Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 372 Qian Renxue returns to Wuhun Palace

"You're talking about something weird.

The joy on Hu Liena's face gradually faded, and her charming face was covered with a layer of frost. "Why should I be emotional towards him? Just because he used some tricks to beat our team once in the finals?"

"Really? I'm sorry, I made a mistake."

Su Cheng couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he saw that her expression didn't look fake, but it wasn't incomprehensible.

He didn't know what Tang San's situation was now, but when that guy entered the Killing City, his first martial spirit didn't transform into the Blue Silver Emperor, and his appearance didn't change either.

From this perspective, it probably makes sense.

However, his slightly contemptuous attitude made Hu Liena a little dissatisfied. She frowned and said: "Su Cheng, don't think that you are superior to others in talent and you are favored by the teacher, so you don't take others seriously. I am very grateful to you for this. You have been helping me practice for many years, but it is a matter of personal reputation, so please be careful what you say in the future."

"I see."

Su Cheng nodded and was about to turn around and leave.


Seeing this, Hu Liena gritted her teeth secretly, and her mind couldn't help but think of a rumor that had recently been circulated among the higher-ups of Wuhun Hall.

About my teacher and the man in front of me...

Although the relationship between Su Cheng and Bibi Dong has never been made public, they are not very shy when they get along.

At least the senior members of Wuhun City have some clues in their minds.

To be honest, when she first heard someone vaguely mention this matter, Hu Liena didn't believe it at all, and was even a little angry.

In her heart, Bibi Dong was a beacon-like figure, and she could not tolerate this statue being stained.

But as she returned to Wuhun City and spent time getting along and observing each other over the past year, she finally discovered that many of the rumors were not groundless.

In fact, when the Su Cheng siblings first joined Wuhun Hall, Hu Liena did not pay special attention to these two people.

I just heard someone say that the Pope has taken on another disciple, and he is quite talented.

But at that time, she was preparing for the Soul Master Competition, and the two siblings rarely appeared in front of others, so she didn't pay much attention to them.

It wasn't until she later learned that they had cultivated to the level of Soul King or even Soul Emperor at a younger age than her, and had no interest in participating in the Soul Master Competition, that she started to feel more motivated to win.

What's even more exaggerated is that after she returned to Wuhun City last year, she thought that she was already a leader among her peers after experiencing the experience of the Killing City. However, she learned that one of the siblings was promoted to a Titled Douluo, and the other was also promoted to a Titled Douluo. She had already reached the level of Contra's cultivation, which couldn't help but shock her deeply.

The existence of these two people almost refreshed her understanding of the word "genius".

In front of these two siblings, whether it is himself, his brother Xie Yue, or even characters like Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing from Shrek Academy, what is the difference between them and ordinary young soul masters?

"...Your relationship with the teacher is unusual, right?" She couldn't help blurting out.

Hearing the questioning coming from behind, Su Cheng paused before leaving, and then said calmly: "Hu Liena, you can ask her yourself about these things. I will return the same words to you. It concerns the reputation of the Pope, so you should be cautious. It’s good to be careful with your words.”

Su Cheng himself didn't care about all the rumors and rumors from the outside world. He never bothered to pay attention to other people's opinions.

However, this matter concerns Pope Bibi Dong, so it is naturally a different matter.

A few days later, a blond beauty wearing a long skirt walked into Wuhun City with her head held high. The cold aura exuding from her body was intimidating, and no one even dared to look directly at those deep and delicate eyes.

Behind her were two powerful men at the Title Douluo level, as well as several powerful soul masters at the Soul Saint and Soul Emperor level.

The woman's expression was cold, and as she moved her long legs, she said in a deep voice: "Uncle She, are you sure that Su Cheng who joined the Spirit Hall is the boy who met me in Tiandou City a few years ago? "

"It should be him." Snake Spear Douluo who followed Qian Renxue nodded, "Also, the genius who joined the Spirit Hall with him is also named Su Yue. But the strange thing is that these two Personally, I think they are brother and sister, not the brother and sister we met at that time. The appearance of that Su Yue is also different from the girl we saw before. "

"It doesn't matter, you'll know after you meet her." Qian Renxue's eyes were cold, with a hint of anger igniting in her eyes, "Are all the rumors about him and Bibi Dong true?"

"Ah this..."

Snake Spear Douluo couldn't help but be speechless.

How should he answer this?

This matter involves the Pope himself, so it's okay to say a few words in a vague way, but he would definitely not dare to talk about it directly behind his back.

However, Qian Renxue didn't seem to want to wait for his reply, and continued: "It's because of this damn bastard that our Wuhun Hall's many years of layout in the Tiandou Empire fell short! What on earth is that stupid woman Bibi Dong thinking? Something."

Snake Spear Douluo continued to remain silent.

He couldn't get involved in the grievances between mother and daughter, but it would be a bit exaggerated to attribute the failure of Wuhundian's mission to that boy.

In the final analysis, it was because of the recent bad mood of his young master, coupled with the frequent accidents in Tiandou Imperial City during this period, and the coincidence of many events, that Qian Renxue was too hasty in the layout of the empire and made some mistakes.

Now that the blame is placed on Su Cheng, it's more like finding a punching bag to vent his anger on.

In fact, Snake Spear Douluo was a little confused as to why Qian Renxue had such a violent reaction.

Haven't mother and daughter been strangers to each other for so many years?

The Pope has been single for many years, so even if he really needs to find someone to meet him, it won't be a big deal.

Wuhun City, Pope's Palace.

The atmosphere in the entire meeting hall was extremely solemn.

There were only two people in the hall at this time.

Pope Bibi Dong, who was sitting on a high-backed chair, and Qian Renxue, who was standing ten meters in front with a tall figure and a frosty mask.

The dead atmosphere in the chamber has lasted for a long time.

Bibi Dong kept looking at Qian Renxue with sharp eyes in front of her expressionlessly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Why are you looking at me like this? You failed in your own mission and you are still so confident?" After a long time, Bibi Dong slowly spoke in a calm voice, "What's more, our advantages are still huge. Our top combat power far exceeds the two empires. Everything You can start all over again.”

Ever since she fell in love with Su Cheng, her temperament is no longer as extreme as it was back then.

Even when we meet again today, I no longer feel any hatred for this daughter, but instead feel an inexplicable sense of pity and superiority.

"Failure?!" Qian Renxue snorted coldly, "If it weren't for you, how could my mission have failed? Bibi Dong, you know exactly what you have done in the past few years!"

"What did you call me?" Bibi Dong felt displeased when he heard the other party calling him by his first name, and anger flashed in his eyes.

Qian Renxue looked at her without any fear and sneered: "What do you want me to call you... His Majesty the Pope? By the way, where is your concubine? Why don't you ask him to come out and see me? Does he know?" You know, you have a daughter who is older than him? "

This identity, which she had never been willing to mention in the past, was blurted out at this time, with a strong sense of ridicule.

"shut up!"

Bibi Dong's anger grew even stronger, and her powerful aura condensed into a substantial pressure wave that swept forward, forcing Qian Renxue to take several steps back before she could stabilize her body.

Under the pressure of this powerful momentum, a wisp of blood spilled from the corner of Qian Renxue's mouth, but she continued to sneer as if she didn't care.

Looking at the bright red at the corner of the other party's mouth, Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment, and the sharp aura on her body gradually subsided.

"...You go out and go back to your Elder's Palace. Since you are back, the power of the Elder's Palace will be returned to you, as compensation from me."

Bibi Dong waved her hand, as if she didn't want to talk to her any more.


Qian Renxue raised her eyebrows when she heard this, a little surprised.

The other party's performance today was completely different from what she expected.

Even the power of Wuhun Palace is willing to give up part of it. Is this still the power-hungry Bibi Dong?

What's more, the two people present knew each other well, and Bibi Dong was not to blame for the failure of this mission.

In this case, how can we talk about compensation?

"Su Cheng..."

She first recited the name silently in her mind, then glanced coldly at Bibi Dong's figure, and walked out of the meeting hall without looking back.

The door of the conference hall closed with a bang, as if isolating the two people in a different world.

After Qian Renxue left, Bibi Dong lowered her head with blank eyes, looking a little weak and vaguely afraid.

All the things that happened to her in the past, those stories that have not been told to Su Cheng, will probably be revealed one by one with the return of Qian Renxue.

Bibi Dong has no confidence in how their relationship will evolve in the future.

On the other side, after Qian Renxue left the Pope's Hall, she did not go directly to the Elder's Hall to see Qian Daoliu as Bibi Dong said. Instead, she followed the breath perception and came to the outside of another room in the Pope's Hall——


The golden door was kicked to pieces, revealing the young man in the room.

Glancing coldly at Su Cheng, who looked shocked, Qian Renxue retracted her long legs that kicked open the door, and a very fake smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Oh, we meet everywhere in life. Isn't this the Su Cheng brother who comes from a humble background and has an innocent mind? What a coincidence, I didn't expect that we would meet again in Wuhun City."

As she spoke, ripples of light floated on the surface of her face, and her originally exquisite and beautiful face seemed to be covered with a mask, turning into a man with a much more ordinary appearance.

That was Xue Qinghe’s face.

"Do you remember who I am?"

"Remember." Su Cheng nodded and quickly calmed down, "Xue Qinghe, the eldest prince of the Tiandou Empire."

"As long as you remember." Qian Renxue stepped over the debris on the floor and walked into the house, saying calmly: "Can you explain why you lied to me at that time, and why you let me go afterward?"

With that said, she took off her disguise and returned to her true self. Then, as if she had returned to her own home, she picked up the teapot on the table, filled it with water, poured tea, and started drinking.

Of course, this was her family business.

"When people go to higher places, water flows to lower places. This is human nature. Compared with the two empires, Wuhun Palace, as the holy land of the soul master world, naturally makes me yearn for it more." Su Cheng said confidently One sentence, and then he pretended to be confused: "I haven't asked for advice yet, are you...?"

Qian Renxue sneered when she heard this and put down the tea cup with a bang, causing a large amount of water to splash out.

"I'm your sweetheart——"

Just in the middle of speaking, her voice suddenly stopped.

If you think about it this way, wouldn't this guy become his stepfather?

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue's face couldn't help but look a little uglier. She gritted her teeth and added: "——Sister."

"Are you Bibi Dong's sister? She doesn't look much alike, and the age gap is a bit big."

Su Cheng diligently brought another chair and placed it behind Qian Renxue, "Please sit down."

"You are very calm and your face is much thicker than I thought. No wonder you were able to fool me back then." Looking at his behavior, Qian Renxue sneered with a sullen face.

What Su Cheng said just now was undoubtedly a disguised admission of the relationship between him and Bibi Dong.

For some reason, she felt extremely uncomfortable, as if she had lost something extremely important.

But with her scheming attitude, she obviously would not show this emotion in front of the other party.

"There is nothing that cannot be admitted. It is natural for a man to love a woman, and it is not a shameful thing. Bibi Dong has some scruples and doesn't want to make it public, but I think you seem to have come from her side. You probably already know the specific situation. ?”

"I'm afraid it's because of her power." Qian Renxue said with a sneer, "You are very capable and deep in the city. Even people like Bibi Dong are willing to make compromises for you."


"Now it seems that your talent exceeds my initial judgment, and is even better than mine by a few points. I haven't seen you for several years and you are already close to a titled Douluo. How about it, isn't it a good feeling to cling to the rich and powerful? ? And the person you cling to is the Pope, who is at the top of the continent. Brother Su Cheng, are you still a man? "

"Don't use such harsh words. We are in love with each other."

"Are you in love?!" Qian Renxue subconsciously exerted force with her fingers, and the teacup in her palm was crushed into pieces with a "ping" sound.

The sharp porcelain slices crossed her fingers, and the crisp sound woke her up. She quickly calmed down her emotions and said in a deep voice: "Do you know how old she is now? Are you kidding me about being in love with me here? laugh?"

"Actually, the difference is not too big." Su Cheng looked embarrassed when he heard this, "You and I both understand that as long as a soul master reaches the level of a Titled Douluo, his lifespan can be continuously extended as his cultivation level deepens. Calculated this way If you come, actually for people like us, the age difference of several decades is not much. "

"Can this be the same thing? I'm afraid you weren't even born when she gave birth!"

"But she hasn't yet. Bibi Dong has been single for many years. As a sister, you should understand her difficulties. The position of the Pope is not that easy to take."

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