Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 307 Zero Thousand Year Soul Ring

The artifact is not necessarily a weapon, but it may also be armor. At this time, the Fire Rat Fur on the Fire Rat King is a powerful artifact, invulnerable, and no attack can break the defense of the Fire Rat Fur. It can be said to be the first defensive artifact.

The Fire Mouse King relied on this treasure to lead the Fire Mouse clan to an invincible position on Changyue Island. Even Yue Ji was helpless, and the Fire Mouse Qiu became famous for this.

"There is nothing in the world without weaknesses. All things are born and restrained by each other. Fire Rat Qiu must have a way to crack it!"

Mingxue narrowed her eyes and said, looking at the fight between Fire Mouse King and Hui Yueji, she just wanted to help.

"The Suzaku flames are destroyed!!!"

The sixth soul skill was released, the strongest Suzaku skill was to blast the Fire Mouse Fur, and the Fire Mouse King wearing the Fire Mouse Fur was still completely unharmed.

"Hahaha, it's useless."

"Rat fever!!!"

The Fire Rat King, who was wearing a fire rat fur, laughed loudly, and the Rat Tooth Flame Fork just sent out a rat flame and blasted towards Mingxue.

"Retreat first! Bliss Wind Dance!!"

Si Qingrong stood in front of Mingxue, unleashed a pink hurricane towards Rat Flame, and withstood the blow.

"You have to find a way, it's invulnerable, what about poison?"

The martial soul switched, Mingxue switched to Yinyue Zhenji's martial soul, and the most powerful Zhenyu Qianye was released towards the Fire Rat King.

"Poison, it doesn't work on me either!"

Zhen Yu Qianye approached the Fire Rat Fur even if it was resisted by the burning rat flames on the outer layer, it was still impossible to break through.

"Damn it, is it really invincible? Impossible!!"

"What if we attack a place that the Fire Rat Fur cannot defend?"

Changing her thinking, Mingxue discovered that although the Fire Rat King with the Fire Rat Fur is invincible, the Fire Rat Fur can only defend against its body after all, and its head cannot be defended. Perhaps this is the way to defeat the Fire Rat King.

"Drinking Moon Poison Concubine! The first soul ring, the first skill—"

"Chaos Feather Poison Flower!!!"

The Moon Poison Concubine flapping her wings behind her back sent out countless poisonous feathers, attacking the Fire Rat King's head.

The head is really what the Fire Mouse King cares about, but it seems to have sufficient preparations. For its own head, the defense is very sufficient. The Mouse Tooth Flame Fork draws a circle in the Fire Mouse King's hand, rolls up the circular Hokage, and puts Zhen Yu and Du Hua resisted outside one after another.

"Attack its head!!!"

This trick worked, Mingxue was overjoyed, and attacked the Fire Rat King's head, and the second skill of the right arm bone was activated! !

"Tear off the Golden Roc Claw!!"

Mingxue's right arm bone came from the gilded Yangpeng of the Biwu Forest. The gilt Yangpeng was sucked dry by Moshula, but its soul bone was taken away by the ten-tailed dragon luan to complete Mingxue. Although Mingxue did not have the gilded Yangpeng Martial soul, but its soul bone skills have inherited the most powerful of the gold-plated Yangpeng body, and they all have the special effects of breaking defense and smashing.

The right arm turned into a pure golden roc claw, with five sharp claws, grabbing the Fire Rat King's head.

Hui Yueji, who had been facing the Fire Mouse King head-on, saw that attacking its head was effective, and changed her attack thinking. She swung the short bamboo tube in her hand and blasted towards the Fire Mouse King's head. Although Si Qingrong was watching the show, but It was reliable at the critical moment, and she even had ulterior motives. She didn't directly attack the Fire Mouse King's head, but attacked the Fire Mouse King's two short mouse feet!

The all-conquering Fire Rat fur can't protect its head, nor can it protect its feet!

It seemed that Si Qingrong had noticed it a long time ago, even faster than Mingxue, and knew where the weakness of the Fire Mouse King was, but kept silent and pretended not to know.

"Naive, do you think you can defeat me like this?"


"The Protection of Fur Clothes!!!"

Facing attacks from three directions,

The Fire Rat Fur on the Fire Rat King's body fell off, and instead formed a circular defensive shield completely composed of the Fire Rat Fur, protecting it completely, and any kind of attack could not break the external defense of the Fire Rat Fur.

Having owned the Fire Rat Fur for so many years, what are the weaknesses and advantages of the Fire Rat Fur, would it not understand? The Fire Mouse King has long known the misunderstanding of his Fire Mouse Fur's defense. He has been pondering over the years, and finally formed the tactic of protecting the fur, which allows it to be protected inside the Fire Mouse Fur in all directions and without dead ends.

In this way, it can be called the most invincible protection.

The three attacks fell on the red round shell of the Fur Clothes Guard, and there was no way to attack again. The Fire Mouse King inside laughed triumphantly.

"Let's see what other ideas you have!! I will defeat you today! Let you know who is the millionth year soul beast in Long Moon Island!"

"Red Hazel Vine!"


Mingxue shouted angrily, and the Fire Mouse King grew under his feet, rushed up the red hazel vine, and bound it. At this time, the Fire Mouse King inside the fur coat guard had no defense.

"Exploding Hazelnuts!!"

"Bang bang bang!!!"

"Fire Rat Fur, take it!!"

Now that the Fire Rat King didn't have the Fire Rat Fur on his body, his defense was extremely weak, so he quickly retracted the Fire Rat Fur to counteract the explosive force of the exploding hazelnut.

"Absolute limit, star chain!"

"Now! Mingxue!"

Si Qingrong next to him didn't know what method he used to stop the Fire Rat Qiu, but the time for the stop should not be long. Mingxue didn't have time to think about why Si Qingrong would establish the absolute limit skill exclusive to Xingluo Xu's family. The chance is just a great opportunity, before the Fire Mouse King completely took back the Fire Mouse Fur and put it on, Mingxue's Martial Soul switched and returned to the Suzaku Martial Soul, and a burst of Suzaku flames blasted towards the Fire Mouse King's body.


But the Fire Rat King is a million-year-level powerhouse after all, this attack is not particularly useful to it, Hui Yueji hurriedly helped Mingxue make a knife, Mingxue struck again, and the Black Flame Kite Spear pierced into the Fire Mouse King's heart , Let the Fire Mouse King die completely.

The leader was eliminated, and the remaining fire rats had no fighting spirit any more, and fled away one after another.

"Uh, you, you..."

"Use more to bully the less, win..."

"No martial arts..."


The Fire Rat King lay on his back, completely fell down, lost his breath, and a dark golden soul ring rose from his body. This is where a million-year-level powerhouse from Long Moon Island fell.

"Dead? Really dead? Did we kill a million-year-old or three-million-year-level Fire Rat King?"

"That's right, I really didn't expect that the Fire Rat King, who had roamed the Long Moon Island for millions of years, died in our hands, Mingxue, thank you Si Qingrong."

Hui Yueji thanked her.

However, the shocking thing that caught its attention was still to come. The Suzaku Martial Soul rose from Mingxue's body automatically, and looked at the soul ring of the Fire Mouse King, as if seeing delicious food.

The million-year-old dark red gold, Suzaku just swallowed and absorbed it directly. At the same time, dark blue-gold blue silver grass surged from Mingxue's body. The king began to devour it.

Both Si Qingrong and Hui Yueji were a little shocked by the scene of the witnesses. Hui Yueji naturally knew what happened to Mingxue, and sighed:

"What a blessing! The power of devouring."

"I have seen the same scene with a teenager."

Si Qingrong said lightly, but with a dignified expression on his face.

"There should be some relationship between them, Mingxue..."

Hui Yueji couldn't figure out this dumb fan, so Si leaned aside, picked up the Fire Rat Qiu that had completely fallen off the ground and said with a smile:

"I guess this should be our trophy, right?"

"Of course, whoever kills the Fire Mouse King will own the Fire Mouse Qiu."

Caressing the soft and bright fire mouse fur in his hand, Si Qingrong said with a smile:

"It's such a good material. It's a pity not to cut it. You Gao Tianyuan, do you have a good tailor?"

"Yes, well, it happens that the next test has not been decided yet, so let's go see her first. Just wait for Mingxue to wake up..."


The fake "Takishi Moonshot" who switched defenses led Tong Yingmeng and others to finally find a habitat. For this reason, they went around many circles and wasted a lot of effort.

It's really troublesome to be unfamiliar with Gao Tianyuan's place of life!

"Moon God Seven God Soldiers, the family residence is here."

Having found their temporary rest destination, the fake "Takimuro Tsukishe", said.

"If we don't figure out the structural map here, we will be exposed sooner or later."

"It's easy to find here. When we go back to the bedroom, I'll go out and find out."

"So, do you know where your residence is?"

Ask about the fake Takishi Yueshe, that is, Ming Tian, ​​another Ming Xuedao with the same name.

"Ask someone? Or..."

Mingtian, who pretended to be Takimuro Tsukishe, was still a little unaccustomed, and didn't know how to find it. .

Fortunately, without them looking for someone, someone has already found them.

"Takishiro, what are you doing here? Why are you bringing outsiders with you?"

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