The golden spike arrows shot towards the girl one after another, at an extremely fast speed, drawing golden light marks one after another.

But the girl quickly dodged among the dense arrows, as if in her eyes, these arrows became extremely slow, like a slow motion, the three pupils in her eyes turned, and the two pupils of different colors Eyes, one red and one purple.

Dodging the spike arrows with ease, the woman who was shooting a bow and arrow towards her increased the speed of drawing the bow, and the speed of shooting the spike arrows was even faster.

After dodging an arrow, the girl put one hand on the ground and looked up at the woman. She arched her body and deftly turned somersaults in the air. A blue-gray blade appeared out of nowhere in her right hand. The girl held it The knife, using its strength to strike, plucked a few spike arrows, and turned back to let the spike arrows shoot back to the woman's side again. With a slight shaking of the wrist, the blades of the blades were slashing towards the woman's side.

"Jingle Bell--"

A series of crisp bells rang, and the opposite woman had an extra rattle in her hand, and a few golden rings flew out of the rattle, counteracting the blade energy.

"Master Inari God, you are playing tricks and using Sui Enling again!"

"You use your Rinqie, I use my Sui Enling, it's fair."

"Here, return the Guanghe bow to you."

The other side threw the small golden bow in his hand towards the girl, and the girl accurately caught the thrown Guanghe, hung it on her back, put away the demon knife in her right hand, and a little fox ran to it obediently. At the girl's feet, she stretched out her face, rubbing against the girl's ankle, narrowing her eyes, looking extremely well-behaved.

"Today's training is over, go play with Cang Bo, remember not to run too far, Gao Tianyuan is not peaceful recently."

Yu Yanjin thought about something and said, looking at the girl with concern.

"Huh? What happened?"

Picking up the little fox and putting it in her arms, the girl opened her eyes wide and asked Yu Cuijin curiously.

"Some small things, other people will take care of them, Aner, remember, don't contact with strangers during this time, for your safety, understand?"

"Yes! My lord, I can go to the tree of fate."

An Er asked with a smile, as if he was planning something.

"The time is one hour. Now I want to limit the time you can leave Inari Palace. It's also for your own good. Go."

After finishing speaking, Yu Yijin left, as if he was going to deal with some important matter, An Er pouted unhappily, and carelessly stroked Cang Bo Ri's hair in his arms, making little Cang Bo Ri a little bit Not too happy.

"Let's go, for an hour, I really don't know what happened to Gao Tianyuan recently."

Some complained that An Er was leaving towards the outside of the Inari Palace, and Yu Jiajin looked at the direction of An Er's departure in the main palace with worried eyes.

"It seems that you really care about that child."

Behind, the woman in the shadow put down the tea she drank and said, with a calm expression, she looked at Yu Cuijin.

"That child, she was with me when she was a baby. She always thought that she didn't have a mother, and she treated me as a mother. I stayed with her until this age. How can the relationship between teachers and students be like that? It's so simple, Ke Yue, you don't understand."

Sighing, Yu Yanjin sat in front of Ke Yue, and the two women looked at each other, as if they were plotting something.

"Miao is back. That's her child. If she knew that her child was with me, she would come here desperately."

"If that's the case, the current Gao Tianyuan doesn't have to be so full of grass and trees. It's just to ambush here and lay a net."

"A net of heaven and earth? In the entire Gaotianyuan, how many can stop Miao?"

"you or me?"

"Even if I unite with the Desolate Moon God,

In addition to your three moon gods, Tsukihime from Tsukishima Shrine, Yunshang from Muhuan Pavilion, and the god of fate, it is impossible to say that you can keep her. "

"To deal with a person is not won by the number of people. If you know her weakness, you can easily solve it."

"Miao's weakness? Are you referring to that child? You want to use An Er? I won't allow it!"

"Sure enough, I guessed your reaction."

"Perhaps Si Qingrong can do it, but she is still exiling Yueyuan and fighting endlessly. To release Si Qingrong, it means that she has to face the Lord of Three Generations Chasing Heaven."

"First of all, we need to figure out why Si Qingrong came back."

"Of course it was to get it back. She thought we owed her."

"What was right and wrong in the past is really hard to say, it's hard to say clearly."

"Before I came, I got a piece of news that Ling Chanyue died."

Hearing this news, Yu Yanjin opened his eyes wide and asked:

"Has it already started? Is she going to kill everyone?"

"Hey, who knows, she doesn't know about Lingyueyue at all. On the contrary, Lingyueyue is the one who can best gain her trust and fight back against those who attacked her. It is impossible for her to know about Lingyueyue's changes. It's possible that something happened. When Fu Yue arrived at the scene, he found a man. It's really strange. I, Gao Tianyuan, have never had a man come here since I was born. How do you say that man came here."


"According to the dictation of the man at the scene, it was a woman named Si Qingrong who killed Ling Chanyue. I have already realized something after hearing this, and I came to find you."

"Miao she came back with Si Qingrong's appearance and symbol!"

"Exactly, she dare not show her true face."

"Wait, this means that she doesn't know that Si Qingrong is not dead yet!!"

"We can use Si Qingrong to counter her!"

"To convince Si Qingrong, there is only one person who can, their daughter."

"It's ridiculous, isn't it? In the end, the key to these two troublesome women is their daughters. If they hadn't fallen in love at the beginning, and if Gao Tianyuan didn't have the rules that women can marry and have children, everything could really be solved a lot easier."

"You came here to pick up Aner."

"However, we need to discuss how to do it. After all, you are her guardian now. I also know that you will be reluctant to use this child to make a fuss."

"Indeed, when you threw this child to me, none of you came to look at me again, thinking that this child is useful, you came again."

There were dissatisfaction and complaints in his tone, and Ke Yue's face was also somewhat embarrassed.

"It has nothing to do with me. You know, I basically have no power or ambition. Fuyue and Tuyue are the ones in charge."

"All these years, you have been the only one who has come to see this child. To be honest, have you already planned for today's situation since the day that child was born? In terms of scheming, only Miao gone."

"Benefits, we are all from different perspectives of interests, and we are all for the same thing."

"Power schemes and scheming have always been like this."


"The banishment of Yueyuan is coming soon, can you answer my question first, where is the descendant of the moon god inherited, why are the people who inherit the descendant of the moon god all of you with the surname of dragon, and why the name of Gao Tianyuan here has the word "month" in it! !"

"These days, I've seen a name with the word month in it, except for the woman in Muhuan Pavilion, I'm almost vomited!"

Ming Tian complained, he asked Long Jinyue, and wanted to know the answer from her.

Long Jinyue glanced at Ming Tian, ​​looked at the exiled Yueyuan not far ahead, and said:

"The place of inheritance is Exile Yueyuan, where the Moon God is, and I went in there to inherit."

"Huh? What's going on here?"

"Battle, there are endless battles inside, all of them are million-year-level soul beasts, and there are even powerful soul beasts with tens of millions of years. Pu Xia told me that it is sealed inside, the three-generation Lord of the Soul Beast Realm!!"

"Moon God is a woman, but her body and soul are separated. Her body is coveted by many soul beasts, but her soul has been fighting with those soul beasts all the time..."

"It seems that I have been doing such a thing for many years."

"And her name is what you said when we rounded you up—"

"Si Qingrong!!"

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