Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 130: Breaking the Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique, Three Soul Fusion Techniques VS Seven Fusion

Guangyu is no stranger to the Wuhundian Academy team. The four students are on guard. The three who are charging up their ultimate moves are naturally Xie Yue, Hu Liena, and He Yan.

In order to defeat Guang Yu back then, and of course to defeat Guang Yu now, they had sacrificed a lot. The previously immature trinity soul fusion technique was now finally becoming more mature.

The perfection and maturity of martial soul fusion skills means the enhancement of strength.

This time, Yan did not come out with the sheets.

The martial soul forms of the three people completely merged into one, forming a new body.

From that body, Guangyu could vaguely see traces of the enchanting fusion skills of Xie Yue and Hu Liena.

Why is it vaguely visible, because at this time the demon is wearing a piece of lava armor.

A few years ago, when Guangyu fought against the three Wuhundian, the three of them had already initially mastered this fusion.

That time, Yan only injected his soul power into the martial soul fusion skill. It was said to be a trinity martial soul fusion skill. In fact, it should be more accurate to say that it was the two soul fusion skills of Xie Yue and Hu Liena. Yan only enhanced it through external factors. Just a monster.

But now, the three of them have successfully developed the trinity spirit fusion technique, which means that Yan has also joined the body of Youmei, which is neither male nor female.

The scorching light red scorching aura gradually filled the entire arena. Not only was it high-temperature burning, the three people's martial soul fusion skills still had a demonic 50% status weakening.

As the Trinity Martial Soul Fusion Technique appeared, everyone watching the battle looked shocked.

Trinity martial soul fusion skill? !

The fusion skill of the trinity martial soul is much more difficult than the fusion skill of two martial souls. At the same time, the greater the difficulty, the greater the enhancement it brings.

Flanders, Liu Erlong, and Grandmaster of Shrek Academy have a deep understanding of this.

The soul power levels of the three people are respectively seventy-eighth, eighty-one and twenty-nine. However, the golden holy dragon who uses the martial soul fusion skill can actually compete with the titled Douluo. The premise is that the titled Douluo is rubbish. , it is better to give up when encountering a stronger titled Douluo.

"It's a fusion of trinity martial souls. Xiaogang, do the little monsters and the others still have a chance to win? Is there any danger?"

At this time, Yu Xiaogang also looked solemnly at the new forms of the spirit fusion skills of the three spirits in the spirit hall on the stage.

You're a level 78 person asking me a level 29 person?

"As expected of the Wuhundian Academy team, their trinity soul fusion skills are different from ours. You, me, and Erlong. Our soul fusion skills have a very high natural compatibility with the souls, so we can use the fusion skills. Achieve 99% golden spirit fusion skill."

"As for the three people in the Wuhun Palace, they were not able to perform the Trinity Martial Soul Fusion Technique from the beginning. It was through their bonds and emotions with each other that they successfully performed the Trinity Martial Spirit Fusion Technique. It is unimaginable. What emotions caused them to surprisingly agree and develop this trinity of martial soul fusion skills!"

The three people are perfectly fused into one human form, which means that the fusion skills of the three people are not low, at least 80% or more.

The three people's martial soul fusion skills made a sound. There were three sounds, and they sounded together, giving the feeling of hearing an echo.

"This is the martial soul fusion technique we developed to deal with him. You should feel honored to be defeated by this martial soul fusion, Shrek!"

Bibi Dong looked at the three golden ones in the field and nodded with satisfaction.

Practice has proved that sometimes forcing them can really unleash their infinite potential. Isn't the martial soul fusion skill on the field the best proof at this time?

At this time, Shrek and the others had no intention of thinking about who he was in the three golden mouths. They saw that the Shrek seven were also working quickly.

They also did not form a traditional lineup, but quickly retreated and formed a circle as soon as the referee announced the start.

There are two people inside the circle, namely Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

The five people outside began to swim quickly around them.

Among all the seven people, no one took the lead in releasing his martial soul at this time, but strong soul power fluctuations permeated the seven people, condensing crazily towards the center.

This is

Pope Bibi Dong, Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and the three titled Douluo, who were sitting in front of the Pope's Hall, couldn't help showing surprise in their eyes.

Originally, the Trinity Spirit Fusion Skill had brought them enough surprises, but now Shrek's approach is more like...

Guangyu knew that this was Shrek's trick in the original elite competition, the seven-in-one fusion technique!

The steps taken by the five people in the outermost circle were surprisingly consistent, as if they were following a certain rhythm, just like dancing to music.

"Do it!"

No matter what the seven people from Shrek Academy are up to, the Wuhundian Academy team will not give them time to fully prepare.

The new form after the fusion of the three golden ones, a fiery red blade appeared in each hand.

The sharp blades crossed across each other, and the two fiery red blades of light quickly slashed towards the Shrek crowd.

Those two sword lights were obviously at the level of a sixty-level soul emperor.

Under the coercion of that sword light, the Shrek Seven Monsters finally changed their formation.

The original circular formation suddenly changed into a vertical one-line formation, with Tang San standing at the front, followed by Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

The change in the formation of the seven people caused the soul power they had just released to suddenly merge into one. At this moment, Oscar suddenly hugged Ning Rongrong from behind, and the light red light released from his whole body suddenly turned pink, and surged wildly. Enter Ning Rongrong's body.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower rose in front of Ning Rongrong, and she clapped her hands forward with a heavy expression, using the ring-melting skill of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

Several colorful halos of light bloomed from the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda and shot directly into Zhu Zhuqing's body in front of him.

Stimulated by the huge soul power, Zhu Zhuqing trembled first, then raised his arms and slapped Xiao Wu in front of him.

After the waves of soul power are continuously transmitted forward, they become more powerful and intense.

When the soul power was transferred to Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai slammed his palms on Tang San's back. In an instant, Tang San's body trembled violently, and an extremely huge fusion of martial souls appeared all over his body. force.

Bibi Dong, who was sitting in the main seat, was the first to react.

"This is a seven-in-one fusion technique!"

As soon as he said this, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, Ju Douluo, and Ghost Douluo beside him also looked shocked.

The Wuhundian Academy team used the Trinity Soul Fusion Technique, and Shrek Academy followed closely with the Seven-in-One Fusion Technique.

Although it is not a heaven-defying seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill, just fusing the strengths of seven people to perform the skill is already an extremely astonishing fact.

You must know that every soul master in Shrek has different martial souls, and there are quite a few differences. As a result, he actually came up with such an awesome seven-in-one fusion skill. Why are you saying this is not cheating? !

Tang San, who was standing at the front, was holding out no longer Blue Silver Grass, but a jet black sledgehammer.

Swinging the sledgehammer, it directly collided with the two incoming sword lights.

The square shook, and huge soul energy was released.

Who would have thought that in this edition of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the final would be a trinity martial soul fusion technique versus a seven-in-one fusion technique!

Precisely because of this, everyone watching the battle was even more curious about who the final winner of this visual feast was.

The seven members of the Wuhundian Academy team, especially the three golden ones, never paid attention to the Shrek Academy team or the Divine Wind Academy team at first, until the Shrek team displayed the seven-in-one fusion skill, Wuhun Only then did the Temple Academy team take a serious look at the Shrek team.

However, this does not affect the confidence of the Wuhundian Academy team, because their goal has never been some bullshit Shrek, nor some rubbish kamikaze, their goal has always been that person!

The strong desire to win forced the three golden fusion forms to rush forward.

Feeling the strong power, Tang San also faced it without any fear.

The fusion form of the Golden Three used double blades. Although Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer was more flexible, it never succeeded and did not cause any substantial damage to Tang San. A heavy Clear Sky Hammer was actually thrown at Tang San's hands were extremely flexible.

No matter how cunning the angles of the two moon blades were, whether they were cutting or slashing, all attacks were blocked by Tang San with his hammer head and handle.

Seeing that Guang Yu also said that this control of the crane and capture of the dragon was really too much!

And things quickly changed on the field.

At this time, Tang San relied on inertia to move the huge Clear Sky Hammer in his hand from his calves to his waist. The Clear Sky Hammer was swung more and more flexibly and easily in his hand.

At the same time, Tang San also began to talk about numbers.

"One or two."


Is this the random cloak hammering method?

There was no shortage of discerning people in the field who could recognize that Tang San was using the Haotian Sect's special hammering technique, the Chaos Cloak Hammering Technique.

Although the three golden ones didn't know their names, they could still feel that the power of Tang San's hammers was increasing.

How to break the situation?

The new form after the fusion of the three golden ones still has the consciousness of three people. At this time, all three people thought of a way!

If you want to break the random cloak hammer technique, the only way is to never let the opponent continue to use the accumulated energy.

Only by disrupting, stopping, and stopping the cloak-hammering technique can they win. Otherwise, no matter how much Tang San gradually strengthened with each hammer, who knew how far it would reach in the end.

How to stop the random cloak hammering method, the Golden Three thought of that person!

The fire tornado they created at the beginning was cracked by that person!

Although the random cloak hammering technique is not about spinning in circles, as long as the rhythm is disrupted, the effect is still the same.

Then the fusion form of the three golden ones suddenly changed their moves. The sharp blades in their hands first got rid of the rhythm of the chaotic cloak to avoid being carried away by the chaotic cloak hammering technique. Then the two sharp blades began to aim at a point and start attacking.

As long as your power is strong enough and you always attack one point, it will definitely have an effect.

The point where the two sharp blades attacked was Tang San's lower waist.

Each knife struck Tang San's lower waist.

Tang San's random cloak hammering technique relied on his calves and waist to exert force. Wuhundian Academy's attacks made every hammer Tang San swung less smooth and less comfortable than before.

Finally, after receiving two solid blows from Tang San, the two sharp blades of the Golden Three also successfully scratched Tang San's waist, successfully stopping Tang San's random cloak hammering technique.

Tang San covered his waist and looked at the fused form of Wuhun Palace with a look of reluctance.

He had already swung more than fifty hammers, but was stopped by the other party!

This was the first time Tang San was blocked from using the Chaotic Cloak Hammer technique.

But fortunately, in order to stop him, Wuhun Palace also gave him a hard blow.

Feng Xiaotian, who was watching the battle from the side, also murmured: "So it turns out that the random cloak hammer technique can be broken like this~"

"It's just that this cracking method can also hurt yourself. It would be great if you could use long-range attacks, so that you can stop it without being hurt by the random cloak."

"But then again, what are you doing! It's a trinity of martial arts fusion skills, and it's a seven-in-one fusion skill. Sister Huowu, how can I win the championship?"

Thank you for following the reading, and thank you QReading and Qidian Book Friends for your recommendation votes.

In addition, an old man at home passed away and I have to rush back to my hometown today. Today I am posting a saved manuscript. It may not be enough to update the saved manuscript tomorrow. The update may be late. I hope you can forgive me.

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