Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 365: Flesh as a sheath, suppressing the magic sword

More than two years passed quickly, and Su Cheng and others, who had traveled across the entire continent, finally arrived at the last stop in their plan, the Killing City. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

The three-eyed golden man who was following Su Cheng looked at the bloody city in front of him with disgust, and said with disgust: "What the hell is this place? It looks disgusting."

"The city of killing, both Shura God and Rakshasa God have their divine throne inheritance here."

"God Shura?!"

"Yes, this place has a god-king level inheritance."

"Are you planning to take advantage of God Shura?"

The three-eyed golden man looked back at Su Cheng in surprise, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

It had also occasionally heard Ditian mention a few situations in the God Realm, and knew what a terrifying existence God Shura was.

"You have too many problems. These are not things you should worry about. I know that."

Su Cheng finished speaking casually, ignored the other party's dissatisfied growl, and walked directly into the city.

As for Ah Yin, it was already hidden in his martial spirit.

The smell of blood and filth in this place made her very uncomfortable, so she took the initiative to request to return to Wuhun. Naturally, Su Cheng would not force her to do so.

For ordinary soul masters who do not have the Killing God Domain nearby, they cannot use soul skills in the Killing City, but unfortunately, this restriction is ineffective against Su Cheng.

He neither uses soul skills nor relies on soul power, and his strength is a world of its own, and he is not afraid of various restrictions from the external environment.

Today, Su Cheng's body is finally fully developed, and with A Yin's hard training day and night, his strength is finally the same as in reality, reaching the level of a second-level god.

Even as long as the soul power is completely integrated into the true power, you can reach the peak of the second level god.

At that time, by using the blood of the Dragon God to condense the ring of law, and then breaking it to break through the bottleneck, further breakthroughs can be achieved.

Now one person and one beast are roaming the city, and no one can detect their existence.

Even the King of Slaughter, the nominal owner of the Slaughter City, and Tang Hao, who secretly observed the progress of his son's training and had the title of God of Slaughter, did not know that an uninvited guest had arrived in the Slaughter City at this time.

Tang San once again managed to survive until the end in the bloody battle in the Hell Killing Fields.

After returning to the hut where he lived alone, he felt an icy chill running through his body, but at the same time, there was also a vague sense of pleasure permeating the blood of his soul.

He could sense that the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit in his body was greedily sucking in the bloody breath, silently undergoing some deeper transformation.

If it weren't for the internal power of Xuantian Gong running in his body at all times, perhaps even the nature of his soul power would undergo unknown changes.

Tang San, who was sitting on the bed silently adjusting his breath, didn't know that his every move at this moment was being watched.

"This guy can always come up with new tricks..."

Su Cheng looked at Tang San thoughtfully, with a glaze-colored light in his eyes.

He noticed that the opponent's first martial spirit was now completely different from the relatively ordinary Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, as if it had completed some kind of alternative evolution.

But it's not the Blue Silver Emperor, but the scarlet Blue Silver Grass, which has extremely powerful devouring and evolving abilities.

"Interesting. Although it is a bit evil and the upper limit of development is a bit lower, in terms of current quality, it is actually not much worse than the newly awakened Blue Silver Emperor. And it seems that it has not reached the limit of what it can carry, and it can still Further strengthening. Although the method is different from the original, it finally makes up for the shortcomings in martial arts.

Su Cheng guessed that the reason for Tang San's change was naturally because he blocked the other party's regular channel for awakening the Blue Silver Emperor.

But being able to discover another promotion method should be related to the characteristics of Tang San's external soul bone Eight Spider Spear.

Coupled with the profound foundation brought by the hundred thousand year fifth spirit ring that Xiao Wu sacrificed, "by chance", it gave him another way to perfect his foundation.

"Let's first see what this guy's fate is and what the situation will be..."

Thinking of this, Su Cheng's forehead also glowed with a faint glaze color.

But then his expression changed slightly, and the light from the Locus Demonic Eye quickly dissipated.

Observing the trend of Tang San's fate, it turned out that the consumption was even greater than when watching Poseidon before.

"It seems that we really have to wait until the battle between gods to see the outcome." At this time, Su Cheng's heart moved, he patted the head of the three-eyed Jin Yang next to him and said, "Look at this person, is he in the same situation as you? thing."

The three-eyed golden tiger shook his head angrily, glared at him and growled: "Don't do this, you'll make me look like a pet."

"Okay, you have quite a lot of problems." Su Cheng curled his lips and retracted his palm, gesturing towards Tang San with his eyes.

The three-eyed Jin Ni snorted lightly, and then looked in the direction of Tang San.

But after just one glance, it shook its head and denied, "It's different. It doesn't feel like there's anything special at all. It's nothing worth paying attention to."

"I see."

After continuing to observe for a while, Su Cheng turned around and left.

Today I just took a look at Tang San, but his main target was someone else.

As he walked, Su Cheng thought to himself.

The ability of the Locus Magic Eye to spy on destiny is to deduce the future based on information collection.

The so-called destiny of this world is a certain result brought about by the natural operation of the universe and the interactions between living beings that have a greater impact on the world.

The Eye of True Sight brings the ability to observe the laws and regulations of the world.

Therefore, if he wants to completely unblock the Locus Demonic Eye, he needs to further absorb the racial destiny of living beings, which represents the general future direction of a certain group.

There is no doubt that the creatures that have the greatest impact on the Douluo Plane are the two intelligent groups of soul beasts and humans that can continuously evolve and improve.

He had already obtained the clan information on the soul beasts from the Three-Eyed Golden Raider.

Since the human part is not in Tang San, it is probably in Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong.

In a dark and spacious room in the Killing City, a tall man wearing a huge scarlet cloak looked at the young man who silently invaded the room with a shocked look on his face, and exclaimed: "The inheritor of the Shura God? What's going on? possible!"

But it definitely doesn’t include the person in front of me.

However, the other party's murderous aura and domain aura were purely astonishing, even somewhat similar to the Shura's divine power deep in the Hell Road.

"What's impossible? Who told you that the only inheritance place for the Asura throne is the Killing City?" Su Cheng said calmly, "If you don't want to die, hurry up and hand over the Asura Demonic Sword. I know it's here. "

It is not difficult for him to pretend to be the God of Death, and it can even be purer than the most orthodox heir aura.

After all, in reality, he and Bibi Dong and Zhu Zhuqing had personally walked through hell once, and experienced the purest Shura divine power.

Although it is Shura's divine power that has been diluted countless times, the essence is not much different.

Su Cheng didn't know the extent of Tang Chen's understanding, but both Tang Hao and Bibi Dong were definitely far behind him in the realm of killing gods.

When the King of Slaughter heard this, his expression changed.

He could clearly feel that the man in front of him was extremely powerful and would never be weaker than the peak strength of Tang Chen who was staying here.

But now this body has changed its owner after all, and is no longer at its peak. His physical body has been severely corroded by himself, and his spirit has been resisting. It can be said that he has been in a state of internal friction for many years, and his strength is not even half of his peak.

As the King of Slaughter, the geographical advantage of being in the city of killing was directly abolished because of the opponent's God of Killing Domain.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to hand over the Shura Demonic Sword.

This was a task assigned to him personally by the Lord Rakshasa God, and he did not dare to violate it at all.

No one knows better than him what kind of existence the Rakshasa God is. It can be said to be a collection of pure malice.

If you fail in your mission, the final result will be life worse than death.


The King of Slaughter only hesitated for a moment and then nodded in agreement. He stepped forward, a faint red light glowed in his hand, and the tyrannical aura of the Shura Demon Sword was revealed.

Su Cheng stood there and looked at each other quietly.

In the dim room, the two of them were not far apart. In just a few steps, the King of Slaughter was in front of him.

The next moment, the rich red blood mist instantly spread and filled the entire room. The thick smell of blood is almost nauseating, and it is also extremely toxic and corrosive.

The fist burning with a faint blood light was swung towards Su Cheng's face. It contained a powerful power comparable to the Ultimate Douluo level, and then he raised his left hand to catch it steadily.

The King of Slaughter took advantage of the force and retreated. Dense and mysterious blood lines suddenly appeared on his pale skin, and there was a sword-shaped pattern on his forehead. At the same time, a pair of huge blood-red wings spread out from behind.

He ignited the blood that was most precious to him in his body and carried out a desperate blow, just to buy a moment.

That Shura Demonic Sword was Tang Chen's possession. As for the blood-red nine-headed bat king parasitic in Tang Chen's body, it was not recognized by the artifact at all, and naturally it was impossible to fight with the demonic sword.

If he didn't use a divine weapon, he would definitely not be able to defeat him. This was clear to him from the very beginning when he felt Su Cheng's aura.

But in terms of speed, the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King is still somewhat confident in himself.

"Ha." Su Cheng sneered, not surprised by his reaction.

In fact, even if the King of Slaughter was obedient, he never thought of showing mercy.

There was a faint halo in his eyes, and then he stabbed forward like a sword.

A moment later, the pure Shura divine power simulated with real power arrived first, and without killing the host Tang Chen, it accurately penetrated the core of the Nine-Headed Bat King, instantly annihilating most of his vitality.

It is true that Su Cheng couldn't produce the same level of Shura divine power to use against the enemy, but if he wanted to produce a killer sword that was not at the god level, he could easily do it without the bat's perception.

After getting rid of the nine-headed bat king parasitic in Tang Chen's body, he did not rush to look at the blood-red Shura Demon Sword that fell to the ground, nor did he care about the body that fell to the ground and was still unconscious. Instead, he looked into the air and flew away at high speed. A wisp of blood mist.

Su Cheng stared at the remnant body of the Bat King, whose vitality was extremely thin. He did not choose to hit it again, but observed it silently for a moment with the magic eye of trajectory.

It wasn't until it completely disappeared that he lowered his head and looked at Tang Chen, who was sleeping unconsciously.

He immediately took out two bottles of medicine and poured them into his mouth.

These two bottles of potion were both prepared by Su Cheng using precious herbs some time ago. One bottle can maintain the vitality in Tang Chen's body, and the other bottle can keep him asleep for a long time.

Tang Chen is still the examiner for the Asura God's throne now, and he is the one who has cleared the most levels and is closest to success.

Therefore, we cannot deal with him for the time being, otherwise it is likely to attract the attention of God Shura.

Keeping him in his current state is the best option.

After all this was completed, Su Cheng looked solemnly at the bloody giant sword that fell to the ground in front of him.

Just now, he just let go of the remaining body of the Bat King that carried the Rakshasa Divine Mind, and then completely enveloped the place with the realm of true power to prevent any breath from leaking out.

"Ah Yin, are you ready?"

"Have you really thought it through? Are you sure you want to do this?"

Ah Yin, who had merged into Su Cheng's martial spirit, couldn't help but ask through a voice transmission, with unconcealable worry in her voice.

"It's okay. I will return to Wuhun City after it is completed. Bibi Dong and Su Yue are there, so there won't be any danger in the short term."

"..." Ah Yin was silent for a long time after hearing this, and finally sighed in a low voice: "Okay then."

Su Cheng took a deep breath, and after adjusting his breathing for a while, he unbuttoned his shirt directly in front of the surprised look of the three-eyed golden man who had just walked into the room.

Then, he stretched out his hand and cut a half-foot-long gash on his chest. Immediately afterwards, the entire palm was wrapped in rich real power, and he picked up the magic sword on the ground.

The moment he grasped the hilt of the sword, Su Cheng's expression changed.

The chaos and violence of this thing are much more exaggerated than imagined.

He still underestimated the power of Shura's divine power.

After a little calculation in his mind, he directly picked up the long sword on the ground, and under the horrified eyes of the big golden hair, he pierced the terrifying magic sword with a terrifying breath into his chest.

"Hey! You are crazy!!"


But at this moment, Su Cheng no longer had the energy to pay attention to the howling of the three-eyed golden beast.

His expression was extremely ferocious, veins popped out on his forehead, his eyes were bloodshot, and big beads of sweat rolled down his face.

At the same time, the Shura Demon Sword in his hand continued to tremble slightly, struggling as if it had a sense of life.

However, under the firm suppression of Su Cheng's unique real power, those struggles were of no use, and he was finally pressed into his body bit by bit...

This must be done in the Killing City.

Because this place has been contaminated by Rakshasa divine power, and the ability in the true power field can block many abnormal movements.

If you do this again after leaving the Killing City, you will definitely be discovered by the real owner of the Shura Demonic Sword.

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