"Hoo hoo!!!!"

Borrowing the wind, Si Qingrong and Mingxue returned to Yuedao Shrine in a feather boat, and flew to the interior of Changyue Island in the sky. They called Gui Yueyan, who was on patrol, and shouted, looking at it with concern Of the two people who flew into the island, it seemed that one of them concerned her very much.

"Wu Ling, please continue to patrol, I have something to do."

Speaking to Lianyue Wuling in front, Guiyueyan was walking towards the island, and Lianyue Wuling also looked at her curiously.

Arriving at the Fengwei Bamboo Forest again, Yueji, Huajiaoyuelu, Huiyueji and others were all there. Seeing the two of them coming home, they even brought someone with them.

"You guys are..."

"Master Yue Ji. This person is injured, very serious, and needs your help, please."

Mingxue said to Yueji anxiously, she was eager to find out what was going on, and what this woman, who was also named Mingxue like her, meant.

"Okay, I see, come on, let me see..."


"The ins and outs of the whole thing? That's a long time. I don't know where to start. It's a long and long memory."

Si Qingrong looked outside the exiled Yueyuan, as if caught in memories.

"In the beginning, there were legends about the gods and the opening of Hongmeng, and the legends about Izanagi and Izanami about Gao Tianyuan."

"Izanagi and Izanami created the gods to build Takamagahara. With these eight places now, the controllers of the eight places are the original eight gods. Only under Izanagi and Izanami, they It is the creator of these eight gods, who is also their teacher, who teaches them everything about theology, and the most important one is the Tsukuyomi that was passed down by the two Izhe-samas."

"The pupil that records everything in the world is the essence of Tsukuyomi. It can learn all the abilities of the other party. Everything it sees and records can be transformed into an infinite Tsukuyomi."

"Can you learn everything from your opponent and turn it into your own ability?"

Ming Tian was shocked when he heard this, it was somewhat similar to his devouring ability! No, it is even more powerful, and can almost completely restrain him.

"However, learning monthly reading is a test of fate. It is not something that can be learned casually. Just when everyone was studying in peace and building Gao Tianyuan, something happened."

"Izanaki and Izanami, who were very in love, had an accident when they gave birth to a child. Izanami died because of this. Izanaki was distraught, but he couldn't bear his wife's death. He sent his wife's All the deaths were blamed on the children, so they killed their children, and buried the children and their wives inside the Exiled Moon Abyss."

"But Izanagi did not give up on resurrecting his wife, so he embarked on a journey to find a way to resurrect his wife, leaving Yagami to govern Takamahara."

"The exiled Yueyuan where Izanagi's child and his wife were buried did not have so many vicious soul beasts at that time, because Izanagi's child's resentment towards his father gradually became black, so dark soul beasts were attracted and created. The three major evil spirit beasts are Tamamo-mae, Yamata no Orochi, and..."

"The bewitching Wenche enchantress."

"That was the first cataclysm in Exile Yueyuan. At that time, Lord Yixie was not there, and only the eight gods he left behind fought hard together. In the end, the eight gods were defeated. It was Lord Yixie who came back in time and used the three great artifacts to fight against the sky. Cong Yun injured Yamata no Orochi and suppressed it, Yun Wai Jing suppressed Yuzao before Yun Wai Jing injured him, and Wenche Demon Fairy wisely did not fight against Lord Yixie again, and led all the soul beasts back to exile Yueyuan, Lord Yixie will The final artifact, Bachi Qiong Gouyu, was returned to its original place.


"After the battle with the three great soul beasts, Lord Izanagi was also seriously injured. When he was dying, he recorded the method of suppressing and expelling Yueyuan, wrote it into a book, and handed it to Yunshang of the Muhuan Pavilion for safekeeping. , if there is another catastrophe, you can follow the method in the book."

"Yunshang took orders. Not long after, Lord Izanagi died. We don't know where he went until he died. Did he find the legendary underworld and rescue his wife?"

"But he must have followed Izanami-sama in the end."

"In this way, Gao Tianyuan returned to peace. Afterwards, he was rewarded for his meritorious deeds. The Moon God contributed the most, so he specially established the territory of the Seven God Soldiers of the Moon God."

"At first I thought it would calm down like this, but the guys in the banishment of Yueyuan did not calm down. They belonged to the Soul Beast Realm, the supreme god in the Soul Beast Realm, after the Dragon God patrolled, they participated in the later Soul Beast Realm Chasing the Sky. Lord, to obtain the throne of the soul and beast co-lords, Baqi, Yuzao, and Wenche have been taking the first three rounds with their strong strength."

"The soul beasts in the exiled Yueyuan never gave up and left there. Among them, the most scheming ones were not Yamata no Orochi and Yuzaoqian, but Wenche Yaoji who showed weakness and surrendered at that time."

"After the death of the supreme god Yixie, the only thing they fear is the moon god. As long as the moon god is eliminated, Gao Tianyuan can be torn apart."

"Coincidentally, the election of the Moon God came from her seven inheritance families, namely Shufu, Longshi, Lianyue, Qi, Fu, You, and Gui."

"The new Moon God will be far away from the people in the seven families. As long as you control the selection, or control the future Moon God, it will be much easier to solve."

"So, I was chosen by Wenche Yaoji, because at that time I was dating someone from the seven families, and she was hailed as the most powerful genius in the past few years. Presumably, as long as you control her and get close to her, Gaining the trust of the future moon god will get twice the result with half the effort."

"I was chosen to be close to her. At the beginning, our relationship was only in private, because Gao Tianyuan didn't allow her to communicate with anyone. She was chosen and will be the moon god in the future. If there is a person, she must have no weaknesses, but to love someone is to expose one of the greatest weaknesses."

"But we still fell in love because of a certain acquaintance. We secretly made a wish under the fate tree, and we made all the vows, and even tasted the forbidden fruit. In Gao Tianyuan, women can have offspring, because here are all women. If you don't reproduce, this place will decline sooner or later, open love and have children, and the children must be girls, but the Supreme God can't do it."

"At that time, she was still too young, she could not understand anything, and she showed her sharpness, so sometimes she was not liked by some people, but she was really outstanding."

Recalling that time, Si Qingrong smiled, as if falling into a good memory again, Mingtian asked quickly:

"Is the person you mentioned the same as Miao!"

"Yes, almost all of the seven families of the Moon God have the word "月" in their names. She said that she is the most beautiful person in the world, and her name is Miao Yue..."

"She comes from the most powerful of the seven divine weapon families, Wuhun Wuyue Fan, she comes from..."

"Hoo hoo -"

The phoenix-tailed forest sill made a sound, Miao Yue noticed something, turned her head, walked to the side, a woman came out from the forest faintly.

It was Guiyueyan, she looked at Miaoyue who was walking over, even though she was Si Qingrong's face now.

But the martial spirit will not change, the aura on his body will not change, that feeling, that familiar feeling will not change.

What's more, she still holds a folding fan in her hand.

Seeing that it was Guiyueyan, Miaoyue's face changed unexpectedly, she wiped away Si Qingrong's face, and changed back to her own. She opened the folding fan in her hand, covered her face and said with a smile:

"Ah, who did I think it was?"

"You, it's really you, patriarch, I thought we would never be able to wait for you to come back!!"

"A child from the Gui family? What's your name?"

"Under the tricky moon face!!"

"I have heard about your deeds a long time ago. I was not sure when I first met you. We have been waiting for you. Even if you are suppressed like this, the Guijia has always been a Guijia, and has always obeyed your orders, waiting for everyone to come back!!"

"Lead the Wei family back to the peak, Mr. Wei Miyue!!"

"Hoo hoo -".

"The Mysterious Moon..."

Ming Tian muttered the name, as if where the name was, it was somewhat similar to the name of someone he knew.

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