When the powerful Shura divine power rippled through Tang San's body, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's vision was completely soaked in blood.

The Shura Demonic Sword was slowly raised, and Tang San's eyes followed the hilt to the sword's edge, and scenes from the past flashed through his mind one after another.

Xiao Wu's sacrifice in the past connected her with her own blood; she met her great-grandfather by chance outside the Haotian Sect and obtained the Shura Demon Sword after completing the Shura Divine Examination; Xiao Wu integrated into the Shura Demon Sword and became the carrier of Shura's divine power...

𝟼𝟿Book →𝟼𝟿sʜᴜx.ɴᴇᴛ

Tang San suddenly realized that he deserved all this.

Regardless of the setbacks or opportunities, they have all pushed him step by step to where he is today - truly inheriting the power of the two gods, a perfect fusion state without side effects, no one on this continent can be his. opponent.


Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue looked at each other with extremely solemn expressions.

Especially Bibi Dong, although she was not contaminated with too many evil thoughts after inheriting the Rakshasa position, she was still extremely suppressed by her natural enemy, God Shura.

Not to mention that she was not facing a simple Shura God at the moment.

"Don't be in a daze, come on!"

Qian Renxue shouted low and pointed the divine sword in her hand at the sky. The surging divine power instantly exploded, turning into a stream of golden-red light and heading straight towards Tang San.

Bibi Dong also reacted and quickly followed closely.

Facing the two approaching figures, one golden and one purple, Tang San just smiled contemptuously, and the dark red giant sword passed through the air, "Shura, judge."

The next moment, several rays of red light bloomed like flowers, and Bibi Dong's whole body was immediately enveloped in a bloody lightning. The Rakshasa's divine power was split and torn apart in the blink of an eye, and the purple-green evil energy melted away like ice and snow.

Then, the violent Shura divine power began to corrode her body directly through the Rakshasa magic armor.

"Bibi Dong!"

Seeing Bibi Dong struggling painfully under the power of Shura, Qian Renxue suddenly felt heartache.

The golden-red light ignited again, and the wings behind Qian Renxue instantly spread out, turning into six dazzling golden-red lights that illuminated the bloody sky.

She is burning her angelic power at all costs.

At the same time, the waves in the sea of ​​consciousness were turbulent, and the angel's throne was also shaken.

However, when she was determined to break the divine throne and launch the strongest attack, she felt a resistance that made it difficult for her to unleash the full potential of the divine throne in a short period of time. It seemed that the angelic throne was not under her own control.

"I see……"

Deep in his soul, Qian Daoliu also sensed everything happening outside, and immediately understood Qian Renxue's determination at this moment.

He subconsciously glanced at the blazing white light that was trembling slightly in the golden sea of ​​consciousness.

"That's all, Su Cheng, I hope you didn't lie to me."

Qian Daoliu sighed secretly, and immediately ignited his soul as the true bearer of the divine throne.

Following his movements, the position of the angel god was shattered in an instant.

Qian Renxue's whole body emitted dazzling golden light. The angelic power that was pushed to the limit forcefully shook away the Shura power on her body, and at the same time pushed her body to launch another offensive.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Qian Renxue's mouth, and the divine mark on his forehead shattered bit by bit, turning into golden light and blending into the angelic holy sword in his hand and burning.

The fuel in the holy sword is her own huge god-level vitality.

The angel's holy sword shines brightly, and the huge burning energy bursts out with terrifying power.

Faced with an attack of this magnitude, Tang San, who had just used the Asura divine skill in his Asura position, could only switch to Poseidon mode to resist, and blue light appeared all over his body.

But under the burning fire as hot as the sun, the golden trident and Poseidon costume in his hand began to show signs of melting in just a few moments.

It's a pity that Qian Renxue didn't hesitate to break the divine throne, but she only defeated the Poseidon with one sword blow.

After receiving the next blow, Tang San's body changed color from blue to red, changing back into terrifying blood-colored armor, instantly knocking the burning angel away. As he reached out and handed it over, the magic sword instantly turned into a sky-shattering rainbow and went straight towards the beautiful figure.

In addition to remaining conscious, Qian Renxue, who had exhausted all her power, had no power to resist and could only watch the blood-colored light beam magnify in front of her eyes.

Staring at the scarlet sword light, there was no fear in her eyes, only a touch of regret.

Then he gently closed his eyes.

No matter what... Bibi Dong, I hope you can survive.

Then continue walking with that kid and pursue the happiness you deserve.

At least, I don't owe you anything anymore.

Use the life you gave me to buy you a chance to escape...

Ha, with your IQ, you would never be stupid enough to die here with me...


However, after a long time, she did not feel the pain of being penetrated through her body, nor was she enveloped by the shadow of death.

She opened her eyes suddenly again.

The red magic sword's edge was very close and pointed at him, but he was not penetrated by the magic sword.

In front of her, another person blocked the fatal sword for her.

The dazzling red electric light covered the man's body, and countless cracks spread on the surface of the hard divine armor, and then turned into powder.

The figure turned around, and Bibi Dong, who had lost her magical attire, wore a plain white dress and faced Qian Renxue.

On her pale but still beautiful cheeks, there was a gentle and pure smile that had never been shown to her before.

It didn't look like relatives who had known each other for a long time, but more like a woman who had just become a mother, seeing her own flesh and blood come into the world for the first time, with novelty, joy, and deep expectations in her eyes. …

But this look came thirty years late.

At this moment, time seems to have returned to the past. Those regrets and resentments have never appeared...

Soft light emitted from Bibi Dong's trembling palms, supporting their bodies as they slowly fell towards the ground in front of Jialing Pass.


Qian Renxue's eyes blurred for a while, and her lips trembled slightly.

Before I knew it, tears had already filled my eyes and slid down my cheeks.

It seemed that a very strong barrier deep in my heart was broken.

Those things that she thought did not exist, that she had been stubbornly trying to deny, those longings for family affection and maternal love that had been buried for decades, turned into waves at this moment, turned into tsunamis, and swept across Washing every corner of the body.

Sour but warm.

It turns out that those who pretend to be strong don't take it seriously, but they are just showing off their self-righteousness.

When the outer layer of ice is broken, the deepest emotions are still burning hot.

It has neither evaporated with the passage of time nor deteriorated due to the erosion of loneliness...


She never lost those emotions.

No one does not need mother's love.

Even though she didn't have a real childhood, even though she has grown up, she is still that child at this moment.

From the initial desire to the final disappointment when I was young, I never let the pure land deep in my heart become dusty.

Maybe I have dreamed about it at midnight, and I have never seen the scene of two people getting along peacefully.

However, Qian Renxue will never admit this.

Bibi Dong is not worthy of being a mother, and she is not his mother at all.

She is a powerful soul master, a genius that is hard to find in the world, and an outstanding Pope of Wuhun Palace...

She could be anyone.

But only not her own mother.

For Bibi Dong, perhaps the same is true.

She is a convenient tool, a sharp weapon for Wuhun Palace, a pioneer who can help the Wuhun Empire expand its territory, and a bloodline of thousands of families who can help her maintain her rule, but she cannot be her daughter.

In the past, Qian Renxue had always told herself this.


"Why...why do you do this..."

she asked with a trembling voice.

His vision was blurry, and Bibi Dong's expression could no longer be clearly seen.

When Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue landed on the ground, the last piece of the Rakshasa's divine armor had turned into smoke and disappeared.

At this time, neither of them noticed that Tang San did not pursue him. He seemed to be imprisoned in place by some kind of force, unable to step forward to finish the attack immediately.

Bibi Dong raised her arm with difficulty, gently wiped the tears on Qian Renxue's face, and said softly: "Xiaoxue, I'm sorry."

"Stop talking yet." Qian Renxue wiped away the tears in her eyes in a panic and hurriedly interrupted her.

At the same time, he held her palm tightly, trying to infuse her with soul power to suppress the erosion of Shura's divine power.

But Qian Renxue, who had just shattered the divine throne and used the final blow, was also as angry as a gossamer and had no energy left.

"If we don't say it now, we probably won't have the chance in the future."

Bibi Dong used her backhand to tighten her slender hand, stopping her futile movements.

Although I don't know why Tang San didn't pursue him immediately, he probably thought he was sure of victory, but he really didn't have time to care about the Shura God at this moment, so he had better finish what he needed to say as soon as possible.

The remaining Shura divine power has begun to attack the vital points.

She could feel that her life force was dissipating. After all, if she was stabbed in the front by the Shura Demonic Sword, she would inevitably die.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Qian Renxue couldn't help but yelled, tears welling up in her eyes, "What do you mean there is no chance? Are you still the Bibi Dong I know?! And... and there is Su Cheng, Don’t you want to see him again?”

"I think...of course I do...but it's such a pity, it's so hard to find someone..." At this point, Bibi Dong's voice suddenly stopped, and she turned to look at Qian Renxue and smiled: "Xiaoxue, actually you also like it Him?"

"..." Qian Renxue was stunned when she heard this and opened her mouth but didn't know what to say.

"Are you surprised?" Bibi Dong chuckled feebly.

"Although I don't know what's going on with you two, you are my daughter after all... Although you may not want to recognize me as your mother... I can indeed feel some of your thoughts. Ha, I have to do it again. I apologize to you. I'm sorry, even if I know your feelings, I don't want to let him go...it's very selfish, right? I've never been a qualified mother."

"No, I am truly selfish for thinking this way."

"Xiaoxue, listen to what I have to say." Bibi Dong said angrily, with a soft smile still on her face. It seemed that the two of them were not on the battlefield at this moment, and she was not seriously injured and dying. This was just an ordinary family encounter. dialogue.

Although, she has never shown similar tenderness to her daughter in the past.

"Your father died in my hands. Back then, in order to keep me completely in Wuhun Hall, and also to let Qianjia have an outstanding successor, he raped me as his disciple. Therefore, I want to kill him. revenge.

"When I was young, I couldn't let go of these painful memories, so I always held a grudge against you.

"Su Cheng told me that we have a lot in common, both of us are tortured endlessly by pain and loneliness. He is probably right. In the past few decades, I have transferred too much pain to you.

"I was wrong, you are innocent, and all I can do for you is this sword. I don't ask for your forgiveness, just treat it as a little insignificant compensation..."

"..." Qian Renxue trembled with her lips, wanting to say something, but her voice was choked in her throat and difficult to speak.

After all, that name has not been called for many years.

Bibi Dong didn't care, and continued: "Xiaoxue, I know you are very proud, but please pretend to admit defeat. Then go back to Wuhun City to find Su Cheng, he still has the potential to go further. I was too careless. I thought that we, mother and daughter, would be able to win easily, but I didn't expect Tang San to be able to control two god positions at the same time. However, Su Cheng can defeat him."

At this point, her eyes flashed with confidence.

Then she sighed again, and the smile on her face finally faded, turning into a faint bitterness.

"What a pity that we didn't see each other for the last time. Even though he knew my past and what kind of person I was, he never said anything. From then on, I knew how narrow-minded I was. I am not worthy of him, and you are all much better than me."

"No, we can escape, I can take you away with me, and I will definitely take you back to the Spirit Hall..."


At this time, Bibi Dong suddenly groaned.

A little bit of strange energy emerged from somewhere in her body.

That energy was not strong, but it seemed endless. It was slowly and firmly cleansing the remaining Shura power in her body, while constantly repairing her body, making her pale face regain some redness.

And above Jialing Pass, a familiar breath also appeared.

Bibi Dong looked up and saw a figure blocking the Shura God Tang San.

Qian Renxue also frowned and looked up, and saw Su Cheng's figure.

There was no joy on her face, but there was no worry or fear either. Instead, her eyes were a little confused.

In her pupils, golden and silver-grey light flickered alternately, and some blurry images flashed before her eyes.

At this moment, the surrounding images seemed a little fake.

Then, a large number of memory fragments began to pour into her mind, and powerful power continued to emerge from the depths of her soul.

Although she had lost her angel god status, her power was rising endlessly.

But that was not the power of the angel god.

It was much stronger than the power of the angel god.

She suddenly had an illusion that it was not the pictures and scenes around her that were fake.

Except for a few people, the whole world was so fake.

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