Problems come one after another. Facts have proved that the idea of ​​pretending to be Tsukishi Takimuro is unreliable. On the contrary, there is a greater chance of being exposed, because you don’t know when you will meet Tsukishi Takimuro’s acquaintances. Coping, do not know how to answer coping.


The fake Takimuro Tsuki shot turned her head and looked at the person who called her, she didn't know her at all! It's pretty good-looking. From the looks of it, he should be about the same as Takimuro Tsukishe, with a similar level of cultivation.

Another powerful Title Douluo?

"What's the matter? Taki room? Still angry because the intruder upset you, huh? This is another call? Why did you change it again?"

again? Could there be other intruders besides them? Mingtian complained in his heart, pretending to be Takimuro Tsukisaki, he explained to the girl:

"They have the Bright Moon Star card!"

The Huiyue star card is simply a pass for everything. Tong Yingmeng took out the Huiyue star card and added:

"My martial spirit is the descendant of the Moon God, this is the companion who came with me."

"Oh, that's it, they are descendants of the Moon God again."

The girl looked at Tong Yingmeng, and then at Mingxue who had the same name beside Tong Yingmeng.

"Master Puxia hasn't come back yet. If you want to take her to recognize her ancestors, it may take a while to awaken her bloodline."

Mingtian's heart skipped a beat, Lord Puxia? It sounds like a big shot, god level?

But you can't go to see her, it will be miserable if you expose your secrets.

"Oh, yes, there's no rush, and neither are they."

She winked at Tong Yingmeng, Tong Yingmeng understood, and said:

"Sister, what's your name? This is our first time here, and we are not familiar with it. Can you give us a map, or give us some pointers? Look around."

In the dark, Mingtian gave Tong Yingmeng a thumbs up. This move was really clever, and it solved all the problems perfectly.

The girl in front of her was no longer suspicious, and jokingly said to Takimuro Tsukishe:

"You're really good. If you don't want to see outsiders, don't wait to see outsiders. You don't want to introduce any information."

"Little sister, my name is Fu Yuezi. Among the seven moon god soldiers, the martial spirit is Tianhan Yue, which is the axe. Takishi told you."

"Well, that's what I told you."

Tong Yingmeng nodded in affirmation, and said friendlyly:

"Sister, my name is Tong Yingmeng, so what is there around here? Is there a map of the nearby distribution? I don't know, and Sister Takishiro doesn't say anything."

The three of them were better at acting than one, and better at acting than the other. Fu Yuezi glanced at Takishi and said:

"Because we all live here and are already familiar with each other, there is no need to use a map, and there is no special map for guiding directions, but I can tell you the general layout. Gao Tianyuan is divided into eight parts, and the outer moon god and seven gods The Bing family, another independent Tsukishima Shrine, and the twin palaces, namely the Aragu Palace and the Inari Palace, are all inhabited by real gods, and there are four places where Tsukibuchi is exiled."

"In Exile Moon Abyss is where punished soul beasts are exiled. It is a vortex black hole. It can be regarded as Gao Tianyuan's forbidden area, a land of nothingness."

"The other one is the palaces of the gods, which are the residences of god-level powerhouses, and there are adults from the highest level."

"There is also the Yuanjie cherry tree, which is the place of marriage, which represents marriage, and the person in charge of it is Master Yuanjie."

"The last one is the Tian Shu Mu Huan, the place where the Tian Shu is stored, the Mu Huan Pavilion, where the Book of the World and the Endless Library are stored."

"That's the eight parts. Do you have anything else to ask?"

"there is none left,

Thank you sister Yuezi. "

As Fu Yuezi said, Ming Tian and the others secretly took notes on the side, listening to her, these eight places constitute Gaotianyuan, the matriarchal God Realm, if they want to understand Gaotianyuan, they will know where they can go and where they cannot go.

"Then I'm leaving, Takishi. After an hour, don't forget to gather at the Palace of the Gods. The adults have something to arrange."

After all, Fu Yuezi left quietly. Hearing what she said, it meant that the fake Takishi Yueshe, that is, Mingtian, would meet the god-level god among the gods later, which made him wait for a while. When faced with difficulties, whether to go or not to go, can he continue to pretend?

"Let's go, I'll take you back to where you live first."

"Do you know where you live?"

"Seven Gods Soldiers Martial Souls are seven families that inherit the martial souls here. Takishi, Lianyue, Qi, You, Fu, etc., each family has a fixed place to rest. We found the Takishi family, and we found it. The habitat of the Takimuro tribe, and then it will be convenient to find Takimuro Tsuki to shoot."

While walking and talking, they came to the habitat of Takimuro. This is where the owners of the Martial Soul of the Shooting Moon Bow are located. Everyone's name is in front of the room. Takimuro Yueshe's room was quickly found.

After finding a way to open Takimuro Tsukishe's room, and locked the door, the three were relieved to see that no one was disturbing them nearby.

Tongyingmeng and Mingxue immediately relaxed and lay down on Takimuro Yueshe's big soft bed.

"Ah, finally we don't need to be vigilant. It's too dangerous. We may be discovered by them at any time."

Ming Tian also only recovered his own face, looked at the two and said:

"From now on, you just stay here, you don't have to go anywhere, it's too dangerous for the three of you to act together, if someone comes to see you, it will be said that Takimuro Tsukishe temporarily arranged you to her place."

"how about you?"

"Find out Gao Tianyuan's movements, and I'll dive out to find out. It's easier to be alone."

"I'm afraid that in an hour, I will come back and go to the palace of the gods."

"Are you really going? That's going to meet the god level. What if the disguise is seen through?"

"But if I don't go, it will make them suspicious. Takimuro Tsukishe is not very conspicuous, as long as I hide myself well, there will be no problem."


"Don't worry, even if I'm found out, I'll separate myself from you in time. You won't be suspected, and you'll always be here. But I'll run away. It will take a lot of work for them to catch me. After all Gao Tianyuan is so big."

"Okay, you guys take a break first, I will sit down for a while, and I will go out and have a look later."

As Ming Tian said, he sat down on a table and chair beside him, took a sip of water, and looked at Takimurotsuki's bedroom. No matter how you look at it, it was a room carefully decorated by a little girl. Every time Takimurotsuki returned to himself The room is also very comfortable, so relax.

Unfortunately, the real owner of this room has never returned.

"Sorry, if we don't kill you, you will kill us. It's a last resort. If you hate me, hate me. It has nothing to do with the two of them."

Bowing slightly to Takimuro Tsukishe's photo, Ming Tian restrained his breath and headed outside.

The magic ice silkworm martial soul is released, and Mingtian is walking in the interior of Gaotianyuan incognito. According to Fu Yuezi, this place is divided into eight parts, Yuanjie Cherry Tree, Tsukishima Shrine, Banishing Yueyuan, Qunjin Gongyu, and Huan The pavilion, the barren palace, the Inari palace, and the place where the Luna Seven Gods and Armies families are located.

Now they have figured out the situation of the Moon God Seven Divine Soldiers, but they don't know what the situation is like in other places.

"The ones near the place where the Luna Seven Divine Soldiers families gather are the Twin Palaces. Do Aramiya and Inari Shrine refer to the two major shrines?"

The Aramiya and the Inari Shrine seem to be enlarged and formed by two worshiping temples, and the priests in golden clothes enter and exit.

"Fengshou, send the golden food sacrifice to the Muhuan Pavilion, which the Master Yunshang Pavilion will deliver a few days ago."


Outside the Huanggong Palace, two priests, one big and one small, said that the one called Fengshou was a little priest.

"Muhuan Pavilion? Is she going to the Muhuan Pavilion? I'll go and have a look."

Ming Tian followed the little priest, and the little priest who was holding the golden food sacrifice seemed not to notice it at all, and walked in the direction of the Muhuan Pavilion.

Mui Huan Pavilion, the place where the ancient legends of heavenly books are stored, is called the fairyland on earth.

Ming Tian followed the little priest through a certain distance, secretly remembering that he came to a wonderful place.

Surrounded by pale pink clouds, white stairs are arranged, a pavilion stands empty, and three large-character plaques hang on the upper floor of the Muhuan Pavilion. .

"I have brought the main golden food sacrifice of Yunshang Pavilion, which is in the Fengshou Moon Curtain of Xiahuang Palace."

"Send it up, just put it outside the door of Mu Huan Pavilion."

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