Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 459 The Great Emperor Wushi, Matters Between Two Realms (Two in One)

In the vast world, there are very few monks who can become Red Dust Immortals.

In fact, as long as a monk can become a mortal immortal, his starting point is half higher than that of countless people. One can imagine how much talent is needed to achieve such an achievement.

Therefore, any monk who can cultivate into a mortal immortal is not an extremely talented person, and his achievements are at least at the level of an immortal king.

The fact that the Immortal Emperor was able to cultivate to the level of Red Dust Immortal shows that his talent and bloodline are indeed higher than those of ordinary great ancient emperors.

Otherwise, the Immortal Emperor would not have the level of strength of the Red Dust Immortal. Unfortunately, after planning his whole life, he was still defeated and died in the end.

Cut it into two pieces with a pair of yin and yang scissors. The yin and yang scissors turned into yin and yang divine light, covering the immortal emperor. The yin and yang energy turned it into the essence of heaven and earth, which dissipated between heaven and earth.

In an instant, the essence of heaven and earth flourished, and the essence transformed into a powerful immortal after his death fed back to all living beings and to heaven and earth.

This is such a great baptism of heaven and earth, and the strange world has received huge feedback.

And those powerful emperors who followed the Immortal Emperor were dumbfounded at this moment.

They just watched the Immortal Emperor fall into the hands of Yuan Changqing. Their mood at this moment was one of incomparable fear, fearing that Yuan Changqing would also destroy them all.

Then, Yuan Changqing looked at those powerful emperors with a smile on his face, extremely amiable.

However, this smile gave people a creepy feeling, like the danger of a demon, which was terrifying.


As the supreme powerhouses fell to their knees, they could no longer bear the huge pressure and knelt down to beg for mercy.

"We surrender. I hope you will be merciful and spare my life." Some people began to tremble and beg for mercy.

Even before Yuan Changqing took action against them, they began to take the initiative to beg for mercy. It was no wonder that after the death of the Immortal Emperor, they had no backing.

But now, if you don't make a choice, you will have no choice but to follow in the footsteps of the Immortal Queen.

However, who doesn't want to live? Although in this strange world, it is much easier to become the supreme emperor than in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and even the life span is longer.

However, it does not mean that one can cultivate to the supreme realm by cultivating to the supreme realm. It still requires extremely high talent.

Otherwise, even if his life span is longer than nine days and ten earths in this strange world, without that talent, there is still no possibility of enlightenment.

Therefore, at this moment, compared with life, nothing seems more important than this, and there is no better choice.

Yuan Changqing looked at the group of supreme powerhouses and said: "You are surrendering to me now because of the death of the Immortal Emperor. I am very happy with your choice, but I don't trust you very much."

"After all, you can surrender to me, or you can surrender to others. What do you think I should do?"

Yuan Changqing still had a smile on his face, which seemed very gentle, but was actually full of swords and swords. As long as he didn't answer well, he would be dead.

This also made the hearts of all the supreme powerful men almost jump out of their chests. However, despite their absolute strength, they did not dare to have the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

"We are willing to follow you, sir, forever. We dare not have the slightest intention of betrayal, and we ask you to take us under your wing." One of them quickly replied.

Yuan Changqing's eyes began to scan everyone, which made the hearts of all the supreme powerful men rise again.

Then, Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Okay."

Suddenly, a group of supreme experts breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Yuan Changqing's confirmed answer.

However, they were happy too early. The next moment, Yuan Changqing nodded at everyone without giving them a chance to react.

Afterwards, a series of brand prohibitions disappeared into the eyebrows of a group of supreme powerhouses. They were restrained by Yuan Changqing and firmly implanted into their souls.

At this moment, their faces all changed, and they knew that Yuan Changqing, the supreme power, did not believe them at all and placed restrictions on them all.

From now on, these supreme powerful men will no longer have any hope of escaping Yuan Changqing's control, which also means that they will no longer have the possibility of betraying Yuan Changqing.

"Get up, as long as you do your job well and don't have those thoughts that you shouldn't have, there will always be a day when the ban is lifted." Yuan Changqing said lightly.

Although I don't believe everyone and plant a ban, I still need a big stick to give people hope.

Besides, Yuan Changqing himself has not established any power and does not need any loyalty from these people.

In the future, Yuan Changqing will still hand over all these people to Ye Fan. After all, he has established such a big force and needs manpower.

Moreover, if you want to unify the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the future, and even the Immortal Realm behind, these people will be your team and you can train them well.


After listening to Yuan Changqing's words, these people finally saw the possibility of regaining their freedom.

Although they are not free now and their soul is banned, as long as they make a contribution, it is not impossible to lift it, which can be regarded as giving them hope.

However, facing a figure like Yuan Changqing, they could only accept their fate and had no other choice.


In another sea of ​​stars in the strange world, a war is also breaking out at this moment. The earth-shattering atmosphere can be felt throughout the strange world.

At this moment, the sea of ​​​​stars is constantly shaking, and the world seems to be trembling, which is extremely terrifying.

And the battle that was breaking out there was also between two mortal immortals.

These are the Wushi Emperor and another opponent of the same level in the strange world.

And Emperor Wushi is also in the strange world, always fighting one against two, showing his peerless style, and he is worthy of the name of Emperor Wushi.

The Red Dust Immortal who fought against the Emperor Wushi was the Red Dust Immortal born in a strange world, and was a native figure of this world.

The current Emperor Wushi has also entered the mortal realm.

After Yuan Changqing broke through the barrier of the strange world and entered the strange world, all the powerful people above the supreme level in this world could sense it.

And just when the Immortal Emperor was furious and killed Yuan Changqing, Emperor Wu Shi also saw an opportunity.

Therefore, as Yuan Changqing fought against the Immortal Emperor, Emperor Wu Shi also boldly attacked the local Red Dust Immortal.

After all, he had been joining forces with the Immortal Emperor for so many years, which made Emperor Wushi reluctant to kill both of them.

But now, with the appearance of Yuan Changqing, who took the lead in containing the Immortal Emperor, Emperor Wushi also had the opportunity to deal with the local Red Dust Immortal.

The battle in the sea of ​​​​stars also attracted Yuan Changqing's attention, and he also knew that Emperor Wushi was dealing with the local Red Dust Immortal.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing also led a group of supreme experts towards the star field where the battle was taking place.

That group of supreme powerhouses had been branded and banned by Yuan Changqing. Now they did not dare to resist at all and could only follow behind them obediently.

When Yuan Changqing came to the edge of the battlefield, he saw Emperor Wushi pressing down on the Red Dust Immortal.

From this point of view, although the Wushi Emperor cannot defeat the combination of the Red Dust and the Immortal Emperor, if it is just a Red Dust Immortal, it is obviously no match.

After Yuan Changqing saw the great strength of Emperor Wushi, he had no intention of helping. Sooner or later, the local mortal immortal would fall into the hands of Emperor Wushi.

The earth-shattering aura, vast and terrifying, swept across the world and shook the world.

The terrifying immortal aura made those supreme experts who followed Yuan Changqing tremble with fear.

At this moment, the Emperor Wushi has an unparalleled grace, and all the ways of heaven and earth are waving to him, unparalleled.

They are both Red Dust Immortals. Looking at Wu Shi Great Emperor pressing down on the local Red Dust Immortal and beating him, one can see that there is also a gap between the Red Dust Immortals.

This is why the Emperor Wushi can fight one against two in this strange world. Otherwise, the Emperor Wushi would not be able to persist now.

Every strike of the Emperor Wushi seemed to have the power to suppress all things. On the contrary, the local Red Dust Immortal seemed to be old and decayed, and there was nothing amazing about it.

Of course, this is compared with the Wushi Emperor. After all, the Red Dust Immortal is the Red Dust Immortal. It can only be said that the personal circumstances are different and the styles displayed are also different.

However, how can a person who can cultivate to the level of the Red Dust Immortal be a simple person, but there is still a difference in strength.

This is like the Red Dust Immortal and the Quasi-Immortal King. The Red Dust Immortal is the Quasi-Immortal King, but the Quasi-Immortal King is not the Red Dust Immortal.

Moreover, in terms of strength, the Quasi-Immortal King seems to be on the same level, but it is still inferior to the Hongchen Immortal.

Just like if a quasi-immortal king wants to be promoted to the realm of immortal king, it will be extremely difficult, and there may even be no chance of advancement.

However, the Hongchen Immortal is different. After being promoted to the realm of the Immortal King, even if it takes a little longer in the world, he can still step into the realm of the Immortal King.

It can be seen from this that although it is extremely difficult to cultivate into a Red Dust Immortal, as long as one can become a Red Dust Immortal, then the realm of the Immortal King is just around the corner.

Therefore, mortal immortals are rare throughout the ages, and only one in 10 billion is possible.

And the Hongchenxian who was suppressed and beaten by the Emperor Wushi was actually not weak. What was weak was that his understanding of the Dao was not as profound as the Emperor Wushi.

And this is why the Immortal Emperor seems to have practiced for a million years longer than Yuan Changqing. However, the understanding of the great path cannot be determined by time. It also requires personal talent, luck, qualifications, etc.

Yuan Changqing has the blessing of the World Bead, and his cultivation is smooth, plus he has many secrets in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths of his own way.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Yuan Changqing was able to cultivate into the Red Dust Immortal so quickly.

As for the Emperor Wu Shi, his identity is not simple to begin with, although he has not yet recovered his own memory.

However, with the deepening of cultivation, the deepening of the understanding of the Dao, and the improvement of strength, some fragments of the Dao will continue to appear in the mind as the strength increases.

This is also the endless legend that the Wushi Emperor has the ability to defeat two mortal immortals with the strength of one, and the Wushi Emperor dominates the world.

Soon, the battle came to an end, and Emperor Wushi would soon defeat the mortal immortal.


The distant bell rang, as if running through the long river of time and space, shaking this strange world.

Wu Jiu sent out a shocking blow, directly shattering the immortal body of the Red Dust Immortal. Its soul was also wiped out by the Great Law of Emperor Wu Shi, and the Red Dust Immortal fell.

The blood of the immortal dyed the Wushi Bell red, making it extremely strange. There was a mark left on the Wushi Bell, which was the mortal immortal.

Emperor Wushi killed the Red Dust Immortal Queen and looked at Yuan Changqing.

"I didn't expect that my Taoist friend would also become a mortal immortal. He is really talented!" Emperor Wushi couldn't help but sigh.

After all, the last time I saw Yuan Changqing was when Yuan Changqing, Gai Jiuyou and Ye Fan besieged the Immortal Emperor.

At that time, Yuan Changqing was only at the level of a great emperor, but now, he has become a worldly immortal.

Even the Immortal Emperor, an old rival of Emperor Wushi, was killed by Yuan Changqing, which was why Emperor Wushi was sighing.

Of course, this does not mean that Emperor Wushi does not have the strength to kill the Immortal Emperor, he does.

It's just that when faced with the two mortal immortals joining forces, Emperor Wushi didn't have the absolute strength to defeat them.

"Fellow Taoist, this is an excessive reward." Yuan Changqing said modestly.

Now Yuan Changqing is qualified to call each other Taoist friends with such people as Emperor Wushi, Emperor Qing, and Emperor Wuren.

There is no order of precedence, the one who achieves it comes first!

In the process of pursuing the great road, there are always some people who can grow up quickly and even surpass their predecessors.

Emperor Wu Shi shook his head, no longer thought about it, and asked: "It is really enviable that fellow Taoist can achieve such achievements in hundreds of thousands of years."

"Hahaha, fellow Taoist, why are you doing this? Aren't we all the same now? We are all constantly pursuing higher places." Yuan Changqing said with a hearty smile.

Emperor Wushi nodded and said: "Fellow Taoist is right, but I am the one who got caught up in the situation. However, it is a blessing for heaven and earth to have someone like you."

"It's just that last time we met across a world, I wonder if that world is okay now?"

Yuan Changqing looked around and said, "This is not the place to talk. Let's find another place to talk in detail."

"Okay!" Emperor Wushi nodded, and then led Yuan Changqing to his dojo in the strange world.

"I haven't tasted Enlightenment Tea for a long time." Watching Yuan Changqing take out the Enlightenment Tea, Emperor Wushi couldn't help but say with nostalgia.

"Haha, fellow Taoist, I have a lot of things to do. Fellow Taoist wants it, but it's a pity that I will give some to you." Yuan Changqing smiled.

Emperor Wushi shook his head and said: "Now this Enlightenment Tea is of little use to us. I just miss the past, so fellow Taoists don't need to waste it."

Later, Emperor Wu Shi took the water from the divine spring and began to make tea.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Changqing also told Emperor Wu Shi what he knew about the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Of course, what we are talking about is only what happened after Yuan Changqing came to Beidou Ancient Star. These are what Yuan Changqing knows best.

As for what happened before, Yuan Changqing didn't say much. After all, these are things that have passed for who knows how long.

At that time, Yuan Changqing himself had no experience, or he had not yet come to this world.

There are many hearsay stories about what happened there, and the legends left behind must be true.

However, Yuan Changqing does not have the time to verify how much moisture there is.

After all, the Fadu happened, and it had nothing to do with Yuan Changqing. It just told some major events that happened after Yuan Changqing arrived in Beidou.

Regarding the current situation of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Emperor Wushi couldn't help but nodded after hearing this.

Emperor Wu Shi had also participated in pacifying the dark turmoil in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and he also knew that the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths had suffered immense suffering because of those forbidden areas of life.

Unfortunately, at that time, although Emperor Wushi was powerful, the Dark Supreme in those forbidden areas of life was not a vegetarian.

As for Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan, they were able to pacify the restricted area of ​​life and even scare Taichu and God into fleeing into the land of chaos and nothingness. It was only because generations of people continued to fight against the restricted area of ​​life that they became what they are today. situation.

Emperor Wushi clapped his hands and said, "Great! What we couldn't do at that time has finally been achieved in your generation. How great!"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, you are too modest. If you ancestors hadn't fought against those restricted areas of life one after another and constantly consumed the foundation of the restricted areas of life, we wouldn't have been able to erase the restricted areas of life so easily. possible."

"However, fortunately, although all the restricted areas of life have not been eradicated now, we have finally made the restricted areas of life disappear in the universe, so that the endless creatures in the universe no longer have to be like before."

Emperor Wushi nodded and asked, "Did fellow Taoist come here this time to enter the Immortal Realm?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "That's not true. We will enter the Immortal Realm sooner or later, but not now."

"Even whether you can enter the Immortal Realm or not, it actually doesn't make any difference to people like me."

Emperor Wushi nodded and said, "Yes, we have different paths to becoming immortals from those in the Immortal Realm. Whether we enter the Immortal Realm or not actually makes no difference."

"However, what is the reason why fellow Taoist came here this time? It can't be because of the enemy of the Immortal Emperor!"

Yuan Changqing smiled, knowing that Emperor Wu Shi was joking, and replied: "If you want to say no, that's not true. I can only say that there are some. The real reason for my visit this time is for the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths."

"Fellow Taoist should know that our world is really broken. The life span of a great emperor is only about 10,000 years."

"Although the supreme powerhouse born in such an environment is more powerful, it can't keep people away."

"Although there are situations like mine in our world, they are rare."

"We can survive forever, but those great emperors cannot survive forever. Even those who can survive the second life are very few. Basically, those who have the ability to survive the second life are all taking the immortal god Medicine, even me.”

"So, when I came to this world this time, I wanted to integrate this world with the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to enhance the origin of our world."

"In this way, the strong people in the world can live longer, and it can also allow people to have higher pursuits."

After listening to Yuan Changqing's words, Emperor Wushi also fell silent.

This is not because Emperor Wushi is unwilling, but because he wants to integrate the two worlds, which not only requires great strength, but also faces the hidden dangers behind.

And these all need to be solved and faced, which makes Emperor Wushi have to be cautious!

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