Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 369: The Secret Realm of Rakshasa (Thanks to the boss

Chapter 369 The Secret Realm of Rakshasa (Thanks to the leader of the boss "Louran Sansheng")

So, looking at the perfect and pretty face that suddenly leaned forward in front of him, Su Cheng simply changed his mind and directly changed from passive to active.

The moment their lips came into contact, Bibi Dong froze and seemed a little at a loss.

Then, the soft lips and teeth were easily pried open, and the clothes slipped off piece by piece.

Their location, and they didn't know when they arrived in the bedroom at the back.

Su Cheng caressed her back gently, his fingertips swept across her body, lingering repeatedly between canyons and hills, and then lingering on the towering peaks, kneading lightly and heavily...

Soon, the juice filled the vagina and flowed along the skin between the legs...

When the two people truly joined together, they couldn't help but let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Su Cheng's philosophy has always been that he can make do with other things, but Yin Yang Dao must not be taken lightly, and the important mission of passing on the family lineage should be completed with the most serious and focused attitude.

In the process, with his constant comfort, Bibi Dong's mind gradually recovered from the chaos and mania, and reason regained the high ground.

Feeling his increasingly unbearable physical condition, he looked at the young man's figure close at hand.

Her emotions suddenly became a little out of control.

Pain, guilt, regret, shame...all kinds of emotions surged in like waves.

She herself had been a victim of this kind of thing, how could she become a new perpetrator now, becoming the most despicable person to herself?

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I..."

Tears flowed down his cheeks uncontrollably, and mumbled words and low sobs came out of his mouth.

Su Cheng gently kissed the tears on her face and whispered in her ear: "Don't be distracted, don't think too much, I will always be with you from now on... Dong'er."

Listening to the voice in her ears and feeling the faint warm breath, Bibi Dong's body trembled.

Su Cheng was always very skilled in this area, and he soon made her relax again, gradually sinking into desire and pleasure...

"Tsk tsk..."

Ah Yin, who had a panoramic view of all the developments, simply blocked his perception of the outside world, out of sight and out of mind.

But soon, she felt something was wrong.

In the second martial soul she was inhabiting, faint fluctuations of wet energy infiltrated like ripples.

Although the movement was very weak, it acted like a lubricant, making her soul feel refreshed, and the integration with Su Cheng's martial spirit became much deeper.

"What is this? Bibi Dong's energy attributes are not like this, right?"

Ah Yin, who was slightly surprised, began to take the initiative to guide the light blue wave light and integrate it into the martial spirit.

As this weak energy continues to pour in, the nature of the power of the second martial soul seems to have undergone some qualitative change.

The strong and tough sealing threads that were originally interspersed outside the Shura Demonic Sword suddenly became much more flexible, and she no longer had to exert as much effort as before when suppressing the Demonic Sword.

At this time, Su Cheng himself also felt the changes taking place in his body.

It's just that he is much more familiar with this energy than A Yin. It is surprisingly the derivative power of Bibi Dong's special water soul in reality. Although the expressions of the two are different, their essence is almost the same.

However, the spiritual core of Bibi Dong in her arms showed no signs of awakening.

Although Su Cheng didn't care, he still felt a little confused.

Before he had time to think too much, as the moment when the two of them reached the peak of joy at the same time, a thick purple-black fog emerged out of thin air, and strong spatial fluctuations appeared in the room.

A hoarse voice like a night owl sounded in their ears, "Jie Jie Jie, you are worthy of being my successor. What a great idea."

Divine thoughts, divine power, true power, and soul power collided with each other at this moment, and Bibi Dong actually fainted.

The next moment, he and Su Cheng fell into a gloomy and dark canyon.

Around the mountain wall, there is also a winding and narrow river, showing a strange dark red color, like blood that has begun to decay, flowing in it.

The low sky was covered with thick leaden gray clouds, making the whole environment extremely depressing.

A thick purple-black fog filled the air, mixed with an indescribable fishy smell...

It was the smell of death.

Farther away, at the end of the canyon, an ugly figure wearing purple-black armor was walking slowly with a huge scythe in hand.

Taking advantage of the intertwined souls and bodies of Su Cheng and Bibi Dong, and the fusion of life and breath, she directly opened the door of inheritance and introduced Bibi Dong, the successor of the god, and Su Cheng also fell into it with her.

In fact, this is not the first time Bibi Dong has entered the secret realm of Rakshasa.

She had come here once when she used her second martial soul, Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, to completely devour the former Pope of the Spirit Hall, Qian Xunji, to start the Rakshasa Divine Examination.

However, she was awake that time, and the Rakshasa God himself did not appear.

Unlike the Angel God and the Poseidon God, neither the Shura God nor the Rakshasa God are native gods of the Douluo Planet, so there is no place of inheritance and assessment site fixed on this continent like the Poseidon Temple or the Angel Temple.

In order to find successors, God Shura cast a wide net and left his divine inheritance in many planes.

As a pure and persistent troublemaker, wherever the power of Shura exists, there is the shadow of Rakshasa inheritance, so the secret realm of her inheritance can be opened and entered from many places.

God Rakshasa looked at the two figures who suddenly appeared in front of him from a distance, and uttered a low and harsh voice, "You actually used such a wonderful way to capture the successor of God Shura for me. Very good, very good... Bibi Dong, you I approve of your creativity..."

"Shut up, you disgusting old bastard."

Su Cheng gently put down the unconscious Bibi Dong in his arms, folded her clothes neatly, then turned around and stood up, looking at the ugly figure with a bruised face.

If it weren't for the outline of her body, it would be almost impossible to tell that she was a woman.

No, it should be said that she no longer looks human at all.

The rich and strong evil aura continued to spread to the surroundings with her as the source. Slender fangs extended from the indigo face, and the facial features were completely unrecognizable.

The surface of the purple-black armor covering the whole body is filled with evil purple energy, and several huge sickle blades extend from both sides of the back.

The scariest thing was her green eyes, which were covered with a network of black threads, making them look extremely disgusting and weird.

"You're not afraid and you still dare to talk nonsense here?"

The Rakshasa God did not show any anger at Su Cheng's words, but was actually a little surprised.

To her, physical and verbal insults were insignificant and had no lethality at all.

As a god who knows "evil thoughts", she has already given up her sense of shame, and she has never heard words that are countless times more ugly and vicious than this.

She might even be happy about some of the humiliating words if they were creative.

In short, this is an old pervert.

She was surprised by the attitude Su Cheng showed towards Bibi Dong just now, "No wonder this descendant of mine would choose to seduce you in this way instead of trying to kill you. It turns out that the relationship between you two... It’s very unusual, it’s my negligence.”

Although I didn't particularly care about Bibi Dong, the heir to the divine throne, the reason why I chose him back then was mainly to destroy the good deeds of God Shura. After all, with Bibi Dong's qualifications, and having successfully passed through the Hell Road to obtain the Killing God Realm, there is still a great chance of inheriting the Shura God's throne.

However, since he has left behind a legacy, he is naturally determined to give up the shackles of his divine status, and he will also not take the initiative to harm Bibi Dong.

The only target of her trip was the descendant of Shura God, and she didn't seem to care about Bibi Dong's rebellious behavior.

The Rakshasa God, who thought he had a chance to win, was not in a hurry to take action, but looked at Su Cheng and said, "You seem to be just that strong, not as good as my descendant, and not the same as the description of this trash under me." ah."

As she spoke, her eyes suddenly turned cold, and she glanced at the weak-breathing bloody bat following behind.

Being swept away by her eyes, the Nine-Headed Bat King, whose state had plummeted after the battle with Su Cheng, trembled, but he did not dare to defend himself at all.

But I also felt a little confused in my heart, why Su Cheng's strength declined instead of rising after retrieving the Shura Demon Sword.

"Okay, enough of the nonsense."

As he spoke, a huge purple-black sickle appeared out of thin air in the hands of the Rakshasa God. The purple-black air flow rotated, and the god-level Rakshasa realm suddenly spread.

The previously oppressive aura of chaos and evil suddenly became dozens of times stronger, greatly lowering Su Cheng's already weak level of strength again.

At the same time, a large number of extremely corrosive Rakshasa powers suppressed him, constantly trying to break through the thin layer of real power barrier that Su Cheng had protected himself outside of his body.

However, after using the Realm of God, the Rakshasa God, who was already suppressed by the laws of the universe because he left the God Realm, has also declined in aura. The increase in the Realm of Rakshasa has offset each other, and he still maintains the level of an ordinary second-level god. .

"When you die, my unworthy subordinate will take over your body. Don't worry, it will follow my successor. I believe this ending is good for both you and her. A good explanation. Haha.”

At this point, she seemed to be proud of her own idea, and a harsh laugh broke out from her mouth.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Hearing this, the Bloody Bat's eyes also lit up.

Compared with Tang Chen's body that had been eroded and damaged by it to the point of decay, Su Cheng's body was obviously much fresher and healthier, and could provide it with a lot of nutrients.

At that time, it may not only help it return to its peak, but also have the opportunity to go further in the future.


Su Cheng quietly looked at the Rakshasa God performing proudly there, without any intention of speaking.

He didn't want to pay attention to this guy at all.

The existence form of this thing is almost no longer a living thing, it is just an aggregation of evil thoughts.

The forces of chaotic evil are not so easy to control, much more difficult than the forces of light.

Even the pure and domineering murderous intention of God Shura is not accessible to ordinary people, let alone the situation of God Rakshasa.

There's no point in talking to such an insane person, and she might even get a kick out of it.

The next moment, under the surprised gaze of Rakshasa God, Su Cheng jumped forward without retreating.

At the same time, the palm of his right hand stabbed directly into his chest.


Accompanied by a long and harsh friction sound, a huge magic sword shining with dark red light was pulled out with his right hand.

The moment the Shura Demonic Sword left Su Cheng's body, his aura began to expand, and Su Cheng's own aura was also rising.

Titled Douluo, Extreme Douluo, Level 3 God, Level 2 God...

Su Cheng swung his right arm forward, and actually used the Shura artifact in his hand as a disposable throwable object. He threw it in the direction of the Rakshasa God, and then rushed forward with the Shura Demonic Sword.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the scarlet sword light comparable to the power of a second-level god flashed across like a meteor. The countless strong Rakshasa powers blocking the front were easily pierced and chopped into pieces with almost no resistance in front of the sharp edge of the magic sword. .

"Do you think the Shura Demonic Sword has improved my strength? Haha, idiot! It's that thing that suppressed my strength. You are the one I'm waiting for!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Su Cheng's mouth, and a faint glaze glow appeared between his eyebrows, like an invisible vertical eye.

In the free right hand, the powerful real power was condensed into a long sword, and it stabbed the tall armored Rakshasa God in front of him.

His impression of the Rakshasa God was very bad, extremely bad.

Even his disgust for her is much greater than that of Poseidon and Shura God, who are in opposing camps.

A strong man at the level of a first-level god, who wants to trap his own heir to death and uses him as a tool and plaything, is even more unlimited than the God of Poseidon and God of Shura.

Not only that, in order to achieve his own boring goals, he also arbitrarily cut off the paths of others, leaving Bibi Dong, who clearly had better development potential, to accept this garbage inheritance.

The most important thing is that what happened today made Su Cheng extremely unhappy.

Although he no longer minded having a real physical relationship with Bibi Dong, and even planned to break the situation in this simulation and improve the situation in reality, he would never do it in this passive way.

And Su Cheng knew that this was definitely not Bibi Dong's original intention.

Even if Su Cheng had confessed to her, she would never force him in this way. At least she should be able to restrain similar thoughts.

But the nature of Rakshasa's divine power is so chaotic and disgusting that it is easy for instinctive desires to overwhelm reason.

After what happened today, who knows whether it will become a knot in Bibi Dong's mind in the future.


The facial features on the face of the Rakshasa God were ugly and blurred, and no changes in facial muscles or expressions could be seen, but the green eyes were already filled with fear and horror.

This change happened too quickly.

Who would have thought that Su Cheng, who a moment ago could be manipulated at will in her eyes, like a weak insect, would suddenly transform into a being with the same level of combat power as herself.

No, it is even stronger than her who is not in the God Realm at this time!

Moreover, there is also the Shura Demonic Sword!

This powerful artifact, which had been suppressed and restrained by Su Cheng for a long time, began to spread fire towards the Rakshasa power as soon as it was released.

Even though the ownerless Shura Demonic Sword only had instincts at the moment, it was releasing real Shura divine power, a terrifying energy that had a strong restraint effect on her!

The Shura God and the Rakshasa God both kill with the same palm. When the two meet, it will be complete suppression of the superior to the inferior.

This is not only a difference in divine level, but also a difference in the quality of divine power.

Shura's divine power is the pure will to kill, while Rakshasa's divine power is the filthy murderous intention mixed with resentment and malice. When they collide with each other, the difference in texture is immediately obvious.

The surging red light swept across, and the violent killing energy swept around indiscriminately, constantly breaking and annihilating the rich purple-black evil divine power.

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