Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 457 Hope appears, a new emperor emerges (two-in-one)

Earth Star, in the Immortal Mountain of the East China Sea, all the powerful people gathered here, and the tyrannical energy filled the void.

The essence is rising and the Tao is permeating the air, just like a fairyland.

Yuan Changqing took out the enlightenment tea leaves and used the water from the sacred spring and a strand of immortality to make tea. This scene made the eyes of those alternative enlightened people who came here dazzle.

This is simply too luxurious. Perhaps, to the Ancient Qilin Emperor, Qing Emperor, and Ye Fan, this ray of immortality is not important.

However, for the most powerful people like Zhang Bairen, Taichu, Dao Yi... they are extremely precious.

After all, who doesn't want to live forever? Just a ray of immortality can make them live for a while longer.

Even if you can comprehend something from this immortal substance, you may have the opportunity to obtain immortality through it.

I saw the five-color flame blooming with brilliant brilliance. Now Yuan Changqing has returned to the body of the five elements again. The way of the five elements has become even more pure in Yuan Changqing.

That five-color divine fire is really Yuan Changqing's five-color Tao fire, which contains the pure Five Elements Tao. It is profound and mysterious, as if Yuan Changqing at this moment is the incarnation of the Five Elements Tao.

Everyone in the Immortal Mountain has been staring closely at the five-color Tao fire, hoping to understand the true principles of Taoism from it.

After the tea was brewed, Yuan Changqing gave a cup to everyone present, each cup containing a piece of Enlightenment tea leaf.

After that, everyone drank it all in one gulp. After all, such an opportunity was rare and could not be missed.

Ever since the Mountain of Immortality was taken away by Yuan Changqing, the Wudao tea leaves between heaven and earth have never left the world again, and they have all been collected by Yuan Changqing.

Therefore, the only place where you can drink the Enlightenment Tea is Yuan Changqing.

After that, everyone fell into the realm of enlightenment and realized the laws of heaven and earth brought by the enlightenment tea.

In the Immortal Mountain, under the Enlightenment tea tree, the sound of Tao is permeated, but the sound of immortality is few. Various laws are constantly ringing here, as if you are in the realm of Tao.

At this time, except for Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, Ancient Emperor Qilin, and Emperor Qing, everyone else has fallen into enlightenment.

After all, the Enlightenment Tea is now of great use to Yuan Changqing and the other four.

However, for those who have not yet become emperors, it is a rare treasure in the world.

The sound of the great avenue continues to ring in the Immortal Mountain, and the void is filled with countless godly chains of order, and the Tao is densely covered.

Those who can come to this immortal mountain are not weak, they are all alternative enlightened beings in the world.

After a long time, when everyone woke up, their eyes were shining, obviously they had gained benefits.

After all, Yuan Changqing added a ray of longevity matter to it, which can extend the life span of those present.

"Thank you, Emperor Changqing, for the tea!"

This ray of immortality is not important to the current Yuan Changqing, but it is a gift to these alternative enlightened people.

Coupled with the Enlightenment Tea, this supreme divine treasure that is no longer visible in the world is also an opportunity for everyone.

Later, Yuan Changqing looked at the people who came here and sighed in his heart. Among these people, there are not a few who are qualified to become enlightened.

It's a pity that fate has already made a choice, making it impossible for them to make any progress now.

Perhaps, only when Ye Fan becomes a mortal immortal will these people have the opportunity to pursue a higher realm.

As the son of the world and the founder of heaven, Ye Fan also has such great courage. His wish is to lead the people of heaven into the fairyland.

People like Yuan Changqing, Qing Emperor, Ancient Emperor Qilin, etc. have not established any big power like Ye Fan, so they don't need to worry like Ye Fan.

Therefore, if people like Zhang Bairen, Taichu and others want to make progress, they can only wait until Ye Fan becomes an immortal.

However, now that these people have arrived at the Immortal Mountain, Yuan Changqing will not let them go back disappointed.

After that, Yuan Changqing took the lead and began to preach to everyone. This could be considered an opportunity for those talented people!

In the Immortal Mountain, the fairy light shines brightly, the Tao sound bursts out, and the Tao is densely covered. In the void, flowers of the Tao bloom. The Tao charm permeates the Immortal Mountain, and those present benefit endlessly.

All of a sudden, there were various visions in the Immortal Mountain, the auspicious air was densely packed, and the sound of the sky was constantly ringing.

Even people in the realm of Ye Fan, Qing Emperor, and Qilin Ancient Emperor got a lot of inspiration from it.

After all, Yuan Changqing's realm is much better than theirs, and his understanding of the great road is naturally more profound and profound.

After Yuan Changqing finished his sermon, a long time passed before everyone woke up and bowed deeply to Yuan Changqing.

It is a rare opportunity in the world for a supremely powerful person to preach. It is also a supreme honor to be able to come here to listen to the sermon.

For these alternative enlightened people present, it is extremely precious and a great opportunity.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Qing, Ye Fan, and Ancient Emperor Qilin also began to preach. The three of them were all people who had walked out of their own way, and their understanding of the way was not weak.

When the Qing Emperor was preaching, a chaotic green lotus root took root in the chaos, sucked in the chaotic energy, and kept swaying in the chaos.

And above the chaotic green lotus, a vast world appeared, evolving countless creatures and various phenomena.

Then, when Ye Fan was preaching, golden lotuses descended from the sky, and the Immortal King sat high above the nine heavens. An eternal will wrapped around him, transcending heaven and earth, like an immortal supreme being.

The ancient emperor Qilin was not to be outdone. The Five Elements Avenue was fully displayed, and the auspicious energy permeated the whole body. The Qilin stepped on the sky in the void, surrounded by the moral energy and the Five Elements Taoism, like the incarnation of morality.

Obviously, Qing Emperor, Ye Fan, and Qilin Ancient Emperor have all walked out of their own avenues and demonstrated their own principles.

In the Immortal Mountain, there is endless Taoist charm, and the fairy spirit is ethereal, like a fairyland, mysterious and unpredictable.

In the void, the endless Tao is constantly evolving, and various fairy spirits are flying in the void. True dragons, divine phoenixes, green lotuses, unicorns... appear in the void. They are all evolved from the Tao. .

A group of talented people are happy now. They fell into the ocean of Tao and had countless insights. It took a long time for them to wake up one after another.

It is rare in the world for four supremely powerful men to preach. Such opportunities can be said to be very rare.

After that, Zhang Bairen, Taichu, Yuan Yuer, Hua Yunfei and others also began to show their great ways.

Although they are not as good as the four Yuan Changqing due to their strength, they still have some differences.

Stones from other hills, can learn!

Everyone can verify what they have learned, check for omissions and fill in the gaps, and they can also improve their own methods.

From this grand event on Tao, everyone gained a lot and gained a deeper understanding of Tao.

This discussion conference lasted ten years in the world, and everyone finally left the Mountain of Immortality extremely satisfied.

"Are there immortals in the world?"

Before leaving, someone couldn't help but ask Yuan Changqing and the others, and everyone looked expectantly.

"Yes, and no." Yuan Changqing said lightly.

The answer was yes and no, and everyone was confused. They didn't know how to understand it, whether it was yes or no.

However, no one is strong enough to break the casserole and ask the truth. The answer has already been given. It is useless to ask more. We are all smart people.

"May I ask if Emperor Changqing has become an immortal?"

"I didn't become an immortal." Yuan Changqing shook his head.

The path to immortality is different. Even though Yuan Changqing has now transformed into the seventh life, and is following the path of mortal immortality, his divine body has not transformed into an immortal body.

Therefore, the current Yuan Changqing has not become an immortal. He can only be regarded as an "immortal" after his ninth turn in the world of mortals.

Everyone didn't believe Yuan Changqing's answer. After all, with Yuan Changqing's current behavior and state of mind, there was no need to deceive everyone.

After that, everyone also said goodbye to Yuan Changqing and left the Immortal Mountain one after another.

However, before everyone left, Yuan Changqing still gave everyone some enlightenment tea leaves, and everyone was also pleasantly surprised.

For everyone, Enlightenment Tea is extremely precious, but for Yuan Changqing, it is inexhaustible.

In more than 200,000 years, Yuan Changqing harvested a lot of Taoist tea leaves, and there were not many people in the Immortal Mountain, so they were collected as collections.

Although Yuan Changqing occasionally opened the Immortal Mountain, letting a lot of Enlightenment Tea Leaves float out, allowing the cultivators on Earth to get a lot.

However, the world has never seen the emergence of enlightenment tea again. Even if it exists, it is a collection from the past, and the more it is used, the less it will be.

As many talented people left, Yuan Changqing also sent Zeng Li, Yuan Yuer, Huo Qizi brother and sister, Yaochi Saint and others out of the Immortal Mountain.

Now that they have been born, and now it is a golden age, it is not a bad choice to go out for a walk, meet strong people from all walks of life, and sharpen their skills.

As many geniuses in the universe saw Yuan Changqing, news about him spread throughout the universe.

An invincible strong man who has lived for more than 200,000 years has shocked countless people in the universe. Emperor Changqing, like Emperor Ye Tian, ​​has always been alive and will exist in the world forever.

This also makes countless people yearn for it, thinking that they can live forever like Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan.

This world has given too many shocks to countless people.

Emperor Ye Tian lives on forever, Emperor Qing reappears, Emperor Changqing is not dead, and Ancient Emperor Qilin appears in Emperor Changqing's Immortal Mountain Dojo.

One piece of news after another shocked the world.

Since then, on the ancient road in the starry sky, there have been five hundred years of competition, and geniuses from all walks of life have appeared one after another, recreating the glorious moment.

Unfortunately, no one has been able to successfully attain enlightenment, which has made countless people sigh.

Seeing that there is no hope of attaining enlightenment in this life, countless talented and powerful people in the world once again choose to proclaim themselves and wait for the arrival of the next life.

Zeng Li, Yuan Yue'er, Huo Qizi brother and sister, Yaochi Saint and others also returned to the Immortal Mountain again and were sealed by Yuan Changqing.

Time passes year after year, and soon, ten thousand years have passed, this life has come to an end, and the glory is about to pass away.

This life is extremely bright and has given birth to many quasi-emperors and extremely powerful people. Unfortunately, no one has been able to achieve enlightenment.

There are even many talented people who were buried in these glorious years. It is a pity and a pity!

And the great world once again ushered in its withering and entered the cold winter.

Yuan Changqing is still sitting cross-legged under the Enlightenment Tea Tree, meditating on the truth of the Great Way.

Now, all Yuan Changqing can do is to continuously accumulate himself and constantly understand his own way in the world of mortals.

In the seventh life, Yuan Changqing has completed the first step on the immortal road of the mortal world. Next, he has reached the second step. The five elements are inverse to yin and yang, and yin and yang are derived from death.

If the second step is completed, it will be the time when Yuan Changqing has completed the immortal road in the mortal world and set foot on the path of immortality.


It has been 60,000 years since Ye Fan returned to Heaven since he left the Immortal Mountain, and he also successfully lived his sixth life.

Since then, Ye Fan has been living in seclusion in the heaven, and used the means of reaching the sky to imprison his own avenue.

This is similar to Gai Jiuyou, except that Gai Jiuyou took the opportunity to take back his own Dao when Ye Fan broke through Ten Thousand Daos and became an emperor.

Like Qing Emperor, he became an emperor after ancient times. When he was born again, he directly restrained his own path and imprisoned him in the world of Qinglian.

Yuan Changqing's avenue has always been within the World Pearl, so he doesn't have to go through as much trouble as Ye Fan and the others.

At this point, the avenue of heaven and earth is no longer suppressed, which also allows those who are the most powerful to see the hope of becoming emperor.

After all, for more than 300,000 years, in the world, only the human race has three supreme beings who have become enlightened.

After that, no one could achieve enlightenment. During such a long period of time, many geniuses ended up in despair, which made people sigh.

Finally, as Ye Fan converged on his own path, the world was no longer suppressed, and a golden age came again.

In this life, people are cheering because the avenue of heaven and earth is no longer suppressed, and countless outstanding people have seen hope.

This will be a thrilling era, and also another exciting and glorious era, with various bloodlines and physiques constantly appearing, and stars shining brightly.

One genius after another continues to appear, this will be a sign that a new emperor will be born!

The great world contends, the imperial road contends for hegemony, from the blood and fire, one after another the most powerful ones emerge, with incomparable brilliance.

However, the Imperial Road was full of withered bones, and one after another the outstanding figures fell down on the Imperial Road, composing a tragic song of separation.


Suddenly one day, in the depths of the universe, the great road rumbled, thousands of roads chimed together, and someone was crossing the emperor's tribulation.

Three hundred thousand years later, in this universe, a new emperor was finally born again.

The heavens and the universe were shaken, and countless people were exclaiming and guessing who would become the emperor.

Yuan Changqing also walked out of the Immortal Mountain. In his impression, the person who became the emperor should be Di Que.

However, after Yuan Changqing came to this world, the wheel of fate has quietly changed.

However, the general trend can be changed, but the small trend cannot be changed. Ye Fan's fate has not changed much. What has changed is the appearance of Gai Jiuyou and himself Yuan Changqing.

In addition, Ye Fan also told the story of the Immortal Road in the Red Dust early, which also made Ye Fan even more powerful.

After all, once you find a direction, you can continue to explore in that direction, which can also reduce many detours.

Therefore, in this life, the person who became emperor was not Emperor Que, but also the emperor of the Guangming clan. This surprised Yuan Changqing, but also found it very reasonable.

Emperor Que, the existence that competed with the Dou Zhan Holy Emperor at the end of the ancient times, fell into the long river of history due to the changes in the wheel of fate.

However, this is normal. In such a long period of time, Di Que should have exhausted his divine source and was born.

However, in the world, the great road is suppressed, and there is no hope of becoming an emperor. No matter how strong the emperor is, he can only fall helplessly in the long river of time, without any hope of becoming an emperor.

Therefore, in this life, no emperor was born to compete with the emperor of the Guangming clan, and only then could the emperor of the Guangming clan successfully attain enlightenment and become the emperor.

The birth of the new emperor broke the pattern of the human race where the great emperor ruled the world and no one became enlightened, and a new era opened.

However, what makes people sigh is that this emperor of the Guangming Tribe is not from this life, but an ancient person.

As for the current Guangming Clan, long before Yuan Changqing, Gai Jiuyou, and Ye Fan became enlightened, they led the strong men of the human race and directly wiped out the clan.

Although the emperor of the Guangming Clan became an emperor, he did not dare to come and cause trouble for the human race.

After all, 60,000 years ago, there was a legend that Emperor Changqing and Emperor Ye Tian existed forever.

Although the two of them have not appeared in the world in the past 60,000 years, this does not mean that they have perished.

With the existence of Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan, the two supreme powerhouses of the human race, the new emperor would not dare to come for revenge.

So, ten thousand years passed, and the Great Emperor of the Guangming Clan only lived for ten thousand years before he passed away.

Almost all the immortal medicine in this world has been obtained by Ye Fan, Yuan Changqing, and Gai Jiuyou.

And if the Emperor of the Bright Clan wants to live out his second life, he must have earth-shattering talent to survive the second life alone.

Otherwise, without the help of the elixir of immortality, it would be impossible to survive the second life.

In the end, the Emperor of the Guangming Clan did not survive his second life without the elixir of immortality.

It was even said that the Emperor of the Guangming Clan went to Heaven to seek the elixir of immortality, but was punched out by Ye Fan.

As for whether it is true or false, it is not certain, and there is no news from heaven.

Therefore, after the death of the Great Emperor of the Guangming Clan, ten thousand years passed again, the suppression of the Great Dao disappeared, and signs of enlightenment appeared again.

In the universe, countless people see hope again.

Another era of heroes vying for hegemony and stars shining has begun. Countless bones are buried on the imperial road.

In the end, after extremely cruel blood and fire, it was a god-killing insect that finally became the emperor.

However, even if the God-killing Insects kill Wushuang, they dare not act so easily in this universe.

After all, the human race has the Supreme Being to suppress the world, and the demon race has the Qing Emperor to control the world. Neither of them is a being that the new emperor of the God-killing Insect can easily offend.

Therefore, in their later years, the God-killing Insects also face the crisis of being unable to survive their second life without the elixir of immortality.

As a result, the God-killing Insect entered the heaven directly, sought Ye Fan's protection, and disappeared from the world.

Ten thousand years later, the world passed again, the great suppression of the God-killing Insect disappeared again, and the universe once again entered a great world.

Perhaps it is because no one has become enlightened in the past 300,000 years, and the great avenue of heaven and earth has been suppressed for too long, and the great worlds are one after another.

Therefore, new emperors were born one after another, including outstanding figures of the world and geniuses of ancient times, complementing each other.

It is a pity that none of these new emperors will appear in the world like Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan and others.

None of these new emperors have the ability to live out the second life. Some people directly choose to die in this life, and some choose to step into heaven and seek Ye Fan's asylum.

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