Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 311 The Old 0-layer Cake

A sigh sounded quietly, as if expressing emotion, it seemed that the two old men knew each other for a long time.

The old man who was standing still there slowly opened her eyes. She didn't look at the person who saw her, but looked outside.

"Why, don't you see me? You and I are so old."


A word was uttered in a hoarse voice, as if asking a rhetorical question, and there was a trace of desolation and a trace of sarcasm in the rhetorical question.

"Miao, how do you get old? You read the fate of the gods every month, so you won't grow old."

"Several years of vicissitudes have passed. Even though my face will not grow old, my heart is already the same as yours. Thousands of sails have been read, and only one person is left in the lonely desolation."

"A lonely person, why bother to find another lonely person to make each other annoyed? Isn't it good to keep each other clean at the end? Why, come back again?"

"I've been exiled for too long. I was going to come back to get back what belongs to me. What Gao Tianyuan owes me, I will get it back."

"Oh, I thought it was the last kindness to exile you to Douluo Dalu back then, but I didn't expect you to find a way to come back and make a mess."

"I knew it earlier, I should have presided over killing you in the first place."

"Kill me? Are you really going to do it? There has never been a war between us."

"That was in the past, and people will change. This time, you didn't just tell me these things, did you? The people in Gao Tianyuan are no longer as good as the next generation. Fu Yue spent so much effort, but he didn't catch you. "

"This is my home. When I get home, why am I unfamiliar with my own home?"

"Come on, let's see what this is."

Passed out the things in his hand, but the old man didn't take a look and said:

"Fire Rat Fur, the first defensive artifact, you killed the Fire Rat King of Changyue Island? Didn't that little fellow Yue Ji fight for you?"

"Hehe, I didn't kill it. It was another little girl. I met a little girl who was very like me."

"Oh? It seems that you still can't change your habit. Is there anything more exciting than Qingrong..."

As soon as the word "Qing Rong" came out, the old man showed an angry and ashamed look on his face, his own temperament changed instantly, and he no longer looked like a pale-haired old man, his figure began to become taller, and his whole person underwent an earth-shaking change , In an instant, she turned into a woman who can overwhelm the country and the city, it is Si Qingrong! !

"Me? How can there be a more beautiful woman than me? Zhou Yue, you are old, but I am still so young."

"long time no see."

Ling Chanyue finally turned her head to look at Si Qingrong, and sighed:

"Why bother? Is Si Qingrong really still alive in your heart? Even if she is dead, you have to keep pretending to be her, pretending to be her alive, and you would rather be the one who died. "

"Si Qingrong will always be Si Qingrong, and has never died. I don't understand what you are talking about."

"This fire mouse coat, please weave it into a robe shape for me. Its owner is about 1.76 meters tall and has a good figure, um, well-developed."

Thinking of Mingxue's naked body in Yuehua Qingchi, showing her perfect figure, Si Qingrong made gestures and said a little lustfully.

"Is it described so clearly?"

"When I came back, I went to Yuehua Qingchi with her to take a bath, and I took the opportunity to write it down."

"Just begging me for this?"

"Yeah, after all, your textile skills are the best among the people I know."

"Give it to me, Fire Rat Fur, hey, it's the excellent textile material I've always wanted. I still have moon white silk here, and a witch dress with a white top and a red bottom is just right.


"Witch clothes, it's really exciting to think about Xiao Mingxue wearing them!"

"I've already started to look forward to it, so hurry up, I have to go back in an hour, you won't betray me, right?"

"Start spinning by hand, I won't be distracted by other things, you can easily hinder me here."

"Understood, I understand, I'll go out and wait."

After saying that, Si Qingrong came out of the Moon Palace, stroked the fur of the fire mouse, and there was a look of determination in Ling Chanyue's eyes, as if she had made up her mind.

Si Qingrong, who had left the Moon Palace, did not run around. He just stood above the palace of the Moon Palace, observing the movement in his sight. It seemed that he had no intention of hiding. It was very ostentatious to hide for a while.


Noticing something, a sneaky person shuttled around the southern palace, carefully locked on the mental power to investigate, Si Qingrong detected the person who came, and his face was also surprised.

"Why did he come here? Have my tracks been leaked? No, no, he seems to be looking for a purpose. His goal may be the Moon Palace, but he doesn't know where the Moon Palace is. Could it be that he has found some clues? ? Who told him? Does anyone else already know..."

Thinking about it, Si Qingrong suddenly had an idea, and jumped down from the palace of the moon, and his own shape changed into the appearance of Ling Chanyue.

"Where is it? Moon Palace, it should be here soon. Most of the palaces in the south are empty rooms. There are thirty-six rooms in total. I have already checked thirty-four rooms. If nothing is found, only the last two rooms are left. one."

"Hopefully this one will be next."

Ming Tian thought in his heart that he was going to the Chanyue Palace, and happened to see the fake Lingyue outside the palace.

"Could it be that this person is Ling Chanyue?"

He came with Yunshang's mission on his back, removed his disguise, and walked towards the fake Ling Chanyue.

"Senior is Ling Chanyue!"

Not knowing Ling Chanyue's reaction when seeing him, Ming Tian quietly appeared from behind Ling Chanyue and asked secretly.

The disguised Aya Tangyue turned surprised, and asked:


A tyrannical aura emanated, and Ling Chanyue was a little angry and vigilant, each acting better than the other.

"Senior, don't be alarmed. In the Underworld, you came here following the orders of Pavilion Master Yunshang. There is no malice."

This time, the fake Ayane Chanyue was really surprised, and blurted out:

"Huan Pavilion Yunshang?"

"Yes! I met Pavilion Master Yunshang by chance, and she asked me to come to you."

"So it was her..."

From what I heard, Ling Chanyue seemed to know Yun Chang, and Ming Tian was overjoyed, it seemed that he had gained Ling Chanyue's trust.

"Senior Ling Chanyue, I don't have any other intentions here. Pavilion Master Yunshang said that I can inquire about Gao Tianyuan's secrets from you, as well as information about the person who sneaked in. She said that if I can inquire about it from you, I will definitely be able to inquire about it." .”

Ming Tian asked, but Si Qingrong heard another meaning in his heart.

"How could Yunshang have friendship with Ling Chanyue? Aren't the two of them... Could it be that Ling Tangyue has changed, is it because she is also trying to design me when I come this time?"

The floors were higher and higher, with Si Qingrong's intelligence, he thought of something in an instant, and made a judgment in his heart.

"Yunshang called you here, what else did she say to you? Do you know my relationship with her?"

"No, Senior Yunshang didn't say anything."

Si Qingrong has already started to contradict Ming Tian's words, Ming Tian has already begun to sense that something is wrong, the two of them are old mille-layer cakes, Ming Tian gradually approaches Si Qingrong's back, secretly preparing his own martial soul fusion technique.

"Ahem, old man, I don't know much, so why don't you ask me?"

"Okay, what this junior is going to ask is..."

"Punishment of the evil god!"


A purple light beam hit Si Qingrong, the two were already close, and the evil god's punishment limited the body purple light to three seconds.

Three seconds was enough, and Mingtian grabbed Si Qingrong's neck with his arm from the back as fast as he could, and with the other hand, he used the snow blade to press against her temple.

"Don't move! I've already seen through your disguise. There's really nowhere to find it. It doesn't take much effort to get it."

The postures of the two were a bit ambiguous, Ming Tian hugged Si Qingrong from behind, holding a knife in one hand.

"Good boy, I was too hasty. I didn't expect someone to predict my coming here. That guy Yunshang is really meddling."

Si Qing smiled.

"Don't talk nonsense with me here! You killed Senior Long Suwu, I will kill you!!!"

Saying that, Mingtian Ludesi Qingrong's neck tightened a little.

"Well, kill me, you will regret it...".

"Your sister, Mingxue, is still alive, I... know... where she is..."

"What?! Xue, is she still alive?! Where is she?!!!"

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