Bibi Dong woke up from her sleep.

The familiar golden ceiling, the familiar soft bed, and the familiar loneliness.

Everything that happened before seemed to be just a crazy and weird dream.

After she passed out, she had many bizarre dreams.

In the gloomy underground secret room, in a desperate situation, the sword light fell from the sky, and another figure blocked her from the back, preventing the tragedy from happening...

At the edge of the dirty and dark swamp, someone put a lotus seed in her hand, washing away the muddy dirt from the past...

In similar but different scenes, the same world, different selves, experienced completely different happy lives.

Unfortunately, Bibi Dong is now completely awake and can distinguish dreams from reality.

Everything that happens in the dream is just the vain fantasy of a desperate person.

Yesterday's impulse was not false. I really took a step that I couldn't turn back and shouldn't be forgiven.

In fact, with her cultivation level, she shouldn't have fallen into a deep sleep, nor should she have dreamed anymore.

The reason why I slept for so long was probably because I wanted to escape reality.

However, dreams must eventually wake up...

Bibi Dong raised her arm and pinched her forehead gently, then subconsciously looked to her side.

The place was deserted.

"Probably from now on, we will really be strangers...but this is what I deserve."

She chuckled to herself, then got up, got out of bed, walked out of the bedroom, and saw the young man who was flipping through information on the sofa.

It happened that the other party was also looking at her at this moment, "Teacher, are you awake?"

"you you……"

Bibi Dong paused, then reacted quickly, pretending to be nonchalant, walked behind the huge desk and sat down.

However, although she was calm on the outside, her heart was filled with ups and downs of joy and sorrow, and she avoided looking at Su Cheng, who was sitting not far away.

Why is he still here?

What should I do next?

Maybe he is going to reveal what happened yesterday, so he can pretend that nothing ever happened?

This is okay, at least they can maintain their original relationship and get along normally without being embarrassed.

As for what will happen in the future, it’s better not to think about it in detail for now…

Bibi Dong was thinking wildly in her heart.

Now she has no idea at all, and she doesn't know how to explain her previous abnormal state.

Bibi Dong, who was in a complicated mood, didn't even notice the reminder that she had completed the seventh test of Rakshasa God.

"If there's nothing wrong, just go practice first."

Bibi Dong did not raise her head, but carefully considered her words, as if trying to maintain some kind of tacit understanding.

Regardless of the inheritance of other Shura gods or A Yin's situation, she didn't want to know more about it for the time being.

"Okay." Su Cheng put down the information in his hand, nodded calmly, and stood up.

Before Bibi Dong could breathe a sigh of relief, he walked over and said, "By the way, teacher, if I understand correctly, you should have accepted my feelings, right?"

"Hmm...ah?" Bibi Dong's body trembled slightly, her eyes kept evading, and she seemed a little at a loss.

"W-what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Su Cheng came to the opposite side of her, pressed his hands on the edge of the long table and leaned forward slightly, looking down at Bibi Dong who had his head lowered, and said matter-of-factly: "I thought our relationship could no longer be considered. Is Zuo a master and apprentice?"

"This, you, I..."

Bibi Dong raised her head in shock, but after meeting those serious eyes, she looked away in panic, not knowing how to answer.

Since the Rakshasa God was completely sealed, the situation in Bibi Dong's Consciousness Sea has been explored by Su Cheng with the Locus Demonic Eye, purifying a large number of Rakshasa's evil thoughts and stabilizing her mental state again.

It was precisely because of his actions that Bibi Dong's soul was extremely active, and she had many unexplained dreams one after another.

Of course, Bibi Dong himself didn't know about these subsequent events.

After a long silence, Su Cheng took the initiative to speak again: "Have you forgotten what happened yesterday?"


Bibi Dong's face instantly turned red when she heard this, and then the color quickly faded and turned pale.

"Sorry, yesterday-"

"No need to apologize, I'm the one who should say sorry."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Su Cheng.

"It's all because I said a lot of self-righteous things to you before I left Wuhun City, which led to this result.

"I was too willful at that time, and I didn't think much about your feelings. If it weren't for me, with your dignity as the pope, you wouldn't have to be bothered by these mundane things, and naturally you wouldn't be in pain and entanglement.

"I guess you haven't had it easy in the past three years.

"I don't know what your feelings are for me. But even if there is only a master-disciple relationship, being so offended by a disciple who treats you sincerely will definitely not feel good. That's why I have scruples when I come back this time. I want to be with you. Being close, but not daring to say too much for fear of disturbing you.

"Actually, I have never really let go of those feelings. I just hid them in my heart. Even yesterday, I felt that I should stay with the teacher. But I originally thought that you, teacher, would not accept such feelings."

"..." Bibi Dong looked at Su Cheng absentmindedly.

Seeing him say such words calmly and calmly, I felt like my mind was in chaos.

Surprise, doubt and various emotions are intertwined with each other, but more of them are unexpected joy and relaxation.

It wasn't until I heard the last sentence he said that I subconsciously asked in a low voice: "Yesterday, what does it mean... what about now..."


Su Cheng's expression moved slightly, and then he leaned forward further.

He stretched out his palm and gently touched Bibi Dong's delicate white cheeks, which were as delicate as sculptures. "I thought we should be accompanying each other now, right?"

When he touched her, Bibi Dong threw her head back as if frightened, and whispered: "Wait, wait..."

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing...I...Su Cheng, can you just leave me alone for a while?"

She didn't speak forcefully, even with a hint of pleading.


Su Cheng retracted his palm, stood up straight again, and then walked out of the house.

When he reached the door, he stopped suddenly, turned to look at Bibi Dong and said, "By the way, teacher, Ah Yin -"

"Okay." Bibi Dong stopped talking, and after a moment of silence she whispered, "Don't mention this matter for now, okay?"

"Okay." Su Cheng turned the handle and said in a deep voice: "Teacher, we have a long time to come. You can tell me whatever is on your mind, and I will always be by your side. I can talk to you about your experiences and your pain. Take it together...if you want."

After saying that, he left the room, leaving Bibi Dong sitting alone behind the long table in a daze.

Walking on the mountain road of Pope Mountain, Su Cheng felt relaxed.

Now, everything is finally on track.

His own strength has released the seal, and the Rakshasa God has been successfully restrained. Su Yue's training progress is gratifying, and Bibi Dong has already passed the level. Next, he only needs to practice with peace of mind.

In fact, when it comes to cultivation, Bibi Dong can also bring some benefits to Su Cheng.

The special water-attribute breath contained in her body has a certain coordination effect on the energy level, but after all, her spiritual core has not yet been fully awakened, and she cannot use the special soul power like reality, so the effect is relatively limited.

Of course, the reason why Su Cheng said those words to Bibi Dong today has nothing to do with practice.

He was worried that what happened yesterday would cause a knot in Bibi Dong's mind.

After the two had a relationship, Bibi Dong, who had sobered up a little, was obviously not in the right mood.

This person has an extreme temperament and is easy to go to extremes. If he falls into the devil's path because of this matter, the gains will outweigh the losses.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng had a headache again.

None of these people are worry-free. When I see Su Yue next time, I don't know if that guy will make trouble again after telling her about the unexpected situation.

But it is definitely impossible to conceal it. This kind of thing cannot be concealed. If you take the initiative to be honest, at least it will not leave any hidden dangers.

Moreover, she would also be taken to the Rakshasa Secret Realm to let her see the current status of the Rakshasa God and the Shura Demonic Sword. If there were any omissions, she could correct them in time.

The Track Magic Eye is indeed useful, but Su Cheng will not rely entirely on this skill.

After all, it is deduced based on known information, and the relevant information about the God Realm is still somewhat insufficient.

In contrast, Su Yue, who has some memories of the God War, can be of great help.

Two years passed quickly during the somewhat dull practice.

In a room dedicated to cultivation in the Pope's Palace, Su Cheng was purifying the remaining Shura murderous intention in the body of "senior sister" Hu Liena.

A year ago, Hu Liena, who went to the Killing City for training, returned successfully.

Because Su Cheng had successful experience in purifying the evil spirit of martial arts, and Bibi Dong had already acquiesced that he was the successor to the Shura throne, he simply left this matter to him for help.

In fact, in the past two years, his relationship with Bibi Dong has been truly established, but many things have not yet been made clear.

Bibi Dong was hesitant to mention the past because she was busy with various affairs in Wuhun Palace and could not completely overcome the hurdle in her heart. Moreover, the matter of the divine successor test was relatively sensitive, so when the two of them got along, she was careful not to pry into Su Cheng's secrets.

As for Su Cheng, she was waiting for her spiritual core to truly awaken, and there was no need to say too much before that.

So the two of them maintained a certain tacit understanding.

Su Cheng also didn't refuse the task of helping Hu Liena clear the lead fusion field. This kind of thing was easy for him.

In the past few days, Su Cheng has taken the final step. With the help of the remaining dragon god's blood, he shattered the ring of laws to feed his own blood, rushed to a higher level, and mastered some of the dragon's mysterious methods.

But the price paid for this is also quite high.

His real power cultivation system is indeed unique. It can be said that he relies entirely on his own energy to break the shackles and fully develop the terrifying potential deep in the body.

But the process of breaking through the bottleneck is not easy. In addition to the huge amount of energy bursting out from smashing the powerful ring of law, it also requires massive amounts of heaven and earth energy to make up for its own vacancies.

For this reason, he made a special trip to the Ice and Fire Eyes, and drained almost all the energy from the remains of the Ice and Fire Dragon King, barely enough to make up for his promotion needs.

Taking advantage of this departure, he also went to the killing city again and sent back the tampered Shura Demonic Sword.

Tang Chen's life force has been almost completely sucked out by the Nine-Headed Bat King. After Su Cheng's operation, he doesn't know when he will wake up.

But Su Cheng himself didn't care. As long as Tang Chen didn't die in his hands and was noticed by God Shura, he would definitely wake up as late as possible.

If the imprisoned Rakshasa God had not fallen to the level of a third-level god and was completely unable to suppress the Shura Demon Sword, he would have even wanted to hide this artifact for some time.

At the same time, Ah Yin, who had completed his mission, was also liberated and left the secret realm of Rakshasa.

The true power of the first-level god level has once again undergone an essential transformation.

Those true power spikes containing soul power are like Su Cheng's clones.

With the quality of this thing, and with the current meager combat power of the Rakshasa God, there is no possibility of breaking free from its restraints.

"...That's it."

Su Cheng withdrew his finger from Hu Liena's forehead, easily annihilating the remaining residual murderous intention on his fingertips, and said solemnly: "Today is the last time. From now on, your God of Death Domain should be able to operate freely, and you will never be against me again." Any negative impact on your sanity."

After Hu Liena walked the road to hell, the remaining Shura murderous intention in her body was not a problem at all for Su Cheng, and it could be completely erased with a wave of his hand.

However, Hu Liena's own cultivation level was too low and her constitution was poor. Her body could not withstand such violent fluctuations, so it was necessary to divide it into several times to allow her to adapt to the changes little by little.

"By the way, have you seen Tang San in the Killing City?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Hu Liena, who was feeling happy and feeling her own condition, was stunned when she heard this and looked at Su Cheng in confusion.

"I advise you not to be too affectionate towards him. That guy has his own heart, and you have no chance." Su Cheng said casually.

In fact, Su Cheng didn't care about what happened to Hu Liena and Tang San in the Killing City, what their relationship was like, and whether Hu Liena would be harmed because of it.

But he knew that Bibi Dong valued this apprentice very much and regarded her as her own daughter.

If he learned about this, he would inevitably feel sad, so he wanted to give him a warning.

Moreover, Hu Liena is also a brainless person. If one day she suffers from love brain attack, Bibi Dong may suffer as well.

Fortunately, Su Cheng had other backup plans.

Another achievement he gained in the past two years was the development of Bibi Dong's body.

With his efforts, he could ensure that no matter what critical moment came, Bibi Dong's life would be safe.

As the two began to have a relationship and continued to cultivate diligently, Su Cheng would pour his true power into him at the last moment every time the two were entangled.

This method is both reasonable and covert. Bibi Dong has no idea how powerful life energy is hidden in her body.

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