, the recovery effect of the drug is not supplementary, but mainly stimulating.

Regardless of whether humans or soul beasts, no matter how advanced their cultivation is, most of them are unable to activate their deep potential.

As long as we can dig deeper into the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's secrets and let the new vitality overcome the destructive power of thunder, we will have a great chance of helping it survive this disaster.

In addition, potions also have the effect of improving cultivation.

Even for a soul beast like the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, the improvement brought by the two fairy grasses combined with the auxiliary medicine is enough to make up for its remaining cultivation bottleneck.

This is why, after it absorbed the medicinal power in that sea area, it so quickly caused the soul beast to become a god.

The most important part of the potion is the drop of Dragon God's blood.

Although the quantity is small, it is precisely with this thing that the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King can take the final step to truly transform into a dragon, transform the essence of his bloodline, and then use the baptism of heavenly tribulation to successfully become a god!

However, the test of becoming a god, which even Di Tian did not dare to challenge easily, is far from over yet.

Because the catastrophe of a soul beast becoming a god is not just a thunder catastrophe test.

After the thunder disaster, there will be man-made disasters...

"The sea fishing I mentioned before is not this guy, it's just bait." Su Cheng said calmly.

At this point, his expression suddenly changed, and he raised his head and looked in the direction of the sky, "Look, isn't the real big fish coming?"

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