Qian Renxue raised her eyebrows, a hint of disdain flashing in her eyes.

Just when she was about to say something, a breath suddenly appeared in the sky above Jialing Pass.

The grand battlefield where the two armies were fighting on the plain below seemed to have suddenly pressed the pause button. The roar of the drums disappeared, and the world suddenly fell silent.

No matter those ordinary soldiers, many powerful soul masters, or even titled Douluo, although it was difficult to truly feel the aura due to the level difference, they still saw the tall and terrifying scarlet figure like a demon in the sky, and felt inexplicably A strong heart palpitations.

The instinct of survival and the fear of dying were intertwined, and everyone stopped their offensive actions unconsciously.

Even the soldiers who were about to pierce the opponent's chest with their spears were no longer able to hold on, their fingers trembling slightly.

On the top of the city of Jialing Pass, Su Cheng and other powerful men above the god level or on the threshold of the god level also frowned and looked at the giant in the sky.

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Su Cheng withdrew his eyes from the sky, looked at a few people and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I can deal with you..."

After thinking about it, he didn't say it directly, but sent a message to Bibi Dong: "Please pay attention to me, don't let them really make trouble."

Bibi Dong is strong enough. If only Qian Renxue's negative personality appears, it shouldn't cause too much trouble.

"me and you togather."

But what Su Cheng didn't expect was that Qian Renxue suddenly stepped forward and came to his side.

Although he says that this is a false world, the overall situation has nothing to do with him.

But when it came to a critical moment, she still wanted to fight side by side with Su Cheng. In this regard, her two souls had never had any differences with each other.

Sure enough, as Qian Renxue finished speaking, a faint blazing white flame flashed in her eyes, and her aura as blazing as the sun gradually rose.

"No need." Su Cheng patted her shoulder, "This is not the God Realm. I can handle it on my own. When I need help, I won't be polite to you. It's just a small scene now."

After saying that, Su Cheng flew up and reached the sky in a blink of an eye, facing the giant-like figure in front of him.

Wearing a scarlet demon armor covering his whole body, with complex and mysterious dark red runes carved on the surface, the Shura Demon Sword that Tang San had previously controlled fell into his palm at some point. The man and the sword were perfectly integrated, as if they were one body, and the demon sword's blade also widened and stretched several feet on its own, completely matching his own height of more than three meters.

The dark red long sword not only looks bloody and sharp, but also gives people a sense of indestructible power.

Around him, small dark cracks continued to appear and then disappear. This is not the legendary space crack, but the aftermath of Shura's divine power that escapes in order to fight against the rules of the universe. After these restless divine powers annihilate the natural energy of the outside world, they produce a special phenomenon similar to an "energy vacuum".

The face of God Shura is also covered with a ferocious mask. No facial expression can be seen, only a pair of scarlet eyes are exposed, majestic, violent but extremely restrained.

Underneath the sharp and solid murderous intent, there is a calm background like ice and snow.

When he truly faced this powerful man who stood at the top even among the gods in the divine world, Su Cheng truly felt the power of the other person.

It can be said that he has never had a similar feeling before growing up in this world.

No matter when he was weak, facing those titled Douluo, or when he became strong, facing god-level beings, he had never experienced such a strong sense of oppression like this moment.

Su Cheng secretly sighed, no wonder this Shura God King could play a key role in the battle with the Dragon God. It was really amazing, far beyond his initial expectations. And this is because the other party is under the suppression of the rules of the universe.

Compared to Tang San's so-called "Shura God", the aura of the man in front of him was far more profound and terrifying.

Especially those frantic but clear contradictory eyes, the pure murderous intention that runs freely, Su Cheng dares to say that if a god on the level of the Rakshasa God really comes face to face with the person in front of him, just one look at each other will lead to... His own divine power is out of control.

Just as Su Cheng was sizing up the other person, God Shura was also sizing him up silently.

"You were the one who killed the new Shura God and Poseidon?"

The deep voice is like the sound of gold and iron, majestic and formidable. It also contains a strong personal will and can even disturb the minds of others.

"Can't you kill him?" Su Cheng asked casually, not caring about the other party's tone.


God Shura was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then he stopped mentioning Tang San and said calmly: "Your existence breaks the rules."

"Whose rules?"

"The rules of the divine world."

"What do the rules of the God Realm have to do with me? I have never received any favors from the God Realm, and I have never had any causal relationship with the God Realm, so why should I be restricted by the God Realm?"

"This is order and rules. Since you are one of the creatures in the world and have grown up under this world, when your own existence may shake the foundation of the universe, you will naturally be erased."

Regarding Su Cheng's doubts and frivolous words, God Shura did not get angry. Instead, he explained patiently, which was somewhat incompatible with the decisive attitude revealed in his words.

At this moment, a figure appeared inexplicably in his mind.

The peak dragon god who dominated the universe and was invincible in the world back then.

At that time, who could have imagined that such a just and powerful existence would become a hidden danger and cancer in the universe?

"Haha..." Amid laughter, Su Cheng stretched out his hand and held a long sword in his hand.

"Why are you laughing?" God Shura's eyes flashed and he said calmly.

"Because you are ridiculous, so I laughed." Su Cheng raised his sword and pointed it directly at the opponent.

"In the final analysis, it's just about strength and weakness, so why do you need to be so high-sounding? You think that the God Realm is strong enough, so you can formulate rules to control the lower realm. Any creature that is not your kind is wrong. If you say it so bluntly, I will still say it. I can look up to you, because the law of the jungle is the most practical principle."

Upon hearing these words, a cold light suddenly flashed in the eyes of God Shura, who had always remained calm before. His aura suddenly rose several levels, and streaks of bloody lightning appeared around his body.

"The devil's way!"


Su Cheng was a little surprised when he heard the other party comment like this.

In his opinion, no matter what Shura God's approach is, whether he is using power and power to suppress people, it is still justified. But at their level, they shouldn't use strong words to make excuses.

Because that makes no sense.

Arguing is something only weak people do.

When you are strong enough, you don't need to deceive yourself by saying things you don't mean.

"Then tell me, where did I go wrong?"

"If the weak eat the strong, then what's the point of the existence of society and order? Are intelligent creatures and sentient beings any different from beasts?"

If any other gods in the God Realm saw this scene at this time, they would definitely be surprised.

With the character of God Shura, he has always been able to take action and never talk nonsense, and he is rarely able to reason with others.

"Society and order?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, "As far as I know, the purpose of establishing the God Realm is to enable the gods to resist the suppression of the laws of the universe, right? Those gathered there are just a group of pitiful people who are afraid of death and are lingering on. Chong. Relying on you to maintain order in the world? What a big statement."

"The existence of the God Realm is to maintain the operation of the universe, to resist the erosion of the abyss, and to protect the reproduction of more living beings. Is it just to resist the suppression of the rules of the universe? The rules of the universe can only suppress my strength, but they cannot be erased. My existence. If I hadn’t shouldered the responsibility of the God King, I would have left the God Realm long ago.”


Su Cheng's heart moved, and he silently examined the huge Shura God in front of him for a moment before continuing: "This is interesting. Your thoughts and words are a little different from what I imagined. Then let me ask you, why did you say so before? In battle, the descendants of the Rakshasa God and the Angel God can be killed, but your descendants cannot? Is this the rule you say? "

"It can be killed." God Shura said lightly, "But it cannot be killed by you. In other words, there is a problem with your existence itself."

Su Cheng narrowed his eyes when he heard the words. He could understand the latter sentence, but he didn't believe the previous sentence.

"The losers were the two of them, and they lost in the hands of Tang San's twin gods, so you would naturally say this. What if Tang San lost, not to me, but to them, what would happen to you? Don't do anything and let Tang San be defeated and die?"

He knew what outrageous things Shura God would do for Tang San.

If the other party insists on being tough at this time, there is no need to continue the communication.

"Probably I'll do something too." God Shura said calmly.

"What about your rules?" Su Cheng mocked softly.

"No matter how big or small the matter is, I am also a member of all sentient beings, so I naturally have my own selfish motives and positions. I respect the rules, but I will not be imprisoned by them. However, when it comes to matters such as heirs, I will only take appropriate action and will never The big one bullies the small ones.”

Having said this, God Shura glanced at Bibi Dong below, "She was originally my chosen successor, but Rakshasa intervened and destroyed the inheritance ceremony. I did not anger Rakshasa for this, because this is the same It’s allowed within the rules.”

"Why do you want to explain so much to me?"

"You are very strong, but I may not win."

Su Cheng nodded, understanding what he meant.

For God Shura, the information about him is almost blank, and his performance just now clearly shows that he has a deep understanding of the divine world, and the difference in strength between them makes him feel wary.

God Shura obviously doesn't want to create a mortal enemy in the divine world.

At least after a short exchange, misunderstandings that should not exist can be explained clearly.

Unfortunately, at present, the conflict between each other's positions is still difficult to resolve. After all, there will still be a fight, and even life and death.

On the other side, Jialing is closed, and the atmosphere seems a bit strange.

Bibi Dong, Zhu Zhuqing and Su Yue were silent, sensing the confrontation between the two in the sky, while also distractedly thinking about possible changes in the future.

However, several people have different ideas.

Su Yue was still trying to sort out various clues and try her best to restore the doubts in her mind. Today's series of changes were really puzzling to her. Even for a while, the attention paid to God Shura dropped a lot.

In contrast, Bibi Dong and Zhu Zhuqing were extremely sober. This is not the first time they have entered this kind of world, and they understand that all the memories they have today will be brought back to reality.

But the two of them also had their own thoughts.

Needless to say, Bibi Dong had the biggest resistance between her and Su Cheng.

Although I have been trying my best to spin silk and weave webs, I have never been confident. Even if I have received a few promises, I don't have much confidence in the future.

Until now, she finally really saw hope and saw the light in the darkness.

In any case, the relationship between the two is finally settled.

This was the best result she had expected from the beginning, and she didn't want to force anything else too much.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, although he was very dissatisfied with the appearance of Bibi Dong and A Yin, Qian Renxue's ideas seemed to have changed. It would be a good thing if that crazy woman could stop going mad.

Inadvertently, the three of them glanced at the figures of the two women farther away at the same time, wanting to know what they were talking about.

Unfortunately, there is a layer of powerful territory covering the area, which seems to be connected to the earth's veins. Even with the god-level strength of Bibi Dong and others, it is difficult to perceive the specific content of the conversation.

After Su Cheng left to fight against God Shura, the two of them walked aside alone. Qian Renxue finally listened to A Yin's suggestion of "talking"...

"...Qian Renxue, the reason why you pressure Su Cheng in every possible way and insist on letting him make a choice is because you feel emboldened. Because you are determined, Su Cheng will never give up on you. If he would because of your willfulness And if I let you go, would you still be so decisive?"

"Ha, you don't need to say such things to me." Qian Renxue sneered, "Yes, I just have this confidence. How do you treat me?"

"I can't do anything." Ah Yin's voice was calm, not angry because of the other party's arrogance and rudeness.

"Maybe his feelings for you are really different, but even so, will he give up Bibi Dong and Zhu Zhuqing because of you? Bibi Dong once risked his life to save him, even if it is just this friendship, Su Cheng's character will not May be abandoned.

"It's fine if you want to continue acting like this. To be honest, I hate you because you are always so willful, more willful than anyone else.

"If you and Su Cheng can be separated forever, I may never need to see your condescending face again."


Qian Renxue frowned, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart, but she had nothing to say for a moment.

Can she really change everything now by stubbornly persisting and trying every means to obstruct it?

With Qian Renxue's intelligence, how could she not understand that as time goes by, the accumulated negative emotions will only drive the two of them further apart.

Everyone's tolerance has a limit. Su Cheng is like this, and so is he. Relationships will eventually be worn away by time.

But she just wasn't convinced.

She couldn't accept that she was wronged like this...

"Although I hate you, I don't want to see him suffer." At this time, Ah Yin suddenly turned his head and looked directly at Qian Renxue, with a cold color in his eyes, "As far as I know, Bibi Dong saved him that time , the fatal injury came from you...you almost killed him!"


Qian Renxue was silent again.

In fact, the target of that sword was not Su Cheng, nor could it be Su Cheng.

But judging from the results, it was indeed him who pierced his vital part and almost killed him on the spot.

Qian Renxue didn't want to deny this, and she even emphasized her fault repeatedly in her heart.

Ah Yin turned back and his expression returned to calm, "One more thing, Su Cheng should have told you that he has other enemies. Now for him, there are more important things to do, and there are powerful opponents to go to. face."

"……Spirit world?"

"Yes, before coming to Jialing Pass, he said that after this inexplicable dream is over, he will return to reality and challenge the order ruled by the gods. That Su Yue is his ally."

"what do you want to say?"

"Compared to your possessiveness, would you rather he die with you?"


Qian Renxue said nothing.

If it were in the past, she would definitely answer "yes".

I would rather die than let others get involved in this relationship.

However, the sword from Wuhun City in reality caused a strong shock to her.

After that, she traveled alone across the mainland, went to the far north to improve, and then went to Poseidon Island to practice...

After all the experiences, Qian Renxue already had the answer in her heart.

She didn't want to bear this loneliness.

She is a person who lacks love. It would be fine if she never got it, but the pain of losing it after getting it is ten times more severe.

In the first dream, Su Cheng died before her.

In Wuhun City, he received another fatal sword blow from her. If Bibi Dong hadn't saved her at the risk of his own life, there would have been another life-or-death farewell.

"And Bibi Dong, what should she do?"

Qian Renxue's eyes twitched when she heard this.

This is another problem that I don't want to face.

There is no harm without comparison. In comparison, she would rather accept Zhu Zhuqing...

Ah Yin did not leave her much room to think, and continued: "There is another you, what do you think now? Are you really that selfish, don't even care about the other side of yourself? Are you coming? On the way, I sensed the scene of Bibi Dong blocking the sword for you. "

Sighing, her voice softened and she persuaded: "Many people have made compromises, and Su Cheng will be willing to make compromises, but you should give him time. At least, wait until he has passed the final difficulty before going. Willful. Look up and see what kind of enemy he is facing now."


Qian Renxue lowered her eyes and said nothing, making it difficult to see the change in her expression.

The woman beside him said something nice, saying that she should give Su Cheng time to think and let go of these emotions for the time being, and wait until he gets through the difficulties.

But in the final analysis, it was just a delay.

Qian Renxue knew very well that she was just holding on.

If she relaxed, could she still hold on to her feelings at the moment?


Her mind sank, and she stared at the other white-clothed figure in the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness. She couldn't help but sigh when she recalled the scene where Bibi Dong risked her life to save her.

Yes, this is just a false world.

But before that moment, who knew that the ultimate blow of the Shura Demon Sword was not fatal?

At least the willingness to sacrifice their lives for each other at that time was real.

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