Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 102 (Please subscribe) Controlling the Killing City: The Final Chapter!

Tang Chen also reacted at this time and couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

I was only concerned about whether Guangyu had obtained the right to use the Shura Demonic Sword, but he had forgotten that even if he obtained the right to use the Shura Demonic Sword, its weight would be extremely shocking.

After all, this is a heavy sword. When I obtained the right to use the Shura Demon Sword, I had to hold the Shura Demon Sword firmly with both hands to cut through the angelic light of Qian Daoliu.

Tang Chen has been using hammers for half his life, and the strength in his hands is not small, which shows that even if the Shura Demonic Sword is held in the hands of the person who has the right to use it, it is not light in weight.

Looking at the Shura Demonic Sword on the ground, Guangyu also felt depressed.

I have already obtained the permission to use it, why can't you be more relaxed? If you can’t pick it up, what’s the difference if you have permission to use it or not?

But just as Guang Yu finished complaining, the Shura Demon Sword turned into a dark red light and shot into Guang Yu's forehead.

Guangyu then belatedly touched his forehead and checked his body at the same time. He found that there was no discomfort, but there was a bloody sword pattern on his forehead that was exactly the same as Tang Chen's before.

This should be a sign of Shura God's assessment.

Only those who possess the God of Killing Domain are qualified to accept the assessment of God Asura. Guangyu's God of Killing Domain was actually given by God Asura when he first entered the City of Killing. That red light is it!

And this is just the qualification to accept the assessment of God Shura. Only by truly obtaining the authority to use the artifact Shura Demon Sword can one truly accept the assessment of God Shura.

Like picking up Poseidon's Fork and Angel's Sword.

Guangyu touched his forehead and tried to summon the Shura Demon Sword.

Although the Shura Demonic Sword could still be summoned, when it fell to the ground, it immediately made the sound of the earth shaking. The entire killing city seemed to be trembling, like an earthquake. Guangyu stretched out his hand to take it, but still couldn't take it. stand up.

In the end, I had no choice but to return to the sword-shaped pattern in front of my forehead.

Seeing that Guangyu has completely mastered the Shura Demon Sword, Tang Chen can be considered as successfully handling the Shura Demon Sword.

I just don't know how he will react after learning that he was cheated, but as long as he doesn't return to Haotian Sect, he should have no chance to find out.

"Everything has been explained, it's time for me to leave!"

But before leaving, Tang Chen turned back to Qiandao Flow Road.

"In addition to feeling Hao'er's aura in the Killing City, I also felt the aura of the female disciple your son Qian Xunji took in. I have seen her before, and I recognize her well. She has also passed the road to hell. After the test, she obtained the realm of the God of Death, but the strange thing is that she also seemed to have obtained the inheritance test of the divine position!"

"I feel that even if she obtains the realm of the God of Killing, what she accepts is not the assessment of the God of Shura. In the city of killing, since it is not the assessment of the God of Shura, it can only be the assessment of the God of Rakshasa!"

"You should know that the Rakshasa God is not only the enemy of the Shura God, but the Rakshasa God is the god in charge of evil thoughts. He is also hostile to the Angel God of Light!"

As soon as Tang Chen's words came out, Qian Daoliu didn't show too much shock. In fact, he might have already inferred something when Bibi Dong attacked Qian Xunji.

But the brothers Qingluan Douluo and Qianjun Subdued the Demon were once again shocked.

In just one day, they first learned that Guangyu accepted the inheritance from the gods, and now they heard that Bibi Dong also received the inheritance from the gods. When did the gods have so many inheritances?

Then Tang Chen didn't say anything else, but turned into a red light and disappeared into the sky.

After Tang Chen left, Qian Daoliu didn't care too much about Bibi Dong's acceptance of the Rakshasa God's assessment.

Instead, he asked Guangyu first: "You deceived Tang Chen today. You deceived him for a while, but you can't deceive him for long. Once Tang Chen comes back from Poseidon Island, our Wuhun Palace may face the forces of Haotian Sect and Poseidon Island." !”

Although Poseidon Island will not take the initiative, Qian Daoliu knows Bo Saixi's feelings for Tang Chen. If Tang Chen is in trouble, although Bo Saixi will not use all the power of Poseidon Island, she will come by herself. Help Tang Chen.

After all, a woman who is in love can do anything!

Qingluan Douluo, Qianjun Douluo, and Demon-Conquering Douluo also tightened their expressions. They had heard about the strength of Poseidon Island, or to be precise, the strength of Bo Saixi of Poseidon Island for a long time. As for Tang Chen's current strength, they I have personally experienced it, if the two join forces.

Even if Bo Saixi leaves Poseidon Island and the sea and cannot rely on the power of the sea, she is still a ninety-nine-level titled Douluo after all!

Guangyu acted very calmly.

"What if Tang Chen can't come back?"

The four people, including the great worshiper Qiandaoliu, were puzzled when they heard this.

"What do you mean you can't come back? Xiaoyu, please explain more clearly!" Demon-Conquering Douluo asked quickly.

It's no wonder Qian Daoliu couldn't figure it out. In the original work, even Bo Saixi didn't know about Tang Chen's situation at the beginning. It wasn't until Tang Chen himself told the situation that Bo Saixi knew that Tang Chen was about to die soon. .

Guangyu also told everything he knew.

"Several worshipers, Tang Chen's body has been parasitized by the Bloody Nine-Headed Bat King for a long time, and his body has long been eroded. If the evil power of the Bloody Nine-Headed Bat King is still parasitic in his body, it will naturally be fine. But as the Bloody Nine-Headed Bat King The evil power of the Bat King was purified by the angelic light of the Great Enshrinement. Without this evil power, Tang Chen's dilapidated body will not be able to sustain it for long, and he probably only has three or two days left to live!"

"Xiaoyu, this is not a joke, are you sure?" Qingluan Douluo asked with a serious face.

Guangyu also said patiently: "Don't worry, Grandpa Sanzong, I understand the importance! Tang Chen definitely doesn't have a few more days to live!"

But at this time, the Sixth Enshrined Qianjun Douluo asked about the reason.

"Xiaoyu, how do you know that Tang Chen doesn't have much time left?"


This really stumped Guangyu. He couldn't say that he knew the original work.

However, in the rush, Guangyu actually came up with a reason.

"Grandpa Liuzongfeng, Tang Chen and I both have killing fields. I can feel the changes in his killing fields, so I'm afraid he won't live long!" (Guang Yu made it up)

Qian Daoliu remained silent, but he actually believed Guang Yu's statement in his heart.

Because when he was talking to Tang Chen just now, Qian Daoliu had already noticed that something was wrong with Tang Chen.

How should I put it, even though Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen haven't seen each other for decades, Qian Daoliu thinks that he still knows his "friend" well, at least he knows what kind of person he is.

When the two of them were together just now, Tang Chen gave him a different feeling than before. Now after listening to Guang Yu's words and combining them together, Qian Daoliu finally understood Tang Chen's sentimentality and what he often said about "it's too late" , and the pain of not returning to the sect

This is clearly a sign of helplessness and regret after knowing that his time is running out!

Knowing that Tang Chen's time was running out, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but sigh again.

She was afraid that she would not be happy for long before she would suffer another huge blow. But this time, could she bear it?

After calming down his emotions, Qian Daoliu looked at Guangyu again, and the admiration in his eyes was undoubtedly stronger.

Knowing that Tang Chen was about to die soon, he was able to make a decision quickly and chose to stabilize Tang Chen first. Guangyu's adaptability was very worthy of Qian Daoliu's praise this time.

After dealing with Tang Chen's problem, the group of people immediately looked at the killing city behind them.

"The problem of the King of Slaughter has been solved. All that's left is to take over this Slaughter City!"

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