The dark red golden soul ring gradually began to form and solidify on Mingxue's body, which meant that Mingxue completely absorbed the soul ring of the Fire Rat King soon. This is a million-year soul ring, not an ordinary soul ring. There are still some difficulties.

There was one more person beside Mingxue, it was Yueji from Changyue Island. During this time, when Mingxue absorbed the soul ring several times, Huiyueji quickly found Yueji to stay beside Mingxue. , for Mingxue to protect the law, and it is because of Yueji's protection that the process of Mingxue's absorption is relatively smooth.

"Looking at it like this, it will probably take another two or three hours. Lady Yueji is too boring here. I'll go find someone to trim this prized fire mouse fur."

As Si Qingrong said, she wanted to leave here as if she didn't treat herself as an outsider.

"Wait a minute, you are not allowed to leave, we still need to investigate about your matter!"

Hui Yueji stopped Si Qingrong and said that Si Qingrong exposed some things in the previous battle, and what the Fire Mouse King said gave them every reason to suspect that Si Qingrong was the one who sneaked into Gao Tianyuan.

"Investigate? Hey, what is there to investigate? You Yueji haven't spoken yet, Mrs. Yueji, do you want to investigate me?"

"Huiyue, let her leave, Gao Tianyuan can come and go freely, it's useless for you to stop her."

"grown ups!!"

"Don't worry, it's not like I won't come back. I'm very interested in this little girl. When I was in Yuehua Qingchi, Yueji, you must have recognized me."

"That's not a test at all, but a temptation for me."

"I was not sure when I met you for the first time. After all, it has been so long and you are very good at disguising, but through Yuehua Qingchi's temptation, I still recognized you, Yueyueming..."

"When I come back this time, I just take back what originally belonged to me, Gao Tianyuan, who owed me in the first place."

Speaking coldly, Si Qingrong just left and left the Yuedao Shrine. Only Huiyueji and Yueji were left, as well as Mingxue who was quietly absorbing the spirit ring. They seemed to know something and did not speak again.

For an hour, time seemed to pass quickly. With the help of Yunshang, Ming Tian was sure that he would not be seen through his disguise by the god level again, so he turned back to Takishi Yueshe's room and told Tong Yingmeng about himself. Go out to inquire about things.

Not long after talking, Fu Yuezi came to look for Takishi Yueshe and was about to go to the palace of the gods. Now Ming Tian was no longer afraid of his disguise being seen through, so he followed Fu Yuezi to prepare to go, and when he left, he asked The two of them stayed in the room temporarily and were not allowed to move around, and made plans after he arrived at the palace of the gods and completed the task that Yunshang gave him.

Mingtian found that there were quite a lot of people who went to the palace of the gods.

Almost all the seven families of the Moon God and the Seven Gods had people in the past, Fu Yuezi, and Qi Tanxue who I met earlier, and the rest were people from other families that I didn't know.

"What is the purpose of calling so many people over?"

Ming Tian secretly thought, how should he go to the Moon Palace and find the Ling Chanyue that Yunshang mentioned?

Following everyone, several people came to the palace of the gods one after another. After talking with Fu Yuezi, Ming Tian already understood that the person who called them this time is a strong person in the god level, and they are also very prestigious in Gao Tianyuan. The first-level god Fuyue.

In the palace of gods, although most of them are first-level gods, they are not very in charge, and they are very free. There are only three gods who are really in charge, and Fuyue is one of them.

It is also Fu Yue who is directly responsible for all matters of the seven families of the Moon God Seven God Soldiers, that is to say, Fu Yue is their direct person in charge, plus their immediate boss.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Fu Yue looked at most of the elites in the seven families, nodded with satisfaction and said:

"We are now in a period of high-defense patrols. I didn't call you when you were stationed. I chose to call you during your dinner just to explain something. Recently, a nasty guy sneaked into Gao Tianyuan. I didn't take her down many years ago. Now this time she came back again, no matter what she said, she will be captured and exiled to Yueyuan. Now there are twice as many people on patrol in normal times, and some people will be transferred from your respective families. You must dig three feet in Gaotianyuan To find that person, do you understand?"

"Obey! My lord!"

"Go to the Yuedao Shrine to help the Lianyue family. Only the Lianyue family is a bit difficult to deal with. I will talk to Yueji later."

"In this way, we don't need people in the eight places here, Muhuan Pavilion, and your family. Seven families and six places are enough."

"I'll let Pu Xia explain the specific matters to you later. Well, you guys go to dinner."

After a very short command, Mingtian understood what was going on, and it seemed that the whole Gao Tianyuan attached great importance to the person who sneaked in. Who was that person? What is the intention to make the whole Gao Tianyuan stand ready?

"Well, it seems that it will be more difficult later, but no matter how many inspections, I didn't find anything. It seems that the man is very familiar with Gao Tianyuan."

"Fu Yuezi, who is that person?"

The fake Takishi Moonshot, that is, Asked by Ming Tian.

"Who knows? Those who know are the older generation. It seems that that matter has become a taboo, and there is still a storm of silence."

Silence? Ming Tian was taken aback, any incident of silence would be a big deal.

It would be great if we could find out what happened to Gao Tianyuan back then, then we could easily deduce the identity of that person, and it would be easier to catch her.

Maybe go to Chanyue Palace and find the one named Ling Chanyue so I can learn about it?

"Takimuro, let's go to dinner. I don't know what kind of delicious dinner is prepared by Fengshou's family today."

Fengshou's family, which is in charge of the entire Gaotianyuan's food, Mingtian has already learned about it through the Muhuan Pavilion. Seeing that Yunshang likes to eat so much, he knows that the food made by Fengshou's family is really good.

Had it not been for the task on his body, Ming Tian would still like to try it.

"Changing Moon Palace, where is it? Yue Zi, do you know?"

"Changing Moon Palace among the palaces of gods? I don't know the exact location. I only know that it's in the south, the Zangyue Palace. It's like a spinning place where not many people live. Why are you asking about this? Are you going? Are you not going to eat?"

"I'll go there later, I still have something to do, thank you, I'll be leaving first.

"Strange, Takimuro, why is it a little different from before?"

Takimuro Tsukishe who left in a hurry caused Fu Yuezi to be puzzled, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Yingli! Yingli Takimuro!"

He stopped a girl who was passing by him, and the girl turned her head and looked at Fu Yuezi who stopped her.

"Li, your sister seems to be different from before. Haven't you communicated with her much recently?"

The girl frowned when she heard this, and said:

"Sister Yueshe, I'm not sure. I'll meet her in her room after dinner."

After the two girls talked, for them, this was just a small episode, and they went to eat.

Ming Tian, ​​who was going against the direction of everyone eating, went south, looking for the Moon Palace in the palace of the gods.

At the same time, not a single shadow entered the palace of the gods, but her goal seemed clearer than Ming Tian.

Because the Moon Palace is so familiar to her, and the people there are no strangers to her. It is an empty palace room where no one lives, and even the lights in the room are not turned on. In the empty room, a few The silk was intertwined and hung, there was no light, and the room was full of silk and satin. An elderly woman was sitting there, motionless like a statue, or dead, without any movement.

No one came to look for her, no one came to disturb her, in this palace of gods, she seemed to be forgotten, alone in the darkness forever.


There was a small movement, and the person who came knocked on the door as if being very polite, and there was a dull thud, as if she knew that no one would open the door for her, and when she knocked, the person just opened the door and came in.

The one who came in was an old man who looked as old as she was. She was very stooped, holding a fiery red rat fur in her hand.

The faint light shone on them, and the two old men remained still for a long, long time, and no one moved.

"Hey, Tangyue, long time no see, how are you..."

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