Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 103 (Please subscribe) I am invincible in the killing city!

The King of Slaughter, who had ruled the City of Slaughter for decades, is gone. This is indeed a very influential event for the City of Slaughter.

However, the fallen people in the Slaughter City did not show a chaotic situation at this moment because of the departure of the Slaughter King, because although the Slaughter King left, those who had fought against the Slaughter King did not leave.

And not only did they not leave, looking at them, they seemed to be planning to enter the killing city.

So under the anxious and nervous gazes of the fallen in the Killing City, Guangyu, Qiandaoliu and his group slowly entered the Killing City.

Even though several of the worshipers were dozens of years old, they still couldn't help but show curiosity after entering the Killing City.

This is the inheritance place of gods and a miracle.

As for the killing aura in the Killing City, after Guangyu used the Killing Domain, it did not have a very strong impact on the several worshippers. At least their soul skills could still be used.

"Xiaoyu, now that the King of Slaughter (Tang Chen) has left, how will we control the Slaughter City next?"

"To control the City of Killing, the first thing to control is the core of the City of Killing, Hell Road!"

As for the entrance to Hell Road, the fallen in the Killing City don't know about it. The only person here who knows about the existence of Hell Road is Guang Yu.

So Guangyu took several worshipers to the hell killing field of the killing city.

Naturally, no blind people would take action against Guangyu and the others along the way. At the moment, they were mainly discussing the departure of the King of Slaughter and the future order of the Slaughter City.

That's what they care about.

After a few months, Guangyu was somewhat emotional when he returned to the Killing Fields of Hell, the City of Killing. Especially after leaving the City of Killing and fusing several physical clones, Guangyu was equivalent to having six hundred people in the Killing Fields of Hell. A battle memory.

The memory is profound!

"Xiao Yu, where is the road to hell you mentioned?" Several people stood in the middle of the arena in the Hell Killing Fields, and Demon-Conquering Douluo was the first to ask.

Guangyu smiled slightly and glanced at Demon-Conquering Douluo's feet.

"No, the entrance to Hell Road is at your feet!"

However, although he knew the entrance to Hell Road, Guangyu was also thinking about a question, that is, how to open Hell Road.

There are not many methods that can be tried, except for the Shura Demon Sword, which is the killing field.

After absorbing the murderous energy of the Killing City, although Guangyu's killing field has not evolved into a god-level Shura field, its intensity has been greatly enhanced, and the most straightforward manifestation is that Guangyu's killing field is no longer It is white, and the killing field also shows a gloomy dark red because the color of the murderous aura in it changes to dark red.

Dark red murderous aura overflowed, and the Shura Demonic Sword in Guangyu's forehead seemed to be sending out a response. When the two were combined, the entire killing field expanded instantly, like an inverted hemispherical barrier, gradually expanding.

At this time, there were only four worshipers in the killing field, but Guangyu felt that he could absorb the energy, blood and soul power of the four worshippers as long as he moved his mind.

Could it be that when the King of Slaughter opened the road to hell and used all the fallen people as sacrifices, he just borrowed the power of the Shura Demonic Sword to display the killing field?

The Killing Domain acted on the ground of the Hell Killing Ground, and immediately a strange huge pattern appeared on the ground, exactly what it looked like when the King of Slaughter opened the road to Hell.

As expected, Guangyu guessed correctly.

Opening the road to hell requires soul power and blood, but at this time, there was no fallen person around who was brave enough to follow. Just when Guangyu was a little worried about this, a large amount of blood poured out of the Shura Demon Sword. and soul power.

The energy, blood and soul power filled the patterns on the ground. Several offerings spread out, and the originally hard ground gradually became blurred, forming a strange entrance that could be passed through.

Guangyu was not in a hurry to enter. Instead, he touched the sword pattern on his forehead. He suddenly felt that the Shura Demon Sword seemed like a key. It not only opened the road to hell, but also was the key to connect him to the killing city. .

The group of people passed through the entrance, and after experiencing a brief sense of weightlessness, they opened their eyes again and found themselves on the Hell Road.

The Hell Road at this time was a little deserted, with only the sound of the red liquid below bubbling like magma.

Qingluan Douluo looked at the red liquid below, and then expressed his guess.

"The thing down here has a strong smell of poisonous poppy flowers. Is this what you call underworld dew?"

Guangyu nodded.

"This is the underworld dew that the fallen in the Killing City will never be able to live without!"

However, just as Guangyu finished speaking, the sword pattern on his forehead showed a dark red glow, and then a red light flashed out, turning into the Shura Demon Sword and being held by Guangyu in his hand.

Then Guangyu's whole figure fell away, being carried downwards by the Shura Demonic Sword, but it was not entirely because of the weight of the Shura Demonic Sword, but something below was pulling Guangyu.


Guangyu fell into the red liquid under the leadership of Shura Demon Sword.


Qingluan Douluo, Qianjun, and Demon-Conquering Douluo couldn't help but feel their hearts tightening, and shouted anxiously.

The three people who even wanted to take action were finally stopped by Qian Daoliu.

"Xiao Yu is now the heir of God Shura, and has obtained the right to use the sacred weapon Shura Demon Sword. There should be no danger in the killing city."

"But the underworld dew down there is poisonous. I was poisoned by poppy poisonous flowers! Are you okay?"

Seeing Qian Daoliu shaking his head, as steady as an old dog, several of the worshipers also gave up the idea of ​​taking action, and honestly waited above Hell Road.

Entering the red liquid on the Hell Road again, under the leadership of the Shura Demon Sword, Guangyu's figure dived rapidly, and his whole body could feel the oppression caused by the excessive diving speed.

The depth of this dive was also deeper than the last time. Just when Guangyu thought that Shura Demon Sword was going to take him to the lowest point, he ended up stopping after continuing to dive for a few minutes.

It is extremely oppressive here, and the surrounding underworld dew is no longer mottled, but has become extremely pure, with strong soul power fluctuations inside.

As Guangyu stopped, the Shura Demonic Sword in his hand suddenly burst into red light again. With the Shura Demonic Sword as the center, a large energy network was woven directly from the entire underworld.

The big net gradually shrank, and finally condensed into a fist-sized ball of light in front of the Shura Demon Sword.

In the ball of light, Guangyu felt the aura of God Shura.

In order to find successors, some gods will leave their divine thoughts in this world before ascending to the divine world, such as the divine thoughts of the sea god and the divine thoughts of the angel god. Among them, the divine thoughts of the sea god were used to save Tang San more than once in the original work. "Fight on behalf of the enemy", defeated Bibi Dong, and rescued Tang San from the mouth of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

As for the Killing City, as the domain left by Shura God after he became a god at level 100, why can it always exist? Domain skills cannot last long after losing the caster, so why can the Killing Domain of the Killing City be so powerful? It even lasted for a long time, and its root was a ray of divine thought from God Shura in front of Guangyu!

And this is the real core strength of the Killing City!

The Shura Demon Sword then returned to Guang Yu's forehead sword pattern with that ray of spiritual thought.

After the Shura Demonic Sword and the Shura Divine Mind entered Guang Yu's body at the same time, Guang Yu suddenly had a strange feeling, that is, he seemed to be integrated with the Killing City.

In other words, it is integrated with the domain power of the Killing City.

At this time, Guangyu seemed to have a feeling of being extremely powerful, as if he was the master of the killing city, or even...

Could it be that this is how Bo Saixi feels when he relies on the sea and Poseidon Island, and Qiandaoliu relies on the Angel Temple's "invincible" state?

Even in the killing city, I am invincible! ?

However, this feeling seems to be limited to the Killing City. In other words, like Bo Saixi and Qian Daoliu, Guangyu also has limitations, that is, he will only become extremely powerful within the scope of the Killing City. Both are still at the original level of level 64.

Although there are restrictions, it will be a great help for Guangyu to take over the management of the fallen in the killing city!

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