Su Cheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Bibi Dong to take the initiative to mention this matter, and he was unsure of her attitude for a while.

After hesitating for a moment, he said vaguely: "Remember, I seemed to have said a lot of things at that time."

Sensing the hesitation in his expression, Bibi Dong looked gloomy and said calmly: "Then what are you thinking now?"

"What do you think?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid for me here, what else could it be."


Hearing this, Su Cheng became more and more confused.

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After thinking for a while, he observed the changes in the other person's expression and carefully considered his words to answer. He used honorifics when speaking, "It was true that I didn't think well at that time and I went a bit too far. Don't worry, I I will definitely pay attention to it in the future, and I will be honest and not act rashly."

That being said, Su Cheng certainly didn't really think so.

This is nothing more than a delaying tactic.

He was just worried that if Bibi Dong was frightened like that day and was kicked out again, he would be in trouble.

Right now, he is not strong enough and needs to find a safe place to stay.

At this stage, the only place that can provide such an environment, besides Wuhun City, is the core of the Star Dou Forest where ferocious beasts gather.

However, the information about the environmental blockage in the Star Dou Forest lags behind, which will affect his intelligence collection and is very inconvenient.

What's more, his next goal is to get rid of the Rakshasa God.

If you leave Bibi Dong, the successor to the throne chosen by the Rakshasa God, how can you let the other party discover your movements, and how can you enter the Rakshasa secret realm.

Su Cheng's plan was to use the spiritual core to bring Bibi Dong a sense of closeness in her subconscious, and to get along with her seriously for a year and a half to warm up their relationship.

Wait until the heat is almost over, and then frankly and honestly join forces with her to deal with the Rakshasa God. It is best to use her hand to enter the Rakshasa secret realm.

Su Cheng didn't want to wait until Bibi Dong inherited the throne to close the net.

Her progress in the divine examination was too slow.

If we deal with the Rakshasa God at that time, the day lily will be cold.

Su Cheng himself still needs time to further improve his cultivation, at least to break through the bottleneck and reach the level of a first-level god. Otherwise, if the Shura God comes and personally holds the Shura Demon Sword, even if it is suppressed by the rules of the universe, he may not be his opponent.

If he wanted to improve his strength, he had to release the Shura Demonic Sword, otherwise he would not be able to practice in his current state.

However, to Bibi Dong's ears, Su Cheng's words obviously meant something else.

Her eyes calmed down and she said calmly: "You are very casual about emotional matters."

"Huh?" Su Cheng was stunned when he heard this, and he was keenly aware that something seemed wrong.

Bibi Dong's tone and attitude were different from what he imagined.

But before he could explain anything, Bibi Dong spoke again: "Who have you been with in the past few years?"

"It's not with anyone, it's all with myself." Su Cheng replied subconsciously.

Because he carries the three-eyed golden tiger with him, Su Cheng has always paid close attention to the environment, and basically blocks his surroundings when he goes out.

Therefore, no matter how powerful Wuhun Palace's intelligence network is, it is impossible to discover his movements.


Seeing him lying without a red face and without a beating heart, Bibi Dong couldn't help but fall silent.

After examining him for a moment, Bibi Dong turned around and walked out of the meeting hall, heading towards her personal room where she worked and lived alone.

"Follow me." She said calmly.

Su Cheng never thought that the Rakshasa God would use Bibi Dong's help to get rid of him through a divine test.

It's not because of the order of the Nine Paths Divine Examination. The test of divine inheritance is extremely subjective, which Su Cheng analyzed a long time ago.

The key is that from Su Cheng's point of view, when he easily "killed" the King of Slaughter in the Killing City that day, the cultivation strength he displayed was definitely above that of Ultimate Douluo. This is undoubtedly difficult for Bibi Dong to match now. realm.

What's more, the power of Shura has a strong restraint effect on the power of Rakshasa.

Even if the Rakshasa God didn't care about Bibi Dong, he would never arrange a fatal mission for her.

And judging from the feedback from the Locus Demonic Eye, when he met them, it was also the Rakshasa God and the Nine-Headed Bat King who came to visit him.

The environment presented in the background is dark and dirty, which is in line with the characteristics of Rakshasa's divine power, so the location should be in the secret realm of Rakshasa.

This was not unexpected.

After all, coming directly to the lower realm requires permission from the God Realm Committee. It is impossible for the Rakshasa God to personally descend to the lower realm to make a trip for the descendants of the Shura God. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to get permission.

In contrast, staying in a different space in the land of inheritance does not violate the rules of the God Realm.

As long as the scale of the battle is controlled when the time comes, the battle can be easily resolved without destroying the Rakshasa Secret Realm.

After all, in the eyes of the Rakshasa God, Su Cheng is just a mere mortal.

Even if he mastered some Shura power, his strength was still far from enough compared to a god-level existence like her.

The only information Su Cheng didn't know was the specific time when the battle took place and how he entered the secret realm of Rakshasa.

"Ta, ta, ta..."

In the unattended corridor of the Pope's Palace, the master and the apprentice walked forward in silence, with only Bibi Dong's footsteps echoing for a long time.

Su Cheng looked at the graceful figure in front of him and had second thoughts. He couldn't figure out why the other party's attitude suddenly became so subtle just one day later.

Compared to Su Cheng, Bibi Dong's emotions were much more complicated.

She felt that her heart seemed to be stiffening and sinking, and then covered with frost and snow, and condensed into ice.

Disappointment, hatred...

There was no truth in her mouth, and she didn't trust her teacher at all...

He could take that woman into the Killing City to take risks and accept the inheritance of the God Test.

But in front of her, she was talking nonsense and perfunctorily taking out some dead branches and rotten leaves.

At this moment, Bibi Dong inexplicably thought of herself when she was young.

Maybe, Su Cheng's fault was not on him.

He was just young and ignorant and was deceived.

That woman was indeed very beautiful, with a dignified temperament and gentle manners.

It was normal for a young man to admire Ai, but unfortunately, he didn't know the woman's true identity...

From a perspective that Su Cheng couldn't see.

Bibi Dong's pale and dark cheeks were covered with a faint purple mist, and the dark green light in her eyes flickered...

Three years ago, Su Cheng was right. She was indeed very lonely in these years.

She had had enough of the taste of loss.

In the luxuriously decorated room, Bibi Dong walked to the huge square table and picked up the file on the top.

Without looking back, she raised her hand and handed it to Su Cheng behind her, saying in a low voice: "Do you know this person?"

Su Cheng took it and took a look, then his pupils shrank slightly, and he was shocked.

The date marked on the information was twenty years ago. Even if it was just a static portrait, the woman's appearance was still exquisite and moving to the extreme, and she was undoubtedly the most beautiful woman in the world.

This woman was Ah Yin.

Bibi Dong took a deep breath, then turned around, and the purple and green light that had just appeared on her cheeks and eyes had disappeared.

She looked at Su Cheng calmly and said in a deep voice: "What is your relationship with her?"


Su Cheng opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer for a while.

If Ah Yin was not here now, it would be fine, but now the person involved was hidden in his martial soul. If he said something like "it doesn't matter", it would be too bad.

Even with his face, he couldn't say it.

Moreover, until now he didn't understand how Bibi Dong found out about this.

But since the other party could take out this information and asked the above questions decisively, it was obvious that he had some intelligence clues that he didn't know.

He only hated that he couldn't use the Tracking Magic Eye now...

"You got together with her?"


"..." Bibi Dong, who had always paid attention to the changes in Su Cheng's expression, finally had the last glimmer of hope in her heart completely shattered.

But at this time, her voice became calmer, "How far have you progressed? Where is she now?"


"Su Cheng, break off your relationship with her immediately!" Bibi Dong's voice suddenly became much sharper. She snatched the information from Su Cheng's hand and said sternly: "I'll tell you who she is! She is a transformed soul beast, a 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor, Tang Hao's wife, Tang San's mother, and the enemy of my Wuhun Hall!"

In fact, Bibi Dong didn't have a deep impression of Ah Yin.

If she hadn't seen the picture yesterday, and felt a faint sense of familiarity with Ah Yin's strange temperament and hair color, she wouldn't have remembered that there was such a person.

The search and arrest operation back then was always led by Qian Xunji, and ordinary people would never have thought that a soul beast that died and turned into a soul ring could be resurrected one day.

Bibi Dong also spent a whole day and night searching for information, and with the evidence of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, she finally confirmed Ah Yin's identity.

"Teacher, calm down first. She is not an enemy."

"Not an enemy?! Are you kidding!" Bibi Dong's emotions suddenly became intense, and her fingers were shaking slightly. "You would rather believe the lies of a soul beast than deceive and disobey me, your teacher?!"

At this time, she took a deep breath again, and her voice became solemn, "Okay, why don't you explain it to me and tell me all your reasons. What's the matter with that soul beast? How did you get mixed up in such a short time? This soul beast was sacrificed to Tang Hao back then, and Tang Hao's 100,000-year soul ring came from this soul beast."


Su Cheng was sweating coldly in his heart.


How could he explain this?

The factors and reasons were too complicated, and one move affected the whole body.

If he was still in his peak state, it would be fine.

In his current situation, how dare he talk nonsense.

And Bibi Dong's state was obviously very wrong.

Su Cheng had already understood what was going on, so he couldn't tell the truth.

"... Don't you want to tell me? Or are you still thinking about how to make up a story to lie to me?" Bibi Dong felt a pain in her heart, "It's just a soul beast!"

Chaotic emotions filled her heart.

Unconsciously, her eyes seemed to be stained with a faint purple, and her mind became more and more confused.

"Those who betray the Spirit Hall will only die!" Bibi Dong said coldly.

As she spoke, a layer of purple-black light swirled around her fingertips, and a strong breath of death spread out.

Ah Yin, who was hiding in Su Cheng's body, saw this and immediately came out to rescue him, but he took the initiative to stop him, "No, if you show up, you will only irritate her. With the current state of the two of us, it is simply impossible It will be even more troublesome if she makes the matter bigger and attracts other people from Wuhun Palace."

Moreover, compared to the many powerful people in Wuhun City, those gods who can watch the movements of the lower world are the biggest hidden danger.

"Don't worry, she won't really kill me. She's just not sober right now. I feel the fluctuations of Rakshasa's spiritual thoughts."

There is no need for him to actively perceive it.

The chaotic and evil aura that Bibi Dong exuded was different from anything he had ever seen before. It was a bit too obvious.

The next moment, sharp fingertips suddenly pinched Su Cheng's neck, and a thick purple-black fog surrounded his whole body.

Su Cheng could feel the fingers locked around his neck trembling uncontrollably.

Although the breath is sharp, the palms are weak and weak, and the violent murderous aura is like an empty shell with only its appearance and is extremely false.

Even in the face of this murderous intent, his body and strength, which possess extraordinary fighting instincts, showed no interest in resisting.


Looking at Su Cheng, who looked calm in front of her, Bibi Dong's breasts rose and fell violently.

She couldn't do it.

Even if the other party really betrayed Wuhun Palace, she still couldn't do it.

At this moment, the deepest instinct in her heart was screaming frantically to stop her.

The faint feelings that have been fermenting over the years have also grown crazily and silently.

"...Su are such a bastard!"

Bibi Dong gritted her teeth and whispered.

She must admit that she was simply unable to kill Su Cheng, the "heir to the Shura God" as required by the divine test.

what to do……

How to do……

At this moment, a thought suddenly emerged, and then spread quickly, occupying her entire mind in an instant.

Since you can't kill him, and you can't tolerate him getting together with that soul beast, then get him!

With him now, would he still miss a mere soul beast?

As for the Rakshasa doesn't matter.

Gradually, the evil thoughts of killing brought by the power of Rakshasa gradually transformed into another strong desire.


Opposite her, Su Cheng, who was being strangled by the neck, stared at the dark purple light that kept flashing in Bibi Dong's eyes, and thought to himself that it was true.

That bitch, Rakshasa God, actually used this method to deal with him, and he didn't even care about the life or death of Bibi Dong, the successor.

He was indeed prepared to make a fuss about his status as the inheritor of the Shura Demon Sword and the Shura God, and he also planned to use it to fish, but he did not want to hurt Bibi Dong, let alone be forced by the other party.

But it seems that in the current situation, there is no other choice.

Although the process is a bit embarrassing, judging from the results alone, this is probably a matter of time. What's more, maybe we can't be guests...

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