It was time to test the reaction ability. Facing the completely unfamiliar Qi Tanxue, although the three of them panicked, they still concealed it well.

Ming Tian who became Takishi Tsukishe knew that the claim was about him, and even Qi Tanxue was looking at him. So this person is called Takishi Tsukishe?

You can't show your cowardice now, and you will reveal your cowardice. The fake Takimuro Tsukishe pretended not to know Shen Hou, and said:

"This person is the Martial Soul, the descendant of the Moon God. The girls beside her came with her, and they have the Bright Moon Star Card in their hands."

The voice can also be disguised, Qi Tanxue has no doubts, after all, who would have thought that the real Takishi Yueshe is dead?

Tong Yingmeng quickly took out the Huiyue star card, showed her origin and identity, and said:

"My name is Tong Yingmeng. I got the Huiyue Star Card and came here by chance."

Having a token and not having a token are really two different benefits. Seeing that there is a Huiyue star card, Qi Tanxue asked:

"Since they have the Huiyue Star Card, should they go to the Tsukishima Shrine?"

"Huh? No, no need."

Where is Tsukishima Shrine? Ming Tian complained that it should not be a good place, so he quickly declined.

"Are you going to take them to see Master Pu Xia after the defense change? Or go after a period of rest?"

"Let's take a rest before going, I, I am a little tired from patrolling, let's take them to rest first."

"Well, well, be careful, there are more and more outsiders sneaking in here now."

"Yes, yes."

Saying that, the fake Takimuro Tsukishe led the two of them away.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"Isn't it over there to go back and rest? That's the place of the deserted palace."

"Oh, I, I was just thinking about something else."

It's dangerous, Ming Tian quickly found an excuse to deal with it, that is, he walked towards the place pointed by Qi Tanxue, it seemed that he needed to find a map, or find a chance to explore the terrain distribution here, otherwise he would be exposed sooner or later.


The warm water pool is surrounded by white hot mist.

The sky was still dark, dotted with stars, and the women soaking in the pool showed their snow-white skin, and the collarbone under their necks was clearly visible, like the wings of a seabird about to fly.

Her long, soft hair, like an antler, hangs down from the back of her head and spreads out in the water, like a black brocade.

Leaning against the side of the pool, Yue Ji looked at the two of them and said with a smile:

"This is the best place to relax, and it is also the place to receive distinguished guests from Tsukishima Shrine. Is it okay to take a bath here?"

"It's very comfortable, it's so beautiful here."

The real authentic Mingxue said, looking up at the moon hanging, the clear starry sky, and a cherry blossom tree above their heads, it was a cherry tree by the pool, the cherry tree was luxuriant, and the small petals of the cherry blossoms fell into the pool. Surface, dipped in water, quite comfortable.

Si Qingrong on the side didn't speak, but she still looked at Mingxue. Mingxue was fully developed now, and even a woman would be a little intoxicated when she saw her seductive body.

"Did you know that this is Yuehuaqing Pool, but there is also its mystery in it. Once the water in the pool is soaked, it will be soaked in Yuehua liquid in the body. The mark of Tsukishima Shrine is left in the body."

"Relying on the imprint, to prevent us from having any bad intentions? It's rare to have such an abacus, it really makes you lose your mind."

"The easiest step is the test. Okay, let's get out of the bath. I will take you to the place where the next level is."

Saying that, Yue Ji got up directly in front of the two, not caring at all that her body was looked at by the two, the water on her body evaporated quickly, and she just put on her clothes.

Mingxue also got up, and with a wave of her hand, Zhu Chixuan, who was put aside, went towards her,

Covering her slender figure, Si Qingrong came out last, with strange eyes.

After leaving Yuehua Qingchi, Yueji took the two of them to the northwest of Yue Island, where there was a secluded bamboo forest.

The shadows of the bamboo forest are whirling, the tiny leaves are shaking, the moon is shining brightly, and there is no one there.

"Sleeping Moon Forest, a small gathering place of spirit beasts, inhabits the spirit beasts of Yuedao Shrine. The lowest level here is ten thousand years."

Yueji smiled, a gust of wind stirred, and a tall deer came out from the forest.

The first thing I saw was the antlers of the deer. The antlers were quite strange. There were flowers wrapped around them, like flower branches. The whole body of the deer was silver, and there seemed to be a month and a half hidden in the eyes of the deer.

"Why, I haven't brought anyone here for a long time, Yue Ji."

The deer started talking, and the talking deer is probably only at the level of 100,000 years! !

A soul beast of the 100,000-year level, just casually? Mingxue complained in her heart.

"Huajiao, I've brought you some fun people."

Yueji smiled, and turned to Mingxue and said:

"Huajiaoyuelu, a 740,000-year-old soul beast, is still relatively weak in the Sleeping Moon Forest."

"Did you come to Sleeping Moon Forest to accept the test?"

"Come with me."

Huajiaoyuelu disappeared into the forest, Mingxue and Si Qingrong followed, and Si Qingrong was not very surprised during the whole process.

It was as if she was familiar with this place.

Not long after walking with Huajiaoyuelu, Mingxue and Si Qingrong saw a meadow in full bloom. Under the moonlight, the meadow was full of phoenix-tailed bamboos, which was extremely beautiful.

"Hee hee, there are strangers here, two pretty little girls."

In the phoenix-tailed bamboo forest, one after another little elf-like little fellows flew out from the bamboos.

They have some thin wings, very transparent, and they hold short flutes in their hands.

"Star-winged Phoenix-tailed Princess, a type of soul beast that only exists in Sleeping Moon Forest. They sleep in the Phoenix-tailed Bamboo. They are the spirits of the Phoenix-tailed Bamboo. They are good at mind control and sound waves. The piccolo in their hands is theirs. weapons."

Si Qingrong explained to Mingxue that the soul beasts here are basically never seen on the mainland, and their ages are extremely high! These star-winged phoenix-tailed girls seem to be soul beasts of about one hundred thousand years old, equivalent to the weakest Titled Douluo in human beings.

"Sleep deep in our music!! Hee hee..."

The little star-winged phoenix girls picked up the piccolos in their hands and began to play. The sound of the flute was curling and the melody was melodious, which made people feel drowsy after listening to it.

"Cover your ears! Is the test starting now?"

Mingxue asked, but the Huajiaoyuelu didn't speak. It had big flowers growing between its huge horns, and the flower vines rushed out one by one, entangled Mingxue and the others. It seemed that the test had really begun, and they didn't say hello. , attacking them directly.


Mingxue snarled, flames rose from her body, the circular soul seal on the ground was released, and six red soul rings appeared dazzlingly shining.

Si Qingrong was taken aback when she saw it, her martial spirit...

"Four Elephants Holy Beast?! Impossible? How could you have the Holy Beast Martial Soul?"

Huajiaoyuelu was surprised, and the same group of star-winged Phoenix-tailed girls were also surprised. Suzaku is an extremely high-level ancestor, and they are only between immortality and dominance.

On the racial level alone, they are suppressed!

"The first soul skill, the first skill, Suzaku Burning Flame!!!"

The extreme flames ignited, illuminating Sleeping Moon Forest bright red, and the star-winged phoenix-tailed girls stretched out their flutes, and together they formed a shield to block the horrific hot flame of Suzaku.

"Hey, are you still planning to make a move?"

"You are so powerful, why should I take action? Come on, I believe you can do it."

Si Qingrong spread her hands and said, she has been hiding her strength from the beginning to the end.


Huajiaoyuelu said, a mass of purple light spread from its horns, and the surroundings fell into an illusory illusion.

"Psychological attacks have no effect on me."

"Drinking Moon Poison Fairy!!"


"Head Soul Bone Skill, Poisonous Heart Gu!"

A series of attack skills such as poisonous heart, immune control, chaos, charm, etc.!

An elegant poisonous bird emerged from behind Mingxue. It was a poisonous bird similar to the power of the moon phase. It was another great martial soul that Mingxue devoured, the moon-drinking poisonous concubine!

Another seven red soul rings emerged. Seeing this scene, Si Qingrong suddenly thought of something, and murmured:

"Ming Xue...Ming Tian, ​​they all have such power, could it be that she also has the ability to devour and transform into a martial spirit? What's the relationship between her and Ming Tian?".

Yinyue Zhenji looked coldly at Huajiaoyuelu and Starwing Fengweiji and said:

"The power of the phases of the moon? Let me show you what the real soul beast of the moon is, Zhenyu Qianye!!"

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