Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 375 Resurrection, my love (This chapter has no protagonist,

Chapter 375 Resurrection, my love (no protagonist in this chapter, transitional plot can be skipped)

On the Sea God Island, Bo Saixi descended from the sky and explained the ins and outs of the Sea God test to the seven mainland soul masters standing in front of him, while secretly sizing up the situation of several people.

Her eyes stayed on Tang San, who had dark red hair, a handsome and evil appearance, and a golden trident brand flashing in the middle of his forehead, for a moment, and she couldn't help but frown in her heart.


Although this person is young and has a good cultivation, his soul power fluctuations contain impurities, and his martial soul aura is fishy, ​​not like a righteous soul master.

She found it difficult to understand why the Sea God Nine Tests fell on such a soul master.

On the other side, after listening to Bo Saixi's explanation, Zhu Zhuqing, who had just obtained the qualification for the top eight tests in the crowd, sighed secretly.

Until now, she finally understood why Su Cheng suggested that she get the Vast Sea Universe Cover.

Although there was no concrete evidence, she had an inexplicable intuition.

The reason why Tang San was able to obtain a higher level of Godhood Assessment than himself was not because his evolved spirit was stronger than himself, but because he got the treasure of the Heaven Dou Empire that she had tried so hard but missed.

It was all because of that damned Heaven Dou Prince Xue Qinghe, no, it should be said that it was Qian Renxue of the Spirit Hall...

At this time, Bo Saixi turned his head and looked at Seahorse Douluo, "Ou Ya, these seven people are all VIPs of this island before they complete the test of Lord Poseidon. No one is allowed to neglect or offend them. In addition to not helping them complete the test, try to meet their conditions as much as possible and let them live in your Seahorse City first."

After saying that, she did not intend to stay here for too long and left the Seahorse Holy Pillar Platform directly.

Back to the top of the Sea God Mountain, Bo Saixi, who was overlooking the entire Sea God Island as usual, had a somewhat gloomy look in his eyes.

To this day, she still clearly remembers the sudden change she sensed on the sea several years ago.

First, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, which posed a great threat to the Sea God Island, suddenly became a god inexplicably, many years earlier than originally expected.

But before she could respond, the breath of the Sea God appeared and started a battle with him.

When she arrived at the battlefield, the battle was already over, leaving only the lingering strong divine power fluctuations interweaving on the sea surface.

Even now, the energy in that sea area is still extremely chaotic, and no soul beast dares to approach it within a thousand miles.

However, since the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is dead now, at least in her lifetime, the survival of the Sea God Island will no longer be threatened, and it may not necessarily require a new Sea God to appear.

"Tang San..." Bo Saixi restrained his expression and whispered softly: "You are the heir chosen by the Sea God, so let me see if you can survive the test in my hands."

As the high priest of the Sea God Island, she naturally would not go against the will of the Sea God.

But within the scope allowed by the rules, she also has the right to fight for her life and future.

Time flies, and the power of the Spirit Hall is also developing and expanding rapidly.

Under Su Cheng's secret operation, Bibi Dong successively killed two hundred thousand year soul beasts in the Xingdou Great Forest, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, and then absorbed their soul rings and soul bones, successfully passing the eighth test of the Rakshasa God.

Next, she only needs to wait for her realm to stabilize completely, take away the Rakshasa Demon Scythe that is completely condensed by malicious evil spirits, and she can truly become a new generation of Rakshasa God.

After all, the Rakshasa God is a first-level god of the dark phase, which requires extremely high mental endurance. The difficulty of inheriting the throne is much greater than that of the Angel God or the Sea God...

At the same time, Tang San, thousands of miles away, is also taking Xiao Wu, who has recovered part of her life and can achieve soul possession in a short time, to the border coast of the Tiandou Empire.

Three years have passed, and everyone in Shrek Academy has completed various tests on the Sea God Island.

As the winner of the Sea God's ninth test, Tang San even pulled out the artifact trident.

Once Xiao Wu is truly resurrected and all the spirit rings and spirit bones are collected, he can return to the Sea God Island to inherit the throne.

A red light flashed, and Xiao Wu's spirit regained consciousness. She looked around and asked, "Brother, where is this?"

"We have returned to the mainland, and we will go to the Star Dou Great Forest first. However, when I was outside the city just now, I saw the words "Martial Soul" printed on the chests of those soldiers. I don't know why, let's go and ask them."


Walking to the street, Tang San stepped forward and stopped a middle-aged man and asked, "Brother, please ask, where is the main hall of the Martial Soul in Xilu City?"

After hearing what he said, the middle-aged man's face became a little strange, but he still said respectfully : "Master Soul Master, you may not know much about the recent situation. There is no Spirit Hall now."

"What?" Tang San was shocked when he heard it, "No Spirit Hall? Is it destroyed?"

The middle-aged man's expression changed, and he quickly explained: "Master Soul Master, please don't talk nonsense. What I mean is that there is no Spirit Hall on the mainland now, only the Spirit Empire."

"Big brother, can you tell us what is going on? This little thing is your reward."

As he said, Tang San took out two silver soul coins and handed them over.

Seeing the money he handed over, the middle-aged man smiled and walked to the side of the road with Tang San and Xiao Wu, and began to explain in detail.

Since the Tiandou Palace Incident that year, not long after Tang San and others went to the Sea God Island, the Spirit Hall hosted the re-election meeting of the seven major sects.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect was destroyed, the Haotian Sect retreated from the world and closed the mountain, and the Qibao Liuli Sect, whose foundation was damaged, did not participate in order to protect itself.

In this context, the new seven major sects were almost determined internally, and all of them were composed of the most loyal supporters of the Spirit Hall.

After this incident, the reputation of the Spirit Hall reached its peak, and then the seven major sects wrote at the same time, saying that all soul masters in the world respected the Spirit Hall and asked the Spirit Hall to better control the group of soul masters.

So three months later, the Spirit Hall announced the establishment of a country and changed its name to the Spirit Empire. Pope Bibi Dong also became the first emperor of the Spirit Empire. Its ruling area is all the kingdoms and principalities under the original two empires, and its territory is between the two empires.

With the combination of more than ten kingdoms and principalities, the total area of ​​the newly established Spirit Empire is not inferior to any of the two empires after the split. In the past three years, the Spirit Empire has sent troops to the north and south, easily occupying the area of ​​two provinces of the two empires.

After all, the power of the spirit masters controlled by the Spirit Hall is too strong, and the high-end combat power completely crushes the two empires. The destructive power that spirit masters can produce in war is far beyond the army. An ordinary spirit master team of a thousand people is enough to compete with tens of thousands of troops. Now there are more than 20,000 spirit masters stationed in the northern and southern borders of the empire, led by the Titled Douluo of the Elder Hall.

After sending the middle-aged man away, Tang San fell into deep thought. Although he had guessed that there must be great changes on the continent in the past few years, he did not expect that the situation had become so bad.

"Brother, why don't we go back to Tiandou City first." Xiao Wu understood what Tang San was thinking and persuaded in a low voice.

"No." Tang San shook his head. "We can only go back after you are resurrected. Although the situation is bad, other people in Shrek Academy will not sit idly by. Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong and others have a lot of resources and connections in their hands. With their own strength and position, they will definitely resist the invasion of the Spirit Empire. Now the two empires are in danger, and they will also join forces to fight the enemy. Moreover, after years of development, the Tang Sect should have accumulated considerable strength. With the joint efforts of many parties, the pressure faced by the so-called Spirit Empire is also not small." What's more, he still needs to go to the Star Dou Great Forest to continue hunting those evil soul beasts in order to collect soul rings and soul bones, so that he can return to the Sea God Island in the future to obtain the coveted godhood inheritance. As long as he becomes a god, then no matter how powerful the Spirit Empire is, what can it do? Can Bibi Dong still fight against gods as a mortal? In addition, Tang San is also preparing to return to the Haotian Sect again. A few years ago, for temporary expediency, he bowed his head and admitted his mistakes to many elders in the sect. But that was just a pretense after all. After all, what did Tang Hao do to the Haotian Sect?

This time when he goes back, he also wants to clear his father's name.

Xiao Wu leaned on Tang San's arms and whispered: "Brother, I know you are doing this for my own good, but if I affect your big things, I--"

Tang San raised his hand to stop her words, with a serious face, "Xiao Wu, I have never been an ambitious person, and I have never thought about changing the continent. Now for me, resurrecting you is the only big thing to do. Since you are worried, let's create some chaos for this newly established Wuhun Empire. Didn't the man just say that in addition to the original city guards, Xilu City also has a city guard spirit division sent by the Wuhun Hall. Xilu City is the King of Haagen Dazs The Spirit Hall will definitely send no less than fifty spirit masters to the important town of the country, and the leader should be at least a strong man of the Spirit Saint level. You say, if I make all these spirit masters disappear, what will the Spirit Hall think of Xilu City and even the Haagen Dazs Kingdom? Perhaps, one city is nothing, but we are going to cross the Haagen Dazs Kingdom next. If the same situation occurs in more than ten cities, how should the Spirit Hall deal with it? "

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, "Brother, what do you want?"

"Any accomplice of the Spirit Hall will be killed without mercy..."

While speaking, Tang San's eyes flashed with dark red light.

The scarlet Blue Silver Emperor spirit appeared in his palm, and it seemed that he couldn't wait to taste more spirit power and flesh and blood.

That's right, now his spirit can be called Blue Silver Emperor.

However, it is not the orthodox Blue Silver Emperor spirit awakening route like Ah Yin, but another almost evil growth model.

Because of the extremely high nature of his martial soul bloodline, without the help of external forces to awaken, Tang San relied on his own unique external soul bone Eight Spider Lance for many years, relying on the way of devouring the blood and soul power of various soul beasts to force his first martial soul to transform and awaken his own "Scarlet Blue Silver Emperor".

Although this is an alternative Blue Silver Emperor martial soul, on the basis of his own Blue Silver Emperor bloodline, plus the nourishment of the Killing God Domain and the experience of the Sea God Divine Test, and the help of the moderate and peaceful Taoist Xuantian Gong internal force. Although Tang San's martial soul after transformation is not as pure as the authentic Blue Silver Emperor, let alone the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass Clan, it has almost no impurities, and is not as filthy as the soul power of ordinary evil soul masters. In terms of quality alone, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the Blue Silver Emperor.

Compared with the original Blue Silver Emperor, although his martial soul has lost the kind of powerful and almost immortal magnificent vitality and purification ability, it has stronger offensiveness and erosion, and is more in line with his Killing God Domain.

The innate domain of the spirit master's martial spirit is not restricted by the fact that twin spirits cannot be used at the same time. Therefore, although Tang San had the God of Killing domain attached to the Clear Sky Hammer after walking through the Hell Road, he could also use this domain when using the first martial spirit.

After a month of sneak attacks and assassinations, Tang San came to the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest and found a deep valley with abundant soul power.

After killing the evil soul beast living there, he picked up Xiao Wu's body and laid it flat on the ground in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, Tang San shook his head to get rid of the excited tears in his eyes, tightly grasped the Sea God Trident beside him with his right hand, and took out the 100,000-year soul bone he replaced with his left hand.

Then the crystal red light spread from the soul bone inside out, emitting a palpitating breath, and with the release of the scarlet blue silver emperor martial spirit, one after another high-year soul rings appeared on Tang San out of thin air.

The powerful Xuantian Gong internal force was running wildly in his body, and the clearly visible scarlet air flow was swirling around his body, and the nine soul rings were shining at the same time.

The next moment, the Sea God Trident was raised high by him, and the brilliant golden light burst out from the trident mark on his forehead, forming a bridge with the Sea God's Heart. The brilliant golden light instantly illuminated the entire valley.

Even the clouds in the sky were stained with golden light, and countless soul beasts in the forest were startled by this strange phenomenon at this moment.

But under the deterrence of that powerful breath, they didn't dare to get close.

Tang San's body struggled violently, and the nine soul rings on his body were thrown out and floated above his head.

The huge soul power swept, sending the Xiao Wu soul bone in his hand into the air, and merged with the 100,000-year fifth soul ring that Xiao Wu sacrificed. The red light and shadow bloomed in the air, and then slowly condensed and gathered together.

Soon, the red shadow gradually took shape, and a transparent red body appeared in the air. The light of the sea god also turned into a huge golden light column, completely covering Xiao Wu's soul and her body. Among the several soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, and black, four soul rings were mobilized by Tang San and moved towards the soul body in mid-air in order...

Staring at Xiao Wu's smart eyes, Tang San spoke word by word, shouting in a voice that was almost like a roar: "Resurrection! My love."

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