Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 458 Red Dust Fairy, Strange World (two in one)

Since Ye Fan suppressed his own avenue and the world was not suppressed, great worlds came one after another.

In the world, four or five great emperors have been born in a hundred thousand years. Unfortunately, the elixir of immortality is no longer in this world, and these enlightened ones have not lived out their second lives.

Therefore, some of these enlightened people are sitting between heaven and earth, and some directly choose to join heaven and take shelter under Ye Fan in order to live forever.

And these people who can become emperors all want to live in the world forever like Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, Qingdi, Gai Jiuyou, and Qilin Ancient Emperor.

After all, having Yuan Changqing and others as role models also gives these enlightened people unlimited hope.

Among the world, only Ye Fan established Tianting, the largest force in the universe.

Therefore, they all chose Ye Fan's heaven, which was their only choice.

One hundred thousand years seem to have passed by in a flash, and Yuan Changqing has now successfully transformed into the eighth life of Five Elements Reverse Yin and Yang.

Of course, Yuan Changqing's yin and yang are different from lunar and yang.

It is widely said in the universe that the yin and yang in the lunar and sun work together and the world becomes emperor. This is the way between yin and yang, symbolizing the rotation of day and night in the heaven and earth.

But Yuan Changqing's current way of yin and yang is the way of natural yin and yang, which is neutral and peaceful, symbolizing the two sides of everything in the world.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing's strength, according to the realm of immortals, is no less than that of a true immortal. If he goes one step further, he will be in the realm of a quasi-immortal king.

In the world of the five elements, the path of the five elements is perfect and seems to be full of vitality. Unfortunately, there is still no birth of vitality.

If yin and yang do not appear, there is no vitality. It can only be said to be the beginning of a world. Only when Yuan steps into the mortal world and yin and yang appears, will the world of the five elements become more complete.

The Blue Silver Tree stands in the central area. Vigorous vitality emanates from the Blue Silver Tree in the Five Elements World, constantly swallowing the chaotic energy in the void and chaos, and transforming it into the Five Elements Spiritual Energy.

The current Blue Silver Tree, with the blessing of the Five Elements World, has become more powerful and has begun to evolve towards higher levels.

The five elements attributes originally on the blue silver tree were also stripped out and integrated into the world of five elements.

The Blue Silver Tree has also begun to become more pure, with only the attributes of life and death remaining. This also gives the Blue Silver Grass, which originally only had the attribute of life, the foundation to evolve to a higher level.

The path of life and death itself is one of the most fundamental avenues in the universe, the fundamental avenue of reincarnation in the universe.

As long as the way of life and death is integrated into the world of five elements, then the world of five elements opened up by Yuan Changqing will be more complete and have the foundation for further upgrading and evolution.

Even now, Yuan Changqing temporarily regards the World Pearl as the heavenly instrument of the Five Elements World, and constantly imprints and imprints the laws of the Great Dao in the World Pearl.

The World Pearl, as Yuan Changqing's companion innate spiritual treasure, contains a complete world law.

Therefore, with the help of the World Pearl, the Five Elements World will become more complete and powerful in the future.

Even the Five Elements World has the capital to evolve into the Great Thousand World.

And Yuan Changqing's own instrument of enlightenment, the Five Elements Diagram, is now also suppressing the source of the way of heaven at the place where the laws of the great law converge in the world of Five Elements.

From now on, in this Five Elements world, the Five Elements Diagram will be the only magical weapon of heaven, suppressing all the ways.

After transforming into the eighth life, Yuan Changqing showed no signs of being born, and sat quietly under the enlightenment tea tree.

Yuan Changqing, who has already walked the path of immortality in the mortal world, now only needs to continue to accumulate, coupled with the way of life and death on the Blue Silver Tree, he can successfully enter the ninth life.

Even, this is easier than Yuan Changqing's eighth life.

After all, Yuan Changqing had no reference at all for the Five Elements' inverse yin and yang, and relied entirely on his own understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth.

In the big world at this moment, everyone who sets foot on the mortal road is constantly accumulating their own heritage in order to transform towards a higher level.

Just like Gai Jiuyou, he was rarely born and was always practicing hard, constantly transforming himself.

And Ye Fan, Qing Emperor, and Ancient Emperor Qilin are similar. They are all in retreat to enlightenment.

Now, the few people who have embarked on the immortal road of mortals, their respective avenues have become more profound and mysterious, and they are moving towards the immortal avenue.

Everyone's path is very different and different, and there is not much reference for each other.

Perhaps, what is left now is their own understanding of the great road, and the significance of learning from it. This is also because the road to the great road has become more clearly distinguished.

The heavens and the universe are also constantly ebbing and flowing, and there are no traces of the supreme beings in the universe.

Yuan Changqing and others have now become legendary beings.

However, the legends about Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, Qing Emperor and others can live forever in the world, deeply affecting this big world.

It's a pity that even if powerful emperors are born one after another, there are still no people who can successfully live a second life.

As the son of this world, Ye Fan is now moving forward bravely, constantly chasing Yuan Changqing.

Ye Fan sealed himself with the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things, and was undergoing his seventh life transformation. He was also catching up with Yuan Changqing step by step.

Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan came from the same world, and successively embarked on the path of immortality in the world of mortals. Now, they have entered a deeper stage.

Even the ruthless emperor, Yuan Changqing estimates, is probably between the eighth and ninth lives.

As for the Emperor Wushi and the Immortal Emperor, they may be almost immortals now, let alone the emperor hiding in the dark.

Emperor Zun's plan is what worries Yuan Changqing the most. After all, he has been secretly observing this big world and wants to refine this universe and realize his ambition.

The emperor at this moment definitely has the strength of the peak of the Red Dust Immortal. In order to successfully step into the realm of the Immortal King, he has made many secret arrangements for this universe.

And as Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, Qingdi, Gai Jiuyou, Qilin Ancient Emperor and others all set foot on the Red Dust Immortal, the strength of this universe is also slowly increasing.

Therefore, since Yuan Changqing entered the mortal world, he rarely wandered around in the universe because he was afraid of being discovered by the emperor.

The same may be true for Ye Fan and Gai Jiuyou. They are both practicing in seclusion, silently improving their own strength in order to cope with changes that will occur in the future.

In the universe, great worlds continue to appear, and outstanding people emerge in large numbers, each blooming with their own style.

The battle between the emperor and the emperor was full of blood and fire, burying countless withered bones and leaving endless legends.

The world is passing away quietly. People like Yuan Changqing who have set foot on the immortal road of mortal world, although they have not yet lived forever, are no longer worried about their life span.

For Yuan Changqing and others, they have found the way to live forever and live forever in the world.

Of course, Yuan Changqing and others can only say that they will live forever. As for immortality, they need to wait until they become immortals.

However, in this infinite world, there are more dangers waiting for Yuan Changqing and others.

Emperor Huangtian has been arrogant for eternity and has stood at the forefront. However, after all, he is only one person. Without helpers, there will always be a moment when he falls.

Therefore, since Emperor Huangtian has ruled for eternity with one sword, leaving this world behind is also to prepare for the future.

And now, as Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, the Ruthless Emperor, the Wushi Emperor and others are growing up, this also makes the Huangtian Emperor's plan possible.

However, based on the current strength levels of Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, the ruthless emperor and others, they are far behind.

In the future dark war, the Supreme Being will be the soldier, the True Immortal will be the general, the Immortal King will be the commander, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor will be the main force, and the Immortal Emperor will be the one who decides the victory.

This is the reality of this infinite universe, cruel and helpless. One can imagine how miserable Emperor Huangtian is now. He is guarding the front alone, waiting for help later.

And only Yuan Changqing knows this now. Ye Fan, Wu Shi Emperor, and the Ruthless Emperor don't know what kind of situation they will face in the future.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing can only work hard to improve his own cultivation and quickly solve the hidden dangers in this world. When the time comes, the heaven established by Ye Fan can also unify this world and prepare for the future.

And Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, the ruthless emperor, the Wushi emperor and others are the reserve forces in Emperor Huangtian's plan.

Yuan Changqing also believes that, at least in the end, he and Ye Fan have the same strength. Maybe the Ruthless Emperor, the Wushi Emperor, and the Qing Emperor are a little bit worse.

As for the remaining ones such as Gai Jiuyou, Ancient Emperor Qilin, Duan De, and Shencan Emperor, their strength will not be much worse.

After all, from a difficult environment, to defy the odds and become an immortal, it is enough to show that their talents are not bad, at least they are at the level of immortal kings and giants.

Maybe the final result will still be the same as the original fate, but victory is not impossible.

The reason why those dark and strange things are powerful is not because it is a pity to infinitely resurrect those quasi-immortal emperors and immortal emperors. This is also the reason why Emperor Huangtian has been unable to win.

After all, the enemy simply came to kill him, which made Emperor Huangtian helpless and unable to solve this problem, no matter how powerful he was.

Time flies, time flies, and another hundred thousand years have passed.

And Yuan Changqing finally completed his transformation and entered the ninth life, becoming a mortal immortal.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing can finally be said to be immortal.

Another ten thousand years later, Yuan Changqing also stepped out of the Immortal Mountain and came to the Beidou Ancient Star, and successively went to the retreat places of Ye Fan, Gai Jiuyou, Qing Emperor, and Ruthless Emperor.

Now, Gai Jiuyou has also transformed into his seventh life, and he is also expected to become an immortal.

Ye Fan is even more powerful now, although he is one step slower than Yuan Changqing and Gai Jiuyou on the road to immortality.

However, the current Ye Fan has transformed into the eighth life earlier than Gai Jiuyou, catching up with and surpassing Gai Jiuyou.

Now Gai Jiuyou's level of strength is the same as that of Ancient Qilin Emperor, both in his seventh life.

As for the prototype of the Immortal Realm that Qingdi opened in his first life, although he almost died, the foundation he accumulated was no worse than anyone else.

Therefore, the current Qing Emperor has made rapid progress and successfully transformed into the sixth life.

If you add the Qinglian world opened up by Qingdi, his strength may be even stronger than Gai Jiuyou and Qilin Ancient Emperor. It is really terrifying.

As for the ruthless emperor, she quietly stepped onto the mortal world and became a peerless female fairy.

Coupled with the various taboo secret techniques she created, she has become a ruthless emperor who is a quasi-immortal king, and her current strength is even more terrifying.

If Yuan Changqing is asked to make a comparison, the Immortal Emperor will never be able to defeat the Ruthless Emperor. She can be called one of the most stunning female fairies in history.

After meeting Ye Fan and others, Yuan Changqing was also very happy. Those of them who set foot on the immortal road of mortal world have each made great progress.

Even Ye Fan is not far away from the Red Dust Fairy. As long as there is enough in the world, it is not a problem for others to set foot on the Red Dust Fairy.

Finally, after Yuan Changqing met Ye Fan and others, he also started his own plan.

Suddenly, the celestial light of the great avenue spreads across the universe, and the Supreme Being travels, shaking the universe in an instant.

Wherever Yuan Changqing passed, countless races in the universe paid homage, until Yuan Changqing came to the deserted place on the edge of the universe and punched directly towards the void.


The heaven and earth shook, the universe shook, and the terrifying power made the entire universe shake.

I saw that the punch Yuan Changqing had just blasted directly broke the barrier of the universe, and a huge passage appeared.

Suddenly, from the opposite side of the passage, light rain fell and fairy light danced. The substance that looked like the fairy light of the North Pole poured from the opposite side one after another, directly illuminating a large star field near the borderland. .

"Look, Emperor Changqing blasted out a passage. Is that the road leading to the Immortal Realm?!"

"Yes, look at the flying light rain, which is like the arctic fairy light. Emperor Changqing is not really going to open the passage to the fairyland!"

"If that's the case, wouldn't the Great Emperor Evergreen have already become an immortal?!"


Everyone in the universe was shocked when they saw Yuan Changqing's actions, and the eyes of the whole universe were attracted.

Then, Yuan Changqing took a step forward and stepped directly into the opened passage. Under the eyes of countless people, he entered the opposite side of the passage.

While Yuan Changqing was bombarding the Land of Nothingness, Ye Fan, Qing Emperor and others were also paying attention.

At this moment, after Yuan Changqing entered the passage, only Ye Fan, Qingdi and others knew where Yuan Changqing had gone.

Now, Yuan Changqing went to the strange world where Emperor Wushi and the Immortal Emperor lived.

As soon as Yuan Changqing entered the strange world, he was instantly known by powerful people above the emperor level.

This is also because this is Yuan Changqing forcibly breaking the barrier between the two realms. Such supreme divine power and majesty can naturally not be concealed.

"It's you, you actually dare to show up before me!" The Immortal Emperor detected this aura instantly.

Therefore, after detecting Yuan Changqing's aura, the Immortal Emperor became furious and wanted to kill Yuan Changqing instantly.

It's no wonder that that time Yuan Changqing, together with Gai Jiuyou and Ye Fan, directly interrupted the immortal emperor's transformation, causing him to fall short and spending a lot of time on the immortal emperor.

Therefore, now the Immortal Emperor is so angry after knowing about the person who entered the strange world.


With a shocking roar, an immortal phoenix spread its wings and flew high into the sky. The immortal emperor with endless rage charged directly towards Yuan Changqing, wanting revenge.

Behind the Immortal Emperor, there are many powerful emperor-level followers. These are all followers of the Immortal Emperor.

I saw rays of fairy light blooming, emerging from the starry sky to kill, and as soon as Yuan Changqing entered this world, he was targeted by the enemy.

However, Yuan Changqing is no longer afraid of the Immortal Emperor. Both of them are mortal immortals, who is afraid of the other!

As for those emperors and supreme beings, they can be destroyed by the current Yuan Changqing with a wave of his hand. If they dare to attack Yuan Changqing, they are just here to deliver food.

The Immortal Emperor was in the process of Nirvana transformation, but was interrupted by Yuan Changqing, Gai Jiuyou, and Ye Fan. He was seriously injured by Dacheng and had to flee to a strange world.

For the Immortal Emperor, this is a great hatred that blocks his path, just like killing his parents, he will not stop until death!

Nowadays, when enemies meet, they will naturally be extremely jealous and want to kill them quickly.

Therefore, the moment the Immortal Emperor saw Yuan Changqing, his eyes were red and he rushed towards Yuan Changqing crazily to kill him.

"The Immortal Emperor, we meet again. Since you came directly to the door, it saves me the trouble of looking for you." Yuan Changqing looked at the Immortal Emperor and said with a faint smile.

Then, Yuan Changqing stretched out his hand to grab the Immortal Emperor, the energy of Yin Yang and Five Elements flowing in his hand.

In an instant, the space between heaven and earth was filled with the yin and yang energy of the five elements, covering the stars and rivers of heaven and earth.

The Immortal Emperor did not expect that Yuan Changqing would become so powerful after not seeing him for hundreds of thousands of years.

In an instant, five shocking sword lights bloomed from behind the Immortal Emperor. They were five feathers, like five divine swords, which directly broke Yuan Changqing's extended hand.

However, the Immortal Emperor somewhat underestimated Yuan Changqing's move. The yin and yang and the five elements were mutually reinforcing each other and constantly evolving. It was a pity that the Immortal Emperor could easily break through it.

In the end, the Immortal Emperor could only watch helplessly as he was firmly grasped by Yuan Changqing's big hands.


The Immortal Emperor suddenly roared and erupted with terrifying immortal power, which directly shattered Yuan Changqing's big hand and escaped.

Then, the Immortal Emperor was seen summoning a five-color heavenly sword from the void, which was the instrument of the Immortal Emperor's enlightenment.

This five-color heavenly sword flew from the world of Zhetian, and he has been protecting the youngest son of the Immortal Emperor.

It's a pity that the Immortal Emperor now encounters a powerful enemy and has to recruit him. Even when the five-color heavenly sword appeared, he still carried this giant egg.

However, with Ye Fan and others sitting in the world, how could they be allowed to leave easily? The giant egg was directly cut off.

The Immortal Emperor was really unlucky. Both of his sons met Ye Fan and were killed by Ye Fan in the end. It was such a fateful fate!

Although the Five-Colored Heavenly Sword escaped in the end and successfully returned to the Immortal Emperor, it was also covered in cracks and had obviously suffered heavy damage.


Seeing the appearance of the five-color heavenly sword, the Immortal Emperor became even more angry. He never imagined that he would encounter such a situation after becoming an immortal.

However, Yuan Changqing did not leave any room for the Immortal Emperor. The two of them were destined to fight to the death, and only one of them could survive.

The terrifying five-color fairy fire shot towards Yuan Changqing from the hands of the Immortal Emperor. This was the natal magic of the Immortal Phoenix.

However, for Yuan Changqing, this is not a problem at all. Yuan Changqing himself also practices the Five Elements Dao. Now that the Five Elements reverse the yin and yang of life and death, his own Dao is even more mysterious.

Then, it seemed that only black and white were left in the sky and the earth, like a pair of big scissors, cutting towards the Immortal Emperor.

The terrifying five-color fairy fire was directly smelted by the yin and yang energy, and the Immortal Emperor's face showed a look of horror.


The Yin-Yang scissors instantly cut the Immortal Emperor into two pieces. The divine blood spilled out, and the Immortal Emperor showed an incredible expression.

" are you so powerful!" the Immortal Emperor said in horror.

"There are also differences between mortal immortals. You have been practicing for so long, don't you even know this?!" Yuan Changqing said disdainfully.

After all, the Immortal Emperor also stepped into the Mortal Immortal by chance, and his strength was just that, so he was naturally no match for Yuan Changqing.

In the end, even if the Immortal Emperor became a mortal immortal, he still fell into the hands of Yuan Changqing.

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