Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 312 Yicheng, old friend turned against each other

"Your sister is still alive, she is not dead, I know... where she is..."

Si Qingrong, who was restrained by Ming Tian, ​​uttered such a sentence, and Ming Tian's face immediately changed drastically. When Ming Xue was mentioned, he seemed to be a different person, and subconsciously asked:

"What did you just say? Where is Xue? She is really alive?!"

"Hey, go to hell and find her."

Si Qingrong is a master of psychological warfare. After finding out the relationship between Mingxue and Mingtian, he already knew where Mingtian's lifeblood was. At this time, throwing out the clue of Mingxue had already caused Mingtian to be in a state of confusion, and took the opportunity to get rid of it. Under Mingtian's control, he had an extra folding fan in his hand, and the fan bones touched the key acupuncture points on Mingtian's body, which was to fix Mingtian in place.

"Sure enough, when you mention your sister's whereabouts, you will not be calm. This is a big taboo. It seems that you have not achieved a particularly calm level. You are an emotional person. In this regard, you are not as good as your sister .”

Looking at Mingtian who was counter-controlled by him again, the situation was suddenly reversed again, Si Qing smiled, like a god who planned strategies and had insight into people's hearts.

"Don't worry, I won't just kill you just like that. I still want to save your life for your sister's face. Besides, I thought of a better way to use you."

As if she had some idea, Si Qingrong lifted her disguise. Restored Si Qingrong's peerless appearance, and walked into the Moon Palace.

In the Moon Palace, Aya Chanyue has reached the final finishing stage. In the quiet room, a priestess costume with a white top and a red bottom is gradually taking shape, surrounded by thin silk threads, and the silk threads are criss-crossing. Tang Yue became extremely agile at this time. She was flying in the room, holding eight tiny silver needles in her hand, and each silver needle was covered with silk threads. Under her knitting needles, a pattern The simple maiden robe gradually took shape.

Si Qingrong, who had already come in, watched this scene quietly in the corner. Looking at Ling Chanyue like this, it was like going back to the past, a long time ago, when they were still young and had a wonderful time together Memories, but now they can never go back.

Only when doing certain things, can Ayakazuki find herself again and become the same as before, that is weaving.

The last two silk sleeves are also gradually taking shape, and the cuffs of the silk sleeves are woven with a circle of red cross marks with the silk thread of the fire mouse fur, which looks like a rather unique design.

The flimsy maiden uniform floated quietly in the air, as if it had been completed, but Ayana Moon shook her head with a look of dissatisfaction in her eyes.

"Not enough, I'm still old, but..."


A ball of light bloomed from the room and turned into a transparent blue appearance. At this time, Ling Chanyue seemed to be a different person. The original old appearance became younger, as if returning to the light. It can be seen that she is not inferior to Si Qingrong. What's even more shocking is that there are thirteen soul rings around her body! A god-level powerhouse of the thirteenth rank!

"Inject needles, sacrifice blood!!"

The eight flying needles were submerged in the priestess' clothes, Ling Chanyue bit her finger, and flew into a drop of blood, the blood dripped on the moon white silk of the priestess's clothes, and the remaining threads of the fire mouse fur were woven one after another. An eight-petal lotus was spun on the chest, and the lotus bloomed like a flame, scorching and coquettish.

"Finished products, clothes come."

The woven priestess costume fluttered into the hands of Ling Chanyue, and Ling Tangyue held the priestess costume, and then her face became satisfied. She hadn't weaved for many years, and no one knew her reputation for a long time, Zhiyue God of Aya wraps around the moon.


Crisp applause sounded, this is no longer a weaving, this is a performance, an exquisite performance, enough to be called a masterpiece.

Not many people were lucky enough to watch this scene,

There is only Si Qingrong as an audience here, and as an audience, this is not the first time for Si Qingrong to watch this exquisite weaving. She has seen her weaving countless times. She rises from a tall building.

The gods of the past are no longer cared about, and together with the memories of the past, they are buried in time.

But she deserves this applause. In fact, there will be countless applause every time she finishes spinning.

"Here, here you are, I really want to know what a beautiful girl that is, you can like it, and I want to see the owner of this dress wear it

Go, what kind of country and city should it be. "

"Thank you, I thanked in her place."

Saying thanks, Si Qingrong walked slowly towards Ling Chanyue, and reached out to take the priestess sacrificial attire, but at the same time, she secretly put the folding fan in her sleeve, as if she was guarding against something.

"We are all old friends, why are you being polite, I should have had a good chat when I came here today."

After saying the following words, Ling Chanyue emphasized her tone, and when Si Qingrong took it, eight red silk threads shot out from her body and entangled towards Si Qingrong.

In vain, Ling Chanyue moved her hands towards Si Qingrong, and at the same time, eight thin needles pierced Si Qingrong's eyes.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and Si Qingrong reacted extremely quickly. He opened the folding fan in his hand for the first time, unfolded the fan, dragged the priestess sacrificial attire with his left hand, and stepped back while yelling:

"Why!! You've changed!! Ayana Tsukiyue!!"

There were questioning, disappointment, and a hint of bewilderment in the voice.

Knowing from Mingtian that Yunshang asked him to come to Lingyue, she understood how Yunshang could have anything to do with Lingyue, but they...

"Change? People will change. Only you, for such a person, have always maintained your original appearance, guarded the past, and would rather be a dead person in the past."

"Don't you think it's ridiculous? Who would stay the same? Staying the same means never saying goodbye."

"That's your problem. It turns out that our beliefs are different."

"It's a place where you haven't changed, and your strength will always stay here."

Facing Ling Chanyue, Si Qingrong showed a sneer on his face, turned his wrist, the fan in his hand danced, and eighteen terrifying soul rings rose from his body! !

"How is it possible? You..."

"Since I was exiled to the Douluo Continent, I have cultivated eight more soul rings. Although I will never be able to break through to the Title Douluo in the Douluo Continent due to certain restrictions, but with the ten rings I used to have in Gao Tianyuan God level, breaking After opening the seal, it already looks like this."

"Chang Yue, do you remember? We will never face each other with swords."

"Unfortunately, all this is about to change now."

The tone was still so relaxed, it sounded extremely relaxed and cute, but in that pretendingly relaxed tone, there was a hint of ruthless determination, the opened folding fan blocked the eight silver needles that were piercing her eyes, Si Qingrong turned backwards With a somersault, he kicked Ling Chanyue with his foot, and then turned around, swaying the floating blade in his hand, the soul bone on his head lit up, and countless purple vertical pupils appeared around him.

The purple vertical eye pupils seem to be alive, blinking, the pupils open and close, shooting out purple rays.

Head spirit bone skills! !

Pupil Demon Eyes! !

"Thousand needles!!!!"

Ling Chanyue made a throwing motion, and countless small needles appeared in the surrounding space, and it seemed that she was also using a big move.

"The goddess scattered flowers!!"

Hands crossed, one hand making a shooting gesture, pointing at Si Qingrong, thousands of needles are shooting at Si Qingrong, like needles raining meteors.


The folding fan blocked the pupils and removed them again. Si Qingrong's pupils became strange. The originally black pupils turned into different-colored pupils, one red and one purple, and there seemed to be rotations inside...

"Double Suzaku Flame Extinction!!"

The folding fan was closed, and two flaming shadows of Suzaku appeared, attacking Ling Chanyue. If Mingxue was here, she would definitely be surprised. How could she use her skill Si Qingrong? ?

"Blissful Wind Dance!!"

Two huge pink hurricanes attacked Aya Chanyue, the wind increased, and the wind started a fire, followed by the increase of Suzaku Yan Mie.

"Want to kill me? Yue Yue, you still forgot, I am Yue Du Ming, have you forgotten what Yue Du Ming is capable of?"

"Punishment of the evil god! Immobilized purple light!"

The skill that Ming Tian used on Si Qingrong just now was actually used by Si Qingrong in reverse at this time. The skill that made her suffer, naturally also caused Ling Chanyue to suffer. , Three seconds, there are too many things that can be done.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Huge noises rang out in the Moon Palace, the movement here was too loud, and sooner or later it would attract the higher-ups of Gao Tianyuan.

"The Suzaku flames are destroyed!!"

"Burn them all for me!!!"

Showing no mercy and not caring about Ling Chanyue's life, Si Qingrong once again unleashed a Suzaku flame to ignite a raging fire here. .

"Goodbye, Aya Tanyue."

Gently speaking to the burning moon palace below, Si Qingrong just left quickly.

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