For Xue Beng, it shouldn't be a big problem to drive the Shrek people away, even if they offend him to death today. After all, he is the fourth prince of the Tiandou Empire, and the only one who really deserves his attention is the eldest prince Xue Qinghe.

After Shrek and his group left, Prince Xue Xing also led Xue Beng out of the Education Committee Hall. As he walked forward, his face gradually darkened.

"Xue Beng, uncle, I've given you enough respect for what happened this time!"

Xue Beng smiled and said, "Uncle, thank you for what happened today. You have also seen how arrogant the people at Shrek Academy are, and they don't take our royal family seriously at all."

Prince Xuexing said calmly: "Hmph, you think I can't see your little tricks. If it weren't for the purpose of weakening Brother Qi, do you think I would be so reckless to offend so many soul masters? But you also want to Be careful, your elder brother has to be on guard!"

Xue Beng also nodded. Following the clues they found from the second and third princes, they all knew that underneath the kind face of the eldest prince Xue Qinghe, he was actually a bloody devil.

It seems like a farce, but it contains profound meaning. The dignified Prince Snow Star is naturally not an impulsive person.

Prince Xue Xing supports Xue Beng, so from a standpoint, Prince Xue Xing is extremely cautious about Xue Qinghe.

As for why Prince Xue Xing supports Xue Beng, it may be because he can’t stand Xue Qinghe’s cruelty, or he may have something to do with Xue Beng’s mother. After all, palace dramas often do this~

But neither Prince Xue Xing nor Xue Beng knew that in this game of chess, it was not Xue Qinghe who was playing against them, but Guang Yu who was playing against them.

All Guangyu did was just to humiliate Shrek?

No! This is just an appetizer!

Prince's Palace.

Qian Renxue sat on a chair and listened to the report from her subordinates.

If she wants to control the Tiandou Empire, there are currently two people standing in front of Qian Renxue.

The first is the master of the Tiandou Empire, Emperor Xueye. Emperor Xue Ye has been in power for decades, and his control over the imperial court cannot be underestimated. Fortunately, Emperor Xueye had cooperated with Wuhun Palace, so he had laid many hidden secrets in the Tiandou Empire a long time ago. Now many of these hidden secrets in Wuhun Palace are already in high positions.

Next is Marshal Ge Long. The Tiandou Empire has one million troops, of which nearly 70% are in the hands of Ge Long, the pillar of the empire.

Although Ge Long's soul power level is only that of a Contra, he can't stand up to the large number of people under his command. Qian Renxue is not afraid of not being able to win, but is afraid of losing both sides.

While thinking, Qian Renxue suddenly raised her head and looked at the door.

I saw a figure appearing at the door.

"I can't tell that your clone skills still have this effect!"

The person who came was none other than one of Guangyu's physical clones. Guangyu's real body was lurking as a teacher in Tiandou Royal Academy, but several physical clones were operating secretly.

"It's just a little trick!"

Using a physical clone as a microphone is really nothing worth bragging about.

"I'm here this time to ask you to borrow someone!" Guangyu followed closely.

This actually made Qian Renxue feel very novel.

"Ask me to borrow someone? Now that you have control of the Killing City, and Grandpa asked two elders to assist you, will you still ask me to borrow someone?"

Guangyu smiled.

"But I can't help but there is no suitable person!"

Qian Renxue raised an eyebrow: "Tell me, who do you want to borrow?"

Guangyu stepped forward and came to a place about one meter away from Qian Renxue.

"I want to borrow Elder Agouti!"

"Elder Ayurveda?" Qian Renxue pondered for a moment, and instead of replying whether Guangyu wanted to borrow it, he directly asked, "Are you going to take action against Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing?"

What task is the Galway Douluo best suited to complete?

In the Tiandou Empire, what Qian Renxue thought of was not the strength of the Array Douluo, but the poison of the Array Douluo!

Considering the poison, coupled with Guang Yu's previous thoughts, Qian Renxue came to the conclusion that Guang Yu was ready to take action against Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing.

Dugu Bo was in the Prince Xuexing's Mansion, which was no secret to Qian Renxue, and Douluo Douluo was able to suppress Dugu Bo.

Otherwise, if we talk about strength, whether the Demon Bear Douluo or the Ghost Leopard Douluo next to Guangyu is not stronger than the Array Douluo.

When Qian Renxue revealed his purpose, although Guangyu knew that Qian Renxue was not stupid, he was still a little surprised that the other party could figure out what he wanted to do so quickly.

Qian Renxue soon continued: "I said, Prince Xue Beng and Xue Xing will not move!"

"Woman's kindness! Since you don't want to take control of the Tiandou Empire now, then you have to ensure that you are invincible! If you deal with them two, then you will become the only legal heir to the throne of the Tiandou Empire. ! This is the prerequisite for invincibility. As long as you do not reveal your identity, it is natural for you to take over the Tiandou Empire. Otherwise, who can predict whether there will be changes in the future?"

Qian Renxue is naturally not so easy to persuade.

"The death of the second and third princes has already caused me a lot of trouble. If Prince Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing die, then the entire Tiandou Empire's subjects will guess that it was me who did it, and those who oppose me in the court will People will use this to attack me, and neutral officials and forces will probably gradually alienate me, and my entire infiltration plan will become very difficult!"

Guangyu still did not give up, and explained with a smile: "I said beforehand that this operation will completely wipe you out and will not implicate you. I have already found the scapegoat."

Qian Renxue's eyes lit up. At this moment, Qian Renxue only felt that she was thinking a lot in her mind. Inferring everything from Guang Yu's words, combined with Guang Yu's recent trajectory and behavior, Qian Renxue thought of something.

"Shrek Academy!"

Guangyu also smiled.

"It's easy to talk to smart people! A few days ago, Shrek Academy suffered a great humiliation at the Tiandou Royal Academy. They wanted to teach Xue Beng a lesson out of anger, but they accidentally missed it and Xue Beng died~"

"As for Prince Snow Star, it can only be solved through other means, but Prince Snow Star's influence is smaller than Xue Beng after all."

However, Qian Renxue still asked for details.

"Those people at Shrek are not fools. How dare they know Xue Beng's identity and still want revenge?"

"Those old guys from Shrek naturally know how to be patient and will not take revenge, but what about the young guys from Shrek? Don't forget, the last four little guys rolled out of the hall. They were dissatisfied and attacked the avalanche, which was enough to block the Everyone’s suspicious.”

Guangyu and Qian Renxue discussed a lot, but Qian Renxue finally relented.

But before letting go, Qian Renxue asked Guangyu a question.

"I have something to ask you!"

"Yo? Do you have anything else to ask me?"

Qian Renxue did not respond to Guangyu's teasing, but directly stated her problem.

"If I want to control the Tiandou Empire's military in the future, Ge Long will be an insurmountable obstacle. His prestige in the military is too high. I tried to make friends and win over him, but the old guy ignored me at all. He is loyal. It’s the one sitting on the throne!”

Qian Renxue didn't know who to discuss these matters with before. In other words, Aback Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo were not good at this kind of strategy either.

But now I want to ask Guangyu. Even Qian Renxue doesn't know why she has such thoughts. Maybe it's because the other party is the first person who has frustrated her.

Only those who are stronger than yourself are qualified to stand alongside you.

Guangyu thought for a while and then said bluntly: "Although Ge Long controls 70% of the empire's army, he can't just grab all the power! Ge Long naturally has countless generals under him. Ge Long can't win over these generals. Isn’t it possible that I can’t win over you?”

"As for prestige? This thing is pure bullshit! To put it bluntly, the benefits are not enough. As long as the benefits are in place, it is the other way around! Either money, power, or women! If you really want to have none of these three, then... The worst is coercion! They must have families!"

Seeing Qian Renxue nodding thoughtfully, Guangyu also nodded.

With Qian Renxue's intelligence, if she thought it was feasible, she would naturally have her own way to implement it, but Guangyu just thought of it casually.

Tiandou Royal Academy.

Tomorrow and the next two days will be rest days.

Tiandou Royal Academy does not take a break once a week, but takes two days off every half month.

In two days, these people from Tiandou Royal Academy will naturally return to Tiandou City.

After all, Tiandou Royal Academy is located on a mountain. Not everyone can endure loneliness, not to mention that most of them are children of nobles. Naturally, they want to go to Tiandou City to live in style.

And Xue Beng also took a group of followers, more than a dozen people, on a carriage and headed towards Tiandou City in the afternoon.

Looking at Xue Beng and others leaving the academy, Guang Yu, who was standing on the attic, could not help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

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