Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 123 Killed in an avalanche, high-end blame

It would take half a day to go from Tiandou Royal Academy to Tiandou City by carriage.

However, since it is still within the scope of Tiandou City, there are no blind bandits or the like, so Tiandou City also stopped patrolling this road a few years ago.

There was only a ten-member Tiandou Royal Knights team protecting Xue Beng and his party.

The walk was peaceful, and it had been more than an hour since we left Tiandou Royal Academy.

The Royal Knights were one of the strongest armies in the Tiandou Empire, and each one of them had a spirit power comparable to level 40, so they just treated it as an ordinary guard mission.

Suddenly, a cold breath came from not far away.

The captain of the Royal Knights shouted.

"Everyone is on alert, there is a situation!"

The members of the royal knights guarding the carriage immediately raised their knight's spears.

Just as the Tiandou Royal Knights reacted, countless flints fell from the air from all directions like raindrops.

"Form up and defend!"

These ten Royal Knights were also soul masters, but when they saw the flint in the sky, the squad leader and other members of the Royal Knights, and even everyone in the carriage felt a cold and murderous aura.

And the weirdest and most desperate thing is that they found that they couldn't use soul skills!

The battle-hardened Royal Knights also showed their superb quality at this moment.

When raising his shield to resist the flint in the air, he also maintained his formation and guarded the carriage tightly.

Even if some members were knocked off their horses by flint, they quickly got up and guarded the carriage.

At the same time, there were rustling sounds in the jungles on both sides.

It was several extremely fast agility attack type soul masters that shuttled through.

As soon as these figures jumped out of the jungle, they launched an attack on the Royal Knights.

Although their soul skills were restricted and could not be used, the members of the Royal Knights remained high-spirited and had absolutely no intention of retreating. They raised their spears high and prepared to face the black shadow soul masters.


As the sound of horses roared, the next moment they fell off their horses one after another.

Looking closely, I saw a plant similar to ivy entangled in the horses' hooves, and then the horses fell to the ground.

"Plant type controlling soul master!?"

The opponent's brief attack had revealed a lot of information to the Royal Knights.

In addition to these agile attack-type beast soul masters, the opponent also has at least one fire-type soul master and one plant-type soul master.

And looking at the soul power level, the opponent's strength doesn't seem to be high, it's also around level 40?

With such strength, you dare to take action against the Tiandou Royal Knights in the Tiandou City area?

But what's really weird is the weird method that can limit their soul skills.

After all, domain skills are too rare, so it’s no wonder the Royal Knights couldn’t think of them.

However, it is precisely because the soul power level of these attackers is only about level 40. Even though the Royal Knights cannot use soul power, with their weapons, equipment, and superb combat literacy, they can still block the opponent's attacks and gradually begin to occupy Upside.

Just when these royal knights felt that they could capture these gangsters, several royal knights heard a few slight sounds keenly.

Rays of silver light suddenly shot out quickly from the forest, directly piercing through their armor.

It's a crossbow!

However, these crossbow attacks were beyond their imagination, and even the shields in their hands were pierced.

But fortunately, these crossbow arrows did not hit the important parts of these royal knights, but only caused some injuries to them. It was the mysterious soul masters who really took away their lives.

There was a crossbow attack in the forest, and the battle was completely over in less than ten minutes.

Ten royal knights were completely eliminated.

However, these royal knights sent out a distress signal in the end, and they never understood until their death why these soul masters did not stop them from releasing the distress signal.

At this moment, there were only a few soul masters surrounding the carriage. They did not attack the carriage, but waited for someone respectfully and fearfully.

It seems that they are not qualified to decide what to do with these people in the carriage, only the adult can!

Xue Bang in the carriage and all the nobles had been anxious and panicked since the beginning of the war.

Now that the battle is over, they have become even more desperate. They thought that the Royal Knights could deal with the gangsters and protect them, but the situation did not appear. Instead, the Royal Knights were wiped out.

At this time, there were footsteps in the forest, and the footsteps were like stepping on their hearts, making them tremble with every step they took.

When he saw the appearance of the person clearly, Xue Beng confirmed that he didn't recognize him. The person was very young, but the feeling it gave him was terrifying. It seemed that the source of the cold aura covering the entire area was the person who looked younger than himself. On people.

"Who are you? I am the fourth prince of Tiandou!"

The person who came was none other than Guang Yu, or rather his physical clone.

Guangyu smiled slightly.

"I know you are the fourth prince of Tiandou, and you are the one I am looking for!"

After saying that, Guangyu ordered the surrounding soul masters: "Don't use martial arts and soul skills, serve them with your fists and feet!"

Although Guangyu's order was strange, none of the surrounding soul masters dared to question it and they all followed it.

After all, they were all soul masters in their forties, while Xue Beng and the others were only in their twenties, and Xue Beng and the others couldn't use soul skills in the Guangyu Killing Domain, so the final result was self-evident.

Avalanche and the others were quickly beaten to the ground.

Looking at Xue Beng who was full of scars, Guang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Guangyu came to Xue Beng calmly, glanced at Xue Beng's injuries, then looked around at everything around him, and immediately took out a silver crossbow.

Zhuge Liannu!

There are no blue thunder patterns, no red fire patterns, and no soul rings or soul skill blessings.

For this ambush operation, Guangyu specially selected plant soul masters, fire element soul masters, and agility attack beast soul masters of about level 40 from the personnel in the killing city.

In terms of attributes and martial soul characteristics, they correspond exactly to those of Shrek.

However, these are not enough to really frame Shrek Academy. The most critical step is to produce irrefutable evidence that Shrek cannot escape!

Guangyu thought for a long time and finally figured it out. This so-called ironclad evidence was the Tang Sect's hidden weapons in Tang San's hands!

Tang Clan's hidden weapons are Tang San's patent in Douluo Continent, so as long as Xue Beng dies from Tang Clan's hidden weapons, the blame can be placed on Shrek.

Guangyu doesn't have any hidden weapons from the Tang Sect, but Guangyu's martial spirit is Zhuge Liannu!

In order to look more like a frame-up, Guangyu removed all the enhancements from his martial soul. Although the power was still a bit greater, it was just enough to prove it.

After all, what kind of bow and crossbow can be so powerful?

The repeating crossbow in his hand was pointed at Xue Beng.

Xue Beng was completely panicked in the face of death, and kept begging: "Don't kill me, I can give you money, a lot of money!"

Seeing Guangyu put down the repeating crossbow again, Xue Beng was overjoyed and continued to promise Guang Yu. It was not until Guang Yu said the next sentence that he felt like he was mourning his heir.

"It doesn't seem appropriate to shoot him from the front."

As he said that, Guangyu took two steps to the side, slightly adjusted his angle, and then faced Xue Beng again.

Only then did Xue Beng realize that this man had never thought of letting him go. Knowing that he was bound to die, Xue Beng laughed crazily and asked Guang Yu about it.

"Who are you? Did my elder brother send you to kill me? No, you were not sent by my elder brother. Who are you?"

When he was killed, Xue Beng's first thought was his eldest brother Xue Qinghe, but gradually he realized that this was not the right thing to do!

If the eldest brother had taken action, he would never have been so troublesome. For example, he would have dealt with him quietly like the second and third brothers.

However, Xue Beng did not get the answer he wanted from Guang Yu, and only received a crossbow in response.

After the avalanche was resolved, the aristocratic children centered on the avalanche became even more afraid and shouted louder.

Guangyu didn't bother to push them any further, and continued to raise his crossbow to deal with them one by one.

Guangyu also considered whether there was any difference between his repeating crossbow and Tang San's hidden weapon repeating crossbow, but the final answer was that his repeating crossbow was different from Tang San's repeating crossbow without any strengthening changes (thunder element, fire element, etc.) There is no difference.

The reference for drawing this conclusion is that on the way to Tiandou Royal Academy, Shrek Academy once used a repeating crossbow to kill the Fierce God team instantly.

The incident happened not long ago, and Guangyu's people inspected the bodies of the Fierce God Team afterwards. The thickness and size of the crossbow arrows were almost exactly similar to Guangyu's martial spirit.

"Does it take so much trouble to deal with Xue Beng and the others?" At this time, a figure with strong soul power appeared next to Guang Yu. This person was none other than Qian Renxue's Aback Douluo.

Guangyu did not directly answer the Agouti Douluo, but looked at Xue Beng's body again and asked a question.

"Do you think Xue Beng was beaten by someone in anger and then accidentally shot?"

Only then did Agedis Douluo take another look at Xue Beng's corpse, and then said.

"Without the crossbow, it seems difficult to prove what kind of crossbow killed him, right?"

Guangyu's crossbow arrows were formed from soul power and had naturally dissipated at this time, but that didn't matter.

"Sometimes leaving the crossbow arrows behind seems deliberate. Without the crossbow arrows, it is more like destroying evidence. With the strength of the Tiandou Empire, if we really want to investigate, we should be able to find out based on the scars alone."

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