Everyone in the Wuhun Hall basically recognized Su Cheng. They saw that he could appear in the center of the battle unscathed so lightly, and they also realized that his strength was extraordinary.

Looking at each other, they signaled Lu Sui to retreat from the vicinity, then turned to support several other battlefields.

Su Cheng didn't pay attention to the change in the environment, but looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said again: "How about it, do you want to come with me?"

"..." Zhu Zhuqing did not respond, but the strange feeling in his heart became more and more intense. His heart was beating in his chest, as if there was an inexplicable emotion that was brewing and rising, waiting to burst out in the next moment.

But when it reaches the critical point, it is suppressed again, and then it keeps surging in vain at the bottleneck, but cannot really get catharsis at all.

This extremely contradictory feeling made her extremely uncomfortable and even painful.

The surrounding sounds began to fade away.

The roars in the distance, the roar of the battle, and even the breeze in the ears disappeared little by little, as if being slowly wiped away by an invisible big hand.

After hearing comes vision.

Everything in front of her began to become blurry, and she felt like she was observing the world through a layer of frosted glass.

Only the figure of the young man in front of him was still clear.

The suffocated and distorted senses almost made her feel physically nauseous, making her want to breathe hard and vomit...

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly realized that this choice was extremely important to her.

Should he leave with Su Cheng, or should he continue to stand on the battlefield and resist the attack from the Spirit Empire...

In the world of panic-stricken silence, a voice suddenly came clearly.

It was Su Cheng who was speaking.

"Zhuqing, I understand you. You have never been an ambitious person. This is your nature, and it is the same in any world.

"I can tell you clearly that the purpose of the establishment of the Wuhun Empire is not for Wuhun Palace to control all resources, but to give the people of the world a fairer environment. In other words, to give more civilian soul masters with excellent martial soul talents more Opportunities, just like those things Wuhundian has been doing. "

"You might as well think about it. With the martial arts background of the Netherworld Zhu family, even if it changes to another ruler, what impact will it have? The upper and lower limits of this family have already been set.

"Continuing to stay in the Star Luo Empire and fight for power will not only be a shackles for you, but it may not be a good thing for your family. No matter what achievements you achieve in the future, you will eventually leave the Zhu family.

"Can you really understand the principle of the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit? Are you sure that this unique and powerful Martial Spirit can be passed down through the bloodline like ordinary Martial Spirits..."

"That's enough!" Zhu Zhuqing suddenly shouted angrily, with an irritated expression and a struggling light in his eyes, "Don't tell me such nonsense!"

She didn't know why she was so excited at the moment.

Obviously, in the past, I had always had a vague sense of awe towards the mysterious Su Cheng, and I had always been careful about propriety.

Moreover, when Su Cheng appeared just now, a flash of intuition also sent out a strong warning, telling her that the other party was beyond imagination and could definitely take his own life easily.

However, she still followed her heart and shouted.

After finishing speaking, Zhu Zhuqing felt instantly refreshed, as if he had the right to question the other party like this.

Su Cheng was also shocked by her expression and fell silent for a moment.

"You just need to tell me...do you really want me to leave with you?"

After a long time, Zhu Zhuqing spoke in a low voice.

After she finished speaking, she realized that there seemed to be some slight changes in her voice.

"Of course. I already gave you the answer to this question ten years ago."

"Okay, I'll go with you..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhu Zhuqing's expression suddenly changed.


The glass that separated the world shattered.

A faint sound of wind came from nowhere.

Then the wind intensified, turning into a strong wind, and then into a violent wind, swirling around the two of them...


Looking at the woman in front of him whose aura gradually increased and the nature of her energy changed little by little, Su Cheng finally confirmed his suspicion.

Changing their destiny is closely related to the awakening progress of their spiritual core.

Ah Yin's situation is the simplest, because her state of existence is unique and she is not shackles of the physical body.

As for Zhu Zhuqing's fate, the seeds had actually been planted as early as when he awakened the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit.

Later, in Fenghua Town outside the Star Forest, Su Cheng intervened, causing irreparable rifts in the relationship between the Shrek Seven Monsters at an early stage, and the seeds began to sprout.

Before the Poseidon Island group, the other Shrek Academy members who had not obtained the jelly grass had no fundamental change in their qualifications even if they had external soul bones, and the gap between them became wider and wider.

Until now, when Zhu Zhuqing made the final choice and connected everything before, the original power hidden deep in the soul finally began to truly awaken...

Soon after, the wind gradually died down and quickly gathered again until it turned into a pair of slender wings, flying behind Zhu Zhuqing.

His long hair was dyed a faint dark red, and his eyes were no longer as pure as before, looking at Su Cheng in front of him with a cold light.

She remembered everything.

What follows is even greater strength and talent than this body.

"Su Cheng, you are really good."


A golden afterimage shot down from the sky, and just before landing, it spread out six wings behind it, barely slowing down its falling speed.

But even so, it still hit the top of the city wall heavily, making a huge roar.

Qian Renxue stood up with the sword, raised her head and looked up at the sky, with a wisp of golden blood flowing from the corner of her mouth.

But compared to the impact she suffered, the tiny hole in her chest that pierced her heart was the root cause of her severe injury.

"The first hidden weapon of the Tang Sect, Guanyin has tears."

Tang San, who flew down after her, looked at Qian Renxue on the wall, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Logically speaking, with his current god-level soul power, using the unique skill Guanyin Tears to sneak attack should be enough to kill the opponent.

But for some reason, just now in the body of this new angel god, an abnormal energy erupted, suppressing the explosion of Guanyin Tears, allowing the hidden weapon to pass through her body and save her life.

But even so, it doesn't matter.

The opponent was severely injured, and it was only a matter of time before they won.

"So weak."

On the distant mountain, Zhu Zhuqing looked at Qian Renxue, who was in a low spirit, with a gloating look in her eyes.

Just now, Su Cheng had roughly explained the current situation to her, and took her here to silently follow the battle in the distance.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Su Cheng sideways, "Why don't you kill Tang San to help Qian Renxue, isn't she your old lover?"

"I've said that Xiaoxue is in the same situation as you before, and has not yet obtained the memory of the reality. As for Tang San..." Su Cheng's eyes flashed with a strange light, "He is still useful."

He didn't take action, not because he took into account the fluctuations of Tang San's original fate.

With Su Cheng's current strength, he no longer cares about the so-called fate line correction force, because when he has the trajectory magic eye, he truly understands the meaning of "fate" in this world.

The fate of each creature has its limit, as long as it reaches a certain level, it is enough to break the restrictions of the rules at a lower level.

No matter who stands behind Tang San to train him, Su Cheng is not afraid at all, because his next target is the Asura God who may come to the lower world.

Su Cheng's goal is to ensure that Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue can take this opportunity to awaken their memories.

Only when they have mastered the power in reality, Su Cheng can be sure to launch a tentative challenge to the God Realm in this simulation. If he can go to the God Realm once, he will have a great intelligence advantage in his actions after returning to reality.

Otherwise, he can only wait for the opponent to arrive with Douluo Star as a position, which is too passive.

In addition, he needs to borrow Tang San's power.

Su Cheng has seen the Asura God power hidden in Tang San's body, that is, if he does not interfere, this guy still has a good chance of achieving dual godhood.

And Tang San, who has become the Asura God, is absolutely difficult to match with the power of the Angel God and the Rakshasa God. This is the gap between the two levels.

Even the Asura God who has just become a god has the strength of a second-level god. In addition to the special attack of the Law Enforcement God against other gods, even if Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong join forces, their lives will be in danger.

Only by facing a powerful and deadly enemy together can Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue truly put aside their past grievances and join hands.

Perhaps when they have to sacrifice for each other, these two extremely stubborn and self-centered people can understand the importance of each other in their lives under the instinct.

This is the best way that Su Cheng can think of to kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, if the situation is different from what he expected, he will still choose to take action.

At present, the true power hidden in Qian Renxue's body has just been exhausted, but there is still a Qian Daoliu to save her life.

As for the reason why Su Cheng chose to get close to Bibi Dong instead of Qian Renxue in this world...

"Hmm?" Zhu Zhuqing suddenly turned her head to look at the sky in the distance, and then looked back at Su Cheng, "What the hell are you thinking?"

Su Cheng naturally discovered the fluctuations in the breath that even she could perceive.

It was Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong who achieved the position of Rakshasa, who finally arrived on the battlefield at this time.

"Nothing, I just want them to take this opportunity to untie their knots."


Zhu Zhuqing was puzzled at first, and then countless images flashed through her mind.

The ambiguous and subtle attitude of Bibi Dong in reality, the suspicion that had emerged in her mind again and again, and even the rumors she heard in this world...

Her expression suddenly changed, staring at Su Cheng without blinking, and said coldly: "Pervert."


The battle started again in the distance, but the two people's attention was no longer on the battlefield.

Since Bibi Dong was there, Tang San could not be her opponent with one against two, and it was only a matter of time before he was defeated or even died in battle.

"...Disgusting!" Seeing Su Cheng silent, Zhu Zhuqing became more and more certain of her guess and became furious.

"Su Cheng! You...how can you...are you still human?!"

"Okay, okay, let's talk about this later, at least until the current storm is over, you can scold me as much as you want?"

"You are still so shameless." Zhu Zhuqing gritted her teeth, but she was helpless in her heart.

In fact, she was mentally prepared for this result.

But when it came to the end, it was still a little hard to accept.

"Also, who is that Su Yue, how come I didn't know you have a sister?"

"Well, this is a long story."

"Let's make it short."

"Well, she is the ancestor of the soul beast clan, has a grudge with the God Realm, and is my natural ally."

"Ally?" Zhu Zhuqing raised a trace of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth, but there was no smile in her eyes, "I think it's more than that. I felt that guy's attitude towards you was very problematic at first sight."

"Well, let's talk about this when we return to reality. By the way, do you feel the change in your own strength?"

"...I feel it."

"Give me some."


Su Cheng didn't waste any words, and simply took her hand and began to inject true power to induce it.

After she symbolically struggled twice, she let it go.

"You are so tough only in front of me." Looking at the two people's hands holding together, Zhu Zhuqing sneered.

"Nonsense, I am also tough in front of Ah Yin." Su Cheng secretly refuted in his heart.

Of course, this must not be said in person.

He just smiled and said, "Because you treat me the best, I know it very well."



As their energies blended with each other, Su Cheng could clearly feel that the puzzle of his own blood began to be further improved.

That was the power of the wind.

When Xiao Wu appeared in front of Tang San and blocked a fatal blow for him, after being pierced by the sharp blade, a huge blood-colored vortex appeared above Jialing Pass.

Bibi Dong looked at the red light in the sky in shock, her eyes trembling slightly.

Qian Renxue noticed her loss of composure and frowned, "What's wrong with you?"

"Ashura God... How could it be..."

Bibi Dong ignored her daughter's question and muttered to herself in disbelief.

She knew that Su Cheng had given up the inheritance of the Asura God position, and she also knew that Tang San had the Killing God domain, which was considered to be initially qualified to inherit the Asura God position.

But how long had it been since Su Cheng gave up the God position? Why could this guy successfully pass the Asura God test in such a short time?

Moreover, this was based on Tang San's possession of the Sea God position, and another God position was added out of thin air.

In Bibi Dong's understanding, the position of God is exclusive, and it is impossible for someone to occupy two positions at the same time.

On the hill in the distance, a pretty figure with silver hair and purple eyes appeared next to Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing. She looked at the battlefield with a solemn expression and whispered: "Ashura God?"

After that, she frowned and looked at the two people next to her, especially the tall and plump beauty.

This is an acquaintance, and she has been very domineering since she was a child.

However, the other party seems to be very different from that year.

Not only the changes in hair color and breath, but also the temperament and even the power fluctuations emanating from the body seem to have undergone some kind of transformation.

Su Cheng took the initiative to greet Su Yue and asked: "Have you become a god?"


Su Yue nodded, but there was no joy on her face.

Time was too tight. In order to catch up with the time agreed with Su Cheng, she could only choose to follow the way the other party had said before, and not return to the god level with the complete dragon god bloodline.

Although it was much stronger than the original Silver Dragon King, it was far from her expectations, so she naturally didn't feel very happy.

However, this method was not without its advantages.

Not only did she not have to go through the tribulations of becoming a god, but she also had more possibilities in the future, although the upper limit of the probability was lower than that of the Dragon God.

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