Luo Chen didn't care about what happened in Tangjiacun and Haotian Sect.

The secret techniques of soul forging and artifact casting are indeed advanced applications, and even he has not mastered them.

But just like what Tang Hao said to Tang San in the original work, a truly powerful master craftsman can turn ordinary quality iron into a magical weapon.

In Luo Chen's opinion, this sentence makes absolutely no sense.

Because it violates the basic principles of matter.

If ordinary materials can be used to create artifacts, what can the same technology be used to create god-level materials?

The more advanced the materials, the better things can be made.

After all, forging itself is not only a variable of 'technology', but is also affected by many objective conditions such as environment and materials.

Be it a disciple of Haotian Sect or Tang Xiao.

Even if they really come up with a variety of weapon spirits, they will still be limited by the basics and have various flaws.

To put it bluntly, the artifact that Luo Chen forged using the bones and soul of the Ice and Fire Dragon King was incomparable to what a mere mortal could create using his own soul power.

In addition, it is also the most important point.

Luochen has already contacted the three demigods. In addition to Bear, Aoun and Bingniao have already told him their arrangements.

He doesn't have much prejudice against the Haotian Sect and the Tang family.

The only person who had a grudge against him so far was Tang Hao.

Even Tang San only glanced at Xiao Wu a few more times, but it was far from enough for Luo Chen to kill him.

As long as Ah Yin didn't completely make up his mind to kill Tang San, Luo Chen wouldn't deal with him.

On the contrary, it was Tang Hao. Luo Chen disliked this guy very much.

"The latest news from Aoun."

Gu Yuena floated next to Luo Chen in the form of a spirit body, reporting to him the changes in the divine examination: "He is ready to start the trial. Apart from Tang Xiao, the other person is the person we have met before. The master of Yuexuan, Tang Yuehua."


The two of them were walking in the dense forest covered with ice and snow. Every time they took a step, their feet would sink into the snow, making a crunching sound.

Both sides of them are covered with icicles reaching into the sky, which are the most distinctive winter cedars in the frozen forest.

"It turns out it's her."

Luo Chen was a little surprised, but he took it for granted. He looked around and saw only a patch of icy blue, which were frozen shrubs.

"Tang Yuehua has returned to Haotian Sect, does that mean Tang Hao and Tang San have also returned?"


"Heh, that's a bit beyond my expectation."

Luo Chen said: "I thought they would continue to search for the Ice and Fire Eyes in the Sunset Forest, but I didn't expect that they would go back."

After finding the Eye of Ice and Fire, Luo Chen used his mental power to scan the Sunset Forest, and then found traces that someone was specifically looking for.

Recalling that Tang Hao has been wandering around the Sunset Forest recently, it is clear who left these traces.

"Tang Hao is finished, no need to pay more attention."

"On the contrary, it's Tang Yuehua. She's lucky enough to be favored by Aoun."

In fact, Luo Chen had noticed when he was at Yuexuan that Tang Yuehua's qualifications were not bad, even quite powerful.

It's a pity that she is a bit old and the time suitable for cultivation has long passed.

What Luo Chen didn't expect was that instead of taking action to help him ascend and make up for the flaws in his martial soul, it was Aoun who took action.

"Aoun's heart is for you, Achen."

Gu Yuena analyzed Aoun's behavior pattern and found that he was a real otaku.

Luo Chen asked Gu Yuena to contact the other party, and at the same time conveyed a message, that is, not to solve Tang Hao's problems for him.

To this point, Aoun simply agreed.

He was not a nosy person to begin with, and now that Luo Chen was demanding it, he would not go against his young master.

"If nothing unexpected happens, Tang Xiao and Tang Yuehua will lead the Haotian Sect to a completely different trajectory than the original one."

It can be seen that although Aoun despises the hammers of the Haotian Sect, in fact he has prepared a way out for them.

As long as they don't go against Luochen and work hard, Luochen is willing to give them a chance of survival.

"But I think Aoun is a little nosy."

"The third test requires the Haotian Sect to surrender. In my opinion, there is no need to go to such trouble."

Gu Yuena: "Destroying it directly will count as completing the trial, right?"

"Did Na'er say that because of the bad impression I have of the Haotian Sect in my memory?"


Gu Yuena smiled slightly: "No, I simply don't like humans."

"You really haven't changed at all."

Luochen never corrected Gu Yuena's thoughts. This was a matter of stance, and there was no right or wrong.

"Forget it, let's see when the time comes."

There is no need for Luo Chen to conquer Haotian Sect. He has the foundation of Wuhun Palace and has no shortage of low-level combat power.

To put it bluntly, in the future Void Invasion battle, there will be no difference at all if there is one more Haotian Sect or one less Haotian Sect.

"If they can be more sensible, Na'er, you know me," Luo Chen said, "I don't like to kill indiscriminately."

"In my opinion, this is not an advantage, Ah Chen."

"I see."

Luochen smiled bitterly and said, "Na'er, you have told me many times."

Seeing that Luo Chen had no intention of changing his mind, Gu Yuena shook her head helplessly and continued: "That bear still doesn't want to communicate with me. Tsk, what's going on with him? They are the same three gods, why do the other two have such different attitudes? Yes, is he so unique?"

If it weren't for Luo Chen's presence and the constraints of the trial rules, Gu Yuena would have wanted to go and fight the bear.

"Na'er, don't be impulsive."

Luo Chen said: "In his divine realm, you probably won't be able to get any favors from him."

"No need to put it so tactfully."

Gu Yuena glared at Luo Chen angrily. She naturally understood how terrifying the divine realm was.

If he really went to the Thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect to cause trouble for Xiong, it would be unclear who would educate whom.

"By the way, when does Achen plan to go to Bingniao?"

Along the way, they were not far from Haotian Sect and Elemental City.

The former is to the east of Luochen's trip, and the latter is on the way to the far north. It is a checkpoint city that requires passage.

"Should we go to Elemental City first, or"

"I plan to complete the exploration of the Far North first, and then go to see the ice bird."

The three gods' trials have different difficulties, and Luo Chen is not absolutely sure, so instead of challenging Bingniao directly, it is better to improve his strength first and then go to her for assessment.


Gu Yuena: "Are you still going to Elemental City?"

"not going."

"When we get out of this frozen forest, we will go through the Far North Plateau and enter the restricted area."

After Luo Chen finished speaking, Tian Meng's figure appeared next to him.

"Huhu, now it's Lord Tianmeng's turn to appear!"

Tianmeng transformed into a little fairy-like guy with a pair of flapping moth wings, and just casually sat on Luo Chen's shoulder: "Continue heading north, let's find Bingbing first, and then the Snow Emperor!"

"Snow Emperor."

Compared to the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, Gu Yuena cared more about the Ice Sky and Snow Girl.

In her opinion, this person definitely has the qualifications to help her and will be her important fighting force against Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue in the future.

"Sister Tianmeng, when you come back this time, does it count as your homecoming?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Tianmeng put her hands on her hips and laughed: "Brother Chen, that's good. I wonder if Bingbing dares to look down on me this time!"


This was not the first time that Gu Yuena saw Tian Meng being shameless. She might have said that she was so arrogant about using external force to break through to the divine realm.

Silver Dragon King: In terms of shamelessness, I would like to respect you as the strongest!


Tian Meng: "Well, when the time comes, can you please give me some face and let me deal with Bing Bing?"

Regarding the actual combat power ranking of Luo Chen's star spirits, Tianmeng arrogantly occupied the last place.

It's a beautiful name, don't bully the two juniors A Yin and A Rou.

In fact, her fighting talent is really not very good. Even with absolute strength, she is still prone to overturning.

Although he obviously has the cheating bug skill of mental detection sharing, Tianmeng can fly up at the critical moment, and in the end he is defeated by Ah Yin and Ah Rou.

In this way, after millions of years of humiliation to soul beasts and humiliation to the divine realm, Tianmeng completed the achievement of 'shame to the stars'.

For a moment, Gu Yuena was stunned.

Others leapfrog levels to kill monsters and challenge across realms.

But Tianmeng has the configuration of a level 1 god, and was left psychologically shadowed by two level 100 soul beasts.

"Sister Tianmeng."

Luo Chen scratched his head, he didn't mind Tianmeng going out to show off his power.

Given the relationship between the two of them, this requirement naturally didn't matter to Luo Chen.

But what he is worried about is, what if Tianmeng loses again?


When Tian Meng heard this, he immediately jumped up, stood on Luo Chen's shoulder and shouted into his ear: "How could I lose! There must be a limit to looking down on others!"

"I, Tian Meng, have the attributes of a level 1 god."

"Even if he doesn't have powerful skills, he is still a level 1 god, a main god level existence!"

Tianmeng said that she lost to Ah Yin and Ah Rou because she did not want to bully others based on her attribute data, but because she respected the two good sisters and did not want to let down their efforts.

But Bingbing, what's going on with Bingbing? Can she fight with herself who has evolved twice?

‘It’s just the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion. She can bully Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, but can she also bully me, Tianmeng Ice Butterfly? ’

Tianmeng Bingsi was chased into the sea to escape, what does this have to do with Tianmeng Bingdie?

"As long as you don't mind."

Luo Chen said this, but he had actually started to make plans to prepare for Tianmeng's real encounter with Waterloo, so that he could save it in time.

As for Gu Yuena, Arou and Ayin, they directly targeted Tianmeng.

This time the situation is special. Tianmeng is fighting an outsider, or it is the fifth or sixth star spirit that Luo Chen wants to conquer.

If Tianmeng fails to live up to expectations and is defeated, doesn't it mean that Luo Chen's ascension is worthless?

The three women take things that will damage Luochen's reputation or be looked down upon by others very seriously.

There is no doubt that Fan Tianmeng lost or was embarrassed.

When she returns to the martial spirit space, she will probably be able to bear it.

"Then show me the way."

"Oh oh oh!"

Tianmeng waved his hand, and his small body immediately turned into a stream of light and rushed forward: "Navigation mode, start!!"

In this way, Luo Chen and his stars traveled non-stop through the frozen forest, all the way north, braving the increasingly cold and biting wind and snow, and completely penetrated into the desperate situation where humans cannot set foot and survive, until they disappeared without a trace. trace.


At the same time, in Tianshui Academy in Elemental City, a cold figure showed doubts.

This is a very beautiful woman. She has long ice-blue hair and wears a long snow-white dress dotted with exquisite ice crystals, showing nobility and elegance.

She, or he, is one of the three demigods awakened by Luochen's third test, the ice crystal phoenix Anivia.

However, compared to her brother Ornn and her other brother Volibear, Anivia is closer to humans.

She never believed that humans were inferior creatures. Instead, she loved and cared about these little guys very much, and often provided them with protection and gifts.

Just like now, in order to get closer to her people, Anivia chose to become a human and live with them in this attitude.

"Lord God?"

"What's wrong with you?"

There are three women beside Anivia, two of them are a pair of sisters, the elder sister is named Shui Yue'er, and the younger sister is named Shui Bing'er. They are both new soul warriors who have just awakened their martial souls.

As for the other slightly older girl, named Xue Wu, like the Shui sisters, they were both envoys selected by Anivia from Tianshui City.


Anivia chuckled and said, "I just felt the little master's aura. I thought he was coming, so I wanted to ask you to prepare."

"Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be planning to come over now."

"little Master?"

"Is this the hero that Lord God said needs to be tested by you?"

The faces of the Shui sisters were full of curiosity and expectation. They had listened to Anivia telling the myths and legends of the ancient ice field in the past two years.

In their minds, those who can complete Anivia's test must be great heroes.

Only those great beings can win the favor of Lord Anivia.

"Well, that's him."

"Remember what I told you, the hero will marry the most beautiful girl and be her bride?"

Anivia has a calm and gentle temperament, but is occasionally naughty and likes to play pranks.

This makes her often play tricks on the three little guys, and she enjoys it.

"Lord God~~~"

No, when this setting was mentioned again, the three little lolita immediately started to blame with dissatisfaction.


Anivia teased: "You three little fools, you must know that there is never a shortage of beautiful women around heroes. If you are so reserved now, when the hero is abducted, there will be no place to cry."

It's a pity that the three little ones are obviously unable to appreciate Avonia's teachings. They completely regard her as a talkative adult and love to bully them.

"Okay, now let's get down to business."

Avonia's assessment is the easiest. Luochen only needs to conquer the Elemental City and the three major academies of Tianshui, Blazing Fire and Kamikaze except Thunder Academy.

Of course, the Elephant Academy is also considered an elemental academy, representing the ‘earth’ among the four elements.

"In the next period of time, I will give you a powerful blessing."

"From now on, you will be my Avarosa, Serelda and Lissandra in this world."

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