Hearing this, the corners of Qian Renxue's mouth twitched slightly. She could not change her story and say that she was Bibi Dong's daughter. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

The whole room also became quiet with her silence, and the atmosphere was a little subtle.

Seeing this, Su Cheng took the initiative to stand up, cleaned up the broken teacup pieces on the table, and then took out a brand new cup to pour tea for her, and said calmly: "Why are you so angry when we first met? It's because of what happened back then. Did it cause much harm to you?"

As he said that, he looked at the shattered door behind him and said, "If that's the case, then I apologize to you."

"Apologise?" Qian Renxue snorted lightly with a disdainful expression.

"It's really insincere to talk." Su Cheng placed the new tea in front of her, "Well, if you need my help in the future, you can just ask me. Whatever I can do, I will definitely do it." Do your best.”

Qian Renxue raised her eyes to glance at him and said calmly: "I ask you to leave Bibi Dong, are you willing to agree?"


Seeing that Su Cheng was silent, Qian Renxue sneered and waved her hands irritably, "Forget it, you can do whatever you like. Just pretend what happened back then never happened."

From her point of view, it was really hard to criticize Su Cheng now. Talking too much would seem to be unreasonable.

Do you want to blame the other person for not keeping his promise when he was young and running away after they broke up?

But as Su Cheng said initially, it is normal for a soul master to choose a more promising force to join him.

At that time, he neither signed the deed of betrayal nor received any benefits, so why should he have to work for you?

Even those disciples who joined the major forces often defected, not to mention that it was only a verbal agreement that had not yet been reached.

Or is it because of the lies in his words?

However, not to mention that they had eliminated the hidden scourge of avalanche, even if they were deceived for nothing, given their rank, mentioning it repeatedly would only add to the laughing stock.

What's more, in terms of camp alone, the two of them are now on the same front.

Based on Su Cheng's talent and cultivation, joining the Spirit Hall would only bring benefits and no harm to Qian Renxue.

A Titled Douluo who is about twenty years old is still buying one and getting one free. Where can I find such a good thing?

At this time, Su Cheng said: "I haven't asked the girl for her name yet."

"Qian Renxue."

"Didn't you say you were Bibi Dong's sister earlier?"

"We are in special circumstances." Qian Renxue frowned impatiently, as if she didn't want to explain too much.

Su Cheng nodded lightly and stopped asking further questions, and instead said, "Since you are the Pope's sister, you must have a lofty special identity and status in the Wuhun Palace, but you chose to go to the Tiandou Empire to pretend to be the eldest prince Xue Qinghe, I must have Do you have a special mission? Can you tell me more about it? "

Qian Renxue glanced at him with a mocking look on her face and said calmly: "It seems like Bibi Dong hasn't told you anything."

"I said, I have no interest in the power of Wuhun Palace. She and I are also in love, and there is no such thing as clinging to each other. It's not that she didn't tell her, it's that I didn't want to know the secrets. I have always relied on my own cultivation to improve. "Cultivation."

"Then what are you asking about now?"

"You misunderstood. I just saw that you were in a bad mood. I guessed that it was because of my behavior back then that ruined some of your plans, so I wanted to find out more about it and see if I could make some amends."

In fact, Su Cheng was just curious.

Although he had guessed earlier that Xiaoxue's plan to usurp the country would probably fail, but he couldn't figure out why.

Especially when the avalanche was dead, Xue Qinghe, as the only seedling of the royal family, should have been as stable as a mountain.

Even if the truth behind the assassination of other princes is exposed, he will still be invincible.

However, Qian Renxue didn't know what he was really thinking at this time, and her mood became increasingly complicated and a little bitter.

For some reason, at this moment, she hoped that Su Cheng had taken a fancy to the power of the Pope of Wuhun Palace and would not act so "selflessly".

"...Forget it, in fact, the failure of this mission is not your fault, and you don't have to worry or feel guilty about it, and there is no need to make amends. As for telling you the plan back then, it doesn't matter. Our actions have been exposed now anyway. ”

She couldn't say that it was the rumors between Su Cheng and Bibi Dong that made her anxious and uneasy, and became the fundamental source of all changes.

In fact, Qian Renxue didn't originally care about who Bibi Dong fell in love with, or who she fell in love with.

She already knew that there was no friendship between her parents, and she was even angered and hated by Bibi Dongqian since she was a child.

However, when she learned that the male protagonist in the story was Su Cheng, she felt extremely depressed, to the point where she had trouble sleeping and eating for a while...

Qian Renxue gently turned the tea cup in her palm with her fingers, and looked down at the clear tea water in the cup, which was as smooth as a mirror. A pair of stunning phoenix eyes were quietly reflected on it.

It was hard for her to understand why the young man in front of her, whom she had only met once, could leave such a deep imprint on her heart.

A full seven or eight years have passed since that first meeting.

Not only did this person's shadow not slowly fade as time went by, but it became more vivid and vivid.

To say that because of his extraordinary talent, as a descendant of an angel with an innate soul power level of up to level 20, he is worthy of any young soul master.

When it comes to looks, it's even more impossible. Su Cheng's appearance is indeed good, but compared to those exaggeratedly handsome heirs of special martial arts, there is still a gap, and it is far worse than his sister with a bad personality.

Is it because of temperament?

But is something like temperament really so touching? What's more, what kind of temperament can a kid in his early ten years have...

After a long silence, Qian Renxue said calmly: "I'm not shirking responsibility, but the failure of this mission was largely due to bad luck..."

Then, she briefly described what happened in Tiandou City.

After listening to what she said, Su Cheng realized that this matter really had something to do with him, but Qian Renxue didn't know about it.

After the Soul Master Competition, Zhu Zhuqing returned to the Star Luo Empire to seize power.

Under the powerful appeal of the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit, many aristocratic forces who were not satisfied with the current distribution of power at the top level of Star Luo made bets and invested in the Netherworld Zhu Family, greatly increasing the voice of the Netherworld Civet Cat lineage in the Star Luo Empire.

In the final analysis, the Star Luo Empire is just an alliance of nobles. An imperial emperor with a title of Douluo cannot suppress all the nobles by himself. What's more, part of the credit for the White Tiger Dai family's current power comes from the martial soul fusion skill formed with the Nether Civet Cat.

At the end of the five-year period, Zhu Zhuqing returned to the Tiandou Empire to meet with his former teammates. By the way, he planned the Heavenly Dou royal family's national treasure, the Vast Sea Universe Cover, so he tried every means to explore the secrets of the royal family through various channels.

Naturally, the Tiandou royal family would not know anything about the chaos at the top of the Star Luo Empire, and they also wanted to use Zhu Zhuqing, a key figure, to make some articles, which would give them more opportunities to contact each other.

The Tiandou royal family didn't know that Zhu Zhuqing was coveting their heirlooms, and they thought she had other unknown purposes, which made Qian Renxue, the fake prince, wary.

In addition, she was already worried about the rumors about Su Cheng and Bibi Dong, which caused her to focus on one thing and not the other, and inadvertently exposed many flaws.

In addition to Zhu Zhuqing, Tang San, the son of Haotian Douluo, also returned to Tiandou City.

Coupled with the help of Dugu Bo, who had a good personal relationship with Prince Xuexing, and with the interlocking forces of many parties, many events from the past came to light, ultimately causing Qian Renxue's attempt to usurp the country to fail.

"...It's really a pity. It's only one step away." After a long time, Su Cheng sighed softly and sighed: "The experiences of you two sisters are really similar in some aspects..."

"It doesn't look the same!"

Qian Renxue scolded loudly, showing displeasure on her face.

She hated it when people put her and Bibi Dong together and compared them.

She wouldn't even want anything to do with that woman if she could help it.

Su Cheng was not interrupted by her fierce shouting, but looked directly at her and said in a deep voice: "Although I can't empathize with you, I can somewhat imagine some scenes just by listening to your description. At such a young age, he lurked alone. It is definitely not a pleasant experience to enter an imperial royal family full of murderers and endure loneliness for twenty years without being able to enjoy the love of relatives or the company of friends...even the slightest bit of power gained in the process. , it means nothing to you.”

"..." Qian Renxue's eyes trembled and she said nothing.

From childhood to adulthood, when everyone sees her, they will admire her extraordinary qualifications and feel that she will become a great person in the future, and even has the potential to become a god.

But no one, including her parents, ever cared about her growth and mood and asked her if she really wanted it all.

It seems that this is the mission that she should shoulder of course.

She was tired of hearing compliments, and she didn't need anyone's praise.

Because those people simply couldn't understand how much effort and sweat she had put in, and what kind of pain and suffering she had endured in order to obtain these powers.

So far, the man in front of me is the only one who has discovered the blood, sweat and hardship hidden under his shiny surface.

But unfortunately, he is Bibi Dong’s man...

"...Bibi Dong is just like you. What she wants may not be the Pope's throne. She is also suffering from loneliness."


Qian Renxue's expression turned cold and she didn't want to continue listening.

She stood up suddenly and said calmly: "Since you care about her so much, just stay by her side. Also treat her mental illness and prevent her from being so crazy in the future."

After speaking, she seemed to hesitate for a moment, but in the end she pursed her lips and left the room directly.

The moment she stepped out of the broken door, she felt as if a piece of space was instantly empty in her heart, and a strong sourness spread throughout her body.

His eyes turned red and he was almost ready to cry.

But she quickly suppressed these inexplicable emotions, looked ahead, and walked towards the Elder's Hall...

Seeing Qian Renxue leaving, Su Cheng sighed.

Sure enough, words alone cannot resolve the deep conflicts between mother and daughter that have accumulated for many years.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

The sudden voice made Bibi Dong tremble. She looked towards the hall door in a panic, and saw Su Cheng standing there watching her.

"It's nothing." Bibi Dong looked away, avoiding Su Cheng's eyes and said softly, "Has Qian Renxue been looking for you?"

"Well, you just left my place."

"Did she tell you everything?"

"What are you talking about? You have a sister who is living abroad?"

"Sister?" Bibi Dong was stunned upon hearing this.

"Yes, Qian Renxue said she is your sister." Su Cheng said casually, "I read in the book recording the history of Wuhun Palace that the Pope of Wuhun Palace was passed down from generation to generation by the Qian family. With the Seraph Martial Spirit, I used to wonder why your situation was different. Is it because the Martial Spirit mutated? But it doesn’t seem like you two are related by blood.”


After hearing this, Bibi Dong was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "No, we are related by blood."

After that, there was another silence.

Then he spoke the next sentence with great difficulty: "She is actually my daughter."

"I see, I just said you don't look like sisters." Su Cheng nodded thoughtfully and made a casual comment.


Bibi Dong raised her head in surprise and looked at Su Cheng, who looked unconcerned.

This surprised emotion even overcame the panic and uneasiness surging in his heart, and he said in a daze: "You have nothing to say?"

"What did I say?" Su Cheng blinked, and then suddenly said: "Oh, your genes are good, your daughter is very beautiful, and you are talented, but she seems to have a huge opinion on you."

"...I didn't mean that...you...don't you care that I lied to you?"

"What did you lie to me? You didn't tell me much about the past." He held his chin with one hand and pondered: "Qian Renxue... Then she should be the daughter of you and the previous pope, right? But no No way, who made me give birth too late, otherwise there would be nothing wrong with him."

"Well, thirty years ago, Qian Xunji..." At the mention of this name, Bibi Dong's voice suddenly dropped, and a flash of pain and hatred flashed in her eyes.

"Okay, Dong'er. Qian Xunji has been dead for decades. Since you are with me now, I thought you had forgotten that person a long time ago." Su Cheng suddenly spoke and calmly greeted her interrupted and changed the subject: "But speaking of it, your daughter is very similar to you."

"It's very similar?" Bibi Dong was stunned when he heard this.

Bibi Dong always felt that Qian Renxue was more like her father than herself.

Cold, conceited, ruthless, and unscrupulous to achieve the goal...

It is precisely because she can often see the shadow of her father in this daughter that makes Bibi Dong hate her more and more, and even hopes that they will never meet again.

"Oh, I'm not talking about her appearance, I'm talking about her experience and state of mind."

Su Cheng's voice was as steady as ever, as if all the truths he learned today were just insignificant and trivial matters, not worth mentioning at all.

And his plainness also infected Bibi Dong invisibly, making her mood gradually calm down.

The old scars and pain caused by Qian Renxue's return are being gently healed little by little.

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