Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 101 (Please subscribe) The Realm of Killing! Maybe he simply couldn't carry it.

Chapter 101 (Please subscribe~) The realm of killing! Maybe he just couldn't carry it.

Three consecutive assessments appeared in Guangyu's mind through spiritual thoughts at the same time. To be honest, Guangyu was really stunned.

First of all, Guangyu didn't expect that these simple answers to a few questions would actually be the sixth test of Shura's nine tests.

When I watched the anime, I thought the test for becoming a god was easy enough for the Angel God, but it turned out that the sixth test for the Shura God was even easier.

And the answers to the questions are still the same, just choose to kill them all and it’s done. What kind of heart-training is this?

However, it was the seventh test that followed this that left Guangyu stunned.

You have to complete the trial and execution of the eight people in the sixth test under arbitrary rules.

It means to execute the death penalty on these eight people!

No, under the arbitrary rules, it means that you don’t have to do it yourself, you can also do it through other methods or others. In short, as long as these eight people die, it will be passed. As for how to die, it doesn’t matter.

And the difficulty of this eighth test is not low. Cut off the inheritance of the Rakshasa God under any rules!

Guangyu's first thought was to kill Bibi Dong~

In this way, the inheritance of Rakshasa God will be ended!

But considering that Bibi Dong is Qian Renxue’s mother after all,

Cutting off the inheritance does not necessarily require killing people. Preventing Bibi Dong from becoming a god yourself can be regarded as a different kind of cutting off the inheritance. Or, after Bibi Dong becomes a god, break Bibi Dong's throne into pieces! Or, kill the Rakshasa God directly!

As a time traveler, you must dare to think something, God is not immortal! Poseidon Tang San also died once before being resurrected! (The setting only uses Dou 1, so please don’t substitute Dou 2 to Dou 4)

It was the final ninth test.

Evolving the Killing Domain into the Shura Domain left Guang Yu with no clue.

Because in the setting, the Shura Realm is a god-level realm. Although the Killing God Realm (Killing Realm) has infinite possibilities for evolution, how much murderous energy and conditions are needed to evolve into the Shura Realm? Guangyu will have to figure this out later. groping.

With the completion of Guangyu's fifth and sixth tests, Guangyu's soul soon returned to the killing city.

The city of killing.

I saw that Guangyu still maintained the posture of holding the Shura Demon Sword tightly. In an instant, the Shura Demon Sword suddenly bloomed with infinite dark red light. Countless dark red energy began to pour into the Shura Demon Sword from all over the killing city. At the same time, some energy was also injected into it. Within Guangyu's body.

"Is this murderous intent?! Such strong murderous intent!"

Qianjun and Demon-Conquering Douluo couldn't help but exclaimed after feeling the terrifying energy.

Seeing this scene, Tang Chen also knew that Guangyu had been recognized by the Shura Demon Sword, and Tang Chen, who was also recognized by the Shura Demon Sword, found that the connection between himself and the Shura Demon Sword seemed to have weakened a lot.

This means that the usage rights of my Shura Demonic Sword are lower than Guangyu’s! ?

This means that if Shura Demon Sword is to choose between itself and Guang Yu, Shura Demon Sword will probably choose Guang Yu.

Another world.

A man with a three-pronged spear, sea-blue hair, and blue armor, who seemed to be paying attention to everything here, just kept shaking his head.

"That guy Shura has violated the rules more than once, and this time he even changed the assessment he set without authorization. That boy doesn't have the tolerance of the sea, and he doesn't have the determination to protect everything. Is he so worthy of Shura's attention?"

Next to the man, a woman in a gold dress appeared.

"The power in the world is not only tolerance and protection. That young man is indeed outstanding, otherwise Shura would not directly seize it!"

After saying that, the woman in the gold skirt looked at the blue-haired man again and said softly.

"Now even Shura has found a new heir, haven't you found a new heir yet?"

The blue-haired man shook his head sadly.

"After so many years, no one has the mental strength to withstand the Heart of Poseidon."

The city of killing.

Guang Yu, who had absorbed this huge murderous aura together with the Shura Demonic Sword, gradually opened his eyes, and blood-red light shot out from his eyes.

Red light streaked across the ground in front of him, but the ground did not change at all. Even the four nearby worshipers who had been guarding Guangyu looked lonely.

But Guangyu was extremely happy in his heart, because this was a new skill he had mastered, not a soul bone skill, nor a soul skill, or it could be said to be an application of domain skills.

The red light emitted from his eyes is the product of extreme murderous intent. Once his eyes meet his, the opponent will enter the killing world woven by light feathers. If his mental power is not strong enough, he will gradually sink and eventually become a A monster that only knows how to kill.

This skill is called:

The realm of killing!

However, this skill Guangyu cannot fully display with its own strength, and it needs to rely on the Shura Demon Sword.

So his eyes returned to the Shura Demon Sword in his hand. Guangyu took a deep breath and lifted it hard~


The Shura Demonic Sword moved slightly, or it might not have moved, but after Guangyu showed a hint of embarrassment, he added his left hand and held the Shura Demonic Sword tightly with both hands.

With all the strength in his body, Guangyu used his hands again. With both hands working together, the Shura Demonic Sword inserted on the ground seemed to move slightly, but you couldn't tell it unless you looked carefully.

The Poseidon's Fork in the original book weighs one hundred and eight thousand jins. After Tang San obtained the right to use the Poseidon's Fork, the Poseidon's Fork weighed one hundred and eight thousand kilograms in the hands of others, but in Tang San's hands it weighed one hundred and eight thousand kilograms.

The weight of the Shura Demonic Sword is no less than that of Haichazi. After all, the original King of Slaughter once used the Shura Demonic Sword to fight Haichazi.

Therefore, when Guangyu, who has obtained the authority to use the Shura Demon Sword, holds the Shura Demon Sword, although the Shura Demon Sword is not its original weight, it still weighs hundreds of kilograms.

Lifting a giant sword that weighs hundreds of kilograms with the handle alone is different from lifting something that weighs hundreds of kilograms, because you need to carry it with your hands, which requires more strength!

Moreover, Douluo Continent is a fantasy sewer, and the soul masters here are not strong.

Except for beast soul masters and weapon soul masters, many other soul masters cannot afford weapons weighing hundreds of kilograms even if their soul power levels rise.

Although Guangyu is a weapon soul master, he uses a crossbow. In terms of strength alone, he is not as good as those beast soul masters and some weapon soul masters who use sledgehammers.

Even though he exercised constantly and took celestial grass to strengthen his body, his arms were still not very strong, at least somewhat unable to hold the Shura Demonic Sword.

Tang Chen may have just gotten rid of the possession of the bloody nine-headed bat king, and his brain is not very clear yet.

"He has obviously obtained the authority to use the Shura Demon Sword, why can't he still take it?"

However, several of the priests in Wuhun Hall had already noticed the clues. Demon-Conquering Douluo smiled and shook his head.

"Although he has obtained the right to use it, maybe he just can't handle it?"

Hearing this, Guangyu, who was holding the Shura Demonic Sword, couldn't help but blush. He didn't know whether it was due to excessive force or something~

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