Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 320 Meeting by Fate

"Why help me?"

Holding Long Jinyue hostage and fleeing farther and farther, Ming Tian looked back several times to make sure that no one was following him, so he felt relieved and asked Long Jinyue.

"Because your breath is very similar to a person I know. Although I'm not completely sure, we are all from the same place, and we can be regarded as people from the same place. We should help each other."

Earlier Long Jinyue reported her name as being from the Douluo Continent, and it was only then that Ming Tian trusted her. After all, they were all outsiders to this place.

"Exile Yueyuan, why do you say you want to go there, do you know anything?"

"Well, there is a feeling in the dark, from the moment I fully awakened the Moon God Martial Soul."

"Moon God Martial Soul? Your Martial Soul is also a descendant of the Moon God?"

Thinking of the descendants of the moon god, Ming Tian suddenly thought of something, and patted his head with some annoyance.

"Oops! Yingmeng! I don't know what happened to them..."

"It's been a long time since I left Takimuro Tsukishe's residence, are they okay..."


"Take this guy and find a place to hide her. Don't wait until Yueyuan is exiled. I'm still useful."

Shu Fuyue looked at Mingxue who was seriously injured by herself and said coldly, and ordered to arrange one of her clansmen.

"Where does that take her?"

"It's good to hide it, I won't have to teach you about this, Shu Fuling."

Shufu Ling, who had always been by Shufuyue's side, didn't speak anymore, and Mingxue, who was seriously injured, left towards a place far away from the palace of the gods.

"Just throw her outside first."

Shu Fuling thought that he was leaving with a few people to the outskirts of Gao Tianyuan.

At the same time, Si Qingrong and Mingxue also left towards the periphery.

"If that woman infiltrated into Blighted Moon Palace, then she will definitely tell Huangyue about the situation of Mu Huan Pavilion, unless we go directly into Blighted Moon Palace, find that woman and kill her, but it seems unlikely now."

"Could it be that our plan will be exposed and changed because of that woman?"

"Not at all. Judging by the appearance of that woman, she should not have a high rank, and her influence is limited."

"Go back to Tsukishima Shrine, and discuss the rest with Tsukihime."

Si Qingrong said, with a serious expression on his face, he always felt that the progress of the matter was a bit strange this time, and some links began to get out of control.


When they reached the outskirts of Gaotianyuan, the two happened to meet Shu Fuling bringing another Mingxue out. Si Qingrong had an impression, and remembered that this little girl was with Mingtian...

"What's wrong?"

"There's something going on below, let's take a look?"

"Go if you want."

Mingxue shrugged her shoulders, and flew down with Si Qingrong, directly in front of Shu Fuling.

Yu Zhou withdrew, and Shu Fuling didn't expect that as soon as he came out, he would meet two people he didn't know, who also looked like outsiders.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?!"

"No one, that person, where are you taking her? She looks injured."

Pointing to Mingxue who was being dragged by the spirit of Zhishufu, Si Qingrong said, asking seemingly casually.

"Does this have anything to do with you?! Get out of the way!!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, are all the people in Gao Tianyuan so angry? We are just kind-hearted. It looks like she is going to die if she doesn't get treatment."

Shu Fuling was a little vigilant, looking at the two people strangely,

The two of them were so arrogant that they simply ignored her.

"Looking for death! Do you know that I am from the Shufu family?"


As if they had heard some great joke, the two young ladies dared to burn down the Muhuan Pavilion, so they would be afraid of the Shufu family, one of the Luna Seven Soldiers?

"Give her to me and spare your life."

"Delusion, who are you? Let me hand it over to you, I will hand it over to you, watch the trick!"

Shufu Ling chopped out the moon-killing sickle from his hand, and drew a sickle light towards Si Qingrong.

"I gave you a chance to live!"

His eyes became cold, and in Si Qingrong's eyes, Shu Fuling was already a dead person.

The sickle light had no effect, and was blocked by the folding fan in Si Qingrong's hand. Just a folded folding fan blocked the Moon Punishing Scythe, one of the seven soldiers of the Moon God.

No matter how hard Shufu Ling tried, he couldn't continue chopping down.

"Fan? This fan, you, you are..."

"Ah, you are really testing repeatedly on the verge of death."

It seemed that this sentence violated some taboo, Si Qingrong was merciless, the fan bone blocked the sickle blade, and the four pink hurricanes rolled towards the Shu Fuling.

"Blissful Wind Dance!!!"

With just one move, Mingxue quickly killed the man who was being dragged by the spirit of Shufu, and looked at this weak man with sympathy in his eyes.

"There is still breath. It seems that this person is still alive. By the way, I still have this here."

Take something out of his arms, like a blade.

"Fengwei Ji's crown leaf? When did they give it to you?"

"When devouring the Fire Rat King, they swallowed it for me to assist me."

Said lightly, Mingxue had already fed the person in front of him, and sure enough, the breath of the person who was fed recovered a lot.

The weak man gradually opened his eyes, looked at the two people in front of him, and didn't know whether he was dead or not.

"Don't move around, your breath is not stable yet, it's just temporarily waking you up, and you're still in Gao Tianyuan, so we've saved you."

"Thank you, thank you..."

"Save, save my companion..."


"What? You'd better stop talking, by the way, what's your name?"

"Ming... Snow..."

After uttering these two words, Mingxue closed her eyes again and passed out. Hearing these two words, this Mingxue's eyes widened in vain, showing a look of surprise on her face.

Another Mingxue, is it just a coincidence?

Two people with the same name meet...

"Bringing her back to Tsukishima Shrine, it seems that things are getting more and more interesting."

Looking at Mingxue who fainted, Si Qingrong had a very meaningful expression on his face.


A book was slowly opened, and the pages were flipped page by page. A woman seemed to be casually flipping through the pages, her beautiful eyes flowing.

"Exile Yueyuan, I finally started to understand, about the way to steal it..."

"Gao Tianyuan is no longer Gao Tianyuan. Someone needs to stand up and uphold justice."

In the main palace of Huang Palace, the owner Huang Yueshen said. Her eyes were cold, and she was flipping through the "Book of Exile" borrowed from Yunshang.

"My lord, Lord Desolate Moon God!!"

Feng Shou Yuewei hurriedly ran to the side of the main palace in a panic, ignoring the usual rules and yelling loudly.

Huang Yue, who was sitting on the seat, frowned when she heard the voice that interrupted her thoughts, looked at Feng Shou Yue Wei gradually approaching her, and asked calmly, without any surprise:

"Why are you so flustered? Why don't you come back to your home?"

"Mu Huan Pavilion, Mu Huan Pavilion is burned!! My lord!!"

As she spoke out of breath, Feng Shou Yuewei completely uttered these words, which really changed the expression of Huang Yueshen, who was originally calm and breezy.

"How can it be?!!"

"Who dares to burn the Huan Pavilion? Who has the ability and courage to burn the Huan Pavilion?"

"It's two people. A woman has long fiery red hair and is very good at the fire attribute. There is also a woman, Master Yunshang called her: Miao!!"

Hearing this word, even Huang Yue showed a look of fear, with a dazed and uncertain look on his expression.

"How do you know this? Who else knows?"

"The thing... I was in the Muhuan Pavilion when the incident happened. Master Yunshang hid me and let me hide in the dark. Who would have thought that those two women were too vicious, so they directly burned the pavilion and burned the beams. It is very clear that the Muhuan Pavilion The weak point, I took the opportunity to run back."

"I see, you haven't told anyone yet, have you?"

"Yes, that's right, my lord, what do you mean?"

"It's okay, don't tell others about this for the time being, this news is very beneficial to me, you can go down first."

Seeing that Huangyue God was indifferent and had no intention of catching those two, Fengshou Yuewei revealed a look of disappointment in his eyes, and said in a low voice:

"Yes, I see."

Going back down, Fengshou Yuewei returned to his home, and Fengshou's family was placed in the Desolate Moon Palace, responsible for all the food and drink in the whole Gaotianyuan.

Fengshou Yuewei was directly in charge of Huangyue, and gradually took charge of Muhuan Pavilion later on.

"Yuewei, what's the matter, why did you become so sad?"

The voice of concern reached Fengshou Yuewei's ears, Fengshou Yuewei raised his head, and saw the owner of Fengshou coming over, who was also the direct person in charge of the entire Gaotianyuan diet.

"Patriarch Moon Lonely."

"I'm fine, I just lost someone important to me, and I can't do anything for her."

"How can it be? You know a lot of things, why can't you do anything?"

"As long as you think, some things can be done, change something..."

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