Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 108 (Please, subscribe!) Unfortunately, it’s a single eyelid!

This is Guangyu's own guess.

The original work only talks about Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing finding out that the second and third princes died of the same poison. They guessed that the poisoner was Qian Renxue, so the two of them joined forces to guard against Xue Qinghe, played by Qian Renxue.

But from a logical perspective, if Emperor Xueye can sit in the position of Emperor Tiandou, can he be an ordinary person?

Regarding the death of the second and third princes, even if Emperor Xue Ye did not find out the clear cause of death, even if he relied on his own inferences, wouldn't he suspect Qian Renxue's disguise as Xue Qinghe?

After all, considering that Xue Qinghe was the biggest beneficiary after the death of the second and third princes, Xue Qinghe would be the most suspected!

Perhaps Emperor Xue Ye already knew that Xue Qinghe killed the second and third princes of Tiandou, but from a certain perspective, Xue Qinghe killed the two princes and at the same time showed an amiable and respectful brotherhood. The style.

Xue Qinghe's city and ability have been recognized by Emperor Xue Ye. In Emperor Xue Ye's heart, Xue Qinghe is probably the most suitable person to inherit the throne of Tiandou. As for killing his brothers and being born into the emperor's family, this may actually be tolerated.

The Xingluo Empire is powerful because of their royal competition. Emperor Xingluo is able to face up to brotherly fratricide, and Emperor Xueye will naturally not be any worse. What's more, Guangyu has seen Emperor Xueye's life. Later, I learned that this guy was also someone who had killed his brothers. In fact, it might be easier to accept Xue Qinghe's murder of the prince.

After all, Xue Beng was too dandy. Emperor Xue Ye could have guessed that Xue Qinghe had eliminated the two princes, but he probably didn't guess that Xue Beng was faking it. Therefore, compared to Xue Qinghe, the dandy Xue Beng was obviously not suitable to inherit the throne. (In the anime, Emperor Xueye from Tiandou Palace expressed surprise after seeing the avalanche, so Emperor Xueye found that he had also seen the avalanche wrongly. Personal understanding)

Of course, there is always a premise for this inference!

That is that Emperor Xue Ye did not know that Xue Qinghe was not his biological son.

However, in Douluo Continent, there happens to be a purely natural method of paternity testing, and that is the inheritance of martial spirits!

Xue Qinghe's martial spirit was the Tiandou royal family's swan martial spirit, so Emperor Xue Ye had no doubt at all that Xue Qinghe was not his son.

This was Guangyu's inference, and Qian Renxue, who didn't speak at the same time, seemed to have thought of it too.

After coming to the same conclusion, Qian Renxue didn't care that Emperor Xue Ye knew the truth. Just as he had guessed, what if Emperor Xue Ye knew it? The royal family is ruthless, and Emperor Xueye is even more so!

However, Xue Beng was just faking it, something Qian Renxue didn't notice. The fact that his "brother" still had this ability made Qian Renxue feel some complicated emotions.

Through this conversation, Qian Renxue recognized Guang Yu's resourcefulness. At least this man still had some brains.

"Actually, Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing can't change the world. There's no need to kill them! If they really do it, it will be easy for mistakes to happen!"

Qian Renxue said lightly, as she secretly began to gradually control the Tiandou Empire, Qian Renxue had this confidence.

Guangyu smiled and said: "This is your biggest shortcoming! You are blind and arrogant, you don't kill when you should, and you create trouble for bandits!"

Not to mention anything else, just facing Tang San, Qian Renxue clearly had several opportunities to kill Tang San, but she kept letting him go again and again, and finally allowed Tang San to develop and take over.

Maybe it was necessary for the plot, but Guangyu didn't want to be like this.

Being criticized by Guangyu, Qian Renxue naturally didn't have a good attitude, but she turned to another topic.

"I heard from grandpa that you have accepted the test of God Shura and your soul power level has reached level 64. I reluctantly agree with your strategy, but I still want to pay more attention to your strength!"

"What? Do you want to do something?"

Guangyu smiled, but quickly continued: "You can do it if you want, but you have to have some luck!"

Qian Renxue also had a confident smile on her lips, and she seemed to be somewhat interested in Guangyu's proposal.

"What do you want to bet on?"

"If I lose, it's up to you! If I win, you let me see your true appearance!"

"Hmph, you want to see my true face? You're not qualified yet!"

As he said that, he saw an angelic figure appearing behind Qian Renxue, wearing a golden skirt, exposing a large area of ​​his back, and only having golden white eyes.

As the phantom of the angel god appeared, countless golden lights overflowed from Qian Renxue's body. These golden lights spread outwards and soon covered the light feathers.

"Angel Realm!"

"Guangyu, in the angel realm, I am the master! As my second evolution in the angel realm, all your actions will be blocked in place!"

The moment Guangyu was shrouded in golden light, Qian Renxue said confidently.


Feeling the consumption of his own soul power and the strong sense of oppression, Guangyu couldn't help but murmur.

Qian Renxue's angel realm has two functions. One is the purification of soul power. Being in the angel realm, one's own soul power will be continuously purified by the power of angels in the angel realm. Guang Yu has already felt this, and the soul power in his body It is disappearing at a clearly visible speed.

The second function of the Angel Domain is to suppress and blockade. In the anime, Tang San also managed to break through Qian Renxue's Angel Domain after he tried his best to use the Chaos Cloak Hammer evolution skill Chaos Cloak Dance.

Since it is a field, it is better to have a conflict between fields!

"I have a domain too! The angel domain can purify soul power, but can it purify murderous intent?"

As Guangyu's eyes instantly turned red, revealing the logo of the Killing City, a strong red aura was suddenly released with Guangyu as the center. This aura was domineering and cold, directly resisting Qian Ren. Snow angel field.

"Is this the killing field that evolved from the killing god field?"

As Qian Renxue opened his mouth, Aback Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo, who were watching the battle, also looked shocked.

They know how domineering Qian Renxue's angel domain is. When Qian Renxue's soul power reaches level 70 and she masters the martial soul's true form, it will be difficult even for them to break through Qian Renxue's angel domain. open.

But now they discovered that Guang Yu, whose soul power has not yet reached level 70, has a killing field that is not inferior to the angel field. Similarly, when Guang Yu's soul power reaches level 70, the power of this field will probably be very high. fear.

As Qian Renxue took action, Guangyu felt that Qian Renxue's soul power should be around level sixty-six, which was still far behind level seventy!

(At this time, there are still more than six years before the original Tiandou coup! The soul power of Qian Renxue in Tiandou Palace has already exceeded level 70, so it is now set to level 66~)

The conflict between Guang Yu and Qian Renxue's domains at this time was like a simplified version of the previous conflict between Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu.

With the emergence of the killing field, Qian Renxue's angel field was directly isolated by Guangyu.

"That's it?"

Hearing Guang Yu's provocative words, Qian Renxue's face became a little gloomy.

This is already the strongest level of the Angel Realm that Qian Renxue has mastered. If the strength of the Angel Realm is increased further, the Angel Soul Bone must be used.

You can use the power of angel soul bones, which will affect your disguise! (The skill of an angel soul bone is disguise! Mentioned in the original book and anime)

So now it is the strongest power Qian Renxue can use.

However, the murderous aura in Guangyu was beyond Qian Renxue's expectation. Guangyu's murderous aura was actually much stronger than that woman's. Is there really such a big difference between the killing field and the killing god field?

Seeing that Qian Renxue's angelic realm had not been strengthened at all, Guangyu couldn't help but smile with a smile on his face.

"It seems that you have used all your strength, but I haven't used my strength yet!"

As Qi and blood overflowed from his body, Guangyu did not split into five physical clones (one in the killing city), but only one physical clone.

After this physical clone appeared, the aura on its body changed in vain, its eyes also turned blood red, and the same killing field was superimposed.

"Killing field, two stacks added together!"

In the killing field that had doubled in size, the red murderous aura was extremely strong, directly showing a powerful crushing situation towards the angel field.

Array Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo were shocked to see that the scope of the angel realm was constantly shrinking, and Guang Yu's killing realm was constantly expanding.

And Qian Renxue had no way to stop the expansion of the Killing Domain. In the end, she could only watch the Killing Domain completely destroy the Angel Domain and cover herself in it!

Being covered by Guangyu's killing field, Qian Renxue couldn't help but feel cold all over. This was the first time she had experienced this level of cold murderous intent.

When Qian Renxue was about to attack Guang Yu again, she saw that Guang Yu had already walked in front of her.

"The result of the battle between you and me has been determined at the end of the field conflict! In the killing field, I am also the master!"

This is exactly what Qian Renxue said confidently just now, and now she quickly understands why Guang Yu said this, because Qian Renxue found that her soul skills were limited, and she could not use them in the killing field. Soul skills!

But the next moment, Qian Renxue's body once again lit up with angelic light.

Guangyu's killing field is still stable, so Qian Renxue cannot use soul skills. This is the power of soul bones!

In this golden light, Guangyu did not feel the power that could threaten him. Instead, this golden light enveloped Qian Renxue.

Under this golden light, Qian Renxue seemed to be held in the arms of an angel.

After a short moment, the angel god's shadow opened his arms again, and Xue Qinghe, who was originally wearing a platinum robe and looked a bit girly, also changed his appearance.

She changed into a platinum dress, a golden halo on her head, a tall woman with blond hair, impeccable figure and appearance.

Noble, cold!

This is the feeling Qian Renxue gives everyone, but this does not hinder the attraction of her appearance.

Even the Array Douluo and the Snake Spear Douluo were dumbfounded.

Qian Renxue naturally didn't pay attention to the gazes of the two of them, but looked directly at Guang Yu with a pair of bright eyes.

"You won! Are you satisfied now?"

Guangyu also didn't expect Qian Renxue to fulfill her promise without even admitting defeat.

But having said that, Qian Renxue's appearance is indeed not bad, and it is in line with Guangyu's aesthetics, especially his cold personality, which makes people more likely to have a damn desire to conquer.

He couldn't help but look at it a few more times. When Qian Renxue looked impatient, Guangyu even looked at it and murmured softly.

"It looks good, but it's a pity that I have single eyelids!" (I have carefully observed the anime~)

Although Guangyu's voice was not loud, Guangyu and Qian Renxue were not far apart at this time. These words naturally reached Qian Renxue's ears, and her fair and slender jade hands couldn't help but squeeze tightly. got up.

Thank you for following me~ Due to work reasons, I have been writing on my mobile phone recently. I will add my thanks for the monthly ticket reward later. I will not leave behind every big reader who supports this book! Thank you for your support!

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