Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 146 Tang Yuehua: I understand, teacher

"Forging soul power?"

Tang Yuehua was a little confused: "Can soul power also be forged?"

"Of course you can!"

Tang Xiao summoned his Clear Sky Hammer and at the same time spread out his other hand, only to see a glazed pagoda shining with rainbow light floating above it.

"This is!"

Tang Yuehua blurted out: "Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda?"

"No, this is not the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda."

But soon, Tang Yuehua discovered that the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda in front of her was different from what she had in mind.

Because this small tower is not seven floors, but nine floors!

"This is not the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, but the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda."

As Tang Xiao finished speaking, he took back the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and summoned the Soul-Breaking Gun, the Seven Killing Sword, the Coiling Dragon Stick and other weapon spirits, even Tang Yuehua's Ruyi Ring.

"how did you do that?"

Tang Yuehua's inability to practice does not mean that she has no knowledge.

The scene in front of him seemed to overturn Tang Yuehua's understanding of martial arts.

"Brother, you said this was made with soul power?"


Tang Xiao admired: "Compared with Master Aoun, I'm still far behind."

Tang Xiao knew that this was amazing, but among the secret skills taught by Aoun, this was really nothing. It could only be said to be a very common superficial knowledge.

He clearly remembered that Aoun simulated his soul power and then ignited it.

The ignited soul power turned into flames, and the martial soul forged with the soul power was recast in the furnace, and the final result of the forging was an 'artifact'.


Tang Yuehua's eyes widened: "The artifact, is it that artifact? The weapon of the gods?"

"Ha ha."

Tang Xiao did not continue to explain, because in his opinion, it was not only a magical weapon, but also the future of this power.

You can create artifacts at will, possessing infinite power and ever-changing treasures.

"Come on, let's go there now."


After listening to his brother's description, Tang Yuehua became more and more looking forward to the god named Aoun.

If her cultivation talent could really be changed, although she would not give up Yuexuan directly, it would not be difficult to find a way to cultivate a successor.

When the time comes, Tang Yuehua can return here, like other disciples, work hard to practice and become a powerful soul master.


The lava was rolling and the scorching underground trip made Tang Yuehua very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Tang Xiao used his soul power to protect him throughout the whole process, so it was only at an uncomfortable level without any abnormality.


The sound of heavy iron strikes came from the front. Tang Yuehua raised his head and saw a huge figure that looked like a god and a demon.

This is a weird alien space, surrounded by smoke and clouds, the sky is vast, and there are volcanoes everywhere that are constantly erupting.

And at the end of Tang Yuehua's gaze, the Flame of the Mountain Hidden, which Tang Xiao revered as, was like a giant god towering over the sky. He used the crater as a furnace, waving the mountain hammer that contained thunder and storm, and forged his new body again and again. work.

"Lord Ornn."

Tang Xiao bowed respectfully and introduced: "According to your instructions, I brought my roommate here."


As the hammer fell, the entire world in front of Tang Yuehua seemed to be shaking.

The next moment, raging flames soared into the sky. When Tang Yuehua reacted, she saw an old man-like figure with fiery hair and ram's horns appearing in front of her.


Tang Yuehua heard Tang Xiao talk about Aoun's appearance more than once along the way, but this look

It's not that Ornn is ugly.

To be honest, Aoun's appearance is extremely majestic and sacred, which is very consistent with Tang Yuehua's understanding of 'ancient gods'.


The other party is obviously not human.

If Tang Xiao hadn't said hello in advance, Tang Yuehua would have definitely thought that Aoun was a spirit beast.

"You are very good."

Suddenly, Aoun finished looking at Tang Yuehua and gave his evaluation: "Do you want to learn something from me?"


Tang Yuehua collected her thoughts, then bowed politely, and then asked: "Thank you, Lord God, for your kindness. I wonder if I can ask, are you going to teach me anything?"

"You're not fit to swing a hammer."

"But my craft doesn't necessarily require a hammer."

Ornn is the god of forging. In addition to the first fire, his most typical authority is creation.

Theoretically speaking, Aoun has mastered any skill, craft, or craft in the world, and has reached the pinnacle.

So Aoun told Tang Yuehua what he meant.

The secret technique he wanted to teach was far more sophisticated than the soul power forging method passed down to Tang Xiao.

"Do you know, soul guide?"

Aoun's attitude towards Tang Yuehua was obviously much better than that towards Tang Xiao.

Perhaps thinking of his naughty sister, Aoun rarely showed a gentle side.

Of course, in Aoun's eyes, Tang Yuehua should be more like a granddaughter than a younger sister, Bingniao.

"The so-called soul guide is the external movement track of soul power."

"Engrave different trajectories on various carriers," Aoun threw out a piece of metal with a large number of mysterious lines engraved on it: "Just like it, I engraved a divine power on it to make it have It has the defensive power to withstand the full blow of your so-called gods."

"for you."

After speaking, Aoun quickly made the metal into a necklace, and then handed it to Tang Yuehua.

"This is?"


Aoun said matter-of-factly: "Meeting ceremony."

"Uh, oh, thank you."

Tang Yuehua, who has always been elegant and noble, really looked like a little girl who was inexperienced in the world when facing Orn, with all kinds of tricks.

However, she still obediently accepted Aoun's gift and put it around her neck.

I must admit that this necklace is really beautiful, and it fits Tang Yuehua's aesthetic very well. It has a charm that makes her unable to put it down.

"Isn't this attitude a bit different?"

Tang Xiao's mouth twitched slightly. He felt that if Aoun were a human being, he would definitely be a daughter slave or a granddaughter slave.

However, considering that this is Douluo Continent, older men basically cannot escape this fate.

After all, the Aoun here is not the real Aoun. He is an ancient god of nature born from Luo Chen's memory and combined with the rules of Douluo Continent.

God is still a Douluo person.

Therefore, Aoun is still inevitable when facing Tang Yuehua.

"And me?"

Tang Xiao said speechlessly: "Why did you not give me anything, teacher, after I have been studying for so long?"

In front of outsiders, Tang Xiao respected Aoun as master.

But privately, he has always regarded Aoun as his master.

"You can go back."

However, the old father didn't pay attention to the one he picked up.

Now that he has a real little cotton-padded jacket, he is about to be kicked out of the house.

Aoun: You brat, you have no eyesight at all, so get out of here!


Tang Xiao was stunned by Aoun's different treatment: "No, teacher, are you going too far? Even if you are biased, it is too obvious!"

"go back!"


Along with the roar of the metal door, Tang Xiao was driven out by Aoun.

Well, it’s really written on his face that he loves the new and dislikes the old.

But there was nothing Tang Xiao could do.

Over the past year and a half, his relationship with Aoun has indeed become much closer.

Aoun went from being disgusted at the beginning to now tacitly allowing him to tinker with something here.

Not driving him out directly is the best evidence that Aoun has changed his attitude towards him.

"There's really nothing we can do."

Fortunately, Tang Xiao was also happy that his sister could gain favor from Aoun.

Ever since his father was angered to death by his younger brother and the sect was in ruins, Tang Xiao had been confused and doubted whether he could revive the Haotian Sect.

Until he met Aoun, his words "I think you are better than him" made Tang Xiao completely step out of Tang Hao's shadow.

Yes, how is he inferior to Tang Hao?

Isn't the only difference between the two brothers that Tang Chen chose his younger brother as his successor instead of him?

Because of Tang Chen's judgment, Tang Xiao believed that his younger brother was stronger than him.

But is this the truth?

Although Tang Chen was a genius, his grandfather was not a god after all. Was his judgment necessarily correct?

At least here, Aoun chose him, Tang Xiao, instead of Tang Hao.

Even though Tang Hao was already here and outside, Aoun still didn't take him seriously.

On the contrary, it was their tragic sister who received good fortune.


On the other side, Tang Yuehua was a little flustered. She actually wanted her brother to be by her side rather than alone.

"Are you scared?"


Tang Yuehua lowered his head, not daring to look at Aoun.

There is no way, the opponent's aura is too strong, and the difference in strength between them is really the difference between an ant and a giant.

For an ordinary person like her who has never practiced at all, perhaps Aoun could kill hundreds or even thousands of her just by blowing his breath.

Of course, this is just Tang Yuehua deceiving himself.

The flames here are completely controlled by Aoun. Not only will they not harm Tang Yuehua, but they will follow Aoun's will, get close to and protect her.

Tang Yuehua can also feel the kindness and tenderness conveyed in each cluster of flames.

"You're not afraid of me."

However, to Tang Yuehua's surprise, Aoun put his big fluffy hand on her head: "You are just afraid of failing other people's expectations again."


Tang Yuehua stared blankly at the god in front of her. She knew that the other person was right.

Feeling Aoun's kindness, Tang Yuehua should not be afraid of him at all.

Even if her brother is kicked out and she is alone here, it will be no different from when she was in charge of Yuexuan.

What really makes Tang Yuehua uneasy is her fear and confusion about the future.

She was afraid that this hard-won miracle would be like a flash in the pan like the day she awakened her martial spirit.

"Do you want to become a god?"

Aoun did not follow the temptation, but directly dropped a bombshell.

As for the effect.

Undoubtedly, powerful.


Tang Yuehua looked at Aoun in disbelief, and was even more shocked by what he said.

She simply couldn't figure out why Aoun's words were so out of touch.

A second ago, he seemed to be preparing to enlighten her and soothe her mood.

Then, there was this question.

"Become a god?"

Gods in today's Douluo Continent are just myths and legends. No one has become a god for tens of thousands of years.

Even Tang Yuehua would not have believed that gods were real if she had not known that her grandfather Tang Chen went to look for traces of gods.

But now, the real god is right in front of him.

Ornn is a living god.

Then He would ask this, Tang Yuehua knew that Aoun was definitely not joking with her.

"I do not understand what you mean."

"You have what it takes to become a god."


Good guy, Tang Yuehua never knew that he could be evaluated like this.

What's even more outrageous is that the person who said these words was a true god, which shows the gold content in them.

"You, you must be joking, right?"

"I don't know how to joke."

Aoun shook his head and said: "You are qualified to become a god, as long as you study hard."


"Let's go."

Aoun turned around and motioned for Tang Yuehua to follow: "No need to be afraid, you can definitely do it."

If you have to ask why?

That's what Aoun felt she could do.

Aoun: No matter if it’s a god or your grandfather named Tang Chen, if I say you can do it, you can definitely do it!

‘Is this the real god? ’

If you talk about others, you may think that Aoun is too strong and is talking a bit to himself.

But Tang Yuehua is different.

She has lived in the shadow of the day she awakened all her life. Even though she was protected by her two brothers, it still couldn't change the fact that she was a waste.

‘Even if everyone doesn’t say it, they must be thinking so in their hearts. ’

‘Without my father, without my eldest and second brothers, who am I? ’

Under Aoun's questioning, Tang Yuehua finally realized why he wanted to change his destiny.

Not for others to look up to.

She just longs to truly live, be independent, and choose her own life without interference from others!

‘Can I decide where to go? ’

She doesn't want to be restricted to Yuexuan, and she doesn't want to be a tool to make money for the Haotian Sect, even if this is the only place where she can shine and contribute to the sect.


‘Can I choose my marriage? ’

She didn't want to be treated as a commodity by the sect, given to dignitaries who needed an alliance, and become a fertility machine.



Tang Yuehua kept asking questions silently in her heart, and Aoun seemed to understand her heart, strengthening her belief and guiding her in the direction again and again.

Even though he didn't say anything, Aoun seemed to treat her heart like a piece of rusty scrap metal.

One blow, then another, until hope reignited in her heart.


At this moment, Tang Yuehua finally understood why his brother admired and respected Aoun so much.

Ornn is not just a god, he is more like a torch that lights the first fire and drives away the cold and darkness for future generations.

"Master Ornn."

"From today on, you are just like that brat, you can learn my skills from me."


Tang Yuehua felt enlightened, so she called out very affectionately: "Teacher."


Outside the Shanyin Cave, Tang Xiao put his hands behind his back. He was happy that his sister could get Aoun's favor, but he was also angry at Aoun's ruthlessness.

"Tsk, there's no comparison at all."

Tang Xiao looked up at the sky, where snow had begun to fall again, and smiled: "Perhaps the future of the Haotian Sect depends on my little sister."

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