In an instant, the offensive and defensive situation changed.

In such a short period of time, how could there be any chance for Rakshasa God to react?

From the moment he fell into the secret realm of Rakshasa, control of the situation fell into Su Cheng's hands.

In the past, although he had never actually faced the Rakshasa God directly, he had a lot of relevant information.

There are a lot of Rakshasa evil thoughts hidden in the city of killing, the real Rakshasa power on the road to hell, Rakshasa god Bibi Dong in the first simulation...

Not only did he know the basics of her various abilities, but he also knew a lot about them.

Even the level of combat power after leaving the God Realm has already been deduced from the previous observations of Poseidon's battles.

On the other hand, the Rakshasa God knew nothing about Su Cheng's situation before today.

What little knowledge I have is just a few words from the mouth of the Nine-Headed Bat King, as well as erroneous information observed in the Killing City, such as his realm of strength, the source of his power, and his Shura power...

When strong men clash, a slight difference can make a difference a thousand miles.

At the moment of the head-on encounter, the Rakshasa God fell directly into an absolute disadvantage.

With the help of the track magic eye's vision, Su Cheng's sword eliminated all possible room for her to move.

She can't dodge this attack!


A sharp and piercing scream came out of the mouth of the Rakshasa God.

This is not a catharsis of emotions, but her spiritual pollution skill, an extremely powerful soul-like sonic offensive.

Su Cheng, who was facing the divine power, suddenly felt a sharp sting in his mind. His face turned pale, and his eyes were covered with a layer of blood mist, which then turned into bloodshot and escaped around the eye sockets.

However, in the face of the Rakshasa God's desperate counterattack, his expression remained as calm as ever.

This injury has no effect on him.

His soul and blood have long been integrated and can transform into each other, easily resolving the most difficult mental attacks for ordinary strong men.

At the same time, he whispered in his heart: "Ah Yin!"

In fact, Su Cheng didn't need to remind him that another figure had already appeared behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a huge formation appeared at the feet of the two of them. The power of the earth gathered with A Yin as the center, and then all of it was blessed in this special martial spirit.

A Yin's strength is indeed not strong, and his combat power is still slightly behind Ultimate Douluo.

But she is not the main force in this battle, and her own energy properties are extraordinary. After integrating the power into Su Cheng's body, a special effect similar to the martial soul fusion skill was formed, which increased the power of his second martial soul by several times. Raise money.

The next moment, criss-crossing yellow-brown energy lines emerged above the array, and one after another broke through the energy barrier constructed by the Rakshasa Domain, and bounded towards the Rakshasa God's body.

Rakshasa God's eyes changed slightly.

She felt a strong threat from the inconspicuous energy threads around her. Her intuition told her that the strong armor covering her whole body might not be effective in the face of these things.

Unfortunately, this vigilance was of no use. What she had to face now was far more than the pressure brought by Su Cheng alone.

The huge dark red magic sword passed through the air and then penetrated into the ground. After the first wave of collision shattered a large number of Rakshasa's evil thoughts, it began to release sharp sword lights indiscriminately around it.

The violent and bloody Shura divine power in the Shura Demon Sword seemed to be inexhaustible, crazily disrupting the entire canyon battlefield. Although Su Cheng himself was slightly affected in this process, his true power characteristics were different after all. Compared to the strong suppression of Rakshasa's divine power, the magic sword's impact on him was almost negligible.

That is not only due to the pure will to kill carried by Shura's divine power, but also the power of judgment that comes with the divine position.

High in the sky, the thick purple-black fog was constantly being cut into pieces, making strange noises like "chichi", as if there were silent ghosts roaring and wailing...

The battle ended quickly.

Half a moment later, the completely suppressed Rakshasa God was suspended above the stone pillar deep in the canyon.

Threads of energy outside the body crisscrossed each other, wrapping around the purple-black armor, trapping it tightly.

In addition, there were dozens of transparent energy spikes inserted into her limbs, torso, head and other vital parts.

These spikes are not ordinary means of attack, but powerful seals completed by Su Cheng using his true power after finding the core node of her body's divine power with the help of the Locus Demonic Eye.

All the spikes were constructed by him using his core powerful strength.

Su Cheng's unique true power contains part of his soul energy, which is completely different from the operation mode of ordinary energy. Even without his control, it can last countless times longer than ordinary divine power.

At this moment, the Rakshasa God doesn't have any of its previous powerful power.

I couldn't even speak, couldn't even look.

The annoyance for this action, the resentment for Su Cheng, the fear of the future destiny...all the complicated emotions and the five senses were sealed deep in the heart, and they could no longer sense what was happening in the outside world.

Even the six senses only retain the body's induction, and can only use instinct to release the Rakshasa divine power to resist the constant invasion of the Shura divine power.

As for the weak and helpless nine-headed bat king, Su Cheng had already casually nailed him to the side of the stone wall at the edge of the canyon with his true power.

"What are you going to do, don't you just kill her?"

At this time, Ah Yin asked with some confusion.

She originally thought that Su Cheng was going to kill the Rakshasa God here, but she didn't expect that he would just trap him here.

You know, the opponent just spent a lot of effort to complete these seals, which was much more troublesome than killing them.

"Can't kill." Su Cheng shook his head, "If she dies and the Rakshasa God's position becomes vacant, the God Realm will definitely react immediately. My current strength is not enough to face the top powerhouses in the God Realm. But if she is just sealed here, the God Realm will not notice it at all.”

The temporary departure of a god, and the complete fall of a god to vacate his throne are two completely different concepts.

There is a huge difference in the speed of time between the God Realm and the Lower Realm. The Rakshasa God was sealed here for a few years, and the God Realm only lasted a few days. She would only be there for a short time and her reaction speed would not be that fast.

"Is it okay to just leave her here like this? And that sword, what should I do next?"

"It won't be long, just a few years. She won't be able to hold on for too long. As for the Shura Demon Sword... this sword is of no use anymore. I got it just to lure the Rakshasa God into taking the bait."

Hearing Su Cheng's answer, Ah Yin couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you going to return this sword to the killing city?"

His previous sealing method of using the body as a container was too risky.

As a helper, Ah Yin knew very well how terrifying the power of this artifact was.

"I'll put it back, but not now."

Su Cheng stared at the Shura Demonic Sword not far ahead, which was inserted into the ground and was still releasing its sword light outwards, instinctively suppressing the surrounding evil thoughts and evil spirits. His eyes flashed slightly.

He cannot restrain this magic sword for too long, and there is no need to restrain it for a long time.

It is impossible for him to block his own cultivation realm in order to suppress this thing. That is completely a waste of time.

However, if you want to keep the magic sword in the secret realm of Rakshasa for a long time, it is also difficult to do so.

If the Shura Demonic Sword is placed here, the aura can be concealed for a short period of time. After all, the Rakshasa God is here to contain it.

In order to protect herself, she would instinctively release the Rakshasa Domain and the Rakshasa Divine Power to resist the erosion of the Shura Divine Power, creating a special environment similar to an enhanced version of the Killing City.

But as time goes by, the Rakshasa God, who is continuously suppressed by the laws of the universe, will inevitably decline rapidly. Moreover, the divine power of Shura has a strong restraint effect on the divine power of Rakshasa. Rakshasa divine power is only good at clinging to pollution, but it is tantamount to fantasy to want it to suppress the divine power of Shura in turn.

Therefore, the method of suppressing Shura Divine Sword with the help of Rakshasa Secret Realm cannot last for long.

The laws of the universe are everywhere, even in the inheritance place created by the Rakshasa God himself. If this were not the case, the gods could avoid the oppression of laws as long as they stayed in the small world they created, and there would be no need to care about the constraints of the divine realm.

After a few years, the Rakshasa God's strength continued to decline, until he fell to the level of a third-level god, and he could no longer hide the aura of the Shura Demon Sword.

"My own strength is not far away from breaking through the bottleneck. As long as I take a step further, it won't be so difficult to suppress this magic sword. At that time, although I can't completely destroy this thing, I can use some tricks It’s still okay.”

After saying this, Su Cheng looked at the Rakshasa God who was bound to the stone pillar, and said to Ah Yin: "Please stay here for a while, help me keep an eye on them, and maintain the seal."

"It's okay to let me stay here..." Ah Yin glanced at Bibi Dong who was still unconscious in the distance, curled her lips and said: "Anyway, if I go out with you, I will definitely be forced to watch some weird scenes. I’m not in the mood.”

"...What are you thinking about? I don't have that much time. There is still one Shura God who is the most difficult to deal with. The top priority is to practice hard and improve quickly. If you can't reach the level of a first-level god as soon as possible, you will have no chance of winning. "

It was precisely because of the limited time that he was worried about when he would encounter the Rakshasa God.

But he didn't expect that the Rakshasa God's reaction speed would be so fast. Although the process was a bit unpleasant, the result was actually good and saved him a lot of trouble.

If Bibi Dong becomes a god before entering the secret realm of Rakshasa, the time left for him will be too limited, and he must consider whether to continue to suppress the Shura Demon Sword.

After all, God Shura will definitely go to the lower realm in a few years.

Even if it wasn't for Tang San, the descendant, Su Cheng, an "unstable factor" who appeared in the lower realm, had extremely high combat power and was not restricted by the rules of the divine realm, required God Shura as the law enforcer of the divine realm to step in and solve it.

It can be said that when he embarks on another path of cultivation, he will inevitably have differences and conflicts with the God Realm.

The only thing that is uncertain is whether there will be differences in the attitudes of the gods in the divine world. Will there be a few gods who are happy to see his appearance?

What's more, in addition to Su Cheng, there is also a resurrected Silver Dragon King on Douluo Continent, and the God Realm will not just ignore them.

But if he were to challenge the Shura God King in the lower realm with the strength of a second-level god, it would be too difficult and there would be almost no chance of winning.

"Time is so tight? Didn't you say that the speed of time in the God Realm is different from that in Douluo Continent?"

"As the inheritance of God Shura appears in this world, he will naturally focus on this continent. Don't take any chances. I have to strike first. Therefore, in the next period of time, we must work together to improve our cultivation as soon as possible. I will come here often recently, and I already know the spatial coordinates of this place."

Ah Yin blushed when she heard this.

The meaning of "working together" in Su Cheng's mouth was too obvious.

Obviously there is no way to practice more efficiently than the two of them doing exercises.

Thinking of this, Ah Yin looked at the unconscious Bibi Dong again and said hesitantly: "The future relationship between you and her..."

"what relationship?"

"Why are you pretending to be stupid? You were all like that just now."

"Let nature take its course for now."

"What about Qian Renxue?"

"Ahem, I will handle it myself."

"... Just don't torture yourself to death anymore." Ah Yin sighed, feeling helpless about Su Cheng's thoughts.

"However, since the Rakshasa God was sealed by you, Bibi Dong's divine test will probably be in vain."

"It won't affect her." Su Cheng waved his hand, "After the Rakshasa God's strength declines, my mental power will be enough to completely suppress her in a short period of time. No matter she wants it or not, she can't resist my decision. "

"So, you are still prepared to let Bibi Dong inherit the position of the Rakshasa God?" A Yin looked at the Rakshasa God who was bound and hanging on the stone wall with a strange expression, and looked at her ugly face with green face and fangs. I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach.

"Bibi Dong's soul core is different. It can resist the erosion of evil thoughts and will not become like her. Moreover, I will give Bibi Dong some special armor."

If Bibi Dong doesn't become a god, how can she and Xiaoxue join forces to fight together in the future and resolve the years-old knot between them?

Severe cases require strong medication, and the estrangement and conflict between the two of them cannot be resolved by simply getting along.

"As long as you know it yourself." Ah Yin nodded gently, "Then take her out of here as soon as possible. It will be bad if she wakes up and finds out the problem."


Su Cheng nodded in agreement, but did not act immediately.

He glanced at the gloomy environment of this Rakshasa secret realm, his expression slightly hesitant.

Even if the Shura divine power and the Rakshasa divine power are unconsciously consuming each other, there is still a lot of fringe energy that continues to escape.

Especially the sharp edges derived from the Shura Demonic Sword are actually quite powerful.

Faced with the aftermath of this level of energy, it would not be easy for Ah Yin to withstand it with his current strength.

"Okay, let's go quickly. I'm not a child." Ah Yin saw what he was thinking and urged again, "I know what I know and I won't show off."

"I'll come in every day or two, and I'll make it up to you then."

"Who cares about your compensation?" Ah Yin's face turned redder and she let out a light sneer.

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