"You're back?"

In the Wuhun City Library Pavilion, the silver-haired beauty sitting by the window gently turned her head and looked at the approaching young man.

The sunlight outside the window fell on her face, reflecting the colorful luster of her purple eyes, making it difficult to see what kind of emotion was contained in them.


Su Cheng walked to Su Yue and sat down next to her, looking at her carefully.

Compared with three years ago, Su Cheng's image has certainly changed a lot, but Su Yue's changes are definitely not small either.

For her, the process of increasing strength is originally the process of physical recovery.

Su Yue, who has now been successfully promoted to the realm of Titled Douluo, is almost no different from the Silver Dragon King who transformed into a human form for a short time back then.

The appearance of a woman in her twenties is the time when a woman truly moves from youth to maturity and becomes most attractive.

Her long hair hangs down around her waist, her purple eyes are deep and quiet, and her upright sitting posture outlines the perfectly curved chest and abdominal curves.

Even though she has a calm temperament and a reserved personality, she still exudes an amazingly sultry aura all the time.

"I heard from Bibi Dong that you have been promoted to a titled Douluo?"

"Can't you feel it yourself?" Su Yue snorted, seeming to be a little dissatisfied with him.

In the past few years, it was obviously not a good feeling to stay alone in Wuhun City.

As soon as they meet, they habitually want to lose their temper and vent their frustration and unhappiness.

After all, apart from Su Cheng, she had no one else she could communicate with.

Su Cheng smiled helplessly, "Look at my current situation, do I still have the energy to explore the strength of a Titled Douluo of your level?"

"What's the meaning?"

Su Yue was stunned when she heard this, and then she turned her attention away from Su Cheng's face and discovered that his cultivation level had dropped significantly.

"How could this happen?!" Su Yue let out a suppressed cry.

In her impression, the other party was always at ease and would never put herself in danger.

Even if his strength is not invincible, he can still firmly control all risks.

It would be impossible for someone to slip down to the Contra level like this.

"Let's talk about your cultivation progress first. I have no problem here." Su Cheng waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

His situation is complicated and cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

In comparison, Su Yue's entry is more critical.

"You..." Su Yue bit her thin lips, hesitated for a moment, but suppressed the urge to continue asking in detail, and then said: "My current cultivation level is close to the ninety-third level. After breaking through the bottleneck of Titled Douluo , the speed of cultivation has accelerated a lot.

"In addition, the purity of the Dragon God's bloodline in my body is also constantly improving, and I can basically master most of the Dragon God's power. The key depends on whether I can take the opportunity to thoroughly cleanse and replenish the bloodline when I return to the god level. Also, by the time Maybe I will survive the Dragon God Tribulation."

Speaking of this, her expression became slightly solemn.

"Overcoming the tribulation?" Su Cheng was shocked when he heard this, "Do you still need to overcome the tribulation again?"

"I'm not very sure, I just have a vague intuition."


Su Cheng pondered deeply and tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

If the situation turns out to be as Su Yue said and he has to undergo another divine calamity, it will be a bit troublesome.

Although he didn't know whether there was any difference between Su Yue's tribulation and the situation he had seen the Deep Sea Demon Whale King in before, but it was probably different.

For this world, the Dragon God is undoubtedly an extremely special existence, and may receive some special care.

If not, as the former Silver Dragon King, he should no longer need to pass this level in the stage of becoming a god.

Su Yue must have understood the origin of this disaster.

After pondering for a moment, Su Cheng looked at her and said in a deep voice: "Su Yue, have you ever thought that there is no need to pursue the complete bloodline of the Dragon God?"

"What do you mean?" Su Yue raised her eyebrows and said dissatisfied: "Do you think I will be afraid of natural disaster?"

"I don't trust you." Su Cheng sighed, "The power of the Dragon God is not trivial, and the existence of the Dragon God itself may not be reasonable. The difficulty of becoming a god must be extraordinary. What's more, with your current talent, you can completely There is no need to blindly follow the path of the Dragon God to find a new path.”

In fact, he really wanted to use the trajectory magic eye to observe Su Yue's situation.

But in his current state, it is simply impossible to do this.

Even when he was at his peak, it would be difficult for him to operate this skill for too long, let alone now.

If you want to use it, you must at least wait until the Rakshasa God is dealt with and the magic sword that limits your strength is released from the body.

"I... forget it, we'll talk about this later." Noticing the worry in his eyes, Su Yue subconsciously swallowed back the words she wanted to refute, and then changed the subject: "What about you? What's going on with you? Why go out and put yourself in such trouble?"

"I found the Shura Demon Sword of God Shura and sealed it in my body."

"What did you say?!"

Su Yue's expression changed suddenly when she heard this, and she looked at Su Cheng in disbelief.

Immediately, without saying anything else, he reached out and grabbed Su Cheng's wrist, and used his mental power to explore his body.

When Su Cheng saw this, he didn't stop him. He simply showed her all the conditions inside his body without leaking his breath to the outside world.

The next moment, horrific scenes appeared in Su Yue's mind with mental power as the key.

It was a huge human body.

The strong, crystal-clear bones and the glazed flesh and blood meridians are criss-crossed, and the mysterious true power in them seems to have its own will, constantly rising and dying in the body in a regular manner.

If it had been any other time, she would have been amazed at how perfect this body was.

However, at this moment, in the core torso of this body, next to the powerful beating heart, there is a miniature dark red sharp magic sword, which is continuously spreading the violent and sharp sword energy to the surrounding area.

A series of scarlet sharp edges flashed across, instantly wiping out every drop of real power and soul energy and blood emerging from the surroundings.

Then, new flesh and blood and energy continue to grow rapidly, filling it up again, and there is a continuous flow...

The whole process seemed extremely bloody and tragic.

Under the magic sword, there is an energy array that exudes yellow-brown light, mapping out lines of true power, interspersed in the battlefield like a cage, trapping the sharp magic sword that is shaking violently with all its strength.


Looking at this scene, Su Yue's pupils trembled slightly, and her eyes were scattered and dull.

She was completely stunned by this picture.

An ordinary person might not be able to fully see the horror in it.

But she was different, she was once a true god-level powerhouse. Not only does he have a vicious vision, he also has countless tragic scenes of divine battles in his memory.

So she felt it more deeply.

It's hard to imagine that this could be a human body.

In her senses, this is simply a battlefield of a divine battle, and a divine battle is taking place inside Su Cheng's body!

This kind of behavior is not only crazy, it is simply seeking death!

You are risking your life!

In the world today, apart from Su Cheng herself, she is probably the only one who knows the true power of the Shura Demonic Sword best.

After all, the original Dragon God fell under the blade of Shura Demonic Sword and was split into two.

As for the other beings who had faced the edge of the demon sword, they had already perished.

Even if this artifact is not currently in the hands of God Shura himself, it is definitely the most terrifying killing weapon in the world. The sharp edge it exudes is at least firmly on the level of a second-level god.

Those mortals who are lucky enough to participate in the Shura Divine Examination and have the opportunity to hold the Demon Sword, the so-called divine weapon in their hands is actually not the real Shura Demon Sword at all, but a self-sealed incomplete version.

If it were replaced by this Shura Demonic Sword that was operating at full power on its own, if anyone tried to control it, there would only be two outcomes: immediate death, or complete madness and becoming a sword slave.


After a long time, Su Yue regained consciousness and focused her eyes again.

She suddenly raised her hands, grabbed Su Cheng's collar and tore it open to both sides.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Su Yue ignored him and stared blankly at his chest.

Although it looks smooth and smooth with no scars.

But she knew that the Shura Demonic Sword was sealed in this place.

She subconsciously stretched out her palm and stroked it slowly.

Cold fingertips traced across Su Cheng's chest.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she seemed to feel that there was still a slight tremor in the powerful heartbeat.

Su Yue's finger bones trembled slightly.

Immediately his eyes were lowered and his face turned pale and fell silent.

"Hey, are you okay?" Su Cheng looked at her weirdly, then laughed and said, "Don't make it so exaggerated, like I'm about to die."

"Is it worth it?" She still lowered her head, ignoring Su Cheng's teasing, and whispered.

"Your cultivation speed is faster than I thought. But even a second-level god may die if he restricts the Shura Demon Sword in this way." She raised her head, and although her face was pale, she refused to give in. He looked at each other and said, "You are a human being and you don't have to do this. Is it worth it?"


Su Cheng was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then his expression became more serious.

He said seriously: "Su Yue, don't think too much. This is not just because of you, I also have my own purpose. I said, I need this world to change."


After staring at him with those crystal clear purple eyes for a long time, Su Yue nodded.

Then I tied his collar myself and smoothed out the wrinkles.

After finishing all this, she turned back silently and said softly: "You should go back and have a good rest first. I am going to start today's practice."

Su Yue actually didn't believe what Su Cheng said just now.

There is no benefit more important than your own life.

What's more, she didn't think that changing the world would bring much practical benefit to Su Cheng.

She is willing to risk her life in order to complete this task, because there are countless tribesmen waiting for her behind her, and it is because of the heavy responsibility she is born with.

But what about Su Cheng?

Does he need to do this?

But the funny thing is.

I am willing to take risks, but I have hardly taken any risks to this day, and I have walked through each step under the protection of the other party.

An Ran has cultivated to the level of Titled Douluo, and is not far away from the god level.

Compared to everything Su Cheng has done and sacrificed, what have I done?

It's just a little lonely, it's just entering another unfamiliar environment, and it's an environment conducive to cultivation.

Why should she complain?

Su Yue believed that she was by no means a weak person, but now she felt ashamed when she recalled the unprovoked temper tantrums they had over the years they had been together.

"...I won't let you down. I am the soul beast co-master, I am the Silver Dragon King, and I am Su Yue. I will not let anyone down."

After Su Cheng left for a long time, she spoke softly every word in a voice that only she could hear.

The next day, Su Cheng walked into the Pope's Palace again under Bibi Dong's summons.

But as soon as they met, he felt that Bibi Dong's mood seemed a little wrong today, and her mental state was also very poor.

His face was pale, his complexion was dull, there were faint dark circles under his eyes, and his breath was unusually restless. Compared with yesterday, they looked like two completely different people.

Logically speaking, with Bibi Dong's cultivation level, there is no reason for this state to occur.

It's a pity that the power he can mobilize now is extremely limited, and it is difficult to perceive too much information.

"Su Cheng, time was too tight yesterday. I didn't have time to ask you, what have you experienced in the past few years?"

"Of course I'm practicing hard and trying to find ways to purify my martial soul." Su Cheng answered generally.

Naturally, he couldn't tell the other party his true experiences in the past few years.

Soul beasts such as Di Tian and Three-Eyed Golden Raider in the Star Dou Forest were obviously not suitable to talk to Bibi Dong in detail.

It is even more difficult to explain the subsequent series of layout actions against the God of Poseidon, God of Rakshasa and even God of Shura.

Fortunately, he already had a draft in mind and was not worried about being cross-examined by the other party.

"How do you practice specifically?" Bibi Dong looked at him, clenching her hands silently behind her back, "What kind of practice method can allow you to advance to nearly thirty levels in just three years, breaking through all the obstacles along the way?" It reaches the level of Soul Douluo. Is it possible to obtain the active sacrifice of a hundred thousand year soul beast like Tang San? But one is probably not enough, at least two are needed."

As she spoke, there seemed to be some inexplicable emotion flashing in her eyes, which made Su Cheng feel a little uneasy.

He pondered for a moment and then answered according to the original plan: "I accidentally discovered a treasure land where many rare and rare herbs grow, which are extremely beneficial to cultivation and have greatly improved my basic qualifications and cultivation speed. In addition, I also researched Some cultivation techniques and methods have been developed that can speed up the absorption and operation of soul power."

Having said this, he took out two immortal grasses and handed them over, "By the way, teacher, I also brought you some elixirs, which should also be of great benefit to your cultivation."

Bibi Dong only glanced at the unusual flowers and plants that Su Cheng took out and stopped looking at them.

She looked at Su Cheng and said in a low voice: "Su Cheng, do you still remember what you said to me when you left three years ago?"

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