Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 129: Quick victory, just open up

While Guangyu was planning everything, there was only one day left for the finals of the top three to begin.

In front of the Pope's Palace, two rows of knights guarding the palace were lined up from the front of the Pope's Palace to the bottom of the mountain. Their bright silver armors and thick knight swords made the entire Pope's Mountain more majestic.

The eliminated teams were ordered to leave and were not even allowed to watch the last day's battle. Only the truly young and strong were qualified to enter the square in front of the Pope's Palace.

A corner of Mount Pope.

A handsome young man in green clothes with gray hair was standing behind a hot red-haired woman in a red dress.

The woman turned around, looked at the young man in green behind her, and shouted cheerfully: "Feng Xiaotian, don't you want to pursue me? I will give you a chance now! As long as you can win the championship of this elite competition, I will agree to date you. !”

The young man in green looked embarrassed when he heard this.

"Sister Huowu, Shrek Academy should be able to win, but the Spirit Hall Academy team is a bunch of perverts. How can I beat them? You are making it too difficult for me!"

Huo Wu didn't let go at all.

"I've given up on this, you can figure it out on your own!"

Feng Xiaotian also gradually put away his playful smile at this time and looked serious: "Sister Huowu, are you serious?"

"I, Huo Wu, speak, and once I say something, it's hard to catch up!"

"Okay, for Sister Huowu, I, Feng Xiaotian, will fight hard!"

Early the next morning, the three teams that entered the finals appeared in front of the Pope's Palace and waited quietly. Teachers from the three major colleges were not allowed to stand in the square, but could only wait on the outside.

A total of twenty-one players participating in the finals stood quietly in the square, waiting for the final moment to come.

The Wuhundian Academy team is headed by Xie Yue, followed by Hu Liena, Yan and the other four members. At this time, their eyes were shining with confidence and their admiration and belief in Wuhun Palace!

Shrek Academy maintained the most low-key posture. The seven people lined up in a column. The leader was Dai Mubai at the front, followed by Tang San, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing.

The members of the Divine Wind Academy first looked around curiously. They were all excited about the glory of being able to ascend the highest stage of the Pope's Palace. However, they quickly adjusted their state and prepared to seriously face the next competition. Their eyes Zhong actually showed a desperate determination, because this last day's game will determine the happiness of their captain.

After waiting for a while, a group of people finally walked out of the side door of the Pope's Palace. A total of twelve cardinals, whose status was second only to the Platinum Bishop, slowly walked over. They walked all the way to the door of the Pope's Palace. They stand on the left and right, each with six people.

The leader shouted: "His Majesty the Pope is here!"

"Long live! Long live! Long live!" Three loud shouts echoed throughout Wuhun City like landslides and tsunamis.

Those Tiandou and Xingluo royal families who were not here but were still stationed in Wuhun City frowned slightly when they heard this sound.

The title Long Live displeased them very much. It was a title only worthy of the royal family, but now it was used by Bibi Dong.

The huge door in front of the Pope's Palace slowly opened, and the seraph marks on the two doors gradually separated.

Everyone's eyes were unconsciously focused in the direction of the open door. Even the seven members of the Wuhundian Academy team's heartbeats were constantly accelerating at this time.

Even they don't get to see the Pope often.

Wearing a bright golden dress from head to toe, wearing a purple gold crown on her head, and holding a scepter in her hand, Bibi Dong slowly walked out of the Pope's Palace with a solemn expression and came to the front of the three academy teams and even everyone. .

All the members of Wuhun Palace knelt on one knee at this moment.

"See Your Majesty the Pope!"

After Bibi Dong, four more people came out, namely Ghost Douluo, Ju Douluo, Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi.

Since it was the first time to see Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo, Guangyu couldn't help but look at them a few more times.

Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo both wore light blue clothes, focusing on elegance.

Ning Fengzhi seemed to feel something, and immediately looked over.

Their eyes met, Ning Fengzhi took the lead and nodded to Guangyu with a smile.

Even if they don't belong to Wuhun Palace, most people will kneel down and salute when facing Bibi Dong, such as the team members and teachers of Shenfeng Academy.

The seven Shrek people's refusal to kneel or salute naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of everyone in Wuhun Hall, and a cardinal scolded them.

Bibi Dong also looked at the Shrek crowd. His eyes finally fell on Tang San in the team.

"Are you Tang San?"

Tang San was shocked, he didn't expect the Pope to point to him at this time.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope!" Tang San replied neither humble nor overbearing.

At this time, Tang San still didn't know his life experience and his involvement with Wuhun Palace.

Then Bibi Dong didn't spend too much time on Tang San, it seemed like she was just getting to know him face to face, and not targeting the wrong person.

The scepter in his hand waved slightly.

"Get up!"

All those who had knelt down to salute before slowly stood up.

Bibi Dong glanced at the twenty-one soul masters participating in the top three finals.

"I see hope from you. In front of the Pope's Palace, I hope to see all your talents and strength. The final winner will not only gain glory, but also have the opportunity to challenge the most talented and powerful person in the history of Wuhun Palace. The most powerful young person!"

As Bibi Dong finished speaking, all the lights and eyes fell on Guang Yu.

"As long as the final champion team can defeat him, it will receive the biggest reward from the Spirit Hall."

I saw Bibi Dong waving the scepter in her hand again, and three points of light instantly magnified in front of her and floated in mid-air.

Guangyu is no stranger to other soul masters. This is a soul bone, and there are three soul bones.

Except for those who knew the final reward in advance, who would have thought that Wuhun Palace would actually give out three soul bones as challenge rewards. Everyone can feel that those three soul bones are all of extraordinary quality, and each of them is Showing greed.

Then Gui Mei was also responsible for introducing these three soul bones.

Then Bibi Dong once again said: "There is only one winner, and the same is true for the champion. If you want these three soul bones, then work hard to win the final championship, and then challenge successfully!"

Seeing those three soul bones, Flanders, Master, and Liu Erlong were standing in the Shrek Academy area.

"The Wuhun Palace actually gave out three soul bones as a reward. How wealthy!"

Liu Erlong snorted lightly but said nothing.

The master calmly analyzed: "These three soul bones are not easy to get! The first thing is to win the championship, and the last thing is to defeat the youngest genius in the history of Wuhun Palace!"

"What? Is he strong?" Flanders asked with interest.

The master continued: "His achievements are few, but this cannot deny his excellence. He entered Wuhundian Academy at the age of eight, and in just two years he was promoted to the elite class of Wuhundian and became a member of Wuhundian Academy. The captain of the academy team later passed the extremely difficult examination for the Purple Record Medal and graduated early from Wuhundian Academy, becoming the youngest graduate of Wuhundian Academy in the past century and the youngest recipient of the Purple Recorded Medal."

"Furthermore, the most terrifying thing is that his soul power level has reached the soul king level five years ago! Now five years have passed, it is impossible to imagine how much his strength has improved. Wuhun Palace dares to let him accept the championship team alone The challenge is enough to show its strength."

Not only Master, Flanders, but others also turned their attention to Guangyu.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Guang Yu again with interest. He had only thought that this person was extraordinary before, but he did not expect that this was the most outstanding talent in Wuhun Hall today.

Sword Douluo's eyebrows were serious, and after a moment, he slowly spoke.

"This person has a strong killing spirit and strong strength. He is worthy of being the strongest among the younger generation in Wuhun Palace. His future achievements will be no less than mine!"

Ning Fengzhi also had a look of surprise on his face. He did not expect that Sword Douluo, who had a very high vision, would give such a high evaluation.

In the Wuhundian team, Xie Yue, Hu Liena, and Yan have fighting intentions on their faces. Although they have not seen Guang Yu for five or six years, they have always regarded Guang Yu as an imaginary enemy. This time, they must clean up their All the previous humiliations, prove yourself again!

I don’t know if it’s caused by the butterfly effect or if it’s some other reason.

The top three finals canceled the individual competition, and the three strong teams directly competed in team battles one by one, and the outcome of the team battle was finally determined.

With the announcement of the draw results, the results of the three games are:

In the first game, the Wuhundian Academy team battled against the Shrek Academy team;

In the second game, the Wuhundian Academy team played against the Divine Wind Academy team;

In the third game, the Kamikaze Academy team played against the Shrek team.

The three team battles will be decided within one day. This is not only a competition of strength for the three final teams, but also a competition of endurance and perseverance.

After the Shenfeng Academy team left the field first, only the Wuhundian Academy team and the Shrek Academy team were left to face each other in the Pope Palace Square.

Facing the competition system, both sides at this time had an idea, that is, a quick victory.

Especially for the Wuhundian Academy team, their two games were actually played one after another, which made them all wonder whether they were still the host team and how the lottery was drawn.

Moreover, at this time, both teams on the field were very confident in themselves.

"Quick victory, just open it up!"

Although the Wuhundian Academy team and the Shrek Academy team did not speak at this time, the smell of gunpowder had become strong. As the referee, the cardinal obviously knew how to control the situation. At this time, he announced the start of the game.

To everyone's surprise, the two teams did not carry out the usual normal charging attack, but retreated to form a team.

Both sides seem to be preparing for big moves!

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