In the sky, Tang San tightened his five fingers holding the Shura Demon Sword, and a chill rose in his heart.


The warning from his intuition came from the three figures that suddenly appeared in front of him.

He naturally knew Zhu Zhuqing among them.

She had amazing talent and powerful strength, and the strength of the Nether White Tiger Martial Spirit was extraordinary. When he was studying at Shrek Academy, she was the only one who could steadily suppress him in terms of combat power.

However, since he passed the God-level test on the Sea God Island, he no longer took the other party seriously, not to mention that he now has the Shura God position.

But for some reason, Zhu Zhuqing in front of him became a little strange.

Especially the breath emitted by the pair of slender wings formed by the hurricane behind the other party gave him a feeling of extreme sharpness and speed, erratic and elusive.

Moreover, it was not just the fluctuation in the level of power, but also the temperament that changed greatly.

Zhu Zhuqing in the past was indeed cold, but she didn't have the indifference of today. It seemed that she didn't care about anything external. Her transcendent demeanor was even more like a god than he is now.

On the opposite right side, there was a beautiful woman with silver hair and purple eyes, which was very eye-catching.

There were many beauties on the Douluo Continent, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and even Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue who had fought before, all of them were flawless, and their faces were as perfect and moving as the work of nature.

However, compared with the woman in front of him, the others all lacked a bit of temperament.

Probably because of the unique eyebrows, eyes and hair color, she looked like a dream, almost not like a mortal person, like a shadow walking out of a painting.

However, what really made Tang San feel like he was facing a great enemy at this moment was the young man between the two.

In terms of appearance alone, this person can be called handsome and tall, but he is definitely not outstanding. At least compared to the two women beside him, he still has some things to be picky about in appearance.

At first glance, he looks gentle and peaceful, which is not surprising, but if you look closely, you will feel his aura is amazing, as if the vast green mountains and the bright moon can be fully contained in his heart.

But under the heaviness, there is still a very deep edge hidden, like a magic sword in a sheath, gathering strength.

Looking at the three people in front of him, Tang San felt a little puzzled.

Except for Zhu Zhuqing, he had never seen the other two in the past. More importantly, there was no fluctuation of divine power on them, but their aura was unfathomable.

It seemed that the short imprisonment he had just received was caused by this person.

Thinking of this, Tang San frowned and looked at Zhu Zhuqing, glanced at Su Yue with silver hair and purple eyes, and finally looked at Su Cheng and said: "Youā€”ā€”"

He stopped talking before he finished, and then looked down in disbelief.

A sword mark cut across his chest, leaving a faint blood mark, which was extremely conspicuous even under the reflection of the blood-colored armor.

The next moment, Shura's divine power retreated like a tide, and Xiao Wu's body appeared from behind him, with an identical scar on her chest.

The dual-god fusion state of the two was actually broken directly.

The vitality was quickly annihilated, and the two people with desperate eyes could not say a word.

Su Cheng did not look at Tang San again, his lips opened and closed gently, and then all the members of the Spirit Hall heard the same voice in their ears: "The Sea God is dead, full-scale attack."

While speaking, Su Cheng's perception had silently spread downwards, secretly observing the situation of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

Tang San's death did not cause any ripples in his heart.

The layout of the plot emphasizes the formation and the initiative, so before this, Su Cheng was never in a hurry, but made full preparations for today.

It doesn't matter how much Tang San grows. He collects intelligence from various channels, always keeping his eyes on the God Realm, and has some spare energy to plan other things.

For example, the awakening of the spiritual core, and even paving the way for improving the relationship between the few people after the end of the simulation, are the issues that the scumbag Cheng has spent a lot of time thinking about.

Among the women, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue are the most difficult to deal with. In addition to the relationship and estrangement between them, Qian Renxue's personality is also the most extreme.

It is not difficult to break the resentment that has accumulated over the years between the two.

Presumably after this battle, the mother and daughter who are willing to sacrifice their lives for each other at a critical moment, even if they are unwilling to admit it in the short term, the bond of blood can no longer deceive themselves.

The problem lies in Qian Renxue's emotional attitude towards Su Cheng.

In love, both men and women hope that the other party can be loyal to themselves, which is a reasonable and normal demand.

It's just that compared to her, the others tolerated Su Cheng's scumbag behavior for various reasons.

But Qian Renxue is different.

In her opinion, she was the first to know Su Cheng, and she had the deepest feelings for Su Cheng. The two of them could be called the "original couple" in the true sense. Moreover, in terms of strength and ability, other people were far inferior to her, so there was no reason to make concessions.

Based on this point, Su Cheng thought of a way.

In this world, he chose to get together with Bibi Dong first.

Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong didn't know that the appearance of this world was related to Su Cheng.

Zhu Zhuqing could sense that it was because in the simulated world of Xingluo Empire, Su Cheng was too young to start the layout, which was obviously problematic.

But whether it was the first or the third simulation, he had already grown up when he appeared in front of the two. At most, he could be said to have good qualifications and deep scheming, but it was not weird, at least it would not arouse suspicion.

In a certain illusory space far away from the Douluo plane, there were flashing colors.

Two figures, one blue and one red, floated quietly in it, and a huge picture appeared in front of them, showing everything that happened in Jialing Pass.

"Ashura, do you think our behavior is cheating? You are the law enforcer of our God Realm, and you are breaking the law knowingly."

"What evidence do you have to prove that I am breaking the law knowingly?"

"Not yet? You used Xiao Wu's body as a wedding dress, and when Tang San was inheriting the Sea God, you hid your Shura power in his second martial soul."

"This is just some convenience I made for my inheritor, just like when you appeared in front of Tang San when he was inheriting the Sea God. Compared with your behavior, what is my behavior, I didn't help him inherit."

The two figures were the Sea God and Shura God in the God Realm.

The two looked very relaxed at this time.

With the defeat of the successors of the Angel God and the Rakshasa God, it can be said that it is a foregone conclusion that their selected successors will ascend to the God Realm in the future.

Until Su Cheng and the other two showed up at Jialing Pass.

Asura God's eyes condensed, and Poseidon was also somewhat puzzled. He immediately locked his sight on Su Yue, one of the three, and hesitated: "She is..."

"Silver Dragon King." Asura God frowned, "Sheā€”ā€”"

Before he finished speaking, his voice suddenly paused, his eyes slightly turned, and instantly locked on the young man standing in the middle, who was not taken seriously by him. Just by looking at the picture, it is impossible to see the strength of Su Cheng's true power, and his perception is not as sharp as Tang San who faced Su Cheng directly.

At the same time, Tang San and Xiao Wu were annihilated in an instant.

"Who is he?! Asura, you..."

As soon as Poseidon's voice fell, he realized that something was wrong.

Turning his head, he found that Asura God's figure had disappeared at some point.

On the top of Jialing Pass, the atmosphere between Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue was a little weird, and there was a certain strange embarrassment.

At this time, Bibi Dong had no previous fatal injuries.

With Tang San's death, the two of them survived successfully. With the reversal of fate, the spiritual core hidden in their sea of ā€‹ā€‹consciousness also awakened.

Qian Renxue lowered her eyebrows, and countless messy lights and shadows flashed in her eyes...

No wonder...

No wonder I always felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity from the first time I saw him.

No wonder I felt so unacceptable after learning about his relationship with Bibi Dong.

It turns out that the subtle subconscious strong emotion is not an illusion...

If I have to describe it, it's probably like ordinary people dreaming. The preferences and cognitions in the dream are naturally based on the real self to evolve.

It's just that people in the dream find it difficult to realize that they are dreaming.

The only difference between the two is that the dream is chaotic and blurred, without such a strong sense of reality...

"Ahem, sorry, I suddenly remembered something while practicing, and I came late."

Su Cheng landed beside the two and coughed lightly, indicating his presence, and at the same time expressing his innocence as if unintentionally.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at him with a mocking look, but didn't say much.

Bibi Dong pursed her lips slightly, looked at Su Cheng, and then looked at Qian Renxue beside her, as if she wanted to say something but stopped.

Qian Renxue still bowed her head and said nothing.

The white flames on her body burned quietly, and in her lowered eyes, the white flames flickered and flickered, and her state seemed extremely unstable.

Su Yue also felt the strange atmosphere here, and her eyes turned and scanned the people present, and finally her eyes fell on Qian Renxue.

This girl has such a strong aura...

What she meant by strong was not the energy fluctuations exposed by Qian Renxue.

In terms of the strength of her power, it was probably at the peak level of the third-level god, and compared with Su Yue now, it was still on par.

The terrifying thing was the nature of the energy.

The feeling of burning everything and shining everything was like a shining sun that never went out, which even made her feel a little horrified.

Before this, Su Yue could never imagine that someone could control the power of the sun.

This is not the so-called true sun fire used by the Angel God, but the real power of the blazing sun.

The sun is one of the energy sources of all things in the world, and it is a field that even the gods in the God Realm cannot set foot in.

Almost all of the thousands of planes in this world live and reproduce under the light of the sun, and even most of the planes only enjoy the afterglow of the projection of the Sun Star.

Even at the peak of the Dragon God, the Sun Star was a rare and powerful existence that he was afraid of and difficult to touch.


Su Cheng had no time to care about Su Yue's thoughts, and looked at Qian Renxue, who was agitated, and called softly.


Qian Renxue still didn't speak.

She actually understood the current situation.

After all, she had a similar experience before.

But the difference from that time was that she understood everything after returning to reality.

And this time, she woke up in advance in this world.

Above the empty and blazing white sea of ā€‹ā€‹consciousness, the confrontation scene that had not been seen for a long time was staged again.

Qian Renxue, who was dressed in black, had a gloomy look in her eyes and said in a low voice: "He's here, have you made up your mind?"

Faced with her questioning, the figure in white opposite remained silent.

"And there are not only Bibi Dong and Zhu Zhuqing, but also a white-haired one... No, there is another breath in Su Cheng's body. Damn it, I can't stand it!"

"...Wait." Qian Renxue, who was dressed in white, raised her head, her eyes dim and confused, "This time, I'm late."

"What does it have to do with sooner or later? Can this kind of thing be allowed!"


Seeing her silence again, the black-clothed figure's eyes flickered, and his mind quickly changed.

The two of them were born in one body, with the same will. In fact, she understood that the other party's entanglement at this time was not only about the principle of the emergence of this world, nor was it just a boring question of first come first served.

The most critical contradiction was Bibi Dong.

"What are you going to do?"

"...I don't know."

"Very good, then I will kill all those guys, anyway, this is just a fake world."

After saying that, she didn't wait for the other party to respond, and her consciousness directly withdrew from this space.

In reality, the white flames in Qian Renxue's eyes went out, and then her white clothes turned black, and her golden long hair showed a dark silver-gray luster.

Su Yue's eyes moved slightly, and she found that with the strange changes in the other party, the nature of the breath seemed to have changed. Although it was still strong, it was no longer as terrifying as before.

At least, with her current strength, she was 90% sure to defeat the other party.

Bibi Dong took a deep breath and whispered: "Xiao Xue..."

"Don't call me so intimately, I don't know you well." Qian Renxue said coldly.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong was stunned at first, then noticed the other party's eyes and reacted immediately.

This is the abnormal Xiao Xue.

She knew that the initial bud of Qian Renxue's second soul came from the negative emotions accumulated in the other party's heart for many years. It can be said that she herself is one of the culprits who contributed to the emergence of this personality.

In this case, the other party certainly cannot be like the normal Xiao Xue, still retaining emotions such as "family affection", and it is good not to regard her as an enemy.

After Qian Renxue finished speaking, she didn't pay any attention to Bibi Dong's meaning at all, and walked slowly to Su Cheng.

She glanced at Zhu Zhuqing who was next to Su Cheng, and said lightly: "Get out of the way."

Zhu Zhuqing raised her eyebrows, blood flashed in her eyes, the wings of the wind god suddenly opened, and the shadow of the white tiger appeared behind her.

If the opponent was not in that extremely strange fusion state, she would not be afraid.

Who is strong and who is weak, you will know after fighting.

Su Cheng saw that the situation was not right, and hurriedly stepped between the two and said seriously: "Xiaoxue, you may not know the current situation. Even if the successor of Shura God died, the real predecessor Shura God is still in the God Realm. That guy is much stronger and may come at any time. Now is not the time for civil strife."

"Ha, civil strife? Who is she! And I have always been like this, do you know it?" Qian Renxue stared at him and sneered, "Su Cheng, I thought you knew my character very well. What does the overall situation have to do with me?"

Su Cheng felt a headache when he heard this.

But he was not completely unprepared for the current situation.

In fact, Qian Renxue's attitude at this moment was not much worse than he expected.

At least after recovering her memory and Bibi Dong was also involved with her, only her second personality showed a tough attitude, which meant that her previous strategy was meaningful.

It seemed that the main personality, who was not so radical, was already hesitant about the existence of Bibi Dong and even the relationship between them, but it would take some time to accept it.

"Su Cheng, what's her situation?"

At this time, Su Yue, who had been ignored by everyone for a long time, suddenly asked calmly.

However, although she was calm on the surface, she was actually extremely unhappy in her heart.

For some reason, Su Yue inexplicably felt excluded at this moment, as if she had become an outsider.

There seemed to be some strange tacit understanding between these people in front of her.

But this was unreasonable.

She and Su Cheng had known each other for more than ten years, and no one knew his social circle, the people he knew, and even his background better than she did.

She was the first person in this world to get to know the other person, how did it inexplicably turn into this situation...

"What the hell is it to you?"

Before Su Cheng could answer, Qian Renxue sneered.

A trace of anger flashed in Su Yue's eyes, and she turned her head and looked at her directly, "I am his sister!"

"Sister? Haha." Qian Renxue suddenly raised her head and laughed.

There was no kindness in her laughter, but full of ridicule.

"Sometimes sister, sometimes sister, after a while, shouldn't you change your words to lover and baby? You also go away, it's not your turn to speak here." After saying that, she looked at Su Cheng again, "Where is the Blue Silver Emperor, why are you still hiding, let her come out."

Su Cheng: "..."

Xiaoxue's attack power after awakening is too strong.

First, she was autistic because of Bibi Dong, then quarreled with Zhu Zhuqing, and then angrily sprayed Su Yue, and finally she was going to attack Ah Yin?

Fortunately, this is just the second personality. If the two souls merged and went berserk again like in reality, the situation would probably get out of control again.

Su Cheng sighed and was not ready to let Ah Yin out. He said, "Xiaoxue, we entered this world against our will. We didn't know what was going on at first. Dong'er and Iā€”ā€”"

"Dong'er?!" Qian Renxue suddenly stretched out her hand to grab Su Cheng's collar and growled, "That's my mother!"


Didn't you say before that you didn't know her well?

Su Cheng pondered for a moment, and just as he was about to say something, Ah Yin's figure suddenly appeared beside him.

With her appearance, a layer of quiet and gentle domain spread out, and the abnormally restless atmosphere here seemed to calm down a lot.

Ah Yin glanced at the people present, and then whispered, "Qian Renxue, can I talk to you?"

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