Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 107 (Please, will you subscribe?) Yan Gong Mu Qiang Qian Renxue!

Chapter 107 (Please, will you subscribe?) Yan Kong + Mu Qiang = Qian Renxue!

Heaven Dou Empire.

Prince's Palace.

A blond man dressed in platinum aristocratic clothing sat on a chair, holding a special letter in his hand.

It was Qian Renxue who had been lurking in Tiandou for many years and had just received the message from Qian Daoliu.

Qian Daoliu's meaning is very clear.

To put it simply, it’s Xiaoxue, come back quickly!

What are you lurking about? lurking! When you become a god, all problems will be solved!

If it was before, Qian Daoliu could pamper Qian Renxue and do what he wanted, but it was different now.

The successors of the Rakshasa God and the Shura God have appeared, and have completed many tests. The two wild disciples are about to complete the inheritance of the gods. The Angel family, the most orthodox family, cannot catch up with others. No matter how good Qian Daoliu's mentality is, A little anxious.

In the end, Qian Daoliu naturally also mentioned the news about letting Guang Yu come to help Qian Renxue quickly deal with the Tiandou matter.

"The inheritor of God Shura, the grandson of the Five Enshrinements? Mutated Martial Spirit? Guangyu?"

Two days later, Guangyu also arrived at Tiandou City.

Qian Renxue's residence is not difficult to find. Just ask someone in Tiandou City and you can find out the location of the prince's palace.

After settling his group, Guangyu quietly came to the prince's palace alone.

Standing outside the prince's palace, although Guangyu's mental power was not weak, he still couldn't detect anything. Instead, he relied on the killing field to detect several obscure auras from the prince's palace.

Human beings will have murderous intent, especially the stronger soul masters, the stronger their own murderous intent, but without the God of Killing Domain, they cannot make good use of this murderous intent.

For these obscure auras, they should be the spirit masters of the Spirit Hall who assisted Qian Renxue and lurked in the Tiandou Empire.

Guangyu stood at the door of the prince's palace for a while.

The guard in front of the door did not bully others and drive them away, but walked over.

Asked Guangyu.

"This little brother has been standing here, but is there something wrong?"

Qian Renxue was lurking in the Tiandou Empire and had always behaved like a virtuous and courteous corporal, so the guards in front of the door were not too arrogant.

Guangyu didn't say much, just took out a golden feather.

"Please also give this thing to His Highness Prince Xue Qinghe and say that an old friend is here to visit."

A stranger wants to see His Highness the Crown Prince. Logically speaking, the guards will not allow it, and they are too lazy to report it. However, the golden feather does not look like an ordinary thing, so the guards do not dare to be too arbitrary. It is better to be told a lesson. Yi really ruined the important matter of His Highness the Crown Prince.

In the prince's palace.

Xue Qinghe’s own territory.

Elephant Douluo Sanxue and Snake Spear Douluo She Long no longer need to hide, but stand directly in the main hall.

Xue Qinghe's fingers as white as jade gently tapped the table.

"Uncle She, grandpa asked us to end things here quickly. With our current preparations, if we launch action in advance, what is the probability of success?"

Snake Spear Douluo She Long crossed his hands and said after thinking carefully.

"Young Master, 80% of the ministers in the empire are our people! But if we want to take action, the key lies in the military and the Qibao Glazed Sect. We have not yet fully penetrated the Yulin Army, and we want to quietly take our It will take a long time for all the people to be put in. Most of the troops outside the empire are controlled by Gelong."

"And the most important thing is the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. Ning Fengzhi often appears in Tiandou City recently. If we take action, it will be difficult to hide it from the eyes of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect! So if we act now, the probability of success will be less than 50%! "

After listening to She Long's analysis, Xue Qinghe also breathed a sigh of relief.

There is not much difference from my own analysis. Taking action now does not guarantee success, at least until the soul masters of Wuhun Palace have completely penetrated into the Yulin Army.

"Uncle Bloody, where are you?"

Arkfish Douluo licked his lips and said with a smile: "Back to my young master, my Arkfish poison has successfully entered Emperor Tiandou's daily diet. According to the current measurement, if Emperor Tiandou is to be poisoned, There is no cure, it will take six or seven years of accumulation!”

(The current timeline is more than a year away from the Soul Master Competition, and more than six years away from the Tiandou coup)

Combined with the situation of the Array Douluo and the Snake Spear Douluo, it would be impossible for the coup to succeed within five years.

"Young Master, didn't Dachengfeng send someone to help us?"

Just as Bloodthorn Douluo finished speaking, someone walked in from the door and handed a golden feather to Xue Qinghe.

Seeing the golden feathers, Xue Qinghe also had a playful smile on his face.

"The person Uncle Thornblood said has arrived~"

Soon, Guangyu got the news that His Highness the Crown Prince was going to meet him.

The guard at the door also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he handed over the things, otherwise he would have ruined the important matter of His Royal Highness.

Under the leadership of the supervisor of the Prince's Mansion, Guangyu came to the living room.

It was the first time I met Qian Renxue dressed as Xue Qinghe.

The first time he saw Xue Qinghe, Guang Yu had the feeling that if this person was really a man, he would look like a real girl! This kind of handsomeness belongs to the kind of Light Ling Douluo.

"Should I call you His Royal Highness Prince Xue Qinghe? Or should I call you Xue Xue'er?"

In fact, Xue Qinghe didn't feel too disgusted when he saw Guangyu for the first time. After all, people have a kind of inner joy for beautiful things.

In fact, except for Golden Crocodile Douluo and Lion Douluo, the other enshrinements in Wuhun Palace are all good-looking. With Guang Ling Douluo's strong genetics, Guang Yu's appearance is actually quite handsome.

The red sword pattern on his forehead adds a bad temperament to him, which makes him even more attractive.

And Qian Renxue also has some facial control!

But when he heard Guangyu's last name, Xue Qinghe felt a little angry.

In the entire Wuhun Hall, only Qian Daoliu could affectionately call him Xiaoxue, and no one dared to call Xueer that way.

"Grandpa has praised you many times in his letters, but now it seems that you are not very good either!"

Qian Renxue said coldly.

Guangyu replied nonchalantly: "Then you are saying that there is something wrong with the big worshiper's vision?"

"I didn't." As soon as Qian Renxue said this, she quickly realized that she had almost fallen into Guang Yu's logical trap.

If you admit that your grandfather's vision is correct, wouldn't you be praising him in disguise?

And I can't say that there is something wrong with grandpa's vision. With the relationship between Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue, Qian Renxue will naturally not speak ill of Qian Daoliu.

"Huh, just being clever!"

"In the Tiandou Empire, what is needed is not these little cleverness, but real resourcefulness!"

Hearing this, Guangyu smiled and shook his head.

"You don't think that you are super resourceful because you have been undercover for many years, right? In fact, in my opinion, many of your perceptions and decisions are wrong!"

Qian Renxue did not get angry directly, but sneered repeatedly.

"Then you mean to deny everything I did in Tiandou?"

Guangyu shook his head.

"It's not like denying everything, it's almost like disapproving half of you!"

This time Qian Renxue was really warm and angry.

"Well, I'd like to hear what you have to say? If you can't say anything, then you should return to Wuhun Palace immediately and stop interfering in the affairs of the Tiandou Empire!"

Seeing Qian Renxue take the bait, Guangyu also began to express his thoughts.

"You are lurking in the Tiandou Empire. Your identity is Xue Qinghe, the eldest prince of the Tiandou Empire. Faced with Xue Qinghe's younger brother, the second and third princes, you actually choose to kill him? As the young master of Wuhun Palace, you Are you afraid that your methods are not as resourceful as those two princes? So in terms of mentality, you are not confident and choose to use a stupid way to solve the problem, and you lose!"

"That's nonsense. I killed them not because I was afraid of them, but to prevent them from fighting with me when they grow up and damaging the Tiandou Empire. What I want is a complete Tiandou Empire, not internal fighting. The Tiandou Empire is seriously depleted!"

Qian Renxue's words were not unreasonable, and Guangyu soon continued.

"Since you chose to take action, you didn't do it cleanly! The second prince and the third prince were poisoned with the same poison as Elder Agouti? They died of the same poison. Do you think anyone can find out? ? There seems to be a poison-using Titled Douluo currently living in Tiandou City! It seems that he is still in the residence of Prince Xuexing!"

Qian Renxue did not speak this time, and after Guangyu Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo looked at each other, they also said in unison the Douluo who used the poison title in Guang Yu's mouth.

"Dugu Bo!"

"With Dugu Bo's knowledge in using poisons, could he tell that the second prince and the third prince died from the same poison?"

Qian Renxue said at this time: "Things have already happened. Grandpa asked you to come here to not just use your words to judge the past events! The second and third princes are already dead. I wonder what you have in mind for the next step?"

Guangyu smiled, but under the influence of murderous intent, the smile on his face was a bit cold.

"This is another mistake of yours! Since you have already killed them all, why not kill them all? Kill them all together with the fourth prince Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing!"

Hearing this, Qian Renxue, as well as the two Douluo Dou Luo, Guangyu and Snake Spear, all looked at Guang Yu again.

This man has such a murderous intention! So crazy!

Just kill the second and third princes. The fourth prince is such a playboy and cannot threaten Qian Renxue at all. He has no chance to compete with Qian Renxue, let alone Prince Xue Xing.

"Don't you think that the fourth prince Xue Beng is a real playboy?"

Qian Renxue raised her bright eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Fourth Prince Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing have actually found out that the second prince and third prince died of the same poison, so do you think they will guess who did it? Who is the biggest beneficiary of the death of the second prince and third prince? ?”

"So you mean that Xue Beng's dandy is all pretending? To deceive me? To save himself?"

Qian Renxue is not stupid, she can guess a lot without Guang Yu even needing to say it.

What Guangyu said before was nothing, but Xue Beng's dandy was just pretending, and he really deceived Qian Renxue, which made Qian Renxue feel a very uncomfortable sense of frustration.

Array Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo couldn't help but think of that playboy figure. Is that guy pretending? ?

"Not only is he not a dandy, he can even hold back and pretend to deceive you. Do you think the fourth prince Xue Beng is still an ordinary person? In such a city, isn't he more worthy of death than the second and third princes? Besides, Prince Xue Xing has already found you. He deserves to die too! It’s not completely unreasonable for a younger brother to succeed his older brother!”

Guangyu continued to tell his next guess.

"Moreover, even Prince Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing can guess that the death of the two princes is related to you, but Emperor Xue Ye can't guess that?"

Thank you all for reading!

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