Douluo’s Endless Fusion

Chapter 061 The Royal Family's Secret Movement Technique

Luo Chuan thought of the ice and fire eyes that Dugu Bo possessed, which contained some immortal medicinal herbs, which could help the soul master improve his strength.

"Since I got it first, then it's mine. I'll give it to these teammates in two years."

He murmured in his heart, and he took the first step to pay attention to the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

The physique is too strong. After 20 laps, Luo Chuan didn't have any fatigue, and it really seemed like he was warming up.

Yu Tianheng and others had experienced the trip to the Star Dou Great Forest. Although they were sweating profusely, they were not exhausted.

Qin Ming combined work and rest to let the students recover their physical strength, and took a theoretical class for a while. When the students' physical strength recovered, they began to practice combat.

"Everyone will fight with your previous opponent first, and then we will take turns to switch each other and begin to adapt to different fighting styles of soul masters."

Qin Mingyou mentioned a change. In one month, he mainly paid attention to the foundation of the students and exercised his body. The next step was to enrich the actual combat experience. Now he will start with his teammates.

"Remind you of one thing. During the battle, you must be familiar with the abilities of your teammates. This is very important in your future cooperation. Let's start."

After Qin Ming's order, Yu Tianheng bald his head and smiled at Luo Chuan.

"Brother Luo Chuan, you are going to be out of luck this time. I have an extra soul ring, and I will definitely be able to defeat you this time."

"Really? I learned some grappling techniques, maybe I can beat you without a spirit ring."

Luo Chuan smiled. His true strength is no longer comparable to Yu Tianheng. With all his strength, he can take it down with one hand.

"Cut, brag, my power is beyond your imagination."

Yu Tianheng hummed, stepped on the ground, a circle of strong airflow spread, and blue lightning spread from the eyebrows, turning into a lightning symbol.

One after another electric snakes flew, making the clothes swell a lot, and the muscles under the clothes also expanded, and the whole person rose by half.

Under his feet, two yellow spirit rings were released, making his aura more than twice as powerful as before the breakthrough.

Luo Chuan clenched his fist, thinking about how to not hurt this guy.

A Soul King's physical strength seems to be too strong, let's avoid it first, and then use half of his strength to deal with it.

"You really don't need martial arts?"

Yu Tianheng frowned, feeling that Luo Chuan was a little too big. He admitted that Luo Chuan's strength was indeed a little stronger, but compared with him now, there was still some gap.

"I'm not talking about learning some movement techniques, just to practice it. You attack and see if you can hit me. If you can't hit me, it's useless to have a high level."

Luo Chuan believed to himself that if he used his martial spirit again, it would be too bullying.

"Okay, be careful yourself. My fist is not a vegetarian. After I hit it, I'm afraid Ye Lingling will have to treat you."

Yu Tianheng stepped heavily, blue lightning flashed all over his body, and his whole body suddenly accelerated, rushing towards Luo Chuan.

His first spirit ring lit up, and the blue electric snakes gathered together, turning into a thunder dragon claw, and rudely photographed Luo Chuan.

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, Luo Chuan took a half step back, just right to avoid Yu Tianheng's claws, then stepped on a strange step, appeared behind Yu Tianheng in a flash, and pushed it slightly.

Yu Tianheng staggered and said in surprise, "How come you are so fast."

He didn't respond just now.

"It's not that I'm faster, but the way of dodging has changed. Come again, if you can hit the corner of my clothes, I will lose."

Luo Chuan raised his hand and tickled it, provocatively.

"I don't believe in evil, how long can you hide?"

Yu Tianheng turned around and jumped up, his two dragon claws separated and grabbed Luo Chuan. He was going to catch this guy first.

But he grabbed with all his strength, only to touch an afterimage, Luo Chuan actually appeared like a ghost several meters away.

"Damn it."

Yu Tianheng wiped his eyes. He clearly felt that he could touch Luo Chuan just now, so how could he avoid it?

A flash of light flashed in Qin Ming's eyes, who was observing from the side, and an unexpected color appeared again.

"What kind of body technique is this, it is so exquisite, even I can't see any flaws!"

He was amazed.

"Could it be a secret movement technique in the royal family? It's also possible. This movement technique, combined with the Swan Martial Spirit, should be able to play a big role."

Qin Ming relied on his own brain, gave a reasonable explanation, and continued to observe, and found that Yu Tianheng was like a headless fly, and he could never touch Luo Chuan.

"With one soul ring missing, I still can't touch anyone!"

Qin Ming was a little stunned. To be honest, he couldn't do it at this age.

"Brother Luo Chuan, don't hide, I'm about to explode!"

Yu Tianheng gasped and looked at Luo Chuan, who was strolling in the leisurely court.

"This is actually a special lesson. If you can even hit me, you will be a living target when a spirit master of the same level encounters you."

Luo Chuan took it as it should, he couldn't shoot, and now he didn't have precise control over his power, for fear of hurting this kid with too much force.

"Then I won't fight, take a rest, I shouldn't have used soul skills just now."

Yu Tianheng sat down with a buttocks, depressed.

Luo Chuan smiled: "Aren't you trying to surpass the teacher? If you fail at this point, you will be discouraged. I have one less soul ring than you."

"Don't fight, just don't fight."

Yu Tianheng sighed in a sullen voice, bowed his head and seemed to be resigned, the corner of his eyes gleaming.

But he was peeking, and when Luo Chuan approached, he suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Luo Chuan.

"I knew you would be like this." Luo Chuan twisted his body, dodging like a ghost, letting Yu Tianheng rush into the air and fall to the other side.


Yu Tianheng let out a scream, why did the sneak attack fail, is his speed so slow?

He cried and said: "Teacher, stop fighting, I want to change opponents!"

"It's not over yet, I'll change it in the next class."

Qin Ming shook his head and said to everyone: "Everyone will learn the body technique from Luo Chuan in the future. I don't ask each of you to be as ghostly as him, but as long as you can dodge an attack, it is very valuable."

When he said this, he looked at Luo Chuan and said, "I don't know if Luo Chuan would like to teach you some experience?"

Qin Ming is testing, if Luo Chuan's studies can't be passed on, he can only let other students imitate him in the future. How much he can learn depends on his talent.

Luo Chuan was stunned for a moment, this is Tang Sect Kung Fu, but... it seems that it is not bad to spread more people.

As soon as there are more people, Tang San will probably be confused, causing the illusion that Tang Sect's secret skills have long existed in this world, then he won't arouse suspicion if he uses them.

"Okay, this is a movement technique among the royal guards. Of course, there is no problem in teaching it to you."

He readily agreed, and had secretly decided to pass the Xuantian Treasure Records to the royal guards to enhance the royal strength. It is best to produce a batch of hidden weapons to deal with the Spirit Hall.

A set of ideas was formed in his heart. If the value of Xuantian Baolu could be brought into play, it might become a new force against Qian Renxue.

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