Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 366 The Seventh Test of the Rakshasa Divine Test

The Shura Demonic Sword sank into Su Cheng's body inch by inch. Strangely, not a trace of blood flowed out during the whole process.

From the perspective of the three-eyed Jinni, one can only see the scarlet color of Shura's divine power on the sword's edge gradually deepening and slowly turning into dark red markings.

Then, it interacted with the transparent colorless energy at the scar on Su Cheng's chest, creating countless fine black cracks.

Little did it know that Su Cheng inserted the Shura Demonic Sword directly into his body as if he was committing suicide, actually locking it into the world inside his body.

At the same time, Ah Yin was also using his special power of the earth to assist, constantly helping him adjust and control the second martial spirit so that he would not be too strenuous.

Although Shura's divine power is powerful, and it is true that the Shura Demonic Sword is the top-notch artifact, Su Cheng has a unique real power system after all.

His true power not only perfectly integrates all the powers in his body, but also has been calcined by the true fire of the sun and tempered by the water of the soul, making his physique different from that of ordinary people. Containing his spirit and will, the fusion of soul and instinct, it can be called a world of its own, completely different from the way ordinary people fight with the help of soul power.

This also means that his body itself is the strongest weapon and container.

Therefore, only by using this method, directly suppressing the Shura Demonic Sword with the body, coupled with the assistance of the power of the earth, which is known for its tenacity and suppression ability, can we ensure that the Shura God will not be noticed after leaving the killing city.

However, as the magic sword penetrated deeper and deeper into his body and continued to violently collide with his real power, Su Cheng's own aura was also rapidly declining.

From a second-level god, he fell to the threshold of a second-level god, and then quickly fell to the level of a third-level god...


When the giant sword disappeared completely, Su Cheng stretched out his hand and the scars on his chest disappeared instantly.

On the surface, there wasn't much wrong with him except that his face was pale and he was sweating profusely and looked a little embarrassed, but in fact, his condition was extremely poor.

The three-eyed golden man looked at him worriedly, "What's your strength...?"

Before this, it could not tell what level Su Cheng was at, but at this moment, it could clearly feel that the other party was not much better than itself.

"Well, I've been downgraded, and now I think it's probably Contra." Su Cheng wiped his face and said casually.

Compared with his original level of strength, Contra level cultivation is almost the same as that of ordinary people without cultivation.

In order to completely suppress the Shura Demonic Sword and ensure that its aura was completely concealed, Su Cheng nearly used all his strength, and his apparent strength naturally dropped significantly.

"Let's go."

As he finished speaking, Ah Yin also appeared outside, protecting Su Cheng and the three-eyed Jin Ni, and quickly left the killing city.

Half a month later, Su Cheng returned to Wuhun City alone.

At this time, Ah Yin has returned to his martial soul and is sleeping. Her situation is special and she is not suitable to appear in front of human soul masters, especially the soul masters of Wuhun Palace.

And it can help him suppress the magic sword and relieve his mental stress.

As for the three-eyed golden eagle, it was naturally released into the Star Forest.

The three years since he came out have been quite good experience for him. He has seen a lot of scenery he has never seen before, which is a good thing for his practice.

And Su Cheng also received corresponding rewards. Through its special attributes, he not only learned about Tang San's situation, but also gained a deeper understanding of its special power of destiny.

After entering the city, Su Cheng first glanced in the direction of the library.

"It's been three years. I don't know how far Su Yue has reached in his cultivation. I don't know if he will be able to catch up with the final battle in the future."

With this thought in his mind, he did not go to see Su Yue immediately, but went to the direction of the Pope's Palace first.

After all, Bibi Dong was his nominal teacher. As a disciple, it would be unreasonable not to go to see him as soon as possible when he returns.

Soon, Su Cheng entered the Pope's Palace unimpeded and walked into the meeting hall.

This time Bibi Dong did not stand as condescendingly as usual, standing on the high steps at the end of the hall and looking down at him. She did not even hold the papal scepter that represented power, nor did she wear the papal robe.

Instead, she was wearing a simple white dress with gold patterns and silver edges. She stood waiting not far from the door with her hands behind her back.

This outfit made her look much younger, and she lost her usual aloof and majestic look.

"Teacher." Su Cheng bowed slightly to her.

Bibi Dong raised her head and looked at him. After a long silence, she said calmly: "It has only been three short years and you have already reached the Contra realm? Could it be that you used some special means?"

She was calm on the surface, but her mood was extremely complicated.

The face of the disciple in front of her has long lost the trace of childishness it once had, and even his height is a head taller than her.

She still remembered the promise Su Cheng made to her when they separated three years ago.

"You think I'm too young. I'll be an adult in a few years. You think I'm weak. I will work hard to become a titled Douluo and be stronger than everyone else. You think my martial spirit is evil, I You can also research and find ways to purify martial souls..."

In fact, she could clearly remember every word and sentence Su Cheng said during the conversation that day.

Over the years, she has been replaying it in her mind almost every day, and it has even affected her daily practice and handling of official duties.

Not only was he worried and fearful about facing the future, but he was also worried about what would happen to Su Cheng outside. He was also often resentful and annoyed about all the misfortunes that had happened to him in the past.

At the same time, she had to admit that deep down in her heart, there was indeed some unspeakable but real secret expectation...

Until today we met.

The other party actually almost fulfilled all the promises he made that day.

Of course, there is no need to say much about age. No one can always look like a teenager, and one day they will grow up.

The speed of progress in strength is even more unexpected. It only took three years to break through three major realms in a row, soaring from the Soul King to the Contra level, much more outstanding than she was back then. It can be said that as long as you continue to practice at this speed, as long as you find the inheritance of the divine position, successfully passing the divine test is almost a certainty.

Even the breath has lost the evil intention it once had, and has become extremely clear and pure, giving people a simple and heavy feeling.

"Of course not." Su Cheng didn't know that Bibi Dong's calm appearance at this moment was actually hiding extremely complex emotions. He smiled and said: "I can't let you down. Look at my breath, there is anything wrong. ?"

Most of his power was used to suppress the aura of the Shura Demon Sword, so naturally he had no energy left to put on a full disguise like before.

After all, Bibi Dong is not a weakling. With his existing Contra-level power, it is difficult to hide from the other party's perception.

If it is noticed even a little bit, it will only increase suspicion.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to stop hiding it and directly reveal the Contra-level strength.

Even though the nature of true power is rather special, Bibi Dong can never see the nature of this power, and can only think that his soul power is a bit special.

But the martial arts in this world are full of strange things, and his martial soul is originally different. After "purifying" the original evil aura, it is not surprising that there will be changes.


Bibi Dong hesitated for a moment, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she suddenly changed her words: "Your talent is beyond my expectation, and it's not far behind your sister. I'm afraid you don't know yet, Su Yue has also made rapid progress in the past few years, and has now reached the level of a titled Douluo. Not to mention me, even the great priest who has lived in seclusion for many years has been shocked by her talent. "

"Oh?" Su Cheng's eyes lit up and his face looked happy.

Su Yue has a profound background, and it is reasonable to achieve such an achievement, but it still makes him feel very gratified.

If we continue at this pace, we should really have a chance to break through to the god level within the time limit.

Bringing her to Wuhun City to practice was indeed the right decision.

Bibi Dong looked at the smile on his face and felt inexplicably unhappy.

When they met just now, Su Cheng didn't show any excitement or joy at meeting again after a long absence. Instead, he seemed extremely calm.

But now, just because of the news about Su Yue's breakthrough, does it make him so happy...

Thinking of this, the frustrated Bibi Dong said calmly and calmly: "You can go see her now. Su Yue has basically stayed in the library in the past few years."

"Okay." Su Cheng nodded after hearing this.

He originally had this intention.

So after saying hello, he left the Pope's Palace directly.

Now that I have come to meet Bibi Dong, I really should go and check on Su Yue's situation.

Only after seeing it in person can he know it in his mind.


Seeing Su Cheng's figure walking away without any nostalgia, Bibi Dong's expression froze, and then her expression changed, and her face was filled with uncertainty.

She didn't expect that the other party would actually leave just as he said, as if he wasn't keen on being alone with her for a while.

When they were separated that year, Su Cheng's confession was so sincere that she tossed and turned for countless nights.

But when we met again today, I didn't notice a trace of the passionate affection from the other person's face, nor did I miss him too much.

Instead, he seemed extremely normal, as if he really thought of himself as an ordinary teacher, or the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

Respectful words and calm emotions.

This is a very normal behavior, and it is also the attitude that a disciple should have.

But in Bibi Dong's view, this is tantamount to an invisible withdrawal and alienation.

Especially when it comes to a young man like Su Cheng who has just started to fall in love and has just grown up, this is simply the behavior of a scumbag!

The confessions and promises made back then were just like a joke!

Apart from the angry look in her eyes, a little worry emerged in her heart.

She didn't know what Su Cheng had experienced in the past three years, and whether his state of mind had changed while his cultivation had rapidly improved.

She also sent people out to explore Su Cheng's whereabouts, but found nothing in the end, and she couldn't help but worry about gains and losses for a while.

On the other side, Su Cheng, who left Wuhun Hall, didn't know what Bibi Dong was thinking.

It's not that he has no affection, but that in reality he is already very close to Bibi Dong, and it's not like he showed at the beginning that he has the mentality of a young man who has just started to fall in love.

Be more patient, much more peaceful, and not rush into things. It's only been a few years, so it's not a separation at all.

Moreover, Bibi Dong's spiritual core showed no sign of awakening.

In Su Cheng's view, even if there was some subconscious influence, it made her have a good impression of him.

But the shackles of identity, the age difference, these psychological barriers are not so easy to break through after all, and it will definitely take some time.

It would be fine if the two of them got along day and night in the past few years.

After three years of not seeing each other, the relationship should still be in a hazy stage, and it takes time to adapt.

In addition, he has too many things to consider recently, and he has almost no free time.

Even with the advantage of information, it is not so easy to calculate the gods, especially the top strongmen who are stronger than him. He cannot afford to be careless, so he has no time and energy to be too distracted.

Walking on the vast continent of Wuhun City, Su Cheng thought secretly in his heart.

"This time, I don't know how the Rakshasa God will act.

"It's not unexpected. After I got the Shura Demon Sword, that guy really took the bait. The fate trajectory of the Nine-headed Bat King has been accurately shown. It will lead the Rakshasa God to find me. If I guessed correctly, the place we encountered should look like the Rakshasa Secret Realm. But why did I enter the Rakshasa Secret Realm? Where is that place..."

"Is it related to Bibi Dong? After all, she is still the heir of the Rakshasa God. But the problem is that for the God Tester, only when all the God Tests are completed and the throne is inherited can they enter the inheritance secret realm.

"In that case, the time is a bit too tight..."

"The seventh test of the Rakshasa God Test. Completion conditions: kill the successor to the throne of the Asura God and seize the Asura Demon Sword. Time limit: one year. Pass the reward: the affinity of the Rakshasa God will increase by 15%, and you will get a chance to enter the Rakshasa Secret Realm again."

The sudden voice in her mind made Bibi Dong stunned for a moment. She hadn't even completed the sixth test yet, so why did the seventh test come?

She was shocked, "The successor to the Asura God?!"

The next moment, a picture unfolded in front of her.

In the picture, a man and a woman leaned on each other and left the Killing City.

During this period, the woman holding the man's arms also interacted with him intimately from time to time, and occasionally gently tidied his clothes for him, just like a couple in love.

Next to the two people, there was a strange soul beast with golden hair and red vertical eyes on its forehead.


Bibi Dong stared at Su Cheng in the picture, and then looked at the beautiful figure in a blue and gold palace dress, with dark purple halos appearing in her eyes.

Over the years, the aura fluctuations that had long since calmed down became chaotic and evil again, and gradually became stronger.


At this moment, she had no intention of paying attention to the tasks and rewards related to the Rakshasa God Test. Her mind was full of the intimate behavior of Su Cheng and Ah Yin.

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