Douluo’s Endless Fusion

Chapter 060 The Gap from the Demon

Luo Chuan was chased all morning and did not get his sword. He avoided the sword light with ghost shadows.

This surprised Qian Renxue. Even though she didn't hurt Luo Chuan, she was able to dodge her sword move, which made her think she had met a spirit master of the same level.

But no matter how you look at it, this guy is only level 20. He should have made a breakthrough in the past few days. How can he be so flexible? Could it be taught by the academy teacher?

At the end, Luo Chuan had to change into a new dress before going to the Royal Academy.

After taking two days off and taking the class again, everyone's spirits are very good, which can be said to be different from going to the Star Dou Great Forest.

Everyone has gone through the test of life and death, and has the experience of fighting head-to-head with spirit beasts, which many other students have not yet had.

The students who gave up before and during training were all transferred from Qin Ming's class, and now there are only nine students left.

"Have you both reached level 20 for graphite and stone grinding?"

Seeing the bald Shi brothers, Luo Chuan smiled and said, "Congratulations, you are bald and stronger."

"I don't know why, after being electrocuted, the cultivation base that originally took at least half a month to break through, broke through at the same time."

Shi Shi smiled, and it was still very happy to be able to reach level 20 faster.

"Brother Luo Chuan, I think it's better not to be bald, it's ugly."

Yu Tianheng came over and touched his bald head depressedly.

"Actually, we were attacked by the Thunder Power of the Purple Lizard Dragon, and our hair was more or less charred. It would be good to remove all the hair. I have been losing my hair these days, so I simply cut it all off."

Only Oslo, who was short, appeared and spoke of the impact of the electricity.

"I think the bald head is pretty good."

Xiong Zhenglin ran over, only a thin layer of hair remained on his head.

"What do you say, it doesn't matter to you guys, we girls can't have no hair."

Duguyan and Ye Lingling came over. The two women's hair was a lot sparser, and they have also suffered severe hair loss recently.

Luo Chuan's eyes subconsciously fell on Ye Lingling, and he said unexpectedly, "Lingling, I didn't expect you to break through too."

"Didn't you break through too?"

Ye Lingling's pretty face was calm, not proud or happy.

"Lingling has been treating everyone for several days in a row. When the soul power is used up, it will recover, and the cycle will be repeated many times. Under this kind of pressure, the improvement will be much faster."

Qin Ming's voice sounded, and he looked at the students who had experienced life-and-death crisis together with a look of relief.

After passing Luochuan a few times, he was a little surprised to find that four students broke through this time.

Thinking of this, he said with a smile: "First of all, congratulations to you who passed this training and performed very well, and your cultivation has also improved."

Luo Chuan and the others showed lingering fears. Thinking of the purple electric lizard dragon group they encountered unluckily, it is difficult for them to guarantee that they will survive if they encounter it again.

"Next, I will increase the intensity of training again to stimulate your potential. I hope that the rest of you will become great soul masters within two months."

Qin Ming said the next plan. These children will have a 19th-level cultivation base when they enter the school. Now some of them have reached the 20th level, and the rest are not much different.

"Teacher, Captain, they have reached level 20, do we still have to go to the Great Star Dou Forest?"

Yufeng asked, which made everyone look stunned.

"I can't go there for the time being. According to the investigation of the academy, the spirit beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest have rioted recently, and even the periphery will be very dangerous. Your second spirit ring should be obtained from the spirit beasts kept in the academy."

Qin Ming shook his head. If it is normal for every student to break through, he may go there and teach him a lesson, but the situation is really not good. If he goes again, if he encounters the danger like last time, he will not be able to. Guaranteed to bring all the kids back.

Yufeng and the others breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, they were more or less in the shadows about the last time.

"Hunting and killing captive soul beasts also has a teaching effect. At that time, everyone will be able to fight against soul beasts alone. It is also very dangerous. Don't underestimate it."

Qin Ming smiled lightly: "In the next month, the training volume will be doubled."


Many people cried out that they would be half-dead from exhaustion every day.

"Let's start class."

Qin Ming's smile faded, and his face became straight: "Remember, level 20 is just a new starting point. You have to work harder, otherwise, there will still be a gap between you and those monster-level geniuses."

"Evil genius?"

Yu Tianheng's eyes lit up, and he was a little unconvinced: "Can't we compare?"

Luo Chuan shook his head secretly, there was indeed a gap, at the same age, no one present could compare to Tang San, not even Dai Mubai.

"I'm not lying to you either. It's indeed a little bit worse. You are considered top geniuses, but compared to the monsters, it's not enough."

Qin Ming shook his head, stared at Yu Tianheng and said, "Are you almost 11 years old now?"

"It's already eleven, just a week ago."

Yu Tianheng replied.

"I'm at your age and already in grade 22. If you don't work hard, you won't be able to catch up with the teacher and the teacher."

Qin Ming said something that shocked Yu Tianheng and others, except Luo Chuan.

"Teacher is so powerful?"

"I'm only eleven years old and I'm only half a year short of it. I'm completely unsure of reaching the teacher and level."

"Is this a monster-level genius?"

Yufeng et al.

Once they found that the teacher was more talented than they thought, no wonder the academy asked Qin Ming to teach them.

"Actually, most of you come from very good backgrounds, and your martial arts are no worse than your teacher. Even your martial arts like Yu Tianheng are first-class."

Qin Ming regretted: "Unfortunately, your excellent background has made you relatively slack. You all complained about the previous training. It can be seen that before coming here, you have not fully developed your potential, and naturally you are not as good as the teacher."

"Teacher, I will practice hard and catch up with you!"

Yu Tianheng was born with a competitive spirit, and he didn't want him to be unable to catch up with the teacher when his martial spirit was better than his teacher and his conditions were better.

"I'm waiting, if you can't be better than the blue, the teacher will feel like a failure."

Qin Ming nodded, the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Let's run 20 laps to get some exercise."

This time, no one complained anymore, they saw the goal, the goal was right in front of them, and it gave them a boost.

Luo Chuan took the lead in running, but he was muttering in his heart: "Teacher is ranked second in the records of Wuhun Temple, and it is the existence of Soul Emperor. It is not so easy to surpass."

According to what he knew, Qin Ming's cultivation speed was second only to Tang Hao. If there were not the younger generation of Spirit Hall and Tang San's group, this record would probably be maintained for a long time.

He estimates that this is the limit that can be achieved by hard work. If the martial arts is not top-notch, or lacks the opportunity, it is estimated that it will be difficult to surpass it by diligence.

It's not that he doesn't have confidence in Yu Tianheng and the others, but that's the real situation.

He has to hang up for these teammates.

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