The blazing golden flames ignited and illuminated the entire temple.

These flames did not arise out of thin air.

A figure was suspended in the center of the temple like a huge torch, filling the surrounding area with golden light.

"Xiaoxue, whatever you gain, you will always lose. This is my destiny. As the guardian of the God of Angels, my existence is for the inheritance of the God of Angels. The chips to start the ninth test should be paid by me... "

Silent words rang out from Qian Daoliu's mouth, and brilliant golden flames burned his soul power, his body, his soul, everything about him...

At the same time, the angel statue behind him was also frantically absorbing the energy erupted in the flames.

"Child, you are grandpa's pride. You have been since the day you were born... I believe you can succeed..."

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar → 69𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒏𝒆𝒕, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no chapters out of order.

After saying these words, his consciousness gradually sank, and Qian Renxue's shouts and struggles gradually faded away...

However, after a long time passed, his consciousness did not dissipate, and what greeted him was not the eternal and endless darkness he expected.

"here it is……?"

Qian Daoliu opened his eyes and looked around at the vast golden mist.

Between the two, a transparent invisible barrier isolates the fog from the outside world.

He lowered his head again and looked at his current state.

There is no soul power and no body. It seems that only a soul is left, and the soul power is still maintained at the strength of Ultimate Douluo.

Although he was once one of the strongest people on the Douluo Continent, he was the leader of the Wuhun Palace, the strongest force in the continent, and he was also the spokesperson of the Angel God in the world.

But Qian Daoliu didn't know much about the specific situation of the gods.

I also don’t understand why the guardian of the divine throne can continue to “alive” after the sacrifice.

Until another young figure appeared in front of him.

"Is it you?" Qian Daoliu looked at the other person in surprise.

Of course he knew the man.

Even though they had almost no communication with each other in the past, he knew that this was Bibi Dong's new direct disciple a few years ago, and he seemed to have become her partner later on.

Regarding Bibi Dong's choice, Qian Daoliu didn't have too many unnecessary emotions.

He has lived for more than a hundred years, has seen many people and things, and has long since put aside many distracting thoughts. Except for Qian Renxue, Wuhundian and the inheritance of Angel God, he doesn't care much about others.

Bibi Dong's change even made him feel a little relieved.

He did not approve of Qian Xunji's behavior back then, and Bibi Dong's future revenge made him even more painful and regretful.

But Qian Renxue's appearance forced him to stand by and watch as the entire incident unfolded.

After Qian Xunji died, the reason why Qian Daoliu did not choose to avenge his son or even regain the Qian family's power in the Wuhun Palace was not only due to his inner conscience, but also because of his own granddaughter with astonishing talents.

He didn't want his granddaughter to lose her mother after losing her father.

However, he also understood that with Bibi Dong's mentality and the Rakshasa inheritance she carried, it might be difficult for him and Qian Renxue to be a real mother and daughter.

However, when Su Cheng appeared, Qian Daoliu found that Bibi Dong was very different from the past.

Even in the future, maybe the relationship with Qian Renxue can be reunited.


"Who are you exactly?"

Qian Daoliu looked at Su Cheng solemnly, and then re-examined the surrounding environment.

The unexpected change just now was obviously the work of the young man in front of him, but even with his experience, he had never heard of anyone who had the ability to do something similar.

What's more, they were still tampering with him while he was presiding over the ninth level of the divine examination.

In Qian Daoliu's understanding, the existence that can interfere with the progress of the divine examination must at least be another god.

Even someone like Bo Saixi, who is also the guardian of the gods, would never be able to do it.

Suddenly, his eyes trembled slightly, and he noticed a vague sense of familiarity coming from the golden mist around him, and his eyes became more and more suspicious, "This is Xiaoxue's spiritual sea?!"

"That's right." Su Cheng nodded calmly.

Several years have passed, and the part of his true power that was connected to Qian Renxue's sea of ​​consciousness has long been different from what it used to be. With the help of Qian Renxue's own divine examination, he has continued to grow in size and accumulated strong energy.

If all of it is converted into soul power, it can even be comparable to the god level.

Although he has just passed the weakest threshold of the third-level god, it is still easy to interfere with the process of the god test. After all, there is no real god behind the inheritance of the angel god.

"Master, don't be nervous. I have no ill intentions. I am taking action at this time just for Qian Renxue's future consideration."

"What's the meaning?"

"The position of Angel God is meaningless to her. She has a better development path."

With that said, Su Cheng stretched out his hand to break through part of the golden mist in the outside world, revealing a halo hidden deep in Qian Renxue's sea of ​​consciousness, "Look."

Following the direction Su Cheng pointed, Qian Daoliu also saw the blazing sun-like sphere through the transparent soul barrier.

However, although the light on it was blazing and dazzling, he could not feel any energy fluctuations from it, as if he was sleeping.

But even so, with the strong intuition of this body and soul, he instinctively felt that the thing was quite good.

"What's this?"

Qian Daoliu frowned.

He never knew that Qian Renxue had such a thing hidden in her body.

"The power of origin, which contains Qian Renxue's true self."

That thing is the essence of the so-called "core of the spirit", but Su Cheng has no way to activate this layer of energy at present.

The level of the power of origin is extremely high, and it is hidden deep in Qian Renxue's sea of ​​consciousness.

Unless Su Cheng can come here in person, there is nothing he can do with it in his current state.

But what is certain is that Qian Renxue's twin consciousnesses and the special attributes awakened in reality are sleeping there, just waiting for a certain opportunity to awaken.

"The power of origin? The true self?"

"That's right, so I said Qian Renxue's situation is special and cannot inherit the throne."

Qian Daoliu frowned even more, and just as he was about to ask in detail, he suddenly lowered his head again.

A vast temple platform appeared far away from his feet, emitting a sacred and majestic divine power fluctuation.

That was a projection constructed by the angel's divine power.

In the middle of the temple, a beautiful figure was kneeling on the ground.

Qian Renxue's consciousness had completely sunk into the sea of ​​consciousness as the divine test progressed.

However, she looked extremely painful at this moment. Her originally exquisite and beautiful facial features were extremely hideous, and tears kept sliding down her pale cheeks.

Around her body, there was still a colorless flame, which seemed to trigger other people's emotional fluctuations.

Qian Renxue's wrinkled face also flashed many strange emotions, jealousy, hatred, regret, entanglement, sadness, anger, reluctance...


Qian Daoliu looked at the figure below with a complicated expression, and even for a moment he didn't care about Su Cheng in front of him.

But the next moment, his expression suddenly changed, and as far as his vision could see, cracks spread rapidly in the air, and the vast and majestic temple platform below began to collapse inward from the edge bit by bit.

As for this incident, Qian Renxue, who was immersed in all kinds of emotional disturbances, was unaware of it...

"What are you doing!" Even with Qian Daoliu's temper, he couldn't help but glare at Su Cheng and question loudly: "That is Xiaoxue's last level of the divine test, the seven emotions test of the inheritance of the divine throne! If you can't pass this test, even if you become a god, it will be incomplete!"

"Great worshiper, you think too much." Su Cheng said lightly, "This kind of boring trick is not necessary at all. The so-called state of mind trained in this way is just a joke."

In terms of understanding the divine test, Qian Daoliu really can't compare with him.

After all, he now has a real god in his hands, and even controls a divine test of a first-level god.

So he understands more clearly that these so-called "divine tests" have no great significance for the descendants of the divine throne.

In essence, the divine throne inheritance ceremony in this world is just an extension of the will of the previous god.

Its real purpose is to make the next god who takes over his throne closer to their original will and thoughts.

As for the experience and improvement, there is indeed some, but it is extremely limited.

Moreover, as the God Test progresses to the later stage, the various tests are more full of personal will, and the proportion of tempering is getting lower and lower.

In comparison, the inheritance of the Shura God's position may be more normal.

After all, this God's position is unusual, and it is extremely difficult to control the power, and it cannot tolerate too much private goods.

But the God Tests of other first-level gods, whether it is the God of the Sea, the God of Angels or the God of Rakshasa, all seem very inexplicable.

As for other second-level gods such as the God of Food, the inheritance process of the God's position is even simpler and low-level.

Soon, the temple collapsed, and Qian Renxue was suspended alone above the sea of ​​consciousness.

The pain on her face also quietly faded away at some point, becoming calm and peaceful, as if she had fallen into a beautiful dream.

"I'm sorry, great worshiper. I have explored this place for more than three years, and I know everything here. I am the second owner, and you can't stop me."

"..." Qian Daoliu looked at his granddaughter with a relieved expression, and didn't know what to think for a while.

After a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice: "With your strength, if you want to make things difficult for us, why do you have to wait until now to interfere?"

He really couldn't understand.

With all the strange means Su Cheng showed, if he really had bad intentions, there was no need to make such trouble. Who on the continent could be his enemy?

But if he was kind, Qian Daoliu couldn't accept it.

"I said before that I have no bad intentions, but many details are indeed difficult to explain in a few words. But in any case, Qian Renxue can't inherit this god position, which will damage her foundation."

Qian Renxue's situation is different from Bibi Dong's.

Bibi Dong's strength lies in her unique soul potential.

Rakshasa power is just nutrition for her.

But Qian Renxue's most special talent lies in her twin souls. Even the powerful attributes like the blazing sun that she developed later were achieved on this basis.

If she really inherits the angel god position directly, it is likely to cause her state to be unbalanced. Su Cheng doesn't know whether it will cause the spiritual core to never awaken again.

"So what do you want to do next?"

"I hope you can be the 'Angel God'."

"What did you say..."

Qian Daoliu opened his eyes wide and looked at Su Cheng in disbelief.

A few years passed in a flash.

The news of the Angel God's coming to the world spread all over the world.

Under the command of Angel God Qian Renxue and many Titled Douluo of the Elder Hall, the Wuhun Empire's front line advanced quickly and had already arrived outside Jialing Pass, the last fortress of the Tiandou Empire.

This place is also the last checkpoint for the expansion of the Wuhun Empire.

As long as you break through here, the road ahead will be smooth and you can go straight to the Tiandou Imperial Capital.

If the Wuhun Empire had not been established not long ago, the high-level officials of many kingdoms and principalities would still have selfish conflicts with each other, and the dispatch would be a little sluggish, and the speed would probably be even faster.

It was not until another god appeared in the Tiandou Empire camp and fought with the Angel God for the first time on the battlefield that the Wuhun Empire's locust-like advancement speed was stopped.

Sea God Tang San.

But he was not the only one who returned to the mainland.

While Qian Renxue and Tang San were fighting in the sky, other Titled Douluo powerhouses of the Wuhun Empire were also restrained by the members of the Shrek Academy who had returned from training, and the many Titled Douluo who came out of the Haotian Sect.

Today's Shrek people are also very powerful.

However, rather than saying that they are a close and intimate team of close friends, it is more appropriate to say that they are a powerful interest alliance.

First of all, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai.

Although the nobles of the Xingluo Empire are now in a mess, under the powerful power of the Wuhun Empire, these families have temporarily maintained superficial harmony and come to support the Tiandou Empire.

After all, if the Xingluo Empire does not exist, then it is meaningless for the Zhu family or the Dai family to be in power.

In addition to Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai, as the heir of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Ning Rongrong obviously cannot stay out of this war.

The newly established seven major sects have already revealed the ambitions of the Wuhun Empire.

It can be said that if Ning Fengzhi and others still want to retain the inheritance of the sect, they have to join the battle.

On the land battlefield, Zhu Zhuqing, who used the Netherworld White Tiger Wuhun True Body, came and went, and attracted several Titled Douluo to besiege him with his own strength, which greatly relieved the pressure on other local battlefields.

Suddenly, the figure of the huge white tiger that pounced like the wind suddenly stopped in place.

Compared with the huge white tiger that was more than ten feet long, the originally huge Wuhun True Body around it seemed a little small.

At this moment, they saw the powerful white tiger suddenly stop, and they were a little surprised and doubtful for a while.

They didn't understand why the terrifying soul master who had just had an absolute advantage in front of them suddenly stopped attacking, until they saw the figure that appeared above the white tiger's head.

Su Cheng leaned down and whispered: "Zhu Qing, come with me, this war will end soon."

The next moment, with the flickering of light and shadow, the martial soul's true body disappeared and turned into Zhu Zhuqing's voluptuous and moving figure again.

She looked at the young man in front of her with strange eyes, and her expression was a little hesitant, "Su Cheng?"

She was still wondering why the other party had never appeared on the battlefield in this war, but she didn't expect to meet him again at this moment.

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