
The wind blew through the forest, rolling up countless broken leaves and dust, the sky was dark, and the Star Forest was extremely quiet.

A huge golden holy dragon spread its wings and flew low over the forest, holding a dying shadow pecking bird in its hand. Wherever the holy dragon passed, all beasts surrendered.


Choosing a relatively open place in the forest, the golden holy dragon landed heavily on the shadow-peckering bird. The fusion skills of the three people's martial souls were released, and the huge virtual image of the holy dragon disappeared.

"Quick! Get rid of this shadow-pecker sky bird and absorb the soul ring!"

Needless to say Yu Xiaogang, Flender certainly understands that, taking advantage of the weakness of the shadow-peckering bird, he made the final make-up knife. Under Flender's fatal blow, the shadow-peckering bird died, completely lost its breath, and a circle of black The soul ring rose from its body, Flender did not hesitate, and started to absorb it on the spot.

Seeing that Flender had started to absorb, Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong breathed a sigh of relief, they hadn't reacted to what happened in the martial soul fusion technique just now.

"Xiao Gang, just now we were..."

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill!! It's incredible, we can actually use the powerful Trinity Martial Soul Fusion Skill!!"

"Generally, soul fusion skills require soul masters with very close blood ties to be able to be fused, or the souls are from the same origin, which is very compatible, but the three of us have completely different souls, and we don't have any blood relationship, but we can perform martial soul fusion. This technique is simply a miracle! Let’s try again later to see the power of our Wuhun fusion technique. Great, I, Yu Xiaogang, am finally not a useless person! I can also use the Wuhun fusion technique with others, and I can also protect you!!"

The excited Yu Xiaogang smiled, he had never been so happy, all because of their martial soul fusion skills.

"That seems to be the ancestor of a particularly powerful holy dragon, called the golden holy dragon. I heard it from my father before."

"Why don't we form a combination? You see, martial soul fusion skills all have combination names. How about we call it the Golden Iron Triangle?"

"Beautiful, intelligent, wretched..."

"Cut! I think it's violence, intelligence, and flying!"

Flender said on the side.

"Golden Iron Triangle? Good name! We will be called Golden Iron Triangle from now on, and we will never separate!"



The bowstring was pulled, and every time the bowstring was pulled, the bow body would make a trembling sound, and the bow and arrow flew out with a strong killing intent.

The three of Mingtian dispersed to resist the bow and arrow shot by Takimuro. Their faces were already extremely ugly. They didn't expect to be killed by the opponent instead of stopping the opponent. The Title Douluo here is not so powerful, not at all. Title Douluo on the mainland is comparable.

Now they have been dealing with her for a while, and they can't continue to delay, otherwise it will attract other people and it will be bad if they are discovered.

But Title Douluo is not...

If you say you can kill, you can kill, and you will kill the people here as soon as you come, how can you hang around here? Didn't you anger Yue Tianyuan?

The three wanted to be merciful and resolve it peacefully, but the other party refused! Tsukishi Takimuro was already irritated by being offended, and vowed to kill the three guys who sneaked in, and let out a good show of anger.

"Ninth soul skill, Dead Moon Arrow!!"

The ninth spirit ring on the bow lit up, and a bow and arrow was pulled away, and it quickly expanded to a huge length, revealing a purple light, facing Mingtian who threatened him before.

Ever since he was a child, no one has ever threatened Takimuro Tsukishe like this, and Ming Tian was the first one with the courage, so how could Takimuro Tsukishe let him off so easily? The purple arrow flew swiftly, aiming at Mingtian's eyebrows.

"Deep Sea Whale Guard!"

"We can't delay any longer. Looking at it like this, she really wants to kill us."


I thought that the deep sea whale guard could block this arrow very well,

Unexpectedly, the arrow of the dead moon directly penetrated the defensive barrier of the deep sea whale guard, completely ignoring the defense.

"Ice Armor!"

"Star Ice Spear Dragon, the Gap of the Cangji!"

With a very quick reaction, Mingtian released the Xingbing Spear Dragon Martial Soul, and there was a distance between Takishi Yueshe and Takimuro Tsukishe. There was no need to delay, they had to use their ultimate move.

"Mingxue! Use the ring fusion skill!"

Ming Tian has seen it before. When facing the Iron Sun Dragon, Mingxue's ring fusion skill can completely judge and kill the Iron Sun Dragon. I believe it should also work against this person.

At the same time, Mingtian is already preparing to release the martial soul fusion skill, the self-body martial soul fusion skill Cthulhu's Punishment, I have to say, this martial soul fusion skill is quite useful, it can immobilize the enemy, although it only takes two or three seconds, that's enough. enough.

In the past, Takishi Tsukishe would not have been hit by such a skill, but when Mingtian called out the name Mingxue, she was taken aback for a moment, thinking of something.

"Okay, you guys are all together!"

Before she could finish her sentence, the purple light fixed in the body of the evil god's punishment of Hades arrived early, limiting her time for three seconds.

Three seconds is enough.

On the other side, after Mingxue received Mingtian's reminder, she had already used her ring fusion skills, Bi'anhua's trial skills, and Three Ways of Wangchuan!

Exile the enemy's soul and fate, directly cause spiritual damage to the enemy, and shatter the enemy's soul.

The blood river connected, and the blood card with Takimurotsuki's name shattered. At the same time, the spirit of the underworld switched, and Tian Chuan Ge was in his hand, and a Tianchuan blasting wave kalpa pierced towards Takimurotsuki.


Takimuro Tsukishe, whose soul had already begun to shatter, could no longer withstand Mingtian's blow. While his body and soul were shattered, his body was blasted apart by Tianchuan's blast.

"You, you..."

Tsukishi Takimuro, who opened her eyes wide, never imagined that death would befall her so soon,...

Her body gradually shattered, and she finally started to lose energy and strength. She half-kneeled on the ground and died completely, and her body turned into little spots of light and dissipated.

They actually killed her? ?

Takimurotsuki shot dead in front of the three of them, and the three of them immediately knew that something was wrong, and the speed of killing people as soon as they came was too fast.

Ming Tian was sweating coldly. Under the circumstances at that time, he really had no other choice. If they didn't kill Takimuro Tsukishe, then they would be killed by Takimuro Tsukishe as well.

And the dark blue silver grass in Ming Tian's body doesn't care about these things, the dark blue silver grass looks like seeing delicious food, and goes towards the place where Takishi Tsukishe died, it seems that Takishi Yueshe with a broken soul can still kill her The martial spirit devours.

"What now? We're in big trouble."

Mingxue on the side asked, Tong Yingmeng had become a little unacceptable, her expression was horrified, and she looked particularly frightened.

"For the current plan, we can only continue to hide it, or is there a better way?"

"Hiding a fart, we killed someone, and a person disappeared like that. The people here will definitely find out, but they will search for us with all their strength. No matter how well hidden, this is their territory, and they can still find us. !!"

"Then what do you say? Now we can't go back, so why don't we turn ourselves in? Then fight for leniency? Say we were just careless, it was just an accident, damn it, they would be stupid if they really believed us! "

Ming Tian complained.

At this time, the dark blue silver grass gradually devoured, and the shooting moon bow martial soul gradually merged into Ming Tian's body.

Seeing this scene, Mingxue suddenly thought of something and said:

"It's not realistic to hide, I think we can sneak in."

"Mix? How are you going to mix?"

"Let's start with you. Didn't you devour this person's martial spirit? It's more convenient to pretend to be someone from here."

"It's possible, but..."

"That's right, but you have to become a woman, because men are forbidden here."

"No, I still want women's clothes?"

"There is no better way than this. Don't you have that invisible martial soul? You have become like that woman just now, and you have devoured her martial soul. You shouldn't be suspected. Hurry up! It seems that someone is coming Already!"

Indeed, someone came, Takimuro Tsukishe was almost at the time to switch defenses, and it was Qi Tanxue who followed her to switch defenses.

The current situation is urgent, and Mingtian didn't care about anything, and quickly summoned the phantom ice silkworm to disguise himself as Takishi Tsukishe. .

Qi Tanxue gradually walked towards them, seeing "Takishi Yueshe" who was in a hurry, and there were several people beside her, she asked with some doubts:

"Takimuro, what are you doing? Another outsider?"

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