Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 131 Self-created soul skills VS weapon soul true body

The Clear Sky Hammer is the number one martial spirit in the world, and the cloak-and-cloak hammer technique is a unique skill used by the Clear Sky Hammer.

Faced with this kind of stunt, many people can't think of a good way to deal with it. If they want to break the Haotian Hammer's random cloak hammer technique, most people in the soul master world use force to overwhelm others. To put it bluntly, they have high soul power. Those with low soul power.

Among the soul power levels of the same level, very few people can crack the Haotian Hammer's random cloak hammer technique.

Now, the three-person martial soul fusion skill form of the Wuhundian team has provided everyone with a way.

Of course, this method is not without cost. It is not something that ordinary people can do by being hit twice by the Clear Sky Hammer. If not, they will be hammered to death.

Unless it's like what Feng Xiaotian said, if it can be attacked from a distance, the effect may be better.

Shrek rest area.

Flanders also looked surprised.

"Xiao Gang, Xiao San's Cloak Hammer Technique was actually cracked by a few people from Wuhun Palace? The Cloak Hammer Technique is one of the most powerful skills that Xiao San has mastered so far!"

In the finals of the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, Tang San defeated Feng Xiaotian with the Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique, so the Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique can be regarded as the Shrek team's unique skill. Now after using the seven-in-one fusion technique, he was actually defeated Cracked, this is definitely not a good thing for Shrek.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the two teams that were in confrontation again, especially the Wuhundian team, and couldn't help but praise: "With the Arrancar, it's worthy of the Wuhundian team. Not only can they win in such a short time, I found a way to crack the random cloak hammer method within a short period of time, and it is really amazing that I can implement it so decisively!"

Not anyone can have the courage to take a beating from Haotian Hammer.

"Xiao Gang, now is not the time to brag about your opponent. Think about it, what should we do?"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head in a rare way. The "all-knowing" man finally didn't know anything for once.

"I don't know either. At this point in the battle, we can only rely on the little monsters! As teachers, we should have full confidence in them!"

Liu Erlong was also a little unwilling.

"The first game of the final was so difficult, this kind of intensity should be reserved for the last game!"

If the Wuhundian team hadn't also played the first game, or even played two games in a row, Liu Erlong would have definitely scolded the stinky Bibi Dong for doing behind-the-scenes operations.

Seeing Tang San standing motionless in front of the Shrek crowd, Flanders, who had lost the ability to think, couldn't help but ask the master next to him.

"Xiao Gang, do you think that the cloak hammering technique has been cracked, will it affect Xiao San's fighting spirit? There are many soul masters in the soul master world who have become helpless after experiencing setbacks. Xiao San has not experienced any major setbacks along the way. , this time.”

Master Yu Xiaogang shook his head firmly this time, with great determination.

"The mistress will never be hit!"

Nowadays, no one knows Tang San better than Grandmaster. Grandmaster is very confident about Tang San who is far more mature than his peers.

"Xiao San is just temporarily unable to exert force because of the injury on his waist. The Wuhundian team on the opposite side is also adjusting its physical condition after receiving two hammer blows. It won't be long before the two sides begin the next more intense collision. !

Indeed, as Yu Xiaogang said, both sides are stabilizing their injuries.

The first person to change was Tang San. Tang San closed his eyes and slowly raised the Clear Sky Hammer with one hand. The huge light patterns on the hammer body suddenly burst out completely, and the dark golden light was extremely dazzling, streaks of light. The extremely powerful pressure is being continuously released.

And Tang San himself, at this moment, was like the handle of a hammer, his whole body seemed to be integrated into the Clear Sky Hammer.

Seeing this scene, Pope Bibi Dong in the stands could not sit still. Her purple eyes flashed with uncertainty. The scene in front of her was no stranger to her.

"The real body of the weapon soul!"

The three titled Douluo and Ning Fengzhi beside Bibi Dong all exclaimed in surprise.

They could all use the Weapon Soul True Body, including Ning Fengzhi, but the reason they were surprised was that Tang San could actually use the Weapon Soul True Body, and this was also in this elite competition. The intensity of the Elite Competition was between forty and fifty. Super soul power level, and the real body of the weapon soul is the symbol of level 70, how can they not be surprised.

After using the weapon soul's true form, it will have huge explosive power and its strength will increase dramatically.

They never expected that they would see someone displaying the true form of the weapon soul in this elite competition of the continent's advanced soul master academy, and it would also be the Clear Sky Hammer, which is known as the first weapon soul in the mainland!

In fact, even Tang San himself didn't expect that he could actually display the weapon soul's true form. When his soul power was increased to level seventy or above and he held the Clear Sky Hammer, he almost did it subconsciously.

Huge energy continuously forms a strange cycle between itself and the Clear Sky Hammer, as if the power is about to break out of the body.

The Clear Sky Hammer held in Tang San's hand began to change. The original black hammer completely turned into a brilliant dark gold color. The hammer body was also shrinking rapidly. The handle of the hammer was about one and a half meters long. The hammer head was as big as a bucket. Only then did it shrink. Stop.

At this moment, Tang San himself was also covered with a layer of dark golden light, and the auras of him and the Clear Sky Hammer had become indistinguishable from each other.

Tang San raised his hammer and pointed, and a dark golden light and shadow instantly magnified in front of Tang San. It was the shadow of the Clear Sky Hammer that seemed to be magnifying infinitely.

Seeing the shocking movement Tang San made, the three golden ones from the Wuhundian Academy team who used their Wuhun Fusion Skill couldn't care less about anything else.

At this moment, they had put aside the idea of ​​defeating Guangyu, because before that, they had to defeat the Shrek team that they had never seen before.

They have decided not to hide their clumsiness anymore, Guangyu, they must defeat, but now, they cannot lose, because they represent Wuhun Palace!

As the three most devout people in Wuhun Palace, even if they were facing the true form of the Clear Sky Hammer's weapon soul, the three golden ones showed no signs of timidity.

The three people's thoughts were unified, and even the martial soul fusion skills were affected. The reddish light on their bodies gradually became richer, and the lava armor became tighter and tighter.

"What about the real weapon soul? Today, we will use our self-created soul skills to fight against your real weapon soul."

Two blood-red full moon blades were held in the hands by the fusion form of the three golden ones.

Guang Yu also knew a little about their self-created soul skills. The original work and what he had seen before were the demons spinning in circles with two sharp blades.

But that was five or six years ago.

Five or six years have passed, and Guangyu may have no longer paid attention to the Wuhundian Three, but the Wuhundian Three have always regarded Guangyu as their ultimate goal, and wanted to wash away all shame by defeating Guangyu. , prove yourself again.

This seems to have become an obsession, and sometimes, the power of obsession is often ridiculously strong. The reason why the three of them can successfully perform the trinity spirit fusion skill is inseparable from the same obsession of the three of them.

Over the past few years, the martial soul fusion skills of the three people have made great progress, so how can the self-created soul skills of the three people remain unchanged.

Hearing the self-created soul skills, everyone couldn't help but focus on the Wuhundian Academy team, and so did Feng Xiaotian. He looked as if his exclusive skills had been taken away. After all, in this competition, His most outstanding and eye-catching operation is his self-created soul skill, the Wind Demon Wolf thirty-six consecutive cuts.

It is obviously not easy to be able to create one's own soul skills, not to mention the self-created soul skills of the trinity soul fusion skill.

Still holding both blades flat, he slowly turned his body. As the three golden fusion forms turned, a red tornado emerged from scratch, from weak to strong, and gradually appeared in front of everyone.

The appearance of the red tornado caused the temperature of the entire arena to rise several degrees.

But these are secondary. The most important thing is that everyone felt the attack intensity from the red tornado that was not weaker than level 70.

Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo slowly recovered from their shock. They looked at each other with envious expressions.

The Qibao Glazed Sect was originally short of offensive soul masters, but now that they saw such an outstanding young generation in the Wuhun Hall, how could they not feel emotional.

Ning Fengzhi then glanced at Guangyu's position. The three golden ones in Wuhun Palace were already perverted enough, but even so, they were all under that person in Wuhun Palace. As a young man in Wuhun Palace, How powerful should the first person be?

Flanders had no time to talk to the master this time. Flanders, the master, and Liu Erlong were all holding on to the railing in front of them. They all knew that the outcome of this fight would be decided. Where this game is going.


The momentum of the flame tornado grew stronger and stronger, and the next moment, a huge flame dragon roared out, eager to rush towards Shrek and the others.

On Shrek's side, Tang San, who originally held the Clear Sky Hammer with one hand, changed it to holding the hammer with both hands. Facing the flame tornado, a strong desire arose in Tang San's heart.

Use all your strength to unleash the desire of the Clear Sky Hammer!

"Hold your breath, concentrate, legs with waist, waist with arms, arms with hammer!"

Tang San, who was holding the hammer in both hands, suddenly heard a low but powerful voice in his ears.

When this voice sounded, Guangyu looked around with feeling.

Bibi Dong also raised her eyes. If Guang Yu hadn't reminded her in advance that Tang Hao was nearby, Bibi Dong would not have noticed it. It was precisely because of Guang Yu's advance warning that Bibi Dong had been paying close attention to her surroundings. Only then could he accurately notice when Tang Hao reminded Tang San.

At this time, Tang San didn't care who the owner of the voice was, he just subconsciously followed the instructions of the voice to swing the hammer.

Half turning around, Tang San used his calves to exert force, his whole body twisted, and he swung the dark gold Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

As he swung the hammer, Tang San looked extremely ferocious. On the one hand, his own strength was too strong, which caused his flesh and blood to be strained. On the other hand, this explosion of power was particularly strict on the waist. The originally injured waist was in severe pain. After reaching the extreme limit, Tang San even felt unconscious.

But Tang San still swung the hammer.

A powerful and heavy blow!

A thunderous black dragon swung out!

As everyone watched, the red flame dragon and the black thunder dragon collided fiercely.

After a short period of silence, a huge rumbling sound echoed throughout Wuhun Mountain.

In the distance, people can even see Wuhun Mountain blooming with dazzling white light.

The aftermath of strong soul power spread out, and the bishops of Wuhun Palace took action one after another to protect the viewing platform.

The aftermath lasted for a long time, and when everything dissipated, everything in the field was finally revealed.

The arena has become dilapidated.

Almost all of the fourteen contestants fell down, leaving only one person standing on the ring.

Everyone looked around and saw that the seven Shrek people who had used the seven-in-one fusion technique had all been injured and fell down. Except for Tang San, everyone else was already unconscious.

Tang San wanted to stand up, but found that he couldn't. In addition to the high temperature, the flame dragon also had two sharp cutting blades.

After all, the basis of self-created soul skills is the rotation of two sharp blades.

Therefore, in addition to burns, Tang San, who was standing in front of the Shrek crowd, also had countless scratches and knife wounds. By coincidence, there happened to be a knife that scratched the other side of Tang San's waist.

Tang San only felt that he was so weak and powerless, and the hands holding the hammer were so shaken from the previous fight that he couldn't even use a hidden weapon.

On the other hand, all three of Wuhundian's golden ones were knocked unconscious by the hammer, and the huge impact of soul power just now severely affected the other four members of the Wuhundian Academy team who were not far from the explosion zone.

Among the four people, three were directly severely injured and fell into coma. Only Li Kai, whose martial spirit was the Black-horned Mountain Boar, finally managed to withstand it due to his rough skin and thick flesh.

But judging from his appearance, the injury was not serious.

The red cardinal serving as the referee looked at the status of both sides, and finally made an announcement after Tang San failed to get up again and again.

"All members of Shrek have lost the ability to fight. The winner of this match is the Wuhundian Academy team!"

I'm back in a hurry. I keep writing and writing. The author tries his best to write the battle part well. His level is limited. If you are not satisfied, don't blame me. Then thank you QReading, the book friends from for your recommendation and support, and your monthly ticket support! Thank you for the monthly votes. I will sort them out and send them out tomorrow! Thank you!

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