"Remember what I told you a few years ago? I said I saw loneliness in you. People are social animals and need to love and be loved. Relatives, friends, lovers...

"But you didn't have any of these in the past, so you will be miserable and unable to find the meaning and joy of life. I saw a similar state in her today."

Su Cheng stretched out his palm to stir up her long hair and said softly: "You should have discovered this. Because we are all the same kind, it is easier to discover this trait in each other. You are just blinded by some stronger emotions. I lost my senses, so I ignored it.”

"..." Bibi Dong's heart trembled, and she suddenly recalled the strange feeling that emerged in her heart when she saw Qian Renxue today, that kind of inexplicable compassion and superiority.

Perhaps because of Su Cheng, she became different from the past.

After getting rid of the heavy shackles, she became aware of many things that she had ignored in the past.

During those years, she was immersed in pain, always trying her best to escape the lingering shadow of the past, but she never thought that her daughter was walking a similar path to herself.

"I think that with her status as the pope's daughter and such outstanding martial arts qualifications, she should not have become like this today. I don't know what conflicts or misunderstandings have occurred between you, but it must not be a trivial matter. Otherwise, the relationship wouldn't be so bad." Su Cheng leaned over and sat on the steps under the high-backed chair, leaning on the stool legs.

The woman's light body fragrance came from the tip of his nose, and he squinted his eyes in contentment.

"Dong'er, have you ever thought that if you can just relax a little and communicate more with each other, you two can save each other even without my presence."

"Mutual redemption..." Bibi Dong murmured in a low voice, "Do you think so..."

"Of course." He nodded affirmatively, "But you are both proud people, and I'm afraid you are unwilling to bow to each other. But I still want to say that you really have many similarities..."

As he spoke, he began to list the similarities between the mother and daughter from his perspective.

He knew both Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue very well.

But Bibi Dong didn't know this fact.

After just one meeting today, Su Cheng saw many problems, and many of the "speculations" coincided with the past truth, which in fact further proved that his remarks were correct.

Then he also began to face up to his mental problems when facing Qian Renxue.

In fact, the conversation between Su Cheng and Bibi Dong today seemed like a casual chat, but in fact, he had carefully thought about it before.

It would be fine if he didn't know the truth about the past. Now that he knew it, he naturally had no intention of exposing the other party's scars again.

Su Cheng knew very well that Bibi Dong was a very extreme person and was very easy to get into trouble.

It is extremely difficult to deal with this kind of person and pull her out of her own ideas. Even if it can be done, it will be extremely difficult and may be self-defeating.

Instead of doing this, choose another way.

Use other entry points to guide her to think from a different perspective and put her focus in a new direction, thereby downplaying the impact of the incident itself.

The secret room incident was undoubtedly a dark history that affected Bibi Dong's entire second half of her life, and cast a deep psychological shadow on her.

Including the subsequent hatred towards Qian Renxue, his biological daughter, and even being seduced into darkness by the Rakshasa God, all stemmed from Qian Xunji, the source of all evil.

Therefore, Su Cheng simply stopped talking about Qian Xunji, and even mentioned his existence in passing, and focused on talking about Qian Renxue, his daughter.

Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, after all, have a blood and family relationship with each other that they have never given up on.

And he didn't just say it casually. The two people are really very similar in some aspects.

The same amazing talents, the same experience of loneliness, the same noble status but many misfortunes... Once people find commonalities between people, it is often easy to empathize with each other. Even if they do not become friends, it is difficult to have too much hostility. .

"...Now that you know everything about me, shouldn't you also tell me about your situation?"

After talking about Qian Renxue, her daughter, Bibi Dong felt much more relaxed and glanced at Su Cheng on the ground, and simply got down from her seat.

Then she gathered up her skirt and sat next to him without any papal dignity like Su Cheng did, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I have discovered a long time ago that you are not as well-behaved as you first appeared. You have a lot of things on your mind."

"Okay, so what do you want to know about?"

"What do you mean, are you hiding a lot of things from me?"

"There are indeed quite a few." Su Cheng smiled, "So what do you want to know?"

"I want to know...is it okay?"

"Of course. But I'm afraid I won't be able to finish talking in a while."

"Hey." Bibi Dong glanced at him sideways and suddenly chuckled, "Forget it, you just need to tell me one thing."


"Are you the descendant of God Shura?"


"Isn't it..."

Bibi Dong was silent for a moment after hearing this.

She was not surprised by this answer, nor did she think Su Cheng was lying to her.

In fact, she had already suspected this.

Although there is evidence from the Divine Test mission, as a character who has cleared the City of Killing, she can feel that the power of Shura is more difficult to control than the power of Rakshasa, and it is more bloody and violent.

However, after getting along with him for the past two years, she didn't feel the slightest trace of killing in Su Cheng. This was completely unreasonable.

Even a soul master who possesses and perfectly controls the realm of the God of Death cannot completely contain that layer of murderous aura, let alone a mortal who is exposed to a higher level of divine power.

"You gave up on inheriting the Shura throne?"

Bibi Dong asked the question in an extremely determined tone.

Although logically speaking, there is no way to interrupt the divine examination unless you die.

But if this person is Su Cheng, she thinks she has a chance to do it.

"I gave up." Su Cheng said calmly, "There is a voice in my heart telling me that I can't take this path. I have my own, more suitable path to practice."

"Is that why?"

"That's why."


Bibi Dong couldn't help but remain silent.

She did not expect that someone could actually give up the temptation of inheriting the divine throne.

As the heir of the Rakshasa God, she knew very well what the Shura God's position meant and what kind of existence the Shura God was.

Although it is extremely difficult to inherit this divine position, after becoming a god, he is far more powerful than the Rakshasa God.

Even among the many gods, he is still at the top of the list.

A few months later, Qian Renxue knelt quietly in front of the huge statue standing in the middle of Douluo Hall.

It was a golden statue of a seraph, with three pairs of wings spread out on its back. A huge golden sword in its hand pointed directly at the sky, surrounded by a layer of faint golden flames.

At this time, Qian Renxue's gorgeous long golden hair spread behind her until it fell to the ground. Put your hands together in front of your chest, with your thumbs clasped together and your index fingers touching each other. The other six fingers are spread out to both sides, like a seraphim spreading its wings.

There was also a faint halo covering her body.

The next moment, golden light surged, and Qian Daoliu's figure appeared in front of her. In the hands of the huge seraph statue, the golden sword spit out a flame that was more than ten feet long, and the surrounding area was instantly filled with an indescribable sacred aura.

"It's time... Xiaoxue, open your eyes."

As Qian Daoliu raised his finger, the golden flames released from the sword in the hand of the statue behind him fell from the sky, completely covering Qian Renxue's body.

The golden flame circulated, Qian Renxue's body slowly stood up under the light, and nine golden light curtains gradually appeared in front of her.

"Nine exams for angels..."

In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong, who was practicing cross-legged, slowly opened her eyes, and there was a faint purple-black light floating behind her.

"Xiao Xue?"

She turned her head to look in the direction of Douluo Hall, and what Su Cheng had said to her came to mind.

Then he sighed softly and closed his eyes again.

He is not far away from completing all the divine examinations.

On the streets of Wuhun City, Su Cheng and Su Yue were strolling around.

"How about it? When will you be sure to try to break through the god-level barrier?"

Su Cheng looked sideways at the silver-haired beauty beside him and asked casually.

Now Su Yue's cultivation has reached the ultimate Douluo level. Even though his strength was far inferior to his, his background was extremely deep. Even if Su Cheng observed with the Magic Eye of Trajectory many times, he still could not see through the general direction of his opponent's future destiny.

I have to admit that the Dragon God's bloodline is indeed extremely extraordinary. It can be called the only top bloodline in the entire universe, and it is the master of destiny.

Su Cheng himself had gained a lot of benefits in the process of breaking through the bottleneck with the help of the Dragon God's bloodline, not to mention the Silver Dragon King Su Yue who had obtained more Dragon God's blood, had a deep foundation and was of the same clan.

Although she has not yet made a breakthrough, her combat power is no less than that of ordinary human beings who have just become gods.

"Why, you finally remembered this matter after sleeping with your Lord Pope?" Su Yue glanced at Su Cheng with her gorgeous purple eyes and sneered softly.

"There you are again. I'm asking you something serious."


Two years ago, when she first learned that Su Cheng was actually getting together with Bibi Dong, the heir to the Rakshasa God, she was extremely unhappy.

However, after she saw the sealed Rakshasa God and the Shura Demonic Sword, she didn't know what she had imagined, and her attitude improved significantly.

Except for the occasional verbal sarcasm, his words and deeds have become more intimate and casual.

"Humph, what are you talking about?"

Before he finished speaking, Su Cheng suddenly stopped and turned to look at the snow-white palace building on Pope's Mountain.

Su Yue, whose mental power is now close to the god level, also followed his gaze and looked there.

"The inheritance of the angel god?" Su Yue narrowed her eyes and asked in a low voice.

"That's right."

"Can you tamper with the inheritance of the divine throne?"

"Yes. But if you want to avoid being noticed by Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue, it will be more difficult." Su Cheng pulled her towards a remote corner where there was no one, and said: "Fortunately, the angel god has fallen long ago. , Otherwise, if there is a first-level god in the God Realm watching, I will definitely not have a chance. Please help me pay attention to the surrounding situation, and I will be ready to take action."

After saying that, another message came through my heart, "Ah Yin."


A beautiful figure appeared beside him.

It's Ah Yin.

She first nodded to Su Yue and said hello, and then released her special field with a solemn expression, blessing Su Cheng's status.

Su Yue glanced at her, pursed her lips, and a dim light flashed in her eyes.

Then he sighed softly and coordinated the changes in the surrounding elements to prevent the powerful people from Wuhun City from discovering the energy fluctuations here.

She had known about Ah Yin's existence for a long time.

Two years ago, when Su Cheng took her to the secret realm of Rakshasa, he got to know this former soul beast tribesman who had long been transformed into a special creature, and he also roughly knew something about the relationship between the two.

At this moment, Su Cheng had no time to care about Su Yue's thoughts.

He closed his eyes tightly, and his perception spread quickly, covering the entire Wuhun City in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, a faint glazed light began to shine on his forehead, and the massive amount of real power was quickly converted into soul power, which was then quickly consumed.

Silently, the high-level soul power had penetrated into the realm of angelic power in the Douluo Palace, and the tall figure hanging in the air was "seen".

The track magic eye on Su Cheng's forehead suddenly lit up, and the next moment, it connected with the soul fluctuations in the air.

The field of view switched, and a vast space with no visible edges appeared in front of him.

The light golden mist filled it, and it was boundless in all directions. It seemed that there was no concept of "direction" at all, and it was like being in a golden universe.

This place is clearly the spiritual sea of ​​Qian Renxue.


Su Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes again, his vision returned to normal. A Yin and Su Yue stood beside them, and not far away were the streets and buildings of Wuhun City.

In just such a short time, more than 10% of his real power reserves were consumed.

"Is this enough? So soon?"

"That's enough." Su Cheng nodded, "The next step is to wait for my soul power to slowly expand."

This is the opportunity he's been waiting for.

Qian Renxue's strength is not weak, and since she returned to Wuhun City, she has been staying in the Douluo Palace, concentrating on waiting for the Angel Divine Examination to come, so it is difficult for her to invade her spiritual sea without her knowing.

Only when the divine test comes and Qian Renxue's entire perception is occupied by the divine test, can it be possible to enter it without alarming her.

This is also because of the help of the Locus Demonic Eye, the Rakshasa God as the research object, and the fact that the inheritance of the Angel God is not presided over by a god. Many factors work together to realize the plan. Otherwise, no matter how powerful Su Cheng is, the use of mental power is not his strong point after all, and it is almost impossible to complete this kind of operation.

The reason why he did this was to observe what Qian Renxue's divine test was going to be like, and if possible, he could try to help her in the subsequent test levels.

The most important thing is that he also wants to see if Qian Renxue has obtained the last "spiritual core".

At present, it has been confirmed that Zhu Zhuqing, A Yin, and Bibi Dong are all targets selected in this simulation, but there is still one candidate who cannot be determined.

Although Qian Renxue has a high probability, evidence is needed to prove it.

However, today's preliminary spiritual connection is just the beginning. It will take him a long time to deeply explore Qian Renxue's spiritual sea, but the process will be much easier.

True power itself can grow slowly on its own, and it will take a long time for Qian Renxue to complete all the divine examinations, so he is in no hurry.

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