Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 104 (Please subscribe) The right to use Demon Bear Ghost Leopard Douluo (with high-level con

Above Hell Road, several worshipers were still waiting anxiously.

It wasn't until the red liquid surged below and Guang Yu's figure rushed out of it that the wrinkles on their faces finally relaxed again.

Qingluan Douluo was the first to come to Guangyu.

"Xiaoyu, how are you? This underworld dew contains the poison of poppy poisonous flowers, you..."

Guangyu smiled lightly, looking indifferent.

"Grandpa Sanzong, don't worry, I'm immune to the poison. The poison of poppy poisonous flowers can't affect me!"

"Immune to poison?"

Hearing this, Qingluan Douluo shouted directly.

Poison immunity is not useless for ordinary soul masters, but it has limited effect after all.

But for a soul master who likes to refine medicine, poison immunity is a highly desired ability.

Otherwise, Yang Wudi in the original work would not be so obsessed with Youxiang Qiluo, who is immune to poisons.

The role of Youxiang Qiluo is only to neutralize all toxins within the range of its floral fragrance, but it cannot keep up with the convenience of avoiding its own toxins.

"Is it because you took the grass jelly mixture that gave you the ability?"

Qingluan Douluo thought of the fairy grass.

Seeing Guangyu nodded, Qingluan Douluo immediately showed an expected expression.

But soon Guangyu said again.

"My poison immunity ability is indeed brought about by the mixture of jelly grass, but it is not the ability of sixteen jelly grasses refined by three offerings!"

"Could it be those two extremely cold and extremely hot fairy grasses?"

Qingluan's expression remained shocked.

Even he thought that no one could take those two immortal grasses alive. Qingluan Douluo didn't question Guangyu when he finally came back alive. Even in his opinion, this little guy might not have taken those two immortal grasses. Grass.

But now I know that this guy actually took it, and he also gained the poison immunity ability that Qingluan Douluo dreamed of.

Even the cold Qingluan Douluo was extremely greedy at this time.

Seeing Qingluan Douluo lose his composure, Guangyu realized that no one could remain indifferent all the time, but he just hadn't met the one he liked yet.

"Grandpa Three Worshipers, the medicinal properties of Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot have been integrated into my blood. If possible, you can try to study my blood to see if you can extract some poison-free substances from it."

Hearing this, Qingluan Douluo's face was even more unbelievable.


Guangyu nodded in confirmation.

In the original work, Tang San's blood was acceptable, so his own should be no different.

Seeing that Guangyu was very sure, Qingluan Douluo couldn't help but urge: "In that case, what are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

Guangyu took out a sharp blade from the soul guide, and when he was about to make a cut on his wrist to bleed, he suddenly stopped.

As if he had reacted, a physical clone turned towards him and slashed his wrist with a knife.

The physical clone acted as if it had no pain, and didn't care. It held a special container with its other hand and continued the dripping blood.

After almost a while, he used the rapid self-healing ability of his tough right leg bone, and the open wound quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After doing all this, Guangyu handed the container containing his blood to Qingluan Douluo.

Qingluo Douluo held it carefully in his hand as if he had found a treasure.

In fact, if Qingluan Douluo can really study the ability to avoid poison, it will naturally be an enhancement for Wuhun Palace.

At this time, Demon-Conquering Douluo also stepped forward to care about Guangyu.

"Xiaoyu, were you okay just now?"

After all, just now Guangyu was dropped by the Shura Demonic Sword and fell into the underworld dew, which frightened all of them. If Qian Daoliu hadn't stopped them, they would have really taken action.

"It's okay, very good! Now I have completely mastered the Killing City. In the Killing City, my strength will be endlessly supplemented and improved!"

Qian Daoliu's eyes lit up slightly, but he didn't say anything. Since Guangyu could obtain the right to use the artifact Shura Demon Sword, it was not surprising that he had done this.

After all, he and Bo Saixi could still draw on the power of gods even if they were not recognized by the artifact.

After completely controlling the Slaughter City on Hell Road, the group then came to the palace of the Slaughter King of the Slaughter City.

There is only a large stone throne here.

Next to the throne, there was a graceful woman whose body could not stop trembling. The woman was wearing a dark red slit dress, with most of her snow-white thighs exposed.

Qingluan Douluo, who had repeatedly confirmed that he had collected Guangyu's blood, glanced at the woman and asked, "Who is she?"

Qingluan Douluo could tell that this woman had obviously taken Huangquan Dew with poisonous poppy flowers, and she was now addicted!

Guangyu naturally knew this woman. She was the envoy of the King of Slaughter, the woman who brought him into the city of killing.

The appearance of that woman in the past was still vivid in Guang Yu's mind. Comparing it with her current appearance, this woman was really cruel, and Guang Yu felt a little guilty.

"She is the envoy of the King of Slaughter! Her status in the City of Slaughter was not low before!"

At the same time that Guangyu discovered the woman, the envoy of the King of Slaughter also saw Guangyu and his group. Immediately afterwards, he couldn't walk well and rolled up to Guangyu, grabbing Guangyu's trousers.

"Give me Huangquanlu! Quick! Give it to me! Please!"

"How will she deal with it?" Demon-Conquering Douluo asked.

Even if Demon-Conquering Douluo asked this, the envoy of the King of Slaughter did not care about his life or death at all, but always asked Guangyu for Huangquan Dew.

The current messenger of the King of Killing has lost her mind and resistance. No matter who it is, she can do some unspeakable things to her now.

After seeing the woman's condition with their own eyes, the four worshipers, including Qian Daoliu, realized more closely the horror of poppy poisonous flowers, which could actually destroy people to this extent.

"Keep it, she has been with the King of Slaughter and knows a lot about the City of Slaughter. She can be my secretary!"

"Secretary?" Several people were surprised.

"She's the kind of female supervisor who can do anything!"

After saying that, Guangyu stroked the chin of the messenger of the King of Killing with his palm, and in response to the other's begging, he sucked the cup from which the King of Killing usually drank the underworld dew. As Guangyu rotated the magic circle of the King of Killing, the cup instantly filled with water. Slowly filled with red liquid.

After Guangyu handed it over, the envoy of the King of Slaughter impatiently drank it crazily. After drinking it all, he did not forget to lick the cup. After he was completely satisfied, he showed a satisfied face and lay on the ground twisting and turning. Move.

"Xiaoyu, although Huang Quanlu can easily control the fallen in the Killing City, how do you plan to do it? If you don't handle it well, I'm afraid it will cause riots!" Qianjun Douluo asked at this time.

Guangyu's eyes stayed on the messenger of the King of Slaughter, and the other party gave him an idea.

"How to do it? I plan to cut off the supply of underworld dew to all the fallen people in the Killing City first, and starve them for a few days first!"

"Grandpas who worship me, you have also seen what it will be like once the addiction to Huangquan Dew comes up. Only when you starve them enough and let them experience this pain, will they really listen to the person who gave them Huangquan Dew! "

Several worshipers looked at each other and nodded immediately. I have to say that Guangyu's idea does make sense.

At this time, Qian Daoliu, who had been silent along the way, spoke.

"Both the area and the number of people in the Killing City are not a small number. I'm afraid it will be difficult to control it by yourself. It is impossible for you to surround yourself with only the fallen people in the Killing City."

"There are two elders, Demon Bear and Ghost Leopard, who have no mission for the time being in Douluo Hall. From now on, let them assist you!"

Hearing this, Qingluan Douluo, Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo all widened their eyes.

When Qian Daoliu said his first words, they had already guessed that the Grand Priest was preparing to give Guangyu Wuhun Palace certain powers and send more manpower to it.

But what they never expected was that Qian Daoliu actually asked Demon Bear and Ghost Leopard to assist Guang Yu from then on.

The two elders, Demon Bear and Ghost Leopard, are the two elders who have the best chance of entering the Enshrinement Hall besides Gui Mei and Yue Guan. Their soul power levels are both ninety-five!

Attachment: Based on the author's combination of various aspects (original work, animation, forums, and this book), here is a unified summary of the high-level configuration of Wuhun Palace.

The seven major offerings in the Wuhun Hall (the Worship Hall) are:

Qian Daoliu, soul power level ninety-nine!

Golden Crocodile Douluo, soul power level ninety-eight!

Qingluan Douluo's soul power has reached level ninety-eight for the first time!

Lion Douluo, soul power level ninety-seven!

Light Ling Douluo, soul power level ninety-seven!

Qianjun Douluo, soul power level ninety-seven!

Demon-Conquering Douluo, soul power level ninety-seven!

The nine elders of Wuhun Palace (Douluo Palace):

Chrysanthemum Douluo Yueguan, the martial soul is a strange velvet reaching the sky of chrysanthemum, and the soul power is level ninety-five!

Ghost Douluo Ghost, Wuhun Ghost, soul power level ninety-five!

Demon Bear Douluo, Martial Soul Demon Bear, has a soul power level ninety-five!

Ghost Leopard Douluo: Martial Spirit Hurricane Ghost Leopard, soul power level ninety-five!

Nihuang Douluo: Martial Soul Flame Nihuang, soul power level ninety-four! (The female titled Douluo who appears in the anime Destroy the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.)

Lingyuan Douluo, Wuhun Lingyuan, has a soul power level ninety-four! (The anime hunts down Da Ming and Er Ming, and the female titled Douluo is killed by Da Ming and Er Ming's dying counterattack)

Blood-piercing Douluo, martial soul Guillotine, soul power level ninety-three!

Snake Spear Douluo, Wuhun Snake Spear, soul power level ninety-two!

Turtle Douluo, Golden Turtle with martial soul, soul power level ninety-two! (A dragon title that appeared in anime)

There are too many pitfalls left by the third young master of the Tang family. There must be readers who have objections to these elders. However, this is the author's verification and integration from many aspects. Let's seek common ground while reserving differences. This book is currently configured according to this! Thanks for understanding!

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