With the end of the first game, the intensity and excitement of the battle far exceeded the imagination of all viewers. From the trinity of martial soul fusion skills to the seven-in-one fusion skills, from the true form of the weapon soul to the self-created soul skills, the battle's The players from both sides showed their great talent and strength to everyone.

At the same time, this also satisfies the doubts in Guangyu's original work that the Shrek team used the true body of the weapon soul when fighting the Kamikaze Academy and did not use it to deal with the Wuhundian team.

Facts have proved that if the Shrek Academy team uses the true body of the weapon soul, it will naturally be able to defeat the Wuhundian Academy team. However, unfortunately, due to their own reasons, the Golden Three of the Wuhundian Academy team have become stronger. Their Wuhun Fusion Skills As they become stronger, their self-created soul skills also become stronger.

They finally exchanged with Team Shrek!

"Bah bang bang!"

I don’t know who started it, but everyone watching the game couldn’t help but applaud both sides.

This battle deserves applause and is worth most of them remembering for a lifetime.

Feng Xiaotian also clapped, but as he clapped, Feng Xiaotian's expression suddenly became exciting.

Something suddenly occurred to him.

Feng Xiaotian was seen lying on the guardrail, first looking at the people from Shrek Academy who were being treated, and then looking at the rest area of ​​the Wuhundian Academy team. The seven people from Wuhundian were also still being treated.

Even though Li Kai of the Black-horned Mountain Boar, a martial soul, was still standing in the ring in the end, he suffered extremely serious injuries.

Fumbling his chin, Feng Xiaotian suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Behind him, the members of Shenfeng Academy looked at Feng Xiaotian who was giggling inexplicably, and couldn't help but look puzzled.

Although their captain has always been abnormal, this time they were still curious about why.

"Captain, the Spirit Hall Academy team and the Shrek Academy team are so strong, why are you still so happy?"

"Yes, even if the Wuhundian Academy team is strong, the Shrek Academy team actually hides the seven-in-one fusion technique and the true body of the weapon soul. This is too deep!"

"Captain, if you want to hug this beauty back home, you're probably going to die!"

Feng Xiaotian's face was still filled with a smile.

"Really? I think sister Huowu is already mine!"

Just when the members of the Shenfeng Academy team were puzzled, Feng Xiaotian pointed his fingers at the rest areas of the Wuhundian Academy team and the Shrek Academy team.

"The Wuhundian Academy team and the Shrek Academy team are very strong, but looking at how they are now, can they still continue to compete with us?"

"Although I feel a little sorry for winning in this way, no matter what, Sister Huowu wants to date me!"

Everyone in the Kamikaze Academy team also observed the situation of the Wuhundian team and the Shrek team.

They were just shocked by the powerful strength displayed by the two teams, but they forgot that the two teams almost "died together" in the battle just now. Now they have become the last of their strength, and it is impossible to recover much in a short period of time, let alone all their strength. The game must be completed today.

After about an hour, the six members of the Wuhundian Academy team except Li Kai finally woke up. They also played the second game against Shenfeng Academy.

The results were apparently no surprise.

The seriously injured Wuhundian Academy team lost~

Pope Bibi Dong looked very unhappy.

The Wuhundian Academy team won the championship and then challenged Guangyu. This was her scheduled arrangement.

Even if they lose then, they can still show the power of Wuhun Palace to everyone.

But now, it is obviously impossible for the Wuhundian Academy team to win the championship.

And all of this was ruined in Shrek's hands.

First she looked at the pale-faced Tang San in the Shrek team, and then glanced around, Bibi Dong's eyes gradually showed murderous intent.

Following the match between the Wuhundian Academy team and the Kamikaze Academy team.

The final match also kicked off between the Shrek Academy team and the Divine Wind Academy team.

As a result, the Shrek Academy team, whose soul power was almost exhausted, was also defeated by the Kamikaze Academy team.

The Kamikaze Academy team, which had won both games, became the champions of this continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition!

In response, Guangyu, who had been watching the game, shook his head slightly. He did not expect that the Kamikaze Academy team could win the championship. He could only say that they got a good script.

As long as the order of the competition changes, it is absolutely impossible for the Kamikaze Academy team to win against the Wuhundian team and the Shrek team.

But the results are out and everything is a foregone conclusion.

After defeating the Shrek Academy team, everyone on the Kamikaze Academy team hugged each other excitedly.

Each of their faces was filled with excitement.

They are champions, even if the gold content of this championship will be criticized, they are always champions!

Whether it was the powerful Wuhundian team that was widely rumored in the world, or the dark horse Shrek team that emerged from the Star Luo Empire, they were all defeated at their feet.

Feng Xiaotian was the most happy and excited one. After licking for so long, the results finally came!

Pope Bibi Dong, Ning Fengzhi and all the titled Douluo also stood up.

Bibi Dong announced calmly: "The final champion of this year's Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is Shenfeng Academy! Congratulations to you, the talented young soul masters!"

Bibi Dong's voice was not high-pitched, but it miraculously spread throughout Wuhun Mountain. Those who had not left but could not see the competition also knew the result.

But the result was not what they expected. The Wuhundian team did not win the championship, but the Divine Wind Academy team actually did!

The Blazing Academy did not leave, and they were also curious about the final result of the game.

When they heard that the champion was Kamikaze Academy, everyone in Blazing Academy also had incredible expressions.

When they were in Wuhun Mountain, they naturally felt the strong fluctuation just now. It would take a certain level of collision to produce it.

Facts also proved that the final was much more intense than they imagined, but even so, Kamikaze Academy actually won the championship.

Huo Wushuang patted Huo Wu on the shoulder.

"It seems that Shenfeng Academy still has some hidden cards that we don't know about. Sister, in this case you will follow Feng Xiaotian."

Although Huo Wu was still a little surprised, his expression quickly changed.

"I, Huo Wu, will do what I say!"

Huo Wushuang looked at his sister who wanted to be stronger and shook his head helplessly.

"Sister, sometimes it is much happier to find someone who treats you well than to find someone you like."

After Bibi Dong awarded the competition medals to the members of the Kamikaze Academy team, he continued to ask.

This sentence is asked to everyone in the Kamikaze Academy team.

"Members of the champion team Kamikaze Academy, are you willing to participate in the next challenge? If you succeed in the challenge and defeat Guang Yu, the young number one person in Wuhun Palace, you will receive three soul bones as rewards!"

Their eyes lingered across the three soul bones, and naturally everyone in the Kamikaze Academy team wanted to compete in the challenge.

Although they fought twice, their soul power was basically not consumed, and everyone's condition remained at its peak.

And facing the temptation of soul bones, how could they give up directly, not to mention that among the three soul bones, there is a mind control skull. It is obviously good to give this to sister Huo Wu of the control department! At least that's what Feng Xiaotian thought.

And in addition to the mind control skull, the flame right arm bone is also good.

The wind helps the fire. If Feng Xiaotian has that flaming right arm bone, his attack power will surely reach another level.

As the Kamikaze Academy team decided to hold a challenge, Wuhundian also invited Guangyu to step into the ring.

As Guangyu entered, everyone's eyes fell on Guangyu.

In fact, even the bishops of Wuhun Palace don't know Guangyu's strength.

But the other party held the title of being the number one young person in Wuhun Palace, and in their eyes, the three most outstanding people in Wuhun Palace showed obvious hostility towards him.

Ning Fengzhi also looked at Guangyu with interest.

Even better than the three people from Wuhun Palace, this battle may reveal something.

The three golden ones were sitting weakly in the rest area at this time. Although they lost the qualification to challenge Guang Yu, the Kamikaze Academy team should be able to help them test Guang Yu's current strength.

As for the Kamikaze Academy team defeating Mitsuha?

Absolutely impossible!

They can only defeat Guangyu!


Naturally, Shrek Academy also observed carefully. They were also very curious about the fact that this young man, who held the title of the number one young man in Wuhun Palace, was not much older than the Shrek members. He was facing seven people from Divine Wind Academy alone.

In fact, the original intention of Pope Bibi Dong in arranging this challenge match was to let Wuhundian team defeat Guangyu, and also to find out how much Guangyu weighed now.

On the stage, Feng Xiaotian, who was at least sure that he could date Huo Wu, was in a good mood, and he didn't forget to smile at Guang Yu.

"Don't blame us for bullying the minority. After all, if you win, the reward will be huge!"

Guang Yu actually felt that Feng Xiaotian, apart from being a bit of a dog licker, actually had a pretty good personality. (What do you think?)

Guangyu also smiled confidently: "No matter how generous the reward is, getting it is the key to success!"

How could Feng Xiaotian not hear the confidence in Guang Yu's words.

Feng Xiaotian is also full of fighting spirit, and Feng Xiaotian is also very proud. This time he defeated the Wuhun Temple team and the Shrek Academy team, which did not make Feng Xiaotian happy, but now the battle against Guang Yu just satisfied his fighting needs.

The next moment, Feng Xiaotian let out a long, sharp whistle, and a layer of faint blue light surged out from his body. The blue light surged, and his body obviously changed. Along with the crackling sound of his own bones, His body was swelling, and the long hair on his head was also colored cyan, and the most peculiar thing was that a wolf head emerged from his left shoulder.

The green wolf head stared at Guangyu with a stern gaze, and a trace of chill continued to release.

The feeling of being stared at by a wolf is indeed a bit uncomfortable.

But do you want Guangyu to show his timidity? This is obviously a bit naive!

Except for Feng Xiaotian, the rest of the Kamikaze Team also released their martial spirits. There is no doubt that to be able to enter Kamikaze Academy, their martial spirits are all related to the wind element.

As everyone in the Divine Wind Academy team released their martial spirits, Feng Xiaotian asked in a very gentlemanly manner: "Aren't you going to release the martial spirits yet?"

Guangyu raised the corner of his mouth and said in a pretentious manner: "Then it depends on whether you can force my martial spirit out!"

"I'll join in!" You know, sometimes the most unbearable thing is watching others show off. Feng Xiaotian instantly felt unhappy, as did everyone at Shenfeng Academy.

The anger of the seven people was ignited, but it was extinguished not long after.

A cold air filled the air that they had never felt before. This coldness was not only physical, but also seemed to extinguish their fighting spirit.

"Killing field, open!"

With Guangyu as the center, the entire arena was completely covered by the killing field.

"Field skills?!"

The whole audience was shocked!

Although there are no virtual warriors under his reputation, they never expected that Guang Yu, the young number one person in Wuhun Palace, would actually master domain skills!

Trinity martial soul fusion skills, seven-in-one fusion skills, self-created soul skills, weapon soul true form.

This senior college soul master elite competition had given them too much shock, but they didn't expect that it was not the end. Not long after, they saw the rare domain skills in the soul master world again!

The expressions of everyone in the Kamikaze Academy team changed greatly, because they had now discovered that they could not use soul skills.

As for the people watching the battle, although they were not covered by Guangyu's domain skills, they could still feel the dominance of the killing domain.

Bibi Dong's eyes were solemn: "Is this the evolved version of the Killing God Realm, the Killing Realm?"

In the darkness, there was also a sound of surprise.

The Shrek rest area was shocked.

Master Yu Xiaogang was also shocked: "No wonder he is the number one young person in Wuhun Palace. He actually has domain skills at such a young age. Is this a talent domain?"

Yu Xiaogang could only think this way, because it would be too abnormal to understand the acquired field at this age.

In the arena, Feng Xiaotian also felt that his soul skills were restricted.

However, Feng Xiaotian was not completely panicked like other Kamikaze Academy members.

When other people in Kamikaze Academy lose their soul skills, it is equivalent to losing their fighting power.

But Feng Xiaotian is different. The killing field is limited to soul rings and soul skills, but Feng Xiaotian does not only have soul rings and soul skills.

Feng Xiaotian was seen looking at Guang Yu with fighting intent.

"Okay, without the participation of others, let me test how strong you, the young number one person in Wuhun Palace, is by myself."

"Come on! Guangyu! One-on-one, man-to-man battle!"

Thanks to QReading and Qidian.com readers for following up! Thanks for the support! I have thought about the main plot of this book in advance. Logically speaking, I should cater to all readers when I come up with the results. But I really want to write a book according to my own ideas. Fortunately, there are many people who support me. Thank you! The plot will be accelerated later!

The protagonist's seventh soul ring is about to be absorbed. You can guess the soul skills ~

There is one hundred thousand year soul ring and martial soul true body, but what is the other one?

There will also be the assessment of God Shura, which will also have my settings~

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